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Practice Sheet: Suffix & Prefix for JSC Examination

Practice Sheet: Suffix & Prefix for JSC Examination
(7). Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
the root words underlined in the text.                                                              o.5x8=4.
Every man does not have the same ability. It differs from man to man. (a) educatecan develop one’s ability, but yet the (b) differ remains. An educated man can do something that is (c) possible for an d)educated man. It is because education can (e) able him to do it.(f)academy education is not enough for (g)lighten the mentality of man. But it is necessary for awarding certificates and h) measure of knowledge.
Ans;(a) education(b)difference(c)impossible (d) uneducated (e) enable(f) academic (g) enlightening (h) measurement
To become sure of doing well in the examination, you have to be attentive to studies. Regular practice can (a) sure your better performance. But if you are (b) attentive and (c) regular you cannot expect to do so. Remember that (d) regularity will result in (e)satisfactory performance. Our students know this.  But still many of them fail to show better (f) perform because they are (g) neglect of their duties we must believe that willful (h) negligent is a crime.
Ans; (a) ensure (b) inattentive (c) irregular (d) irregularity (e) unsatisfactory (f) performance (g) neglectful (h) negligence
Population is on the rise in our country. Families are breaking. The (a) break of joint families leads to the (b) separate of family members. This is one of the dominant reasons of (c) divide (d) division and (e)fragment of land.(f)consequent, the quantity of lands is g)gradual decreasing. Too many boundaries on land cause problem in (h)cultivate.
Ans; (a) breakage (b) separation (c) division (d) subdivision (e) fragmentation (f)
consequently (g) gradually (h) cultivation
4. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
the root words underlined in the text.
Students learn lessons and keep them in memory. If the lesson is (a) interest, it is
easy for them. If it is (b) interesting they may feel it difficult. They also often
practice. They should try (e) repeated for understanding. Students should be
(f)mind. They should be (g)labour.They should try (h)frequent if they fail to
understand any lesson.
Answer: (a) interesting (b)uninteresting (c)memorize (d)memorization (e)
repeatedly (f)mindful (g)labourious (h)frequently
5. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
the root words underlined in the text.
We have both (a)happy and (b)happiness is this world. When somebody is
(c)successful in his mission, he is happy. While he is (d)success, he is unhappy.
(e)Prolong unhappiness in one’s life is unbearable. Happiness is a (f)relate term.
Moreover, it is an (g)visible abstract thing. It is said that happiness lies in
h)content and nothing is more transitory than happiness in this world.
Ans:(a)happiness (b)unhappiness (c)successful (d)unsuccessful (e)prolonged
(f)relative (g)invisible (h)contentment
6. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffex,prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Our (a) nation memorial (b) symbol the nation’s respect for the martyrs of the
liberation war. It is an (c) achieve which is d) measurable. Our freedom fighters
showed their unique (e) hero in the war against the well armed soldiers of Pakistan.
The Pakistani soldiers killed our people (f) merciless. They continued atrocities in
(g) associate with the local(h)collaborate.However,they were defeated in the end.
Answer:(a)national(b)symbolizes (c)achievement (d)immeasurable (e)heroism
(f)mercilessly (g)association (h)collaborators
7. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
the root words underlined in the text.
(a)Free is the constitutional right of man. So every man wishes to be free. We
wanted freedom. But the Pakistani(b)rule wanted to keep us under(c)subjugate by
all means. So the war of liberation broke out. Our freedom fighters fought with
d)resistible strength of mind and came out (e)victory. (f)free is our congenital
right and our (g)dependence is our most (h)glory achievement in the history of
(g)independence (h)glorious
8. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
the root words underlined in the text.
a)Truth people are honest.(b)truthful is a great virtue. One cannot have the virtue
of(c)honest without speaking the truth.(d)honest people tell a lie for personal
interest.(e)dishonest spoils other human qualities in life. People who are (f) virtue
are honest and truthful. They are also (g)believe in god and they fear only god.
They are (h)loved to all.
Answer: (a) truthful (b)truthfulness (c)honesty (d)dishonest (e) Dishonesty (f)
virtuous (g)believers (h) beloved
9. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
the root words underlined in the text.
Food (a)adulterate is a great problem in the country.(b)adulterate food is (c)harm to
health. Some (d)scrupulous businessmen adulterate food to make money. By
eating adulterated food we will get (e)curable disease. Steps have been taken by
the government to stop the(f)practice of food adulteration. It is not a (g)punish
offence to make food and fruits (h)poison by using any chemical or any substance
Ans:(a)adulteration(b)adulterated (c)harmful (d)unscrupulous (e)incurable
(f)malpractice (g)punishable (h)poisonous
10. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Our independence is our (a)glory achievement. We feel proud of our
independence. Today we have our own national flag. When it is (b)hoist, it flutters
(c)glorify the sacrifice of our freedom fighters. We should not (d)honour them.
We should not be (e)grateful to them. We pay tribute to them f)occasion. We
make (g)arrange of a function and begin it (h)ceremony in memory of them. Is it
(f)occasionally (g) arrangement (h)ceremonially
11. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Good health means (a)sound of body and mind. Health is the root of all (b)happy.
One should take exercise. (c)regular to keep a good health. He is also to observe
the rules of d)clean. An e)healthy man cannot enjoy life. He suffers from
frustration. (f)hopeless etc.On the other hand a (g)health man can enjoy his life
Answer (a) soundness (b) happiness (c) regularly (d) cleanliness (e) unhealthy (f)
hopelessness (g) healthy (h) fully
12. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
The (a)important of television is too many to describe. It is like a stage where
(b)perform are seen and heard. It gives us news on (c)nation and international
matters. Television has a great educative value. It teachers the (d)literate and
students. It (e)large our knowledge. It has broken the wall between the educated
and the (f)educated. Television has some (g)merits too.So,television programmes
should be (h)careful produced.
Answer: (a) Importance (b) performers (c) national (d) illiterate (e) enlarges (f)
uneducated (g) demerits (h) carefully
13. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Trees are (a)use to man in many ways. They are companions in our day to day life.
It is (b)possible to build our homes, furniture etc.without trees. Trees save us from
flood and (c)nature calamities. It (d)strength the soil. If we cut trees at random.
There will be ecological (e)balanced. So, tree (f)plant programme should be
extended for a better, (g)happy and (h)healthy life.
