story writing
writing মানে গল্প লেখা বুঝায়। এ ক্ষেত্রে কোন কাল্পনিক গল্পের প্রথম অংশ বা শুরু থেকে
দেয়া থাকবে তার উপর বৃত্তি করেই story complete করতে হয়। শিক্ষার্থীদের সুপ্ত
সৃজনশিল প্রতিভা বিকাশের জন্য এটি একটি প্রয়োজনীয় কৌশল।বস্তুত কোন ঘটনা, বিষয় বা গল্পের
উপর কিছু লাইন দেয়া থাকবে।শিক্ষার্থীদের ঐ ঘটনা, বিষয় বা গল্পটি যথাযতভাবে শেষ করতে
হবে।তার জন্য প্রদত্ত বিষয়টিকে প্রথম ভাল করে বুঝে নিতে হবে এবং তারপর তার উপর নির্ভর করেবুঝে নিতে হবে এবংএকটি Title লেখতে হবে। একটি
সুন্দর গল্প লিখতে শিক্ষার্থীদের নিম্নোক্ত বিষয়াবলীরপ্রতি লক্ষ্য রাখতে হবেঃ-
১। গল্পের
মূল প্রতিপাদ্য বিষয়কে অনুধাবন করতে হবে।
out-line বা Main Theme সঠিক হতে হবে।
Theme বা বিষয় বস্তু দেওয়া থাকবে তা পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।
ধারাবাহিকতা অবশ্যই রক্ষা করতে হবে।
ভাষা সহজ-সরল ও প্রানজল হতে হবে।যেমন
To The Q. No.NINE
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Completing Story FOR j. s. c. & S.S. C. 2016
Read the beginning of the
following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.
1. An honest wood cutter.
One there lived a poor wood-cutter. But he was very honest.
Every day he went out to cut wood in the jungle. He earned his livelihood by
selling wood in the market. One day while he was cutting wood beside a river,
suddenly his axe slipped out of his hand and fell into deep water. The axe was
the only means of his livelihood. He did not know how to swim and began to weep
bitterly. Suddenly a fairy appeared before him. His bitter cry drew the
attention the fairy. “Why do you weep,
good man?’’ The woodcutter told her everything Hearing this, the fairy took
pity on him. The fairy dived into the water and brought a golden axe. “Is this
your axe?” “No” replied the wood-cutter. Then she again dived into the water
and brought a silver axe. This time also the wood-cutter said that it was not
his axe. So she dived for the third time and brought an iron axe of the
wood-cutter. The wood-cutter was very glad to get his axe. The fairy became
very pleased at his honesty. She gave him the two other axes as reward.
Moral: Honesty is the best policy
2. A thirsty Crow
It was a summer day and a crow became very thirsty. It went
here and there in search of drinking water but in vain. The crow did not lose
hope to get water. He found a jar at a little distance. He flew to jar. He
found that the jar had only a little water at bottom. The crow tried to get at
the water with his beak but he failed. He discovered that the water was too low
for him to get. All on a sudden, he saw some stones lying near the jar. He
picked up the stones one by one and dropped them into jar. As result, the water
in the jar rose up gradually and at last the crow was able to drink. Thus the
crow tried again and again and at last succeeded.
Moral: Where there is a
will , there is a way.
3. Unity is strength
Once upon a time there was an old farmer. He lived with his
wife and three sons in a small village. The three sons always quarreled with
each other. One day, the sons were quarrelling again and the old farmer heard
them. In order to teach them the value of unity he called his sons beside him
and told them to bring him three sticks and some rope. Then the boys went and
brought the sticks and rope for their father. Then the old farmer tied the
sticks together with the rope. Then he asked his sons to break the bundle of
sticks. Then the boys tried again and again but they couldn’t break the bundle
of sticks. Then their father untied the sticks and gave one sticks to each of
his sons He told them to break the sticks. This time they all broke their
sticks easily. Then the old farmer told his sons that nobody could harm to
them, if they remained united. Moral :- Unity is
strength divided we fall.
