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Stories JSC and SSC

Stories JSC and SSC

01. Once there was an old farmer who had five sons. The sons always quarreled among themselves and got separated. The old man was very unhappy. Soon he fell ill. They could always quarrel with one another. One day the old farmer called his sons to bring some sticks and tied them in a bundle. He told them to break the bundle. They tried but could not-----------------.RB 11,CB 07,SB 12
Unity is strength (GKZvB kw³)
Once there was an old farmer who had four sons. They could always quarrel with one another. One day the old farmer called his sons to bring some sticks and tied them in a bundle. He told them to break the bundle. They tried but could not break the bundle of the sticks. Then he told them to untie the bundle and gave a stick to sons and asked them to break it. Then all of them broke the stick easily. The farmer told them that if they would remain separate and quarrel with one another, the enemy would easily defeat them. But if they remained united like the bundle, they would be much stronger and the enemy could not do any harm to them. At this the three sons learnt a great lesson and began to live unitedly and happily. (GK`v GK e„× K…l‡Ki Pvi cyÎ wQj| Zviv memgq G‡K Ac‡ii m‡½ SMovq wjß _vKZ|GKw`b e„× K…lK Zvi mšÍvb‡`i WvK‡jb wKQy jvwV  wb‡q Avm‡Z ej‡jb Ges GK m‡½ AvwuU eva‡Z ejj|‡m Zv‡`i‡K AvwuUwU fv½‡Z ejj| Zviv †Póv Kij wKš‘ evwÛ‡ji jvwV¸‡jv  fv½‡Z cvij bv|Zvici †m evwÛ‡ji jvwV¸‡jv Avjv`v Ki‡Z ejj Ges GKwU K‡i  jvwV w`‡q Zv‡`i‡K fv½‡Z ejj|Zvici cÖ‡Z¨‡KB jvwVwU AwZ mn‡RB fv‡½ †djj|K…lK Zv‡`i‡K ejj †h Zviv hw` Avjv`v Avjv`v _v‡K Ges SMov K‡i Zvn‡j cÖwZc¶ Zv‡`i AwZ mn‡RB civwRZ Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e|wKšÍ hw` Zviv evwÛ‡ji gZ GK m‡½ _v‡K Zvn‡j Zviv kw³kvjx n‡e Ges cÖwZc¶ Zv‡`i‡K ¶wZ Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|G‡Z mšÍv‡biv fvj wk¶v MÖnY Kij Ges GKm‡½ my‡LkvwšÍ‡Z evm Kiv ïiy Kij|
02. One summer day, a crow got very thirsty. It searched for water hither and thither. At last it saw a jar at a distance. It flew down to it. There was a little water at the bottom of the jar. But it was too low for the crow. The crow tried to upset the jar. But the crow was not too strong to do it. The crow was in a fix what to do-------------.DB 10,RB 10,JB 11,CB 12,CtgB 12,BB 12
A thirsty crow and a Jar ( GKwU wccvmvZ© KvK Ges GKwU Kjwm)
One summer day, a crow got very thirsty. It searched for water hither and thither. At last it saw a jar at a distance. It flew down to it. There was a little water at the bottom of the jar. But it was too low for the crow. The crow tried to upset the jar. But the crow was not too strong to do it. The crow was in a fix what to do. At last he hit upon a plan. He gathered rocks and put down it one by one into the jar. When it had dropped a large number of stones, the water in the jar rose high enough for him to reach it. Then the crow drank rater and flew away.(GK MÖx¯§Kv‡j Kv‡j GKwU KvK Lye Z…òvZ© n‡q coj|GwU †mLv‡b cvwb LyRu‡Z jvMj|Ae‡k‡l GwU wKQy`~‡i GKwU Kjm †`L‡Z †cj|GwU D‡o †mwUi Dci emj|KjmwUi Zj‡`‡k Aí wKQy cvwb wQj|wKš‘ Zv KvKwUi bvMv‡ji evB‡i wQj|KvKwU KjmwU‡K Dwë‡q †d‡j †`Iqvi †Póv Kij| wKšÍ GwU Kivi gZ KvKwUi kw³ wQj bv|KvKwU wKsKZ©e¨ wegyp n‡q †Mj|‡kl ch©šÍ †m GKwU eyw× LvUv‡jv|‡m bywo GK RvqMv Kij Ges †m¸‡jv Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í †m¸wj Kjwmi g‡a¨ †dj‡Z jvMj|hLb †ek wKQy msL¨K cv_i Gi wfZi †djj Kjwmi cvwb Dc‡i DV‡Z jvMj †hUv KvKwUi Rb¨ bvMvj cvIqv h‡_ó wQj|Zvici KvuKwU cvwb cvb K‡i P‡j †Mj|) 

03. There was a cowboy in a village. He used to tend cows in nearby field beside the forest. The cowboy was a great liar. He enjoyed himself making------------.CB 09                       
The liar cowboy (GKRb wg_¨vev`x ivLvj)
There was a cowboy in a village. He used to tend cows in nearby field beside the forest. The cowboy was a great liar. He enjoyed himself making fun with people. He often (cÖvqB) cried (wPrKvi) “wolf, wolf”! Hearing the crying of the boy, the villagers came with bamboo, spares and other weapons. When they came, they could not see any wolf. But the boy laughed at them. He made it several times. The villagers lost their faith upon the boy. One day a wolf really came. This time the boy cried out for help, but none came to help. The wolf killed the boy. (GK MÖv‡g wQj GK ivLvj|‡m e‡bi cv‡k¦© R½‡j Mi“ PovZ|ivLvj evjK wQj AZ¨šÍ wg_¨vev`x|‡m wb‡R‡K Avb›` ‡c‡Z †jv‡Ki mv‡_ gRv KiZ| ‡m cÖvqB †bK‡o evN,†bK‡o evN e‡j wPrKvi KiZ|wPrKv‡ii AvIqvR ï‡b MÖvgevmxiv evku miwK Ges A¯¿ wb‡q Qy‡U AvmZ|hLb Zviv AvmZ ZLb Zviv †Kvb †bK‡o evN †`LZ bv|wKš‘ evjKwU nvmZ|‡m A‡bKevi GiKg K‡i‡Q|evjKwUi Dci †_‡K MÖvgevmxiv wek¦vm nviv‡jv|GKw`b mwZ¨B †bK‡o evN Avmj|GB mgq †m mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ wPrKvi Kij ,wKšÍ †KD mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ GwM‡q Avmj bv|‡bK‡o evN evjKwU‡K nZ¨v Kij|)
04. There had been a greedy dog. One day he stole a piece of meat from a farmer’s kitchen. Taking it in his mouth he started--------------.
