Write to the Editor of a newspaper to raise public awareness about the nuisance of garbage in your locality. - ENGLISH WORLD S.K.R.


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Friday, November 28, 2014

Write to the Editor of a newspaper to raise public awareness about the nuisance of garbage in your locality.

Q: Write to the Editor of a newspaper to raise public awareness about the nuisance of
garbage in your locality.
May 12, 2011
The Editor,
The Independent,
Dear Sir,
I will be highly glad if you kindly publish the following lines about the nuisance of garbage in the
columns of your esteemed daily.
Yours truly,
Ibadat Hasan
(On behalf of the inhabitants of Zigatola)
Public awareness of garbage management
Garbage means the unnecessary wastage or rubbish that we throw away everyday. It includes everything
from unwanted old cars to cigarette packets. The amount of waste is augmenting quickly all over the
world and polluting the environment. So, it is regarded as a global problem and the time has come to think
about it very seriously. As we cannot get rid of it completely, we should manage it properly to reduce its
amount. If we think of burning, burying and recycling our waste, we can save our environment. We can
use some waste as fuel. We can use vegetable waste and some other kinds of waste to make compost to
improve our soil. In many countries it is now quite normal to collect old bottles and cans and recycle
them. Many companies should come forward to promote greater recycling and changes in consumption
patterns to reduce the amount of rubbish and help people to save the environment. We should not throw
our garbage here and there or by the roadsides. Rather we should throw away our garbage into the dustbin

Part B
or right place. For our unconscious throwing of garbage, most of the passers-by are sometimes compelled
to walk through foul smell that the waste emits. These are sure to cause health-hazard to the residents of
the locality.
So this nuisance of garbage must be stopped immediately. A proverb goes that „a stitch in time saves
nine‟. So, very soon we should take proper steps to raise the public awareness about the problem of our
waste management. Besides, government should immediately take effective measures to get rid of this

Question: Look at this advertisement below:
Write a letter to know details about the course (i.e. length of course, course fees, qualifications
needed, method of teaching, use of teaching aids like audio-visual system etc) in 100 words.

The 10th May 2011
The Course Co-ordinator
Alliance Franciese de Chittagong
123 RB Fazlul Kader Road
Panchlaish R/A, Chittagong.
Sub: Request to learn some information about the French Language Course.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your advertisement published in “The Daily Star” on the 5th May, 2011 from which I have
come to know that a course on French Language will start from the 7th May, 2011. For your kind consideration I would like to let you know that I am an H.S.C. appeared from science group and I am interested to do the French Language Course to build up my career in future. But for the sake of my convenience I would like to know the following information from you:
a) Length of the course?
b) Required qualification?
c) Full course fee and monthly payment?
d) Method of teaching?
e) Use of teaching aids like audio-visual system?
f) Class times and schedule?
g) Classes per week?
h) Teachers‟ qualifications?
I, therefore, expect that you would be kind enough to let me know the information stated above so that I can get myself admitted into the course successfully.
I am looking forward to getting a reply from you soon. Thank you for your earliest attention.
Enrollment going on for the French Language Course
Starting from May 2011; First come, first served
Please write to: The Course Coordinator
Alliance Franciese de Chittagong
123 RB Fazlul Kader Road, Panchlaish R/A, Chittagong
Part B Digital Success in English Letter & Application
Yours faithfully,
Sajib Shahrear
House no. 203 (3rd floor)
25 Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

Question: Imagine you would like to enrol in a foreign university. Decide on a course of
study and draft a letter of enquiry to the concerned Chairman of the department for your
Write a letter asking for further information about duration, approximate cost, hostel facilities etc.
10 May 2011
The Chairman,
Department of Computer Science
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052
Sub: Request to learn some information about the admission at undergraduate level.
Dear Sir,
I would like to inform you that I am a Bangladeshi student. I have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate
Examination from science group securing GPA 5 in 2010 from Dhaka College, Dhaka. Now I intend to
complete the undergraduate and the graduate degree on Computer Science from your esteemed university.
Would you please send me an application form, a scholarship form (if available), a brochure and other necessary things of your university providing the following information?
(a) Requirements for admission in Computer Science at undergraduate level?
(b) Duration of the full course?
(c) Approximate expenses including tuition fee, boarding and others?
(d) Possibility of getting any financial assistance from the university?
(e) Any extra facilities for overseas students?
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for your earliest attention.
Yours faithfully,
Jahid Hasan
25/2 Dhanmondi,
Department of Computer Science
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia

Question: Look at this advertisement below:
Write a letter asking for further information about the recruitment (i.e. qualification, experience,
duration, salary, terms and conditions, other facilities etc) in 120 words.