Answer: (a) usefully (b) impossible (c) natural (d) strengthen (e) imbalance (f)
plantation (g) happier (h) healthier
14. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
My mother has come of a (a)respect Muslim family. She is very polite,(b)affection
and intelligent. She manages the family(c)nice. Nice loves ma (d)dear. She is
ready to sacrifice her own (e)happy for us. She gives much important on
(f)truthful and honesty. She advises us not to follow any (g)honesty in the life and
not to do anything (h)wisely.
Answer: (a) respectable (b) affectionate (c) nicely (d) dearly (e) happiness (f)
truthfulness (g) dishonesty (h) unwisely
15. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
A day (a)labour is the who does manual labour in various fields. He is not
(b)known to us. He is to be (c)health, strong and stout. He works hard from dawn
to dusk for his (d)employ. He cannot lead an (e)dependent life. He is to depend on
his employer. He cannot lead a (f) peace life. He always leads a very (g) happy and
(h)decent life.
Answer: (a) laborer (b) unknown (c) healthy (d) employer (e)
independent(f)peaceful (g) unhappy (h) indecent
16. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
Money is the means of leading (a)world life.(b)short of money makes our life
(c)deplore. We cannot lead our life. (d) proper in want of money. But there is
(e)difficult in earning money. Our peace and prosperity are f) depend on proper
utilization of money. Spending money in an (g)proper way can lead us to the path
of destruction. So, we should be (h) care in spending money.
Answer: (a) worldly (b) shortage (c) deplorable (d) properly (e) difficulty (f)
dependent (g) improper (h) careful
17. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
Dowry system is the most (a) hate system in our society. (b) usual in our society
female (c)child are considered inferior to male children. They are thought to be
(d)use to the society. So, during marriage ceremony a section of (e) greed people
claim much wealth or money from the guardians of the brides. If the guardians fail
to fulfill the demand of their bridegroom, they (f)behave with their wives and
sometimes torture them (g)serious. This problem must be removed (h) immediate.
Answer: (a) hateful (b) usually (c) children (d) useless (e) greedy (f) misbehave (g)
seriously (h) immediately
18. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
Honey is (a) nature produced by honey bees through (b)collect of nectar from
(c)differ flowers and then stores them in the hive. But nowadays there are (d)
keep who rear bees in (e)wood hives and produce honey (f)commercial. This is
(g)full chemical and hazard free activity. With the support of the govt. and
(h)government organization approximately 300 bee keepers have been trained for
honey production.
Answer: (a) naturally (b) collection (c) different (d) keepers (e) wooden (f)
commercially (g) fully (h) non-government
19. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
Bangladesh is the most (a)dense populated country. This creates food problem
(b)education problem.(c) employment problem, medical problem, shelter problem
(d)environment problem. To check the (e) normal growth of population, top most
importance should be attached to education of the masses. Keeping the entire
population (f) educated it would be (g) possible to develop national (h)aware
among them.
Answer:(a) agriculture (b)
educational(c)unemployment(d)environmental(e)abnormal(f) uneducated (g)
impossible (h) awareness
20. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
An (a)healthy man leads an (b)happy life. He can not enjoy (c)happy. He suffers
both (d)physical and (e)mental. He passes his days very (f) pain. His life is very
(g)sorrow. He is (h) active.
Answer: (a) unhealthy (b) unhappy (c) happiness (d) physically (e) mentally (f)
painfully (g) sorrowful (h) inactive
21. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
A (a)honest man is (b)liked by all. On the other hand a man of (c)honest can not
lead an (d)pure life. He leads a (e)peace life. He may be (f)solvent but he has
(g)content. He does not run after (h)world things.
Answer: (a) dishonest (b) disliked (c) honesty (d) impure (e) peaceful insolvent (g)
contentment (h) worldly
22. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
A good student is (a)mind to his studies. He is (b)respect to his (c)teach. He does
not(d)honour anybody. He is free from (e)conduct. He is (f)study. He is not
(g)sincere to his study. He maintains (h)punctual.
Answer: (a)mindful (b) respectful (c) teachers (d) dishonor (e) misconduct (f)
studies (g) insincere (h) punctuality
23. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
The mane of Kazi Nazrul Islam is not (a)known to anybody. He is a great (b)write.
He is also a c)sings. His writings are full of (d)inspire. His (e)contribute to Bengali
literature has made him (f)mortal. His writing are (g)revolution. He is our
(h)nation poet.
Answer: (a) unknown (b) writer (c)singer (d) inspiration (e)contribution
(f)immortal (g)revolutionary (h) national
24. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
Smoking is (a)harm her health. It is also (b) cost. (c) smoke should not smoke (d)
public. Smoking creates (e)pollute. Smoking causes many (f)curable diseases. It
causes (g)comfort to others. But there are many people who are (h)aware of the
harmful effect of smoking.
Ans; (a) harmful (b) costly (c) smoker (d) publicly (e) pollution (f) incurable (g)
discomfort (h) unaware
25. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
Man should be (a)duty. He must know his (b)responsible. By doing his duty
(c)proper he can attain (d)prosper. He prospers (e)slow. He is a man of (f)sincere.
He is not (g)active. He does not suffer from (h)inactive.
Ans; (a) dutiful (b) responsibility (c) properly (d) prosperity (e) slowly (f) sincerity
(g) inactive (h) inactiveness
26. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
A pious man is free from (a)sin activities. He is not (b)kind to anyone. He
maintains good (c)relation with all. Above all he is not (d)greed. He knows that
(e)deeds leads a man to (f)destruct. He enjoys peace (g)mental. He leads a (h)peace
Ans; (a) sinful (b) unkind (c) relation (d) greedy (e) misdeeds (f) destruction (g)
mentally (h) peaceful
27. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
Before 1971 Bangladesh was not (a) dependent. It earned (b) dependence in 1971.
We remember the (c)freed (d)fight for their love of freedom for the country. Their
contribution to the country is (e) measurable. They have become (f)mortal. They
will remain (g) forgettable. We remember them (h) respect.
Ans; (a) dependent (b) independence (c) freedom (d) fighters (e) immeasurable (f)
immortal (g) unforgettable (h) respectfully
28. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
A smart person looks (a) cheer. He is also jovial. He does not suffer from (b)
frustrate. He is very (c) hope and (d) optimist in life. He is full of enthusiasm.
Nothing can (e) damp his spiritable is a man of (f)polite. He is (g) friend with
everybody. He does not (h) behave with anybody.
Ans; (a) cheerful (b) frustration (c)hopeful (d) optimistic (e) dampen (f) politeness
(g) friendly (h) misbehave
29. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
A hard (a) work is (b)hope of his (c)success life. He works (d) hearty to attain
(e)prosper. His (f)attain is slow. He passes his days through (g)hard. He is
(h)physical strong.
