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Editorial Letters for Class ix & x.

Editorial Letters for Class X .  1. A letter to the editor of an English daily about bad condition of State-run hospitals.                                                                                                                                                                                               Sub : Ailing condition of state-run hospitals.Sir,   I crave the hospitality of your esteemed daily to point to my grave concern about the ailing condition of state-run hospitals. The condition of almost all the state-run hospitals is now disheartening. They have become veritable infernos due to the negligence and carelessness of both the doctors and the nurses. The doctors are more interested in their private practice than their service to the patients in the hospitals. Used bandage, Blood-stained cotton, used syringe, empty saline bottle etc. lie scattered in the wards. The uncleaned bedsheets and the unswept floors allure the dogs and cats; flies and mosquitoes to make the wards their permanent address. The food supplied to the patients is of very poor quality. The inadequate supply of life-saving drugs has made proper treatment almost impossible. The absence of necessary instruments has rendered the operation theatres useless. May I, therefore, invite the attention of the Hon’ble State Health Minister through the column of your esteemed daily to the unhygienic atmosphere of the state-hospitals for his immediate recovery step?               Thanking you 2. A letter within 120 words to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern at the increasing number of road accidents.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sub : Road accidents on the increase / Reckless driving.Sir,   I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to express my grave concern about the increase in road accidents in various parts of the state. Travelling by buses and minibuses and even going out into the streets is no longer safe. Reckless driving has now become the order of the day. Drivers drive their vehicles at break-neck speed caring little for the traffic rules. On the other hand, the on-duty traffic police are mostly mere spectators to reckless driving. All the requests of the passengers to drive vehicles slowly seem to fall on deaf ears of the drivers who are very often found in a drunken state. The commission system to the bus drivers and conductors has worsened the situation all the more. This leads the bus drivers to a rivalry to overtake one another. This rivalry sometimes results in the loss of many precious lives in serious accidents. Such accidents due to reckless driving are now on the rise.  It is high time for the Government to take stringent steps against the erring drivers to put a stop to this menace.   Thanking you3. A letter within 120 words to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern about the rising prices of essential commodities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sub : Rising prices of essential commodities.Sir,   I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to express my grave concern about the rising prices of essential commodities. The prices of daily necessaries are going up by leaps and bounds though there is a bumper production of food grains this year. The prices of essential commodities like rice, pulse, fish, sugar, wheat, mustard oil, spice, kerosene etc. soared up beyond the buying capacity of common people. As a result, people of lower and middle-income group find it really difficult to make two ends meet. Irregular supply of essential articles from ration shops has worsened the situation all the more. Moreover, price-hike of diesel and petrol has contributed a lot to the price-rise of everyday necessities. The dishonest traders and hoarders are taking advantage of this situation creating an artificial crisis in the market. People are getting involved in anti-social activities for the bread of life. It is high time that the Government should take immediate steps against the dishonest traders and ensure a steady flow of essential commodities through the ration shops.               Thanking you 4. A letter within 120 words to the editor of an English daily about the use of polythene / plastic bags.                                                                                                                                                                                               Sub : Use of polythene bags. Sir,    I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to air my views on the use of polythene or plastic bags. Polythene bags are now widely used across the state. But nobody bothers about the hazards they pose to us. Polythene is a polymer of ethylene - a very toxic chemical. It is a non-biodegradable substance. Once produced, it has no destruction. It chokes the drain, eats up the water bodies and lowers the groundwater level. If left on the earth, it reduces the fertility of the soil. It contaminates the food that we very often carry home in plastic bags from the market. This food causes multifarious unknown health hazards. If burnt in the air, it emits a poisonous gas that causes breathing trouble, asthma, bronchitis, skin disease and even lung cancer. The Govt. should ban the use and production of polythene bags and boost up the production of eco-friendly jute bags or paper bags. A powerful editorial from your mighty pen will, I think, go a long a way in forming public opinion against the use of polythene bags.               Thanking you 5. A letter within 120 words to the editor of an English daily about frequent load-shedding.                                                                                                                                                                                               Sub : Frequent load-shedding / power-cuts. Sir,    I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to air my views on frequent load-shedding. Of late frequent power-cuts for long hours everyday in our state have given rise to many problems. Power failure disrupts life at home and outside as well. Due to frequent load-shedding, water supply is severely affected and the in houses run dry. At nightfall, people face greater problems. Doing household activities in the light of the candles and lamps becomes almost impossible. People inside the lifts get stranded. There can be no operation in the hospitals and nursing homes. People sweat profusely as the fans stop moving. The students, particularly the examinees are the worst sufferers. They can hardly concentrate on their studies as mosquitoes start sitting upon them to bite as soon as the electricity goes off. Production in the mills and factories is greatly hampered. Thus load-shedding means a huge loss in the national income too. It is high time that the Govt. should install more and more power generating plants in the state to meet the ever-growing demand of electricity here.                                                                                             