4. A fox without a tail
Once there lived a very clever fox in a jungle. One day,
when the fox was walking through the jungle, he fell into a trap but he lost
his tail. Without tail he looked very strange and he felt very sad ashamed. But
the fox was very cunning. He thought and finally hit upon a plan. He invited
all other foxes of the jungle in a meeting. When all other foxes attended the
meeting, He said to them, “I’ve invited you to tell about a very important
discovery of mine. There is no use of tail in our life. Rather it is an extra
burden for us. Without tail I feel myself very light/comfortable.. Now I can
run faster than before. So, you all should cut off your tails.” They said,
“You’re right. We’ll cut off our tails without wasting time.” At that moment one old wise fox stood up and
said in anger. “Don’t follow this rogue. He has lost his tail in a trap. Now,
he looks strange. He wants to look like him.” Hearing this all the foxes became
very angry with cunning fox. He fled away in fear and saved his life.
5. Bayezid Bostami and his mother
Once there was a small boy named
Bayazid. He was very helpful to his mother. He was also very obedient to his
mother. His mother was ill. His mother was sleeping nearby.At midnignt, while he was studying by the side of the bed of his
mother, his mother woke up , raised her head and told her son to give her a
glass of water. Bayazid went to the kitchen to bring water. But alas! There was no water in the jar. He searched
for water here and there but in vain. Then he decided to fetch water from the
nearby fountain. He took the pitcher and went to fountain for water . He poured
it water and returned home safely. He
poured water into the glass and came to his mother. He found that his mother
was fast asleep again. He did not want
to disturb his ailing mother. He remained standing beside his mother’s bed. His mother woke up in the morning and found her son standing
beside her bed. Then , mother said to her son, “ O, my boy, why didn’t you wake
me up instead of standing for long hours at night ?”The son replied her mother,
“ I thought it would be impolite to wake sleeping mother.” She prayed to Allah to bless her son with the highest spiritual honour.
Allah granted her prayer. Bayezid became a great saint in the world.
Bayazid Bostami loves her
mother/Devotion to mother
6. A
liar cowboy / Nobody believes a liar.
There lived a shepherd boy in a
certain village. He used to graze a of sheep near a forest. But the boy had a bad habit. He used to tell
a lie on the slightest excuse. He also used to make fun by telling lies. One
day he wanted to make a fun with the villagers. The villagers knew him well.
They were simple and very helpful. They used to help others in times of danger.
One day, the shepherd boy began to shout. “Wolf! Help!” The villagers heard his
cry and ran to help him. But when they came near him, they found no wolf there
and the boy laughed at them. For this reason, the villagers became very angry.
They did not punish him but warned him not to do it again. A few days later,
the shepherd boy again made the same fun. The villagers came again to help him
but found no wolf there. They felt very much bored. They rebuked him but the
boy did not pay heed to them and kept laughing. At the time of their departure,
they said, “If you cry out for help again, we will not come because you are a
liar.” One day at afternoon, while the boy was grazing the sheep in the field,
suddenly he saw that a wolf really fell upon his sheep and began to kill them.
The boy became very afraid and shouted, “Wolf! Wolf! Help! Help! A wolf is in
my sheep! Come and help me!” The villagers heard him but Nobody came to help him. The wolf not only feasted on the sheep but also killed
the shepherd. Afterwards, when his dead body was found, the villagers kept
saying for a time being, “ If he didn’t tell lies, we would respond his cry and
perhaps he might avoid the danger. ’’So, we should always speak the truth and
it is very unwise to make fun by telling lies.
Falsehood brings destruction.
7. Lion and a Mouse
Once upon a time there would live a
lion and a mouse in a jungle. One day the lion was sleeping in its cave. The
mouse was afraid of the lion but unfortunately the mouse was to walk over the
lion’s face without noticing it. At this the lion woke up and saw the mouse
just crossing his face. He caught hold of it and asked; “now I will kill you
for your offence of disturbing me in my sleep”. At this the mouse was about to
lose its sense. It began to tremble in fear and begged for its life. Then it
urged the lion to spare its life for this time. The mouse also promised “I’ll
help you in case of your need.” To its promise the lion thought, “How a little
mouse will help me, it is really funny.” After a few days the lion got captured
in a net. The lion tried to escape the net but it could not do so. At that time
the little mouse was going along that way and heard the groaning of the lion.
It rushed to help the lion in gratitude. The mouse freed the lion from the net
by cutting it through. The lion also showed his gratefulness to the mouse and
said, “Now I realize that all the living creatures in the universe are
important, nothing is negligible.” Being free, the lion said, “You are small in
size but worthy. You have saved my life and many thanks to you.” In fact the
strong or mighty someone is also dependent on the weak one. From then the lion
was kind hearted to the tiny creature. Till then the mouse and the lion became
good friends.
Moral : Where there is a will there is a way/Necessity
is the mother of invention.