The story of greedy dogs.(GKwU †jvfx KyKz‡ii Mí)
There had been a greedy dog. One day he stole a piece of meat from a farmer’s kitchen. Taking it in his mouth, he started to run away from the place. He was looking for a suitable place to eat the piece. While he was running with it, on the way he had to cross a bridge of a small stream. While walking on the bridge he saw his own reflection in the water below. He thought that it was another dog, which might snatch his piece of meat. So he began to bark. But alas! During barking, his piece of meat fell from his mouth in the stream below and he was disappointed. (GK wQj †jvfx KzKzi| GKw`b †m GKUzKiv gvsm K…l‡Ki ivbœvNi †_‡K Pzwi K‡iwQj|GUv gy‡L wb‡q H ¯’vb †_‡K cvwj‡q hvIqvi Rb¨ †`Šo ïiæ  Kij | †m UzKivwU LvIqvi Rb¨ GKwU wbivc` ¯’v‡bi mÜvb K‡iwQj|hLb †m GUv mv‡_ K‡i †`Šov‡Z wQj,c‡_i gv‡S Zv‡K GKwU †QvÆ SiYvi Dci GKwU mv‡Kuv AwZµg Ki‡Z n‡qwQj|hLb †m mv‡Kuv AwZµg Ki‡ZwQj cvwbi g‡a¨ †m Zvi wb‡Ri cÖwZwe¤^ †`L‡Z †cj|‡m fvej †h GUv wQj Avi GKwU KzKzi †h Zvi gvs‡mi UzKiv wQwb‡q wb‡Z cv‡i|ZvB †m ûsKvi w`‡Z jvMj|wKš‘ nvq! ûsKvi Zvi gvs‡mi UzKiv Zvi gyL †_‡K SiYvi bx‡P c‡o †Mj Ges †m nZvk n‡jv|)
05. Once in summer day, a fox was very thirsty. He looked about all day for water to drink. At last he came to a well. The well was very deep. He tried to get water. He tumbled in. There was a little water. So he was not drowned. He drank all he could. Then he tried to get out. But he could not. A goat came to the well to drink water. He saw the fox and said, “I could not get any water. Is there water to drink?”-------------
Don’t believe a cheat (cÖZviK‡K wek¦vm K‡iv bv )
Once in summer day, a fox was very thirsty. He looked about all day for water to drink. At last he came to a well. The well was very deep. He tried to get water. He tumbled in. There was a little water. So he was not drowned. He drank all he could. Then he tried to get out. But he could not. A goat came to the well to drink water. He saw the fox and said, “I could not get any water. Is there water to drink?” The cunning fox was glad to see the goat and at once made a plan. He invited the goat and said, “My friend, this well is famous for its sweet water. I have jumped in and I’m drinking water to my heart’s content. If you want a taste of it yourself, please jump into it.” Without a second thought, the foolish goat jumped into the well. The fox at once leaped on the goat’s back, then got on to his long horns and got out from the well. Before leaving the place, he looked into the well and said, Foolish goat, look before you leap. The goat at last cried to come out and wanted to get help from the fox but the fox went away. (GK`v GK †LKuwkqvj Lye Z…òvZ© n‡jv|‡m mvivw`b Gw`K †mw`K cvb Kivi Rb¨ cvwb Ly‡uR †eovj| Ae‡k‡l †m GKwU K~‡ci wbK‡U G‡jv|K~cwU wQj Lye Mfxi|‡m cvwb †c‡Z †Póv Kij|‡m wfZ‡i jvd w`j| ‡mLv‡b mvgvb¨ cvwb wQj| ‡m Rb¨ †m Wye‡jv bv| ‡m hZUzKz cvij cvb Kij| Zvici †ewi‡q Avmvi †Póv Kij|wKšÍ cvij bv| GKwU QvMj cvwb cvb Kivi Rb¨ K~cwUi wbKU G‡jv|‡m †LuKwkqvj‡K †`Lj Ges ejj,Avwg cvb Kivi Rb¨ †Kvb cvwb cvBwb| GLv‡b wK cvb Kivi g‡Zv cvwb Av‡Q? a~Z© †kqvj QvMjwU‡K †`‡L Lye Lykx n‡jv Ges Zr¶bvr GKwU eyw× Kij| †m QvMjwU‡K cvwb cvb Kivi Rb¨ Avgš¿Y Rvbvj Ges ejj Ò Avgvi e›×y GB K~‡ci cvwb wgwó cvwbi Rb¨ weL¨vZ|Avwg K~‡c jvd w`‡qwQ Ges ü`q I g‡bvZ…wß mnKv‡i cvwb cvb K‡iwQ| Zzwg hw` Gi ¯^v` †c‡Z PvI, Zvn‡j AbyMÖn K‡i Gi g‡a¨ jvd `vI | †Kv‡bv wPšÍv bv K‡iB †evKv QvMj K~‡ci g‡a¨ jvd w`j| wkqvjwU ZLb Zvi j¤^v cv w`‡q QvM‡ji Kv‡au DVj Zvici wks Gi Dci fi w`‡q  K~c †_‡K †ei n‡q †Mj|¯’vbZ¨vM Kivi c~‡e© †m K~‡ci g‡a¨ ZvKv‡jv Ges ejj Ò‡evKv QvMj, fvweqv Kwi I KvR,Kwiqv fvweI bv| QvMjwU †kl ch©šÍ †ei n‡q Avmvi †Póv Kij Ges †kqv‡ji mvnvh¨ Kvgbv Kij wKš‘ †kqvjwU ‡`Š‡o P‡j †Mj|)
06. One day a hare met a tortoise on the way. The hare laughed at the tortoise for its slow motion. But the tortoise challenged the hare in a race competition----------------.CtgB 07
Slow and steady wins the race.
One day a hare met a tortoise on the way. The hare laughed at the tortoise for its slow motion. But the tortoise challenged the hare in a race competition. But the tortoise challenged the hare in a race competition. They decided a destination. Who will first reach the destination will be the winner of the race. They started their race. The hare ran fast but the tortoise ran very slowly. The hare could run a long distance. When he saw that the tortoise was not seen, he thought to sleep for a few time. In the meantime, the tortoise reached to the destination. When the hare woke up, he ran quickly and reached the destination. But there, he saw that the tortoise reached earlier. The tortoise than told the hare: “Slow and steady wins the race”. (GKw`b GK Li‡Mvk GK K‡”Qv‡ci mv‡_ c‡_i gv‡S †`Lv nj| Li‡Mvk K‡”Qv‡ci axi MwZ‡Z Pjv wb‡q VvÆv Kij| wKš‘ K‡”Qvc †`Šo cÖwZ‡hvMxZvi gva¨‡g Li‡Mvk‡K †gvKvwejv Kivi Rb¨ ejj| Zviv MšÍe¨¯’vb wba©viY Kij|‡h MšÍe¨¯’v‡b Av‡M †h‡Z cvi‡e †mB cÖwZ‡hvMxZvq Rqjvf Ki‡e|Zviv Zv‡`i cÖwZ‡hvMxZvi hvÎv ïiy Kij| Li‡Mvk `ªyZ †`Šov‡jv wKš‘ K‡”Qvc Lye axi MwZ‡Z Pj‡Z jvMj| Li‡Mvk A‡bK `~‡i P‡j ‡h‡Z m¶g n‡jv| hLb †m †`Lj †h, K‡”Qvc‡K †`Lv hv‡”Q bv ZLb †m wKQy mg‡qi Rb¨ Nygv‡bvi Rb¨ wPšÍv Kij| ‡m Nywg‡q coj| BwZg‡a¨ K‡”Qvc Zvi MšÍe¨¯’‡j †cŠ‡Q †Mj| hLb Li‡Mvk †R‡M DVj, ZLb †m `ªyZ †`Šov‡Z ïiy Kij|wKš‘ †mLv‡b wM‡q †`Lj †h K‡”Qvc †mLv‡b Av‡MB ‡cŠ‡Q †M‡Q|K‡”Qvc Li‡Mvk‡K ejj Aa¨emv‡qi d‡j Rq jvf nq|)      
07. Robert Bruce was a famous king. His kingdom was invaded by enemies. The king fought bravely but was defeated in the battle. He had to save his life. He fled away from his kingdom and took a shelter in a remote cave……………………………………
                           Failure is the pillar of success.( cwikªgB †mŠfv‡M¨i cÖm~wZ)
Robert Bruce was a famous king. His kingdom was invaded by enemies. The king fought bravely but was defeated in the battle. He had to save his life. He fled away from his kingdom and took a shelter in a remote cave. He was thinking about his kingdom. He was only thinking and thinking. At that time, he saw that a spider was trying to climb the top of the wall. But it failed six times. At the seventh attempt the spider was successful to reach the top of the wall. Robert Bruce noticed that. He thought that it was a great lesson for him, he should not idle away his time. Rather, he should try again and again to regain his kingdom. . Inspired by a spider the king decided to attack enemies and finally he could regain his kingdom. (ievU© eªym wQj GKRb weL¨vZ ivRv| Zvi ivR¨ Zvi kÎy‡`i Øviv AvµvšÍ n‡qwQj| †m mvnwmKZvi mv‡_ hy× K‡i wKš‘ A‡bK hy‡× civwRZ nq| we‡ivax‡`i Avµgb †_‡K Zvi Rxeb‡K i¶v Ki‡Z wZwb Zvi ivR¨ †_‡K cvwj‡q wM‡q `~ieZx© ¸nvq Avk&ªq †bb| wZwb Zvi ivR¨ m¤ú‡K fvewQ‡jb| wZwb ïay fvewQ‡jb Avi fvewQ‡jb| GK mgq, nVvr wZwb GKwU gvKomv‡K ¸nvq †fZ‡ii Qv‡` IVvi Rb¨ †Póv Ki‡Z †`L‡jb| wKš‘ GwU Qqevi e¨_© nq| mßg evi GwU mdj nq| wZwb fve‡jb GwU Zvi Rb¨ GK eo wkÿv|Zvi DwPZ mgq bó bv Kiv|Zvi eis DwPZ ivR¨ wd‡I cvIqvi Rb¨ evi evi †Póv Kiv|gvKomv Øviv AbycÖvwbZ n‡q wZwb kÎæ‡`I AvµgY K‡ib Ges cwik‡l ivR¨ wd‡i cvb|Ó)

08. A wolf found a lamb drinking water---planned to kill the wolf—began to make a quarrel—the lamb was accused to be responsible for making water dirty”---jumped upon the lamb on lame excuse.