Ans; (a) worker (b) hopeful (c) successful (d) heartily (e) prosperity (f) attainment
(g) hardship (h) physically
30. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
(a)Lazy is a bad habit. A lazy man spends his time through (b)idle. He can not earn
(c) achieve. He suffers (d)great in life. So he drags a miserable (e)exist. His life is
(f) meaning. His (g) depend on other’s is very bad. He is not (h) care of his future.
Ans; (a) laziness (b) idleness (c) achievement (d) greatly (e) existence (f)
meaningless (g) dependence (h) careful
31. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
A (a) sin can not go (b)punished.(c)final he pays for his (d)deeds. When he
realizes his sin. He becomes (e)repent. He prays (f) hearty. The (g) mercy Allah
bestows. His (h) limited kindness upon him.
Ans; (a)sinner(b)unpunished (c) finally (d) misdeeds (e) repentant (f) heartily (g)
merciful (h) unlimited
32. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
Our (a)free (b)fight fought bravely.Their(c)dedicate is an act of(d)inspire for us.
They have become (e)mortal. They have brought (f) dependence for the country
through their sacrifice. They are famous for their g)brave. They were also
Ans; (a) freedom (b) fighters (c) dedication (d) inspiration (e) immortal (f)
independence (g) bravity (h) courageous
33. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text
(a)Clean has great (b)important in our life. It is said that it is next to godliness. It is
necessary to lead a (c)health life. It makes life easy and (d)comfort. An (e)clean
person does not want to go out. He does not enjoy (f)fresh of mind. (g)Cleanliness
causes (h)comfortable to others.
Ans; (a)cleanliness(b) importance(c)healthy(d)comfortable(e)unclean(f) freshness
(g)unseemliness (h) discomfort
34. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Dhaka is a (a) beauty city. But its beauty is spoilt by our (b)wise activities. The
city dwellers are polluting its environment. (c)Cleanliness is the (d) ugly sight in
the city. In order to make the city look more beautiful, there should be a (e) plansystem.
A lot of work has been done under (f) beautify scheme to beautify the city.
But it will not prove (g) fruit unless we are successful in our drive for (h)cleanly.
ruitful (h)cleanliness.
35. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Road accidents have (a) recent become a regular phenomenon in our country. As a
result of the accidents many persons fall a victim to (b)timely death. It is reported
that most of the accidents occur because of the (c)violate of traffic rules by
(d)skilled drivers and (e)conscious passers by. (f)obedient to traffic rules can help
to expedite the (g)prevent of road accidents in the country. The pedestrians must
use the foot paths, the over passes and the (h) passes.
Ans(a) recently (b)untimely (c)violation (d)unskilled (e)unconscious (f)obedience
(g)prevention (h)under-passes
36. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Ours is not a developed country. We are (a) gradual developing. We are considered
to be an (b) developed country because of many reasons. (c)Literacy is one of
them. The government of the country is aware of these. So, measures have been
taken for the (d) eradicate of illiteracy. It is true that literacy rate is (e) rapid
progressing. The main reasons of it are (f) dishonest and (g) corrupt in every walk
of life. Another reason is (h) obedience to laws of the land.
Ans:(a)gradually(b)underdeveloped(c)illiteracy (d)eradication (e)rapidly
(f)dishonesty (g)corruption (h)disobedience
37. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Nobody can expect a good result in the examination without good a) prepare. You
should be b)prepare for it well ahead of the schedule. Some students remain
c)prepare for the examination even it is imminent. As a part of d) prepare step they
go to the teachers for a concise e)suggest. This is not a good practice. Slow but f)
stead wins the race. Students have g)know to understand the meaning of this
h)verb in order to build up a prosperous career.
Ans: (a) preparation (b)prepared(c)unprepared (d)preparatory (e)suggestion
(f)steady (g)knowledge (h)proverb
38. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Man can have (a) popular by means of service to people. People in power can
have honour.But this honour will not last long if their behaviour is not good.
When common people are (b)mental hurt by their (c)behaviour, usually they do not
express their feeling in front of them. But they make (d)criticize of their manners
and (e)regard them later. (f) ill-manner people cannot have respect from others. If
they are (g)power in society. They cannot, have (h)popular. People hate them.
(f)ill mannered (g)powerful (h)popularity
39. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
A book fair is a large scale (a)exhibit of different kinds of books. It is (b)occasion
held in our country. The bookstalls are (c)temporary built and then decorated. The
(d)publish organize it in order to(e)play the works of different authors. The
(f)decorate work is completed costing a lot of money. The (g)organize do not
worry for the (h)expend because they can make profit by selling a lot of books.
Ans:(a)exhibition(b)occasionally (c)temporarily (d)publishers (e)display
(f)decoration (g)organizers (h)expenditure
40. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Eve teaching is one of our social problems. It is the result of moral (a) degrades of
our young generation. Eve teaching is an (b) moral activity. Laws have been (c)
acted to stop eve teaching. We want the proper (d) execute of the laws. The steps
will not produce the desired result if the (e) offend come out through the loopholes
of the laws. What (f) practical happens is that the (g) use of power makes the
criminals go (h)punished. It is never desirable in a civilized society.
Answer:(a) degradation (b)immortal (c)enacted (d)execution (e)offenders
(f)practically (g)misuse (h)unpunished
41. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
A winter morning is very cold and dull. The sun is (a)hard seen if the sky is
(b)cloud. Nothing is seen at a distance and everything is hazy because of heavy
fog. The (c)hazy continues until the fog disperses. A winter morning is (d) comfort
for the rich while it is (e) comfort for the poor. However, winter is (f)favour for
working hard. People can (g)go hard labor and those who work (h)physical do not
get sweating and tired.
undergo (h)physically
42. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Health is the (a) sound of both body and mind. To posses good health, one must
grow up (b) physical, mentally,(c)emotional as well as (d)social. You may be
unsocial. Balanced (f) grow of our young (g)learn is essential in order to have
(h)sound of both body and mind.
Answer:(a)soundness (b)physically (c)emotionally (d)socially (e)unusual (f)growth
(g)learners (h)soundness
43. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is the most (a)dense populated country of the world. She is also an (b)
populated country. There are many countries which are small but not
overpopulated. They are rather (c) population. We need (d) population to (e)move
poverty, but we have no way other than birth control. In order to (f) popular birth
control certain steps have been taken (g) pragmatic, but the result is not yet up to
the level of (h)expect.
