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Imagine, you are a student of Safa Secondary School, Mathbaria. There is no common room in your school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for setting up a common room.

Imagine, you are a student of Safa Secondary School, Mathbaria. There is no common room in your school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for setting up a common room.

20 March, 2012
The Headmaster
Safa Secondary School
Mathbaria, Pirojpur

Subject: Application for setting up a common room.

With due respect I on behalf of the students of your school want to draw your kind attention that in spite of having a lot of facilities in our school, it is a great sorrow that we are still deprived of common room facilities. You know that common room is a part and parcel of education life and a great source of recreation. So, it is our heart demand to set up a common room in our school.

In the circumstances, I hope that you would be kind enough to take immediate steps to set up a common room.

Yours obediently
Naimul Islam
Class - Ten
Roll No. - 10
On behalf of the students of Safa Secondary School

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