08 May 2011 62 Zigatola, Dhaka
Recruiting Officer,
Bureau of Manpower,
112 Kakrail,
Sub: Request to learn further information about the Teachers’ Recruitment.
Dear Sir,
From your advertisement published in “The Daily Observer” on 6 May 2011, I have come to know that
some teachers on English Language & Literature will be recruited for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As a
teacher of English Literature I have become very pleased to come across this advertisement. I like to apply
for the same. But the advertisement does not provide necessary information. So, I want to know about the
qualification and experience required, monthly salary offered, job duration, processing cost, yearly leave,
accommodation facility, overtime facility, other terms and conditions to be followed etc.
I, therefore, expect that you will assure me supplying the above-mentioned information. I am looking
forward to getting a reply from you soon. Thank you for your earliest attention.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Shahan-e-Noor
House no. 63 (3rd floor)
62 Zigatola, Dhaka.

Question: Look at this advertisement below:
Teachers’ Recruitment
Some teachers on English Language & Literature will be recruited for
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Please Contact: Recruiting Officer, Bureau of Manpower,
112 Kakrail, Dhaka.
Immigration to Canada
You are invited for free assessment under new rules
Please Contact: CM International Immigration Service, House # 52, Road # 13/C, Block # E
Banani, Dhaka

Write a letter asking for further information about the immigration (i.e. qualification, experience,
fees, requisite formalities etc) in 120 words.

08 May 2011 66 Shamoli, Dhaka
Dear Manager,
CM International Immigration Service,
House # 52, Road # 13/C, Block # E
Banani, Dhaka.
Sub: Request to know further information about the immigration.
Dear Sir,
Your advertisement “Immigration to Canada” published in “The Daily Observer” on 6 May 2011 has
drawn my attention. I am an agriculturist, working in a research firm at Saver, Dhaka. I am interested to
apply for immigration to Canada. It costs a good amount of money to apply. Besides, they have enforced
new rules on the issue. Before applying I want to assess myself. I think your offer will be a good chance
for me. I like to attend your consultancy or seminar. As the advertisement has not illustrated all essentials,
I need to know the following further information about the formalities from you:
a) The qualification of the candidates?
b) Required experience?
c) Requisite formalities?
d) Applying fees?
e) Time and venue of the assessment?
f) Assessment open to all or not?
Please inform me the information stated above as soon as possible. I am looking forward to getting a reply
from you soon. Thank you for your earliest attention.
With best wishes,
Mr. Zahir Khan
House no. 12 (3rd floor)
66 Shamoli, Dhaka.

Question: Look at this advertisement below:
Write a letter asking for further information about the tour (i.e. number of people in a package,
duration of the tour, tour cost, tourist spots, facilities etc) in 120 words.
Package Tour
We offer package tour to our country and also to SAARC countries
Please Contact: Program Manager
Bilas Tour Company
27 Banani, Dhaka

08 May 2011 66/A Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Program Manager,
Bilas Tour Company,
27 Banani, Dhaka.
Sub: Request to know further information about the package tour.
Dear Sir,
Your advertisement “Package Tour” published in “The Daily Star” on 6 May 2011 has drawn our attention
as we were looking for such an arrangement. We some employees from a group of companies limited
want to go on SAARC tour after the current month. So, your package tour offer makes us all excited. But
we need more information about the tour. How many people will join the package? What is the condition
about children or family? What will be the duration of the tour and how much is per day or total tour
expense? Besides, we like to know about the tourist spots, transportation system, accommodation system,
other facilities etc. Don‟t forget to mention the fixed date of the tour.
Please inform us as soon as possible. After getting the information we will proceed further. Now, we are
awaiting your response soon.
Thanking you,
Monir Hossain
House No. 20 (4th floor)
66/A Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
Question: Look at this advertisement below:
Write a letter asking for further information about the house (i.e. total space of the floor, monthly
rent, floor number, term of paying rent, advanced payment etc) in 120 words.