Answer: (a) densely (b) overpopulated (c)depopulated (d)depopulation (e)remove
(f)popularize (g)pragmatically (h)expectation
44. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Our national flag is the symbol of our freedom and (a) sovereign. It is also (b)
symbol of our integrity and solidarity. Only(c) territory independence without
sovereignty is not the real independence. Our national flag (d) minds us of our
glorious existence. It is also the emblem of our spirit, hopes and aspiration. We
must (e)hold its dignity. It is a great pity that some (f)treachery people live in this
country but do not pay (g)loyal to the sovereignty of the country. They are really
factors who worked against the war of (h) liberate.
yalty (h)liberation
45. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Trees are (a)use part of human environment. They are needed to (b)beauty our
(c)surround. No one should cut down a tree (d)necessarily or for any (e)important
reason. Let us plan more and more trees. In the usa on one living in the (f)local
can cut down any three without the (g)permission local authority even if he is the
(h)own of he tree. This rule should be introduced in our country too.
Ans: (a)useful (b)beautify (c)surrounding (d)unnecessarily (e)unimportant
(f)locality (g)permission (g)owner
46. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
Tree (a)plan is a must for (b)ecology balance. If trees are cut down and not planted
(c)proportionate the country will face more and more problems. There should be
laws so that the (d)considerate people cannot cut down trees.(e)indiscriminate.
Very often the (f)editor desk of new paper write on the (g)important of tree
plantation and (h)deforest cause by many dishonest people.
Ans: (a) plantation (b) ecological (c) proportionately (d) inconsiderate
(e)indiscrimately (f)editorial (g)importance (h)deforestation
47. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the
root words underlined in the text.
A school magazine is a literary creation of the students reading in the school. It is
(a)patron by the headmaster of the school. A student works at the (b)editor desk
under the (c)guide of senior teacher. A school cannot bring out an (d)inform
magazine if the management is (e)efficient. Many a good (f)education institutions
bring out magazines (g)annual focusing the (h)creative of the young learners.
Answer: (a) patronized (b) editorial (c)guidance (d)informative (e)inefficient
(f)educational (g)annually (h)creativities
48. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Price hike means the (a) usual increase in the prices of daily necessaries. Now a
days, it is not an (b) common phenomenon in Bangladesh. Market syndicate is (c)
most responsible for this price-hike. Besides, some (d) honest people store
essential commodities with a view to making huge profit. As a result(e)deplore
condition is created in our society. To get rid of this (f)problem
situation(g)agriculture sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the
same time, public (h) aware should be raised against it.
Answer(a)unusual(b) uncommon (c)mostly (d)dishonest (e)deplorable
(f)problematic (g)agricultural (h) awareness
49. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
A book fair is an (a) exhibit where different types of books are displayed and sold.
Now a days its (b)popular is increasing day by day.(c)Lucky I visited the Ekushey
Boi Mela this year. Every year, it reminds us struggle and sacrifice of the language
(d) move. The fair is organized by Bangla Academy (e)author in the premises of
the (f)institute. I found a (g)differ environment in the fair and bought
some(h)favour books.
Ans:(a) exhibition (b) popularity (c)luckily (d)movement (e)authority (f)institution
(g)different (h)favourite
50. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
(a)Child is an important period of life. It moulds the character of the (b)child.
Children learn from their parents. But it is very (c) fortunate that a huge number of
children are working in various risky sectors. It is (d)basic a problem of the
(e)develop country like Bangladesh. The child labours suffer from various diseases
including (f)nutrition. Abusing children at this (g)mature age is a punishable crime.
Poverty alleviation and (h)conscious among the common people can help minimize
this problem.
Answer:(a) childhood (b) children (c) unfortunate (d) basically (e) developing
(f)malnutrition (g)immature (h)consciousness
51. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Everybody hates the (a) honest people. On the other hand, honest people are
always respected. Even children (b)like the dishonest people. A dishonest people.
A dishonest man have (c)pomp life. But it is totally (d) possible for a dishonest
person to find out (e)happy. Honest can offer you a (f) comfort life. We are
(g)hope that our younger generation will follow the path of (h)honest.
Ans:(a) dishonest (b)dislike (c)pompous (d)impossible (e)happiness (f)comfortable
(g)hopeful (h)honesty
52. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Addiction means strong (a) attract for any (b) harm thing. Drug(c) addict means
taking heroine, marijuana etc. Some of these are taken by smoking or through
injection. The frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to (d)die. Drug addiction
is not only a national but also a (e) globe problems. Some steps can be taken to
stop this problem. People should be made aware of the (f) merits of drugs. Those
who are involved with the (g) legal business of drug should be punished strictly.
Taking drug is definitely an (h) social act.
Ans(a)attraction(b)harmful(c)addiction(d)death(e) global (f) demerits (g)illegal
(h) antisocial
53. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
We should be (a) duty. Our sense of dutifulness is very (b) signify in our day today
life. We should be(c) self-rely. We should have (d) sincere in every (e) act. Those
who do not work hard can not become (f) industry. Industry is the mother of
success. To be (g) success in life we have to struggle (h) proper.
Answer: (a) dutiful (b) significant (c) self-reliant (d) sincerity (e) action (f)
industrious (g) successful (h) properly
54. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
(a)Religion belief is (b) signify. There are (c) differ types of (d) religion belief. No
religion is of the (e)opine about (f) criticize other religions. If we citizen anything
of any religion, it is nothing but (g) hallucinates. We should be (h) care of it.
Answer:(a)religious(b)significant (c) different (d) religious (e)opinion (f)criticizing
(g)hallucination (h)careful
55. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
(a) Deforest is one of the greatest threats to our environment. It has many (b)
reaching effects on the environments. Many people cut down trees (c)discriminate
but they (d) hard think about the adverse effect it causes. In fact,(e)forestation the
act of cutting or (f) burn the trees in an area by which trees can be decreased (g)
rapid and (h) large.
Answer: (a) deforestation (b)far-reaching (c)indiscrimately (d)hardly
(e)deforestation (f) burning (h)largely
56. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
The (a)develop of a country is(b)depend on good (c)govern. Without good
governance, no country can reach the(d)culminate of success. Good governance
democracy must be(e)institution. Democracy must be(f)practical applied. It should
not be theory only. It must have(g)good for people. If not, development will not be
(h) actualize.
Answer: (a)development (b) dependent (c)government (d) culmination
(e)institutionalized (f)practically (g) goodness (h) actualized
57. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
(a)Electron mail is one of the many moderns devices of (b) communicate. This is
not only a quick, easy and (c) relative cheap way to keep in touch with family and
friends. We need internet (d) connect for browsing email. We can also attach big
files and send them to our desired persons. Thus it becomes very easy to transfer
important files, documents, photos etc instantly without (e) physical going to
anywhere. It maintains our private, social and (f) office networking in a (g) power
and (h) effect way.