                                          The wolf and the lamb (‡bK‡o evN Ges †glkveK)
One day a wolf came to stream for driking and found a beautiful lamb drinking from the same stream.The wolf thought of killing the lamb and eating the lamb and eating its flesh. So he began to pick a quarrel with the lamb.He shouted, “You rougue, how dare you make the water dirty for me?” The lamb began to tremble in fear.He said, “Excuse me Sir, how can I make the water dirty for you? You are drinking upstream and I am drinking dowm stream.” The wolf could say nothing to that but shouted, “Oh, I remember, you called me bad names last year about this time.” “How can that be, Sir?”said the lamb mildly.“I was not even born then”.But the wolf paid no heed to his reply.He growled angrily. “Then it must have been your father. And it makes no difference whether it was you or your father.”So saying, he jumped upon the poor lamb and ate him up.(GKw`b GK †bK‡o evN cvwb cvb Kivi Rb¨ GK b`x‡Z G‡mwQj Ges GKB b`x‡Z GKwU my›`i †glkveK‡K cvwb cvb Ki‡Z †`‡LwQj|‡bK‡o †glkveK‡K nZ¨v Kivi Ges Gi gvsm Lvev‡ii wPšÍv K‡iwQj|ZvB †m †glkve‡Ki mv‡_ SMov evav‡Z ïiy K‡iwQj|‡m wPrKvi K‡i DVj, ÔGB Gmf¨ †Zvgvi mvnm KZ Zzwg Avgvi cvwb †bvsiv Ki?Ó †glkveK f‡q Kvuc‡Z ïiy K‡iwQj|‡m ejj, Ô Avgv‡K ¶gv Kiyb m¨vi,wKfv‡e Avwg Avcbvi cvwb †bvsiv Ki‡Z cvwi?Ó Avcwb cvb Ki‡Qb b`xi DRv‡bi cvwb Avi Avwg fvwUi cvwb cvb KiwQ|‡bK‡o G‡Z wKQyB ej‡Z cvij bv|wKš‘ wPrKvi K‡i DVj ,ÒAvn Avgvi g‡b c‡o‡Q,MZ eQi cÖvq GB mgq Zzwg Avgv‡K Mvwj w`‡qwQj| ‡glkveK webxZ fv‡e ejj,ÒwKfv‡e †mUv n‡Z cv‡i m¨vi? Avwg ‡Zv ZLb Rb¥MÖnY Kwiwb|ÓwKš‘ †bK‡o evN Zvi cÖZz‡Ëii cªwZ mvov w`j bv|‡m iv‡M MR©b Kij|ÒZvn‡j GUv Aek¨B †Zvgvi evev n‡e| Avi Zzwg wQ‡j bv, †Zvgvi evev wQj bv, G‡Z wKQyB Av‡m hvq bv|Ó GB e‡j †m Amnvq †glkve‡Ki Ici Svwc‡q coj Ges Zv‡K †L‡q †djj|)
09. A fox was very hungry. It was walking here and there in search of food. On the way he saw some grapes-------------.
                                         Grapes are sour(GKwU wkqvj Ges Av½yi dj)
A fox was very hungry. It was walking here and there in search of food. On the way in a vine yard, he saw some grapes were hanging high up of the tree. The fox wanted to eat them. So, he jumped again and again to get the grapes. But he could not reach the grapes. He tried heart and soul but the grapes were beyond his reach. At last he gave up the hope of eating the grapes. He left the place saying –“Grapes are sour”.( GK ‡LKwkqvj Lye ¶zavZ© wQj|‡m wQj AZ¨šÍ ¶zavZ© ‡m GLv‡b †mLv‡b Lvev‡ii mÜvb K‡iwQj| c‡_i g‡a¨ †m GKwU Av½yi †¶‡Î †m wKQy  Av½yi Dc‡i Sz‡j wQj|wkqvjwU †m¸‡jv †L‡Z PvBj|ZvB †m Av½yj¸wj cvIqvi Rb¨ jvdv‡Z jvMj|wKš‘ †m Av½yj¸wj ¯úk© Ki‡Z cvij bv|‡m g‡b cÖv‡Y †Póv Kij wKš‘  Av½yj¸wj ¯ú‡k©i evB‡i wQj|‡klch©šÍ Av½yj¸wj LvIqvi Avkv Z¨vM Kij| Ò Av½yj¸wj   UKÓ GB K_v e‡j †m P‡j †Mj|)
10. One day a lion was sleeping in its cave. A mouse was playing nearby. Suddenly the mouse got up on the body of the lion. This disturbed the lion. It woke up. The lion caught hold the mouse and was about---------------.CtgB 08

                                       A lion and a mouse (GKwU weovj Ges GKwU wmsn)
One day a lion was sleeping in a cave. A mouse was playing nearby. Suddenly the mouse got up on the body of the lion. This disturbed the lion. It woke up. The lion caught hold the mouse and was about to kill it. The mouse was trembling in fear. The mouse begged pardon and said that if there was any chance to help the lion it would help. The lion laughed hearing that. But the lion felt pity on it. He set free the mouse. Few days later the lion was caught in a net of a lion-hunter. It tried it best to be free but failed and roared. Hearing the sound of the lion, the mouse rushed to the spot. The mouse cut the net and set the lion free. Thus the mouse helped the lion and both of them escaped from the spot. (GKw`b GK wmsn GKwU ¸nvi g‡a¨ Nygvw”Qj|wbK‡U GKwU Bu`yi †Ljv KiwQj| nVvr GUv wms‡ni kix‡ii Dci Dci D‡V coj| Bnv wmsn‡K wei³ Kij|wmsn †R‡M DVj|‡m Bu`yi‡K aij Ges ‡g‡i †djvi Dcµg Kij|B`uyiwU f‡q Kvcu‡Z jvMj| B`uyiwU ¶gv PvBj Ges ejj hw` Zv‡K mvnvh¨ Kivi my‡hvM _v‡K Zvn‡j mvnvh¨ Ki‡e|wmsnwU GB K_v ï‡b nvmj|wKš‘ wmsnwU Zvi Dci `qv †`Lvj|‡m B`yuiwU‡K gy³ K‡i w`j|K‡qKw`b c‡i wmsnwU GK wkKvixi Rv‡j AvUKv coj|‡m ‡ei nIqvi Rb¨ AvcÖvY †Póv Kij wKšÍ e¨_© n‡jv Ges †Mvsov‡Z jvMj|wms‡ni kã ky‡b B`yuiwU NUbv¯’‡j Dcw¯’Z n‡jv|B`yuiwU Rvj †K‡U wmsn‡K gy³ Kij||Gfv‡e B`yuiwU wmsn‡K mvnvh¨ Kij Ges Df‡hB H ¯’vb †_‡K i¶v †cj|)
11. Once upon a time, two friends were walking through a forest. They entered into a dense forest. Suddenly they saw a bear at a distance. The two friends-----BD 11,RJ 08,SB 11,BB 10,DjB 11
                      A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Amg‡qi eÜzB cÖK…Z eÜz)
Once upon a time, two friends were walking through a forest. They entered into a dense forest. Suddenly they saw a bear at a distance. The two friends became very afraid. One friend climbed up a tree. Other friend did not know how to climb a tree. He lay on ground and stopped his breathing. The bear put its head and smelt from his body. When the bear went away, another friend got down from the tree. He asked his friend what the bear sanw in his ears. In reply, the friend said that the bear told him not to believe a friend who left a friend in danger. The second friend realized his wrong, and ashamed and finally begged pardon.(GK`v GK mgq `yBRb eÜz GK e‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡q nvUu‡ZwQj|nVvr Zviv GKUy `~‡i GKwU fvj­~K †`L‡Z †cj|`yB eÜz Lye fq †cj|Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb Mv‡Q DVj|Ab¨ GKRb eÜz Mv‡Q DV‡Z cvij bv|‡m gvwU‡Z ï‡q coj Ges wbk¦vm eÜ Kij|fvj­~K Zvi gv_v Ges Zvi kixi †_‡K MÜ wbj|hLb fvj­yKwU P‡j †Mj Av‡iKRb eÜz MvQ †_‡K †b‡g Gj|‡m Zvi eÜz‡K wRÁvmv Kij fvj­~K Zvi Kv‡b Kv‡b wK ejj|cÖwZDˇi Zvi eÜz ejj †h fvj­yK ejj †h eÜz wec‡` †d‡j hvq †mB eÜz‡K wek¦vm bv Ki‡Z|wØZxq eÜ~ Zvi fzj eyS‡Z cvij Ges jw¾Z n‡jv,cwi‡k‡l ¶gv cÖv_©bv Kij|)