Thanking you  6. A letter within 120 words to the editor of an English daily about the sale of exposed food on the street.                                                                                                                                                                                               Sub : Sale of exposed food on the street. Sir,   I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to ventilate my grave concern over the sale of exposed food on the street. Consumption of food from wayside stalls exposed to flies and microbes has already posed a serious threat to the public health. As many as 10 people of our locality are reported to have fallen ill and been admitted to hospital so far. Still a large number of young people frequently visit the stalls that sell such unhygienic food as fast food, fruit – cut and kept uncovered, and artificially coloured and flavoured drinks and buy them for consumption. The situation is quite alarming and likely to worsen if immediate measures banning the sale of such unhygienic food are not taken. Besides, steps have to be taken to increase public awareness about the health hazards that such unhygienic food poses. Therefore the media have a vital role to play in this regard. A powerful editorial from your mighty pen will, I think, go a long a way in forming public opinion against the consumption of exposed food sold on the street.                                                                                                                                    Thanking you,          7. A letter within 120 words to the editor of an English daily about the inconvenience caused by the use of microphones.                                                                                                                                                                                               Sub : Inconvenience caused by the use of microphones. Sir,    I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to air my grave concern about the inconvenience caused by the use of microphones. Thanks to science for inventing such a wonderful amplifying instrument like microphone. But this very boon of science has become a curse at the hands of some unscrupulous young people. Continuous use of microphones during any social, political or religious gathering causes sound pollution and thereby puts the people to a great inconvenience. The pupils, particularly the examinees are the worst sufferers. They can hardly concentrate on their studies. The old and the sick can hardly get a wink of sleep at night. The blaring noise of microphones causes different problems such as physical irritation, deafness, heart problems, sleeplessness and the like. What is worse, the pop, rap and other songs lower the moral standard of people particularly children and youths. May I, therefore, request the authority to take drastic step against the violators of the rules of Pollution Control Board in the larger interest of the people?                                                                                                                                  Thanking you,    8. A letter within 120 words to the editor of an English daily complaining about anti-social activities in your locality.                                                                                                                                                                                               Sub : Spurt in anti-social activities. Sir,   I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to air my grave concern about the spurt in anti-social activities in the locality. Of late there has been a rapid increase in anti-social activities in our locality. There is hardly a day, which passes without the incidents of robbery, theft, kidnapping and murder. The locality is entirely in the grip of hoodlums and hooligans. Only a few days ago a gang of robbers broke into the house of a rich merchant and decamped with all the valuables at gunpoint. Last week a local social worker was brutally murdered in broad daylight.  Last evening a gang of thieves snatched away a gold necklace from a housewife when she was returning from shopping. The local school and college girls do not move about freely even in the daytime in fear of being molested by the local mustans who always gossip in the local tea-stalls. The police are aware but wink at them.  The Govt. should, therefore, take proper action immediately to restore law and order in our locality by curbing the anti-social activities very soon.                                                                                                                                               Thanking you  9. Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your grave concern about the insanitary condition of your locality.                                                  Sub: Insanitary condition of our localitySir,    I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to air my grave concern about the insanitary condition of our locality The locality we live in is now in a mess. Heaps of garbage and rubbish are lying by the side of B. C. Road and different lanes. They have got rotten giving out a nauseating stench. The dogs are taking all those on the public thoroughfares. Incessant rain has worsened the situation all the more. Air is being polluted posing a threat to public health. The local drains are also not regularly treated. Quite often they overflow spreading poisonous water all around. The locality has thus turned into an ideal breeding ground of flies and mosquitoes. Diseases like malaria and dengue have already broken out and taken a toll of some five lives. A powerful editorial from your mighty pen will, I think, go a long way in urging the civic bodies to resort to the regular removal of garbage and treatment of the drains in the best interest of public health.                                                         Thanking you10. Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your grave concern about the deplorable condition of a local road.                                                   Sub: Deplorable condition of a local road. Sir,    I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to air my grave concern about the deplorable condition of a local road. The main road we avail ourselves of is B. C. Road. The present condition of the road is awfully deplorable. Parts of the road remain waterlogged for 10 / 12 days during the monsoon. The entire segment has been badly damaged. Pits and potholes have filled the road making it inaccessible even for a rickshaw. At night frequent load shedding worsens the situation all the more. A pedestrian is sure to break his limbs on the road if he is a bit careless. Childing mothers quite deliver on the way out of constant jerking before they are reached hospital. Heart-patients very often reach the hospitals only to be declared dead. A powerful editorial from your mighty pen will, I think, go a long way in urging the civic bodies to address the problem at their earliest in the best interest of the public.                                                         Thanking you

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