Ans:(a) Electronic (b) communication (c)relatively (d)connection (e)physically
(f)official (g)powerful (h)effective
58. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Truthful is not (a) normal. It is (b) nature. It (c) sure the spiritual peace of human
mind. It (d) power our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e) lawful
things are against the truth. We must speak boldly and (f) clear. (g) Kind is a
condition of (h) truthful.
Ans:(a)abnormal (b)natural (c)ensures(d)empowers(e)unlawful(f)clearly
(g)kindness (h)truthfulness
59. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Money is (a) sweet than honey and it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a
must in our life but (b) sure it can not be the root of all (c) happy.(d)Happy lies in
(e)content. (f) moral place an important role in this respect. Those who are earn
money though (g) honest, leads a (h) miser life.
Ans:(a)sweeter(b)surely(c)happiness(d) happiness (e)contentment (f)morality
(g)dishonestly (h)miserably
60. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
My mother is a (a) religion. She always prefers me to follow the path of (b) honest
and integrity. She has strong (c) moral. She has (d) soft in her heart for the poor.
She always helps the poor to see the (e) happy in their face. She is an ideal
housewife. She does all the household chores by (f) her. She is also care of our
study. She says her (h) pray regularly.
Answer:(a)religious(b) honesty(c) morality (d) softness (e)happiness (f) herself
(g)careful (h) prayer
61. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Honesty is opposite to (a)honesty. An honest man is never (b)harm to anybody. He
never does (c) justice to others. When he does anything (d) moral, he feels (e)
remorse. He never tells a lie. He is always (f) care to his duty. He is rewarded in
the long run. We should follow the path of (g) honest and leave off the path of (h)
ty (h)dishonesty
62. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Man is the best (a) create of Allah. He is a (b) ration being. Allah has created man
with such gift of achieving (c)world affluence along with spiritual (d) perfect. He
has to do a lot but his life is short. The (e) short of life has added a new value to
human life. The (f) add of the new value is tragic to man. People who believe in (g)
spiritual of life are indifferent to worldly life. They give more (h) important to
Answer:(a) creation (b)rational (c)worldly (d)perfection (e)shortness (f)addition
(g)spirituality (h)importance
63. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Education develops our mind through (a) form learning. The mental and (b)
intellect training is also provided by education. Again, the purpose of education is
to (c) lighten the individual. The(d) promote individuals capacity is also its
purpose. Education (e) noble our mind and refines our (f) sensible.So, there are (g)
vary advantages of education. You cannot find any(h)advantage of education.
rious )disadvantage
64. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
(a) Patriot is a noble virtue. It is an (b) emotion love for one’s country. It is the (c)
inspire for a man to shed every drop of blood of defend the (d) liberate and dignity
of the country. But patriotism should not be (e) mere a so called slogan in the
public (f) meet to deceive the people. We should have (g) fix it in the core of our
heart. We should keep (h) our in such noble virtue.
Ans:(a)Patriotism(b)emotional(c)inspiration(d)liberty (e)merely (f)fixed
(g)materialize (h)ourselves
65. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is our birth land. It is small but (a) beauty. It is an (b) agriculture
country. Most of the people of this country directly or (c) direct depend on
agriculture for their(d) live. Many important industrious are (e) depend on
agriculture products. Farmers are sometimes(f) help and depend on nature. If the
rainfall is timely, they can grow bumper crops. But it is (g) regret that they hardly
get water in time. The harvest causes (h) suffer to the entire population.
Answer:(a)beautiful (b)agricultural (c)indirectly (d)livelihood (e)dependent
(f)helpless (g)regretful (h)suffering
66. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Paper is very useful material. Its (a) important cannot be described in words. In the
past paper was (b) available. They used palm leaves barks, stones, etc to writes on.
It cost much (c) convenience to them. With the (d) invent of paper this
inconvenience has been removed. Now people can maintain data (e) easy. But it is
(f) fortunate that they waste paper (g) discriminately. We should accept the (h)
create rather than abusing it.
Ans(a)importance (b)unable (c)inconvenience (d)invention(e)easily (f)unfortunate
(g)indiscrimately (h)creation.
67. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
A good student studies (a) regular and (b) attentive. Inattentive and (c)regular
activities are not for an (d) attention student. A good student is always serious in
his activities. Lack of (e) serious is the sign of (f)lazy. Those who are lazy cannot
be a good student. Everybody (g) likes them. There not (h)success in life.
68. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Truth is not (a) normal. It is (b)nature it(c)sure the spiritual peace of human mind.
It(d) powers our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e) lawful things
are against the truth. We must speak (f) bold and clearly. (g) Kind is a condition of
(h) truthful.
Answer:(a)abnormal(b)natural(c)ensures (d) empowers (e)unlawful (f)boldly
(g)kindness (h)truthful
69. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Man is the (a) make of his own fate. If he maintain (b) sincere and does his duty (c)
according. He can (d) sure his improvement and e) prosper in life; but if he
maintain and (f) sincere way of life, he will (g) sure repent. It will be a (h) disaster
event in his life.
Ans:(a)maker(b)sincerity(c) accordingly (d) ensure (e)prosperity (f)insincere
(g)surely (h)disastrous
70. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
E- Mail has brought about a revolution in modern (a) communicate. Message can
be transmitted from one country to another country (b) in second. It is far (c) cheap
than telephone calls. Trade and commerce become (d) great depend on this speed
mode of (f) communicate. It has (g) deniably upgraded the whole world (h)
n(g)undeniably (h)significantly
71. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Sports are popular form of (a) entertain. Many (b) national sporting events are
organized from time to. Most of these events are by multinational (c) manufacture
and (d) busy firms. They pay for the sports events in (e) change for the right to
advertise their products during those events. These events are telecast worldwide
by satellite and people all over the world (f) joy them live thus, both parties;
organize and (h) advertise gain benefit.
oy (g)organizers (h)advertisers.
72. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Mr Sezan is a (a) law. He (b) likes people who talk much. His clothes are (c)
expensive. He (d) ways wears pants with full sleeve shirt. His hair is not straight
but (e) curl. He doesn’t have a beard but he has a moustache. He is beset with (f)
honest and (g) sincere. Although he is poor, he is (h) please with what he has.