12. One day two cats stole a piece of bread. They failed to divide it in equal two parts, as both of them wanted the larger part. They fought for that. At last they agreed to put up their problem to the monkey. All the animals of the forest knew him as the wiser animal. They went to the monkey and asked him divide the bread into two equal parts-----------.CB 10, 08 
                                      The cunning Monkey ( GKwU PvjvK evbi)
One day two cats stole a piece of bread. They failed to divide it in equal two parts, as both of them wanted the larger part. They fought for that. At last they agreed to put up their problem to the monkey. All the animals of the forest knew him as the wiser animal. They went to the monkey and asked him divide the bread into two equal parts.The monkey behaved very gently with them. He said that it would be costly for them. It was better for them to agree themselves. But the cat said that they had failed to do that.Then the monkey brought a pair of scales and torn out the bread into two pieces. He put the pieces on the scales.The monkey told that one piece was heavier than the other. He took the heavier piece and bit a small piece from it. Then the other piece became heavier. Then the monkey bit a portion from that piece and put it. Each time he put the unequal portions on the scale and bit a part of it to make them equal. Thus he ate the entire bread. The two cats were be fooled by the monkey and went away.( GKw`b `ywU weovj  GK UzKiv iywU  Pzwi Kij|Zviv mgvb `yBfv‡M fvM Ki‡Z e¨_© nj KviY cÖ‡Z¨‡KB †ekx Ask †c‡Z PvBj|Zviv G wb‡q SMov Kij|‡klch©šÍ Zviv wmØvšÍ wbj evb‡ii Kv‡Q wM‡q mgm¨v wgUgvU Ki‡Z|e‡bi me cÖvbxB evbi‡K me‡P‡q Ávbx g‡b KiZ|Zviv evb‡ii Kv‡Q †Mj Ges evbi‡K iywUwU mgvb `yBfv‡M fvM K‡i w`‡Z ejj|evbiwU Zv‡`i mv‡_ bgªe¨envi Kij|‡m ejj †h Zv‡`i Rb¨ GUv e¨qeûj  n‡e|GUv  Zv‡`i Rb¨ fvj nZ hw` Zviv wb‡Riv ivRx nZ|wKš‘ weovjwU ejj †h Zviv GUv Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡qwQj|Zvici evbiwU GK‡Rvov `vwocvjøv wb‡q Gj Ges iywUwU `yB UzKiv Kij|‡m UzKiv¸‡jv cvjø­vi Dci ivLj|evbiwU ejj †h GK UzKiv Ab¨ UzKiv †_‡K fvix|‡m fvix UzKivwU wbj Ges Zv †_‡K GKUz UzKiv Kvgo w`‡q wbj|Zvici Ab¨UzKiv fvix nj|Zvici evbiwU H UzKiv †_‡K GKUz Kvgo w`‡q wbj Ges ivLj|cÖwZwU mgq †m Amgvb fvM cvj­vq iv‡L |Ges Zv †_‡K Kvgo w`‡q GK UzKiv wb‡q mgvb Kivi †Póv K‡i|Gfv‡e †m mg¯Í iywU †L‡q †d‡j|weovj `ywU evb‡ii Øviv cÖZvwiZ n‡q P‡j hvq|)
13. Once there was a king called Midas. He was very rich. Rich people are not ever satisfied----------.

                                                        The Golden Touch (¯^‡Y©i †Qvqv)
Once there was a king called Midas. He was very rich. Rich people are not ever satisfied. They want more and more. They more they have, they more they want. The king was not satisfied. For this, he prayed to God to get more gold. The God granted his prayer.  In that moment his little daughter came to him. The king touched her and she became a solid gold and could not move. The king was very sad to see that. He understood the fact. Then he prayed to God again to return his blessing. The God returned back it. So we came to know that excess of anything very bad. (GK`v wgWvm bv‡g GK  ivRv wQ‡jb|wZwb wQ‡jb Lye abx|abx †jv‡Kiv KL‡bv mš‘ó bv|Zviv hZ cvq ZZ Pvq|Zv‡`i hZ Av‡Q ZZ Zv‡`i PvIqv _v‡K|ivRv mš‘ó wQj bv|GRb¨ †m †`eZvi Kv‡Q  ¯^‡Y©i Rb¨ cÖv_©bv KiZ|‡`eZv Zvi cÖv_©bv Keyj Ki‡jb|GB gyû‡©Z Zvi †QvÆ Kb¨v Zvi Kv‡Q Gj|ivRv Zv‡K ¯úk© Ki‡jb Ges †m GK UzKiv ¯^Y© n‡q †Mj Ges bovPov Ki‡Z cvij bv |ivRv GUv †`‡L Lye `ytL †c‡jb|‡m e¨vcviwU eyS‡Z cvij|Zvci †m Avevi †`eZvi Kv‡Q cÖv_©bv Kij Zvi Avkx©ev` wdwi‡q wb‡Z|‡`eZv Zv wdwi‡q wb†jb| ZvB Avgiv Rvb‡Z cvijvg †h AwZwi³ †h‡Kvb wKQy Lvivc| )
14. Once an ant was very thirsty. He went to a pond to drink water. When he began to drink water, a wave swept him away. He was about to drown. There was a tree on--------.
                                                An ant and a dove (GKwU wccov Ges NyNy cvwL)
Once an ant was very thirsty. He went to a pond to drink water. When he began to drink water, a wave swept him away. He was about to drown. There was a tree on the bank of the pond. A dove was sitting on a branch of the tree. He noticed the ant was about to drown. The dove felt pity for the ant. He wanted to save the ant. So he dropped a leaf of the ant. The ant got on the leaf and saved his life. Another day the ant was seeking food under that tree. Then he noticed that a hunter had aimed at the dove. The dove did not know it. The ant thought, “I must save the life of the dove.” So he bit on the right leg of the hunter. At this the hunter’s hands trembled and the bullet missed its aim. Then the dove flew away and saved his life.(GK`v GK wccouv Lye Z…òv †cj| †m cyKz‡i cvwb cvb Ki‡Z †Mj|hLb cvwb cvb Kiv ïiy Kij|GKwU †XD G‡m Zv‡K fvwm‡q wb‡q †Mj|‡m cÖvqB Wy‡e hvIqvi Dcµg nj|cyKz‡ii cv‡o GKwU MvQ wQj| MvQwUi Wv‡j GKwU NyNy cvwL e‡mwQj|‡m GKwU wccov‡K Wy‡e hvIqvi gZ Ae¯’vq †`Lj|wccuovi cÖwZ NyNyi `qv nj|‡m wccuovwU‡K i¶v Ki‡Z PvBj|ZvB †m MvQ †_‡K GKwU cvZv wccuovi wbK‡U †d‡j w`j|wccuovwU cvZvi Dci DVj Ges wb‡Ri Rxeb i¶v Kij|GKw`b wccuovwU H Mv‡Qi bx‡P Lv‡`¨i mÜvb KiwQj|ZLb †m j¶¨ Kij †h GKRb wkKvix NyNywUi w`‡K e›`yK K‡i‡Q| NyNywU Zv RvbZ bv| wcucovwU Zv‡K evPv‡bvi wPšÍv Kij|ZvB †m wkKvixi Wvb cv‡q Kvgo w`j|d‡j wkKvixi nvZ †K‡cu DVj Ges ¸wj j¶¨åó nj|ZLb NyNy cvwLwU D‡o †Mj Ges Rxeb i¶v Kij|)
15. Once there lived an old farmer.He had two sons.They were in the habit of leading a very idle life.They would never do any work.The farmer did not know how to make them work.He thought and thought and on his death bed he hit upon a plan.He called his two sons to his bed side, “My sons.go to wonder---------------.