A hare and a tortoise.
Once there lived a hare and a tortoise
in a certain place. The hare was proud of his swift foot and he used to
ridicule the tortoise for its slow pace. Time and again the hare used to throw
challenge to the tortoise being tired of such challenging moods once accepted
the challenge. He said, “Though I am slow, yet I will beat you in a race”. The
hare laughed and negligently agreed to run a race. The race began. The rare was
sure of his success. After going few paces, he lay down to sleep, thinking that
a few seconds he may overtake the tortoise. But the tortoise ran on and on. He
ran on slowly, but steadily. When the tortoise was about to reach the goal, the
hare work up and began to move faster and faster. But it was too late. To his
shame and sorrow, he found that the tortoise in his slow but steady paces had
gone to the point.
Slow and steady wins the race.
9. Sheikh Sa’adi
Sheikh Sa’adi was a famous poet, an
earnest devotee and a great saint. His thirst for knowledge was unbounded and
he traveled far and wide. He was held in high esteem by all for his wisdom,
learning and piety. Once at the invitation of the king Jalaluddin Saiyuti,
Sa’adi was going to his court. On his way, he took shelter for a night in the
house of a nobleman. But he was as usual in his simple dress and was not warmly
received there. The nobleman took him for an ordinary man. The great man passed
the night in care of the servants and left the house at dawn. A few days later,
the great poet was returning home from the royal court. This time he was in a
costly dress. At dusk he reached that nobleman’s house and wanted to pass the
night there. The noble himself stepped down and gave him warm reception. He
ordered all sort of preparation for the entertainment and comforof the
honourable guest. They supplied him with rich food. The poet began to put food
into his pocket. He said that food was for his dress. The servants understood
their fault. They begged forgiveness.
Moral: The way of teaching of Sheik Saadi.
10. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Once there
lived two close friends a certain village. They were very fond of travelling.
One day they went to a forest to see the natural beauty. They promised to help
each other at the time of danger. Suddenly they saw a bear coming towards them.
One of the friends knew how to climb up a tree. He climbed up a tree promptly.
But the other friend didn’t know how to climb up a tree. Suddenly he remembered
that the bear doesn’t eat a dead animal. So he lay down on the on the grass
like a dead man. The bear came to the lying friend and smelt his body.When he
guessed that the bear was just beside him, he stopped breathing The bear thought
that he was dead and went away slowly. The first friend got down from the tree.
He came to the second friend and said to his friend, “What did the bear whisper
to your ear?” The bear advised me not to
trust a friend who leaves his friend at the time of danger. At this, The false
friend felt embarressed and left the place. So we should be careful in choosing
friend and bear in mind that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Dividing of the bread between two cats
Once there lived two cats in a house.
One day they stole a piece of bread from their neighboring house. But the
problem arose how to divide it because each of the cats wanted the larger part.
When they failed to reach my conclusion, they went to a monkey who is
considered to be the wisest of all the animals. They requested the money to
divide the bread equally.
The monkey brought a pair of scales.
He torn out the bread into two pieces and put them on the scales. He told the
cats that one piece was clearly heavier than the other. So, he bit off a part
of the bigger piece. As a result the other piece became heavier. Then the
monkey took a part of the bigger piece and put it on the scales. The monkey
continued doing the same thing again and again until there remained only one
piece of bread.
After that, the cats told the monkey
to return the remained piece to them. They said that they themselves would
divide the bread equally. But the monkey said that he toiled much to divide the
bread equally. So he wanted it as his fee. Saying so, the monkey ate up that
piece also. The cat left the place in a very sad mood but the incident made
them wise also.
12. Robert Bruce
Robert Bruce was a king of Scotland.
He was a familiar king to the subjects of the kingdom. He was ruling his state
peacefully. Once he was invaded by the
nearby English king. He attended at the independence war. But unluckily he
failed to restore independence, though he tried for six times. He lost his
power along with his military force. He got afraid. At last he got away to save
and took a shelter in a forest. One day he was lying in a cave, once he marked
a spider trying to reach the ceiling. The spider was taking attempts to
overcome the barrier. It tired for six times and fell again and again, and in
the last attempt it reached the ceiling. Robert Bruce saw the great efforts of
the spider. He took back his heart and thought; “If I try again, I may get back
my throne” He left the jungle and reassembled his soldiers and generals. He
again took part in independence war. He defeated the illicit ruler and regained
his throne.
Thank you