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Precreation is a must in any sector of life. Student life is also a life full of study. So every year all the schools arrange annual sports and prize giving ceremony. Through this ceremony students become fresh minded and ready to study. The prize giving ceremony and annual sports thus play an important role in bringing the refreshment among students and the teachers as well.
This year our school authority arranged the prize giving ceremony in our school premises last month. All the students were facilitated to take part in the respective events.
The ceremony started at 8:00 a.m. and our headmaster inaugurated it. With the national anthem we started the day. The teachers and the volunteers soon arranged everything to start the events. Most of the student took part in the respective events. A competitor was allowed to take part in there events “guise as you like” was open for all. I took part in two events and stood first in both of them.
At 12:00 p.m. the occasion was postponed for tiffin till 2:00p.m. In this time we became fresh with a little tiffin and said our prayers. Our sports began again at 2:00 pm.
During the tiffin period our chief guest, arrived. He received the guard of honor from the scouts. It was an excellent performance to all the audiences from our locality as well as the guest and students.
Our school premises were decorated with festoon and colorful papers. We also built temporary boundaries around our field and school building due to the security of our students and sports events. Actually the school buildings and campus looked like a festive area.
At 4:00 p.m. the prize giving event started. All the winners of the sports events received their prizes from the chief guest. Then the best students of every class were offered their prizes from the chief guest. I also got my prize as I was the best student in class ten.

This ceremony was very impressive to me. I think the ceremony took place this year, was the most interesting and successful with various types of events. The day of the ceremony became a festival for the locality. This year’s prize giving ceremony in my school life is the last ceremony. So, I would never forget the day anymore.

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