                                                    Hidden treasure (¸ß ab)
Once there lived an old farmer.He had two sons.They were in the habit of leading a very idle life.They would never do any work.The farmer did not know how to make them work.He thought and thought and on his death bed he hit upon a plan.He called his two sons to his bed side, “My sons, go to wonder field,I have laid a hidden treasure there.Dig the field and you find it.”The boys ran to the field at once.They worked very hard and dug up all the field.But they found no treasure there.They said to themselves. “Why should we leave the field all dug up? We may plant some corn here.” So,they planted the field with corn.In due course golden corn came out and the sons became very happy.They then understood the meaing of the hidden treasure of their father.From that time they began to work hard.Gradullly they became rich in the village.(GK`v GK e„× K…lK evm KiZ| Zvi wQj `yB †Q‡j| Zviv AZ¨šÍ Ajm Rxe‡b Af¨¯Í wQj| Zviv KLbI †Kvb KvR KiZ bv| K…lK RvbZ bv wKfv‡e Zv‡`i‡K w`‡q KvR Kiv‡Z nq|‡m fveZ Avi fveZ Ges g„Zzkh¨vq  †m GKwU eyw× AvUj|‡m Zvi kh¨vi cv‡k¦© `yB †Q‡j‡K †W‡K cvVvj Ges ejj, Ò‡Q‡jiv,Rwg †_‡K Ny‡i Avm,Avwg †mLv‡b ¸ßab †i‡LwQ| Rwg Lbb Ki‡jB †Zvgiv Zv cv‡e|‡Q‡jiv Zr¶bvr †`Š‡o gv‡V †Mj|Zviv K‡Vvi cwikªg Kij Ges mg¯Í Rwg Lbb Kij|wKšÍ †mLv‡b Zviv †Kvb m¤ú` †cj bv| Zviv wb‡R wb‡R ejj, Ò‡Kb Avgiv Lbb Kiv Rwg †d‡j hve? Avgiv GLv‡b wKQy km¨ †ivcb Ki‡Z cvwi|ÓZvB Zviv Rwg‡Z km¨ †ivcb Kij|h_vmg‡q †mvbvjx dmj Avmj Ges ‡Q‡jiv Lye Lykx nj|Zviv ZLb Zv‡`i evevi ¸ß a‡bi A_© eyS‡Z cvij|H mgq †_‡K Zviv K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z ïiy Kij|ax‡i ax‡i Zviv MÖv‡g abx n‡q †Mj|)

16. Jamal is an S.S.C examinee.He is not attentive to his lessons especially English because he is weak in English,Moreover,he is lazy.So, his preparation in English is not good.A month ago before his examination he managed--------------------------.
                           Perseverance is the key to success (Aa¨vemvq mdjZvi PvweKvwV)
Jamal is an S.S.C examinee.He is not attentive to his lessons especially English because he is weak in English,Moreover,he is lazy.So, his preparation in English is not good.A month ago before his examination he managed to do a short course on learning English in a renowned coaching centre.He tried his best to get maximum help from the coaching but did not get the expected help.Now he tries to avoid his bad friends.He had taken a new plan to do well in the exam.He has already given up the habit of wasting time.Actually he has already gathered much knowledge about his subjects.But still,he is to face some problems in English.His plan to learn English is really effective.He has brought a number of books written on English by some famous writers.He is practising the basic grammartical rules and vocabulary.Everyday he reads at least ten pages of his English book.Whenever he finds out any new word,he writes the word and its meaning with some synonyms in his notebook.He is also solving the questions of the previous years.Now his school is very hopeful about his result.His fellow students also belive that he is sure to cut a good figure in the examination.(Rvgvj GKRb Gm.Gm.wm cix¶v_x©|‡m Zvi covi cÖwZ g‡bv‡hvMx bq we‡kl K‡i Bs‡iwRi cªwZ|KviY †m Bs‡iwR‡Z LyeB `~e©j|ZvQvov †m Ajm|ZvB Bs‡iwR‡Z Zvi cÖ¯‘wZ fvj bq|cix¶vi GK gvm Av‡M †m GKwU weL¨vZ †KvwPs †m›Uv‡i Bs‡iwR †kLvi Dci GKwU msw¶ß †Kvm© K‡iwQj|‡m †KvwPs ‡_‡K m‡ev”P© mn‡hvMxZv †c‡Z AvcÖY †Póv K‡iwQj|wKš‘ cÖZ¨vwkZ mn‡hvMxZv †m cvqwb|GLb †m Zvi Lvivc eÜz‡`i Gwo‡q Pjvi †Póv K‡i|‡m cix¶vq fvj Kivi Rb¨ GLb bZzb cwiKíbv wb‡q‡Q|BwZg‡a¨ †m mgq bó Kivi e` Af¨vm †Q‡o w`‡q‡Q|cªK„Zc‡¶ BwZg‡a¨ †m Zvi welq ¸‡jvi e¨vcv‡i e¨vcK Ávb AR©b K‡i‡Q|wKš‘ GLbI Zv‡K Bs‡iwR‡Z wKQy mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb n‡Z nq|Zvi Bs‡iwR †kLvi cwiKíbv mZ¨B djcÖm~ n‡q‡Q| †m Bs‡iwRi Dci †jLv wKQy weL¨vZ †jv‡Ki A‡bK eB wK‡b‡Q| †m MÖvgv‡ii †gŠwjK wbqgKvbyb I kã PP©v Ki‡Q| cÖwZw`b †m Kgc‡¶ Zvi Bs‡iwR eB‡qi 10 c„ôv c‡o hLbB †m †Kvb bZzb kã cvB ZLb †m Zvi †bvU eB‡Z wKQy mgv_©K kã mnKv‡i kãwU I A_© †j‡L|‡m c~ieZx© eQ‡ii cÖkœ¸‡jv I mgvavb Ki‡Q|GLb Zvi ¯‹zj Zvi djvd‡ji e¨vcv‡i LyeB Avkvev`x|Zvi mncvVx eÜziv I wek¦vm K‡i †m cix¶vq fvj djvdj Ki‡e|)
17. Sheikh Saadi was a faomous poet of Iran.Once he was going to the court the night fell.So, he compelled to take shelter in a rich man’s house.At that time…………….                         