08 May 2011 26/A Elephant Road, Dhaka
The owner of the house,
House No. 5 (1st floor)
36 Zigatola, Dhaka-1209
Sub: Request to know further information about the house.
Dear Sir,
Three bedrooms, one dining and one drawing room
First come, first served
Please Contact: House No. 5 (1st floor)
36 Zigatola, Dhaka-1209
Part B Digital Success in English Letter & Application
Your advertisement “HOUSE TO-LET” published in “The Daily Observer” on 5 May 2011 has drawn my
attention as I am looking for a suitable house to rent. I like to inform you that I being a college teacher
with a small family intend to rent the house immediately. I want to mention that I am in need of shifting
my residence to Zigatola area by June 1, 2011.
Though your offer fulfils my requirements, I need to know more information about the house. The total
space of the floor, monthly rent, term of paying rent, advanced payment required or not, floor number,
baths attached or not, balcony etc are not mentioned in the advertisement. You also did not mention
whichward the flat faces. I also need to know about other facilities such as parking, security guards, lift,
overlooking areas from the house etc.
Please inform me as soon as possible. I am eager to rent the house if your information favours me.
Thanking you,
Atiqur Rahman
26/A Elephant Road,

Question: Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to go on
a study tour.
May 17, 2011
The Principal,
Dhaka College, Dhaka
Sub: Prayer for permission to go on a study tour / excursion.
Dear Sir,
We, the students of your college, beg most respectfully to draw your kind attention to the fact. We are
enthusiastic to go on a study tour at Paharpur. It is a historical place and we think that we will get pleasure
and simultaneously we will be able to learn many things from that. Monotonous classes make our life dull
and boring and that is why now we cannot concentrate our mind on study. A study tour can relieve of this
monotony. Moreover, a study tour will enrich our wisdom and widen our outlook. Three of our professors
have agreed to guide our team.
May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our prayer contributing some
money for our study tour / excursion and oblige thereby.
We remain,
Your obedient students of
Dhaka College, Dhaka

Question: Write an application to the Principal of a college for admission on transfer

28 -11- 2014
The Principal,
Dhaka City College, Dhaka
Sub: Prayer for admission on transfer certificate.
With due respect and humble submission I beg to state that I was a student of class XI, Commerce in
Faridpur Rajendra College. My father is a Government employee. Recently, he has been transferred from
Faridpur to Dhaka. Our family has already shifted here. In Faridpur I had been suffering much for want of
accommodation and my study was greatly hampered. Besides, I have no relation in Faridpur and my father
is not able to provide me elsewhere in that town. So, it was quite impossible for me to continue my study
in that college, for which I am badly in need of getting myself admitted into your college. The transfer
certificate of my former college is attached here with the application.
May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to give me your permission for
admission into your college and oblige thereby.
I remain,
Dated, Dhaka Yours obediently,
The 21st April, 2011 Monir Hossain

Question: Write an application to the Principal of your college to start a canteen on the
college campus.
4 May 2011
The Principal,
Dhaka College, Dhaka
Sub: Prayer for a canteen on the college campus.
We, the students of your college, beg most respectfully to state that there is no canteen in our college
campus. We are to suffer greatly for want of a canteen. Many students come to college from distant places
and our classes begin at 8 A.M. and end at 4 P.M. Science students have their practical classes. They are
to stay longer. It is not possible to pass this long period without taking any tiffin. Moreover, at times
students come to college without any breakfast. Very often some students are compelled to take tiffin from
roadside dirty hotels and restaurants which may cause various diseases.
In the circumstances stated above, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to set up a canteen on
the college campus to remove our sufferings and oblige thereby.
We remain,
Yours obediently,
The students of Dhaka

Question: One of your British friends is coming to visit Bangladesh. Write a letter giving
tips on how to adjust to lives, customs, traditions, manners and cultures here.
27 Dhanmondi, Dhaka
My Dear John, 31 May 2011
I received your letter the day before yesterday. In your letter you have written about your visit
to Bangladesh. I would like to welcome you cordially to my dear country. Here I am writing about our
country and giving some tips on how to adjust here.
In our country you have to follow certain formalities which are unknown to you. From this
letter you will be able to know about some manners, customs, traditions and cultures. Firstly, if you want
to pay a visit to someone‟s house, you would better inform him earlier. Then on the fixed day you will go
to his house and exchange greetings and ask his physical and other conditions. You can talk about the
things you are interested in. As all the people of our country are very hospitable, your hosts will offer you
food to eat. If you do not like to eat, you can disagree in a polite manner so that your hosts are not hurt. If
you do not eat, they may take it as an insult for them. Again, if you eat, you are to comply with the request
of your hosts to take more while eating. At the time of your departure, you have to request your hosts to
visit your own country and assure him to meet again.
If you want to hire an auto-rickshaw or taxi you have to bargain for the fare. Driving car in our
zigzag course is not easy. Shopping in different markets and departmental stores is really a bitter
experience because the sellers demand double or triple the normal price. However, you are getting all
types of communicating facilities such as Email, Cybercafé, Internet service, voice mail, telephone,
mobile phone etc.
No more today. I am so so. Don‟t worry reading this letter. I‟ll be always with you. With best
love to you and regards to your parents.
Yours ever,

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