Answer:(a)lawyer (b)dislikes (c)inexpensive (d) always (e)curly (f)honesty
(g)sincerity (h)pleased
73. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Most of our (a) examine cannot write out their examination papers (b) fair well. As
they cannot (c) stand the questions (d)proper, they often beat about the bush and
(e) length the answers (f) necessarily. But their answers should have (g) accurate
and (h) precise.
(g)accuracy (h)precision
74. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Face book is a social (a) network site. It has a gained much (b) popular among
young generation. But sometimes students waste their (c) value time by browsing
face book. So, in this parental (d) supervise is a must. (e) Additional many people
(f) fine face book as an embracing invention of (g) person’s privacy. How ever
plays significant roles in (h) socialize.
Answer:(a)networking(b)popularity (c)valuable (d)supervision (e)additionally
(f)define (g)personal (h)socializing
75. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Blood (a) donate is a noble act. But many people are (b) willing to donate blood.
Because of their cheap (c) mental. Donating blood can save the life of a (d) die
patent the government should (e) courage people to donate blood (f) free.
Otherwise, we will be (g) able to save the lives of serious patients which is very (h)
e (h)disgraceful
76. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Once upon a time there lived an old (a) farm in a village. He had three sons. They
were (b) quarrel They always quarreled with one another. Their father told them
that (c) quarrel is a bad thing. (d) final he decided to teach them a good lesson. His
e) decide was a good one. The sons come to the (f) realize that they should not
quarrel like that. The farmers become vary happy to see that there is no (g)
understanding among his sons. Although they were (h) conscious about the
importance of unity, they can now realize its importance.
Answer:(a) farmer (b)quarrelsome (c) quarreling (d) finally (e)decision (f)
(g) misunderstanding h) unconscious.
77. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Money is a) sweet than honey and it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a
must in our b)world Life. it cannot c)sure .All happiness. d)happy lies in
contentment. People who are happy with what they have, are never e)happy People
who are f)mental unhappy with what they have, are sure unhappy)morality cannot
bring peace’s)moral is always rewarded.
Ans (a) sweeter (b) worldly (c) ensure (d) happiness (e) unhappy (f) mentally
(g) immorality (h) morality
78. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
The rapid a) grow of population must be controlled) wise, all the attempts for the
solution of food problem will fail. So, we have to increase our food production
very c) rapid we may solve our food problem d)large by charging our e)tradition
Food habit. We can create a f)very in our menu. For example, we can take potato
instead of rice. However, we cannot solve the problem g)less We increase our food
Answer: (a) growth (b) otherwise (c) rapidly (d) largely (e)traditional(f)variety(g)
unless(h) production.
79. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Truth is not a)normal it is b)nature it c)sure The spiritual peace of human mind. It
d)power our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and e)lawful things are
against the truth. We must speak boldly and f)clear g) kind is a condition of h)
Ans (a) abnormal (b)natural (c) ensures (d) empowers (e) unlawful (f) clearly (g)
(h) truthfulness
80. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Education for girls is essential for the (a)better of the society’s (b)develop. In
education for girls surely bring in greater (c)put Economically because educated
women can contribute more to the family than those who have no (d)school
.Educated mothers are more (e)care to send their children to school and look after
their health and nutrition. According to napoleon education of women is the
(f)condition of (g)nation. Development. In Bangladesh, govt. should take more
steps to educated he girls for progress and (h)prosper.
Answer(a) betterment (b)development (c)output (d) schooling (e) careful(f)
(g) national (h) prosperity.
81. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Price-like means the (a)usual increase in the prices of daily necessaries. Nowadays,
it is not an (b) common phenomenon in Bangladesh. Market syndicate is (c)most
responsible for this price-hike. Besides, some (d) honest people stone essential
commodities with a view to making huge profit. As a result a (e) deplore condition
is created in our society. To get rid of this (f) problem Situation (g) agriculture
sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the same time, public (h)
aware should be raised against it.
Answer:(a) unusual (b) uncommon (c)mostly (d) dishonest (e) deplorable (f)
(g) agricultural (h) awareness.
82. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is our birth land. It is small but (a)beauty. It is an (b)agriculture
country. Most of the people of this country directly or (c)direct depend on
agriculture for their (d)lively .Many important industries are (e)depend on
agricultural products. But our farmers are sometimes helpless and depend on
nature. if the (f)rain is timely, they can grow bumper crops. But it is (g)fortune.
That they hardly get water in time. (h)fail to grow crops causes sufferings to the
entire people.
Answer: a) beautiful b) agricultural c) indirectly d) livelihood e) dependable f)
(g) unfortunate failure.
83. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
(a)Patriot is a noble virtue. It is an (b)emotion . Love for one’s country. It is the
(c)inspire for a man to shed every drop of blood to defend the d)liberate and
dignity of the country. But patriotism should not be (e)mere a so called slogan in
the public f)meet to deceive the people. We should have (g)fix it in the core of our
heart . We should keep (h)our In such noble virtue
Answer: (a) patriotism (b) emotional (c) inspiration (d) liberty (e) merely (f) fix
(d) materialize (h) ourselves.
84. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is an (a)agriculture country. Here most of the people live below the
poverty line. They took the profession of farmer. But (b)literacy is a big problem in
our country. The (c)literate people have little (d)know Of the modern methods of
farming. It is true that our e)govern has taken some steps, but they are (f)sufficient
the government should not remain (g)attentive to agricultural sector. Farmers
should be trained (h)proper to grow more crops.
Ans:(a) agricultural (b) illiteracy (c) illiterate (d) knowledge (e) government (f)
insufficient (g) inattentive (h) properly.
85. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
My mother is very (a) religion . She always prefers me to follow the path of (b)
honest and integrity. She has strong (c)moral she has (d)soft in her heart for the
poor. She always helps the poor to see the (e)happy In their face. She is an ideal
housewife. She does all the household chores by (f) her She is also (g)care of our
study. She says her (h) pray regularly
An a) religious (b) honesty c) morality d) softness e) happiness f) herself g)
(h) prayer.
86. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
The (a)develop of a country is (b)depend on good (c)govern without good
governance country can reach the (d)culminate of success. For good governance
democracy must be (e)institution democracy must be (f)practical applied. It should
not be in theory only .it must have (g)good for people. If not , development will not
be (h)actualize
Answer: a) development b) dependent c) government d) culmination e)
f) practically g) goodness h) actualized
87. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is an independent country. The (a) achieve of independent is a
milestone in the history of Bangladesh. The country is known as a (b)democrat
country. The country has problems and (c) possible. A lots of people are
uneducated. So, (d)literacy is a great problem of the country. Again, a lot of people
are unemployed. We are facing the problems of (e) employment. Political conflict
is an obstacle to progress in the country. There is(f)understanding-among the
political parties. Most of the political leaders work (g)morally Bangladesh has to
go a long way for its development. We all should be aware of our (h)constitution
Answer:(a)achievement(b)democratic (c)possibility (d) illiteracy (e)unemployment
(f)misunderstanding (g)immorally (h)constitutional
88. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Once upon a time there lived an old (a) farm in a village. He had three sons. They
were (b) quarrel They always quarreled with one another. Their father told them
that (c) quarrel. Is a bad thing. (d) final he decided to teach them a good lesson. His
(e) decide was a good one. The sons come to the (f) realize that they should not
quarrel like that. The farmers become vary happy to see that there is no (g)
understanding among his sons. Although they were (h) conscious about the
importance of unity, they can now realize its importance.
Answer: (a) farmer (b) quarrelsome (c) quarreling (d) finally ( e)decision (f)
(g) misunderstanding h) unconscious.
89. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Money is (a)sweet than honey and it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a
must in our (b)world Life. it cannot (c)sure .All happiness. (d) happy Lies in
contentment. People who are happy with what they have, are never (e) happy
People who are (f) mental unhappy with what they have, are sure
unhappy(g)morality cannot bring peace’s(h)moral is always rewarded.
Ans (a) sweeter (b) worldly (c) ensure (d) happiness (e) unhappy (f) mentally
(g) immorality (h) morality.
90. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
The rapid (a)grow of population must be controlled (b) wise, all the attempts for
the solution of food problem will fail. So, we have to increase our food production
very (c)rapid we may solve our food problem (d) large by charging our (e)
tradition Food habit. We can create a (f) very in our menu. For example, we can
take potato instead of rice. However, we cannot solve the problem (g)less.We
increase our food (h)product
Answer: (a) growth (b) otherwise (c) rapidly (d) largely (e) traditional (f)
(g) unless (h) production.
91. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Truth is not (a)normal It is (b)nature .It (c)sure The spiritual peace of human mind.
It (d)power our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e)lawful things
are against the truth. We must speak boldly and (f)clear (g) kind is a condition of
(h) truthful.
Ans (a) abnormal (b) natural (c) ensures (d) empowers (e) unlawful (f) clearly
(g) kindness (h) truthfulness
92. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
The (a)look of village people is changing. They have learnt about the importance
of health and sanitation. So in rural areas (b) sanitary latrines have been (c) placed
by sanitary latrines. But still water is (d) constant pollute in various ways. We must
prevent its pollution to be (e) health. Water (f) pollute is number one problem in
both our rural and urban areas. (g) Defecate here and there is a common sight in
the villages. Of course, this (h) healthful practice is gradually declining in the
Answer:(a) outlook (b) unsanitary (c) replaced (d) constantly (e) healthy (f)
pollution (g) defecation (h) unhealthful
93. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
In our society almost in every sphere of life some kinds of (a) crimination exist
between boys and girls. In the field of (b) educate this disparity is very (c)
fortunate. People in general do not send their female (d) child to school and
confine them to the household boundaries. Girls are (e) general not cared well.
They become the subject of (f) deprive. Although mass media often talk about this
(g) human issue, they ultimately remain where they are. It is time; we raise
awareness amongst ourselves and take some serious (h) act.
Ans:(a)discrimination(b)education(c)unfortunate (d)children (e)generally
(f)deprivation (g)inhuman (h)actions
94. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
underlined in the text.
Iron is the most (a) value of all metals. From a pin or a needle to the (b) big
instrument, man needs iron. Modern (c) civil largely depends on the (d) use of iron.
The (e) construct of high rise buildings is not possible (f) out iron. Modern
industries would have been (g) possible if there were no iron. It’s necessary in our
life is completely (h) deniable.
possible (h)undeniable
95. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Teaching is a noble (a) profess. In the classroom a good (b) teach acts like an (c)
act. He teaches (d) moral among the students. Moreover, he makes the students (e)
dated. He also advise them to reject (f) honest means in the exam hall. A teacher is
thought to be the (g) build of a nation. So, he must be (h) selfishly devoted to his
96. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
underlined in the text.
Robinson Crusoe was a famous (a) adventure. He wanted to be a (b) sail from his
(c) boy. But his father did not like the idea at all. Rather he (d) courage him to be a
(e) law. In course of time a (f) ship company offered Crusoe a job of a cabin boy.
Crusoe (g) glad accepted the offer without having any second thought. How (h)
courage he was 18
Answer:(a)adventure (b)sailor (c)boyhood (d)encouraged (e)lawyer (f)shipping
(g)gladly (h)courageous
97. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
underlined in the text.
Happiness is (a) known as a relative term. It means the (b) content of mind. It is
also said that the health is the root of all (c) happy. A sick (d) money man is not as
a poor (e) health man. So we should take physical exercise (f) regular. Physical
exercise keeps or gives us (g) fit. Moreover, it makes us (h) discipline.
Answer:(a) well-known (b)contentment (c)happiness (d)moneyed (e)healthy
(f)regularly (g)fitness (h)disciplined
98. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Most of the people of our country are (a) literate. They lead an (b) planned life.
They do not have much (c) know about health, sanitation and (d) populate control.
So the government should take constructive steps (e) immediate, to remove (f)
literacy. Otherwise, our country will be (g) able to stand up right in front of other
(h) develop countries.
99. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root
words underlined in the text.
Most of our (a) examine cannot write out their examination papers (b) fair well. As
they cannot (c) stand the questions (d) proper, they often beat about the bush and
(e) length the answers (f) necessarily. But their answers should have (g) accurate
and (h) precise.
(g)accuracy (h)precision
100.Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words
underlined in the text.
Computer has brought about a (a) revolution change in our life. But it was not
invented (b) night. Many (c) science are still working tirelessly to (d) grade it. Now
it is also being used in the (e) education institutions. (f)Today, the multinational
companies and (f) organize seek for candidates who have computer knowledge.
Where ever we go or we do, we just cannot (g) regard the importance of (h)
compute in 21st century.
Answer: (a) revolutionary (b) overnight(c) scientists (d) upgrade (e) educational
(f) organizations (g) disregard (h)computer
101.Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words
underlined in the text.