                        Sheikh Saadi and prestige of dress (‡kLkv`x I †cvlv‡Ki gh©v`v)
Sheikh Saadi was a faomous poet of Iran.Once he was going to the court. The night fell on the way.So, he compelled to take shelter in a rich man’s house.At that time Saadi had very simple dress and the rich man could not recognize him.The people of that house did not behave well with him.However,Sheikh Saadi left that rich man’s house the next day.After a few days,he went to that rich man’s house again with a rich dress.At that time, he was duly respected and honored by that rich man.They gave him delicious food to eat.But the poet did not eat the food.Rather he began to put the food in his pocket. Being astonished,the rich man asked him about his mysterious behaviour.The poet answered that the given food was for his dress as he failed to get same manners when he was very simple dressed.The rich man understood his wrong and became very sad for that.He begged forgiveness of the poet.(‡kLmv`x wQ‡jb  Biv‡bi GKRb weL¨vZ Kwe|GK`v wZwb Biv‡bi ivR`iev‡i hvw”Q‡jb|Zvi ivR `iev‡i hvIqvi c‡_ ivZ n‡qwQj|ZvB wZwb GK abx e¨w³i evox‡Z Avkªq wb‡Z eva¨ n‡jb| †m mgq mv`xi ci‡Y wQj Lye mvaviY †cvkvK Ges abx e¨w³ Zv‡K wPb‡Z cv‡iwb|H evoxi †jvKRb Zvi mv‡_ fvj e¨envi K‡iwb|hvB ‡nvK  †kLmv`x cieZx© w`b abx e¨w³i evox Z¨vM Kij|K‡qKw`b ci `vgx †cvkvK mnKv‡i wZwb H abx e¨w³i evox †M‡jb|‡m mgq H abx e¨w³ KZ©„K h_vh_ m¤§vb Kiv n‡qwQj|Zviv Zv‡K my¯^vay Lvevi †L‡Z w`‡qwQ‡jb| wKš‘ Kwe †m Lvevi Lvbwb|eis wZwb Lv`¨ Zvi c‡K‡U ivL‡Z ïiy Ki‡jb| AevK n‡q abx †jvKwU Zvi GB inm¨gq AvPi‡Yi e¨vcv‡i Rvb‡Z PvB‡jb|Kwe DËi w`‡jb †h G cÖ`Ë Lvevi Zvi †cvkv‡Ki Rb¨ †h‡nZz wZwb mgvb e¨envi †c‡Z e¨_© n‡qwQ‡jb hLb wZwb mvaviY †cvkv‡K wQ‡jb| abx †jvKwU Zvi fzj eyS‡Z cvij|Ges GRb¨ LyeB `ytwLZ nj|wZwb Kwei Kv‡Q ¶gv wf¶v PvB‡jb|)

18. There lived a farmer in a village.He had a wonderful goose.The goose laid an egg of gold everyday----------------------.CtgB 11,SB 10,BB 08
                                        Grasp all, lose all (AwZ †jv‡f ZvuZx bó)
There lived a farmer in a village.He had a wonderful goose.The goose laid an egg of gold everyday.The farmer was very greedy.He thought that the stomach of the goose was full of eggs.If he could get all the eggs at a time,he would be a rich man quickly.In order to satisfy his greed,he cut the belly of the goose but found no egg there.He became extremely disappointed and lost the valuable goose forever.Instead of becoming rich he became poor.Through this incident the farmer understood that over greediness brought misfortune for him. (GKMÖv‡g GK K…lK evm KiZ|Zvi GK we¯§qKi ivRnsmx wQj|cÖwZw`b ivRnsmx GKwU K‡i ¯^‡Y©i wWg cvoZ|K„lK wQj Lye †jvfx|‡m †f‡ewQj †h ivRnsmxi †cUfwZ© ¯^‡Y©i wWg Av‡Q|‡m hw` GKm‡½ mewWg¸wj GKev‡i cvB Zvn‡j †m AwZ ZvovZvwo abx n‡q hv‡e| †jv‡fi ekeZx© n‡q †m ivRnsmxi †cU KvUj wKš‘ †mLv‡b †Kvb wWg †`L‡Z †cj bv|‡m Lye nZvk nj Ges Zvi g~j¨evb ivRnsmx wPiw`‡bi Rb¨ nvwi‡q †djj|abxi cwie‡Z© †m Mixe n‡jv|GB NUbvi ci †m eyS‡Z cvij AwZ †jvf Zvi `y©‡fv‡M¨i Kvib n‡qwQj)
19. Mr Ahmed has just completed his graduation.He has not got any job yet.Some of his friends serve in Dhaka.So, he came to Dhaka with a hope that his friend……………
                                      First deserve then desire.(Avkv Ki †hvM¨Zvi mv‡_)
Mr Ahmed has just completed his graduation.He has not got any job yet.Some of his friends serve in Dhaka.So,he came to Dhaka with a hope that his friend would help him in getting a job but his hope remained unfulfilled.In Dhaka he found people and people.He also found out that most of the graduates were searching for jobs like him.Mr Ahmed completed Honors in sociology.So,there was a huge chance for him to get a job.But the problem was that he did not know English so much as a suitable job demanded.Some of his friends were moderately skilled in English and so they became successful at last.Mr Ahmed now understood that he had to continue to stumble at every step because of not having enough knowledge of English.Finally he bought a number of books to learn English. He studied for a month regularly. Then he applied for a job in a non government organization.As his knowledge of English was fair, he was selected for the job.Within a week he got his appointed card.His position was in an urban area and so he felt comfortable with the job. Now Mr Ahmed advises “First derserve then desire”,if anybody especially if any job seeker comes to him for suggestions. (Avn‡g` mv‡ne m‡egvÎ †m Zvi mœvZK wWMªx cÖvßx †kl K‡i‡Q|wZwb GLb I †Kvb PvKzix cvbwb|Ibvi wKQy eÜz XvKvq PvKzix K‡ib|ZvB wZwb GB Avkvq XvKvq G‡mwQ‡jb ‡h Ibvi eÜziv Ibv‡K PvKyix †c‡Z mn‡hvMxZv Ki‡eb|wKš‘ Ibvi Avkv Ac~Y© i‡q †Mj|XvKvq Dwb ïay gvbyl †`L‡jb wZwb AviI †`L‡jb AwaKvsk mœvZK wWMÖxavixiv Ibvi g‡Zv PvKix LyR‡Qb|Avn‡g` mv‡ne mgvR weÁv‡b Ab©vm K‡i‡Qb|ZvB Zvi Rb¨ GKwU PvKzix Ly‡Ru cvIqvi wekvj my‡hvM wQj| wKš‘ mgm¨v wQj †h wZwb AZ‡ekx Bs‡iwR Rv‡bb bv hv GKwU Dchy³ PvKzixi Rb¨ `iKvi|Ibvi wKQy eÜz Bs‡iwR‡Z †ek `¶ Avi ZvB Zviv Ae‡k‡l mdjKvg n‡q‡Q|Avn‡g` mv‡ne GLb eyS‡Z cvi‡jb †h Bs‡iwR‡Z h‡_ó Ávb bv _vKvi Kvi‡Y Ibv‡K cÖwZwU c`‡¶‡c †nvPU †L‡Z n‡e|Ae‡k‡l Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z wZwb A‡bK eB wKb‡jb|wZwb cÖvq GKgvm AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_ I wbqwgZfv‡e mv‡_ Aa¨vqb Ki‡jb| Zvici wZwb GKwU †emiKvix ms¯’vq  PvKixi Rb¨ Av‡e`b Ki‡jb| †h‡nZz Zvi Bs‡iwR Ávb fvj wQj|ZvB Ibv‡K PvKzixwUi Rb¨ wbev©wPZ Kiv n‡jv|G mvßv‡ni g‡a¨ wZwb wb‡qvMcÎ †c‡jb|Ibvi †cvwós n‡qwQj GK kn‡i GjvKvq Avi ZvB wZwb Zvi PvKzix wb‡q Avivg Abyfe Ki‡jb|hw` I †KB we‡kl K‡i †Kvb PvKzix A‡š¦l‡Y Avn‡g` mv‡n‡ei Kv‡Q civg‡k©i Rb¨ Av‡m ZLb Dc‡`k †`b cÖ_‡g ‡hvM¨ nI Zvici Avkv Ki|) 
20. There lived a poor but worthy farmer in a village.With the small income of his few acres of land he used to------------------------.
                                               Reward of honesty (mZZvi cyi®‹vi)
There lived a poor but worthy farmer in a village.With the small income of his few acres of land he used to support himself,his wife and seven children.One day while walking through the fields,he was thinking of his condition.His children were growing up.As they needed more and more things the family expenses was increasing.He was thinking how could earn some more money.Suddenly, he came across a purse on the way.He thought someone might have lost it.However,he took up it and opened.He saw that there was a good sum of money in the purse.He went home hurriedly and gave the purse to his wife.His wife was greedy.She told him to take the money and spend for their family.But the farmer was disagreed with her.He told his wife that the money did not belong to them and he must find out the owner of the purse.After a few days he found the owner of the purse and gave him his purse.The owner of the purse was very rich and seeing the honesty of the poor farmer he became very happy.The rich man made the farmer his caretaker.The farmer took the job and became very happy soon.(‡Kvb GK MÖv‡g GK `wi`ª wKš‘ ¸bevb K…lK evm KiZ|Zvi K‡qK GKi Rwgi mvgvb¨ Avq w`‡q wZwb wb‡Ri ,Zvi ¯¿x I mvZ mšÍv‡bi fiY †cvlY Ki‡Zb|GKw`b gv‡Vi g‡a¨ w`‡q nvUvi mgq wZwb Zvi wb‡Ri Ae¯’vi K_v fvewQ‡jb|Zvi mšÍv‡biv eo nw”Qj|‡h‡nZz Zv‡`i †ewk †ewk  wRwb‡mi cÖ‡qvRb †m‡nZz cwiev‡ii LiP e„w× cvw”Qj|wZwb wPšÍv KiwQ‡jb wKfv‡e Av‡iv †ewk wKQy UvKv DcvR©b Ki‡Z cv‡ib|nVvr wZwb c‡_i Dci GKwU UvKvi e¨vM †`L‡jb|wZwb wPšÍv Ki‡jb m¤¢eZ †KD GwU nvwi‡q †d‡j‡Q|hvB ‡nvK wZwb GwU wb‡jb Ges Lyj‡jb|wZwb †`L‡jb †h e¨v‡Mi g‡a¨ A‡bK UvKv|wZwb `ªyZ evwo †M‡jb Ges e¨vMwU Zvi ¯Îxi Kv‡Q w`‡jb|Zvi ¯Îx wQj †jvfx|‡m Zv‡K UvKv wb‡Z ejj Ges Zvi cwiev‡ii Rb¨ e¨q Ki‡Z ejj|wKš‘ K…lK Zvi K_vq ivRx n‡jb bv|wZwb Zvi ¯¿x‡K ej‡jb †h UvKvUv Zv‡`I AwaKvify³ bq Ges wZwb Aek¨B UvKvi gvwjK‡K Ly‡Ru †ei Ki‡eb|K‡qKw`b c‡i wZwb UvKvi gvwjK‡K Ly‡Ru †c‡jb Ges UvKvi e¨vMUv Zv‡K w`‡jb|e¨v‡Mi gvwjK Lye abx wQ‡jb Ges Mixe K„l‡Ki mZZv †`‡L wZwb Lykx n‡jb|abx †jvKwU K…lK‡K Zvi ZË¡veavqK evbv‡jb|K…lK KvRwU wbj Ges kªxNÖB AZ¨šÍ myLx nj|
21. Once, some mice were having a good time in a barn.They always destroyed the crops from the barn.Being fed up with-------------------.
                                           Mice and cat (A‡bK B`uyi Ges GKwU weovj)
Once,some mice were having a good time in a barn.They always destroyed the crops from the barn.Being fed up with the loss of cerals,the owner of the barn brought a cat.As a result,the mice could not come out of their holes.They were passing their life through a phobia.One day all the mice sat together in a conference to find a solution.Different mice gave different suggestions,but none was found acceptable.Being unable to take any decision,they became very frustrated.At last a young mosue stood up and sought permission to raise a proposal.All the mice looked eagerly at him and asked him to raise his proposal.Then the young mice said, “If we tie a bell around the cat’s neck,we will be in a position to understand when the cat is coming to the barn and then we will hide into our holes.Before its coming,we will be able to eat as much of the crops as we need.” Getting the proposal everyone was quite happy but an old mouse stood up and said, “Who will bell the cat?” Hearing this all the mice began to look at one another and felt disappointed.So, the mice eventually migrated to a neigbouring house to save themselves from the deadly attack of the cat. (GK`v, GK †MvjvN‡i wKQy Bu`yi †ek fvj mgq KvUvw”Qj|Zviv me©`v †MvjvNi †_‡K dmj bó KiZ|k‡m¨i ¶wZ‡Z wei³ n‡q †MvjvN‡ii gvwjK GKwU weovj Avbj|d‡j Bu`yi ¸‡jv Zv‡`i MZ© †_‡K †ewi‡q Avm‡Z cviZ bv|Zviv AvZs‡Ki g‡a¨ Rxeb KvUvw”Qj|GKw`b GKw`b mgvavb †LvRuvi Rb¨ me Bu`yi GKwU m‡¤§j‡b emj|wewfbœ Bu`yi wewfbœ civgk© w`j,wKšÍ †KvbUvB MÖnY‡hvM¨ nj bv|‡Kvb wm×všÍ  wb‡Z e¨_© nIqvq,Zviv LyeB nZvk nj|me‡k‡l GKwU Kgeqmx B`uyi D‡V `vuovj Ges GKwU cÖ¯Íve †Zvjvi Rb¨ AbygwZ PvBj|me Bu`yiB AvMÖ‡ni mv‡_ Zvi w`‡K ZvKv‡jv Ges Zvi cÖ¯ÍvewU Zv‡K Zz‡j ai‡Z ejj|Zvici Kgeqmx B`uyiwU ejj ÒAvgiv weovjwUi Mjvq hw` GKUv N›Uv evwau Zvn‡j weovjwU km¨vMv‡i KLb Avm‡e Avgiv Rvb‡Z cvie Ges Avgiv M‡Z© jyKv‡ev|GwUi Avmvi Av‡M Avgv‡`i hZUv cÖ‡qvRb ZZUv km¨ Avgiv †L‡q wb‡Z cvie|ÓcÖ¯ÍvewU †c‡q mevB Lykx nj wKšÍ GKwU e„× B`uyi `vovuj Ges ejj Òweov‡ji Mjvq N›Uv eva‡e †K?ÓGUv ï‡b me B`uyi G‡K Ac‡ii w`‡K ZvKv‡Z ïiy Kij Ges nZvk Abyfe Kij|myZivs †kl ch©šÍ B`yui¸‡jv weov‡ji gibNvwZ Avµgb †_‡K wb‡R‡`i‡K evPvu‡bvi Rb¨ GKwU cvk¦©eZx© MÖ‡n ¯’vbvšÍwiZ nj|)

22. Bayazid was a small boy.His mother was ill.One day he was studying by the side of his alling mother.All on a sudden his mother---------------------.SB 09,BB 11
                                Bayazid’s devotion to his mother (gvZ…f³ ev‡qRx`)
Bayazid was a small boy.His mother was ill.One day he was studying by the side of his alling mother.All on a sudden his mother woke up and raised her head and told her son to give a glass of water.Hearing that, Bayazid went to fetch a glass of water but unfortunately he found no water in the pitcher.He went to a distant fountain to bring water.He filled the pitcher with water and began to walk fast towards his house.At about 2.a.m. he reached at home.But he saw that his mother was in deep sleep.He refrained from disturbing his mother and stood still beside his mother’s bed with a glass of water.His mother awoke at 5 a.m.She became astonished to see her son lovingly and earnestly and prayed to Allah to bless her son with the hightest spiritual honour.Later on,Bayazid became one of the famous devotees of Islam. (ev‡qwR` wQj GKwU †QvÆ evjK|Zvi gv wQj Amy¯’|GKw`b †m Zvi gv‡qi weQvbvi cv‡k e‡m cowQj|nVvr Zvi gv †R‡M DVj, Zvi gv_v Zzjj GesZvi cy·K GK M­vm cvwb w`‡Z ejj|GUv ï‡b ev‡qwR` GK Mø­vm cvwb Avb‡Z †Mj wKš‘ `y©fvM¨µ‡g †m Kjwm‡Z †Kvb cvwb †cj bv|‡m GKwU `~ieZx© SY©v‡Z cvwb Avb‡Z †Mj|‡m Kjwm‡Z cvwb fij Ges `ªyZ Zvi evoxi w`‡K nvuUv ïiy Kij|ivZ cÖvq `yBUvi w`‡K †m evwo‡Z †cŠuQv‡jv|wKšÍ †m †`Lj †h Zvi gv Mfxi Ny‡g wbgMœ|‡m Zvi gv‡K wei³ Kiv †_‡K weiZ _vKj Ges GK M­vm cvwb wb‡q Zvi gv‡qi weQvbvi cv‡k wbi‡e `vwuo‡q _vKj|Zvi gv mKvj 5 Uvq RvMj|‡m Zvi †Q‡j‡K Zvi weQvbvi cv‡k `vouv‡bv †`‡L wew¯§Z n‡jb Ges Avj­vni Kv‡Q cÖv_©bv Ki‡jb †hb †m m‡ev©”P  Ava¨vwZ¡K m¤§vb w`‡q Zvi †Q‡j‡K Avkx©ev` cyó K‡ib|cieZx©‡Z ev‡qwR` n‡qwQ‡jb weL¨vZ Bmjvg f³‡`i GKRb|)
23. There lived a wood cutter in a village.One day he was cutting wood near a river.Suddenly his axe fell into the river.The river was very deep---------------.DB 12,CM 11,Ctg 09.DjB 12
                                               Honesty is the best policy
There lived a wood cutter in a village.One day he was cutting wood near a river.Suddenly,his axe fell into the river.The river was very deep.The wood cutter did not know how to swim or dive.So, he sat there sadly.Then a wonderful thing happended.A beautiful fairy appreared before the wood cutter.She asked him why he was crying sadly there.The wood cutter told her the whole incident.Then he took pity on him and expressed her hope to help him.She assured him that he was sure to get his axe back.Saying this,the fairy went under the water of the river.After sometime she came back with a gold axe.She showed him it.But the wood cutter said that that one was not this.So she again went under water and brought to him a silver axe.But this time also the wood cutter refused to take it.Rather he said that his axe was of iron, not of gold or silver.The fairy again went undet water and brought an iron axe.The wood cutter expressed his gratitude getting his lost axe back.He was about to leave the spot.Just