There goes a proverb that health is wealth. A man with ill health has to drag a
(a)pain life. In order to lead a (b)health life and remain (c)physical fit, he has to
avoid (d)healthy food. It is (e)danger to eat (f)poison food. None should drink
(g)pure water. Because impure water is very (h)harm to health.
impure (h)harmful
102. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words
underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is a small country but has a huge (a) populate. Most people here live
below the poverty line and cannot therefore afford to educate their(b)child . Many
poor children either drop out of school just after a few years or (c) simple do not go
to school at all. Despite this situation, we have far too many students to educate
(d)compare to the number of institutions (e)avail. Bangladesh needs more schools,
colleges and universities to provide for the increasing number of students. But
owing to (f)finance and resource constraints the (g) govern can not fine the
requisite number of (h)education institution.
103. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
Water is an important element of our environment. But it is polluted in (a) vary
ways. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it. (b) farm use chemical (c)
fertilize and insecticides in their fields .When rain and floods wash away some of
these chemicals, they get (d)mix with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and
factories also throw their (e) poison chemicals and waste products into rivers and
canals and they polluted the water. (f)sanitary latrines and (g)safe drains standing
on river and canals banks are also responsible for further (h) pollute
afe (h)pollution
104. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
There are four skills to learn a language (a) scientific. Writing is the (b)four skill. It
is (c) essential important for those who take formal (d)educate. Those who do not
go to schools and colleges for (e) institution education do not read and write, but
they can learn the mother tongue. This is possible only because of listening and
speaking. But in the case of a foreign language, the process is (f)differ. The
(g)learn should learn it (h)methodical.
Answer:(a)scientifically (b)fourth (c)essentially (d)education (e) institutional
(f)different (g)learners (h)methodically
105. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
Education is one of the (a) base needs of a human being. It is essential for any kind
of (b)--develop. The poor socio-economic condition of Bangladesh can be (c)large
attributeted to most people’s (d) access to education. Many (e) literate people do
not have any knowledge of health, sanitation and population control. If they are
educated they could live a (f) health and planned life. Education teaches us how to
earn well and how to spend well. It (g)able us to make the right choices in life and
to perform our duties properly. It enhances our ability to raise crops, store food,
protect the environment and carry out social (h)responsible.
Answer:(a) basic(b) development (c)largely (d)inaccessibility (e)illiterate
(f)healthy (g)enables (h)irresponsibilities
106. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
Our national flag is the symbol of our freedom and a) sovereign. It is also
b)symbol of our integrity and solidarity. Only c)territory independence without
sovereignty is not the real independence. Our national flag d)minds us of our
glorious existence. It is also the emblem of our spirit, hopes and aspiration. We
must e)hold its dignity. It is a great pity that some f)treachery people live in this
country but do not pay g)loyal to the sovereignty of the country. They are really
factors who worked against the war of h)liberate.
Ans:(a) sovereignty (b) symbolical (c)territorial (d)reminds (e)upholds (f)
treacherous (g)loyalty (h)liberation
107. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
We cannot (a)own anything good.(b)Good can be (c)attain by (d)do anything good.
It is our(e)responsible to be good(f)mental .Our good (g)decide can lead us to the
Zenith of success. We can become (h) success by doing all good deeds.
Answer:(a)own(b)goodness(c)attained (d)doing (e)responsibility (f)mentally
(g)decision (h)successful
108. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
Patience is a great virtue. A patient man faces (a) difficult (b) patient. He does not
grow (c) patient Nothing is(d)possible for him. He does everything (e) slow.
(f)Actual he leads a (g)comfort life. He is (h)care in all means
Ans:(a)difficulty (b)patiently(c)impatient(d)impossible(e)slowly(f)actually
(g)comfortable (h)careful
109. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
the root words underlined in the text.
Tree a) plan is a must for b) ecology balance. If trees are cut down and not planted
c) proportionate the country will face more and more problems. There should be
laws so that the d) considerate people cannot cut down trees. e)indiscriminate.
Very often the f) editor desk of new paper write on the g)important of tree
plantation and h)deforest cause by many dishonest people.
Answer: (a) plantation (b) ecology (c) proportionately (d) inconsiderate (e)
indiscrimately (f)editorial (g)importance (h)deforestation
110. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
the root words underlined in the text.
(a) Kind is a divine virtue. So we should not be (b) kind to the people in distress
and even to(c) low animals. Some naughty boys (d) joy beating the lower animals
like dogs and cats. This is an(e) rational behavior. Animals can understand your act
of kindness. If you are (f) friend with them, they can (g) real your kind behavior.
As a result, friendship grows instead of (h) enemy.
Answer: (a)kindness (b)unkind (c)lower (d)enjoy (e)irrational (f)friendly (g)realize
111. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
(a)Learn is a continuous process. We must be(b)preserve to acquire knowledge.
But mere(c)book knowledge is not enough.Knowledge (d)lights our mind. It
removes the (e) ignore of darkness. It (f)broads our outlook. It also helps us to lead
a (g)prosper life free from (h) oppress.
osperous (h)oppression
112. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
One cannot become great in life (a) automatic. For this one needs to labour (b)
continue. If one labours (c) regular, one’s goal can never remain (d) steady and (e)
patience, he is sure to face (f)hard in life.
Ans: (a) automatically (b) continuously (c) regularly (d) steadily (e) happily
113. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
The present age is marked not only by the importance of the family as an
(a)economy and welfare (b)institute but also by its (c)increase importance as an
(d)arrange for socializing and raising children and for the (e)physiology support of
adults. There has been a wide (f)integration of large kin groups and an (g)intensify
of (h)relation with the nuclear family.
(f)disintegration (g)intensification (h)relationship
114. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
Money is the means of leading (a) world life.(b)Short of money makes our life
(c)deplore. We cannot lead our life (d)prosper in want of money. But there
is(e)difficult in earning money. Our peace and prosperity are (f)depend on proper
utilization of money, spending money in an (g)prosper way can lead us to the path
of destruction. So we should be (h)care in spending money.
Ans(a)worldly (b)shortage (c)deplorable (d)properly (e)difficulty (f)dependent
(g)improper (h)careful
115. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
All men are(a)equal important. A man who has no ear for music need not try to
be(b)music.One needs (c)able with figures to be an accountant. Again one needs
(d) imagine to be a design. An engineer needs (f) technique skill. And we know
that (g) creature and (h)orinal are more important than technical skill.
ativity (h)originality
116. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with
root words underlined in the text.
Our educations remains (a)complete if we dot not learn good manners. In our
behaviour with others we must be (b)respect with others. We should never (c)
behave with anybody because our(d)conduct may hurt others. We should not create
any (e) necessary quarrel with others. The (f) important of good manners is(g)
measurable (h) .Real a man of good manners is a gentle man.
(g)immeasurable (h)really

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