at that time the fairy  gave him the rest two axes as gift of his honesty.She said, “These two axes are gift for you from me.I am really pleased at your honesty.” (‡Kv‡bv GK MÖv‡g GK KvVywiqv evm KiZ| GKw`b †m GK b`xi wbK‡U KvV KvUwQj|nVvr Zvi KzovjwU b`x‡Z c‡o †Mj|b`xwU wQj Lye Mfxi|KvVywiqv mvuZvi KvUv ev Wye w`‡Z RvbZ bv|ZvB, †m welbœfv‡e †mLv‡b e‡m iBj|Zvici GKwU PgrKvi NUbv NUj|KvVywiqvi mvg‡b GKwU my›`i cix nvwRi nj|‡m Zv‡K wRÁvmv Kij †Kb †m welbœfv‡e e‡m wQj|KvVywiqv Zv‡K cy‡iv NUbvwU ejj|Zvici †m Zvi cÖwZ `qv Kij Ges Zv‡K mvnvh¨ Kivi Avkv e¨³ Kij|‡m Zv‡K wbðqZv w`j †h †m Aek¨B Zvi Kzovj †diZ cv‡e|GwU e‡j cixwU b`xi cvwbi bx‡P P‡j †Mj|wKQy¶Y ci †m GKwU †mvbvi Kzovj wb‡q wd‡i Gj|‡m Zv‡K GwU †`Lvj|wKš‘ KvVywiqv ejj †h †mwU Zvi bq|myZivs Avevi †m cvwbi bx‡P P‡j †Mj Ges Zvi wbKU GKwU iycvi Kzovj wb‡q Gj|wKš‘ KvVywiqv G mg‡q GwU I wb‡Z A¯^xKvi Kij|eis †m ejj †h Zvi KzovjwU wQj †jvnvi,†mvbv ev iƒcvi bq|cixwU Avevi cvwbi bx‡P P‡j †Mj Ges GKwU †jvnvi Kzovj Avbj|KvVywiqv Zvi nvwi‡q hvIqv KzovjwU wd‡i †c‡q K…ZÁZv cÖKvk Kij| †m NUbv¯’jwU †Q‡o †h‡Z DרZ nj|wVK †m mgq Zvi mZZvi cyi¯‹vi wn‡m‡e cixwU Zv‡K evwK `yBwU KzovjI w`‡q w`j| †m ejj Ò G `ywU Kzovj n‡”Q Avgvi c¶ †_‡K †Zvgv‡K Dcnvi|‡Zvgvi mZZvq Avwg mwZ¨B Avbw›`Z|)  
24. One day a wolf had a bone stuck in his throat. He felt much pain.The wolf requested----------------------------.
A wolf and a crane (GKwU †bK‡o evN Ges GKwU mvim cvwL)
One day a wolf had a bone stuck in his throat.He felt much pain.The wolf requested everyone he met to take out the bone.But no one helped him.They were afraid of the wolf.At last,he saw a crane.He ran to him and told everything.The crane demanded the prize.The wolf agreed.The crane put his long beak into the wolf’s mouth.Then he pulled the bone out of his throat.The wolf felt relief and was about to go.The crane demanded the prize but the wolf refusued to give him the pize and also said that he had not swallowed his head and he was  still alive.This is the biggest prize in his life.The crane became afraid of his life.He at once flew in fright. (GKw`b GK †bK‡o evN Gi Mjvq nvo †e‡au wM‡qwQj|G‡Z †m Lye e¨v_v Abyfe Kij|‡m hvi mv‡_ †`Lv n‡qwQj mevi Kv‡Q mvnvh¨ Kvgbv Kij wKš‘ †KD Zv‡K mvnvh¨ Kij bv|Zviv mevB †bK‡o evN‡K †`‡L fq †cj|‡kl ch©šÍ GKwU mvim cvwL †`Lj|Zvi Kv‡Q †`Š‡uo Qy‡U †Mj Ges Aby‡iva K‡i ejj|mvim cvwL cyi¯‹vi `vex Kij|‡bK‡o evN ivRx nj|mvim cvwL Zvi j¤^v †VvuU w`‡q †bK‡o ev‡Ni gyL †_‡K nvo †ei K‡i Avbj|‡bK‡o e¨v_v †_‡K †invB †cj Ges P‡j hvIqvi Rb¨ D`¨Z nj |mvim cvwL Zvi Zvi cyi¯‹vi PvBj wKš‘ †bK‡o evN cyi®‹vi w`‡Z A¯^xK…Z Rvbvj Ges ejj †m Zvi †XvK †M‡j Zvi gv_vUv †bqwb Ges RxweZ wQj GUvB Zvi Rxe‡bi eo cyi®‹vi|mvim cvwL Rxeb wb‡q mswKZ nj |‡m Zvr¶wbKfv‡e f‡q D‡o P‡j †Mj|)
25. Once a rich man came to Dhaka by train. He took a rickshaw from kamalapur Railway station. He had a basket------------------------.
                                            An Honest Rickshawala (GKRb mr wi·vPvjK)
Once a rich man came to Dhaka by train. He took a rickshaw from kamalapur Railway station. He had a basket full of different things. The rickshawala reached the rich man to his destination. He went to the garage to deposit the rickshaw. He got down and saw a moneybag on the rickshaw. He went home with the moneybag and found some money in it. His wife told him to use some of the money from the bag. But he was honest. He tried to find out the owner of the moneybag. At last the owner of the moneybag was found. He took the moneybag from him and gave him only thanks. So his wife rebuked him for his foolishness.Many days passed.One day the rich called them and gave them job for maintaining their family happily.(GK abx e¨w³ †Uª‡b XvKv G‡mwQj|‡m Kgjvcyi †ij‡÷kb †_‡K GKwU wi·v wb‡qwQj|Zvi Kv‡Q SzwofwZ© wewfbœ ai‡bi wRwbmcÎ wQj|wi·vIqvjv abx †jvKwU‡K Zvi MšÍe¨¯’‡j †cŠu‡Q w`‡qwQj|‡m wi·v M¨v‡i‡R †i‡L G‡mwQj|‡m wi·v †_‡K bvgj Ges wi·vq GKwU UvKvi _wj †`L‡Z †cj|‡m UvKvi _wj wb‡q evox‡Z †Mj Ges Zvi ¯¿x‡K †`Lvj|Zvi ¯¿x Zv‡K wKQy UvKv †mLvb †_‡K LiP Ki‡Z ejj|wKšÍ †m wQj Lye mr|‡m UvKvi _wji gvwjK‡K Ly‡uR †ei Kivi †Póv Kij|‡kl ch©šÍ UvKvi _wji gvwjK‡K cvIqv †Mj|‡m UvKvi _wjwU wbj Ges Zv‡K ‡Kej ab¨ev` w`j|GRb¨ Zvi ¯¿x Zv‡K Zvi †evKvgxi Rb¨ Mvjg›` Kij| A‡bKw`b AwZµg nj abx e¨w³ GKw`b Zv‡`i‡K †W‡K cvVvj Ges Zv‡`i cwiev‡ii cwiPvjbv Kvivi Rb¨ my‡L kvwšÍ‡Z evm Kivi Rb¨ PvKzix w`‡q w`j|)
26. Once a school boy named Ahsanulla was going home after completing his class.  When he was crossing the road he saw an old women lying on the road.He went near the woman and found she was senseless----

                      Real peace lies in love for human beings (cÖK…Z kvwšÍ gvbyl‡K fvjevmvi g‡a¨ wbwnZ)

Once a school boy named Ahsanulla was going home after completing his class.  When he was crossing the road, he saw an old women lying on the road. He went nearby the woman and fund that she was senseless. It was a very hot day .He thought that the woman got fainted due to scorching heat while trying to cross the road. The boy took pity on her and carried her to a nearby house. With the help of the members of the house, he poured cold water on her head for a few minutes. The woman regained her sense again. The boy came to know that she was very poor and she was going to her daughter’s house. The woman prayed to the almighty Allah for his long life and all success for his kindness he showed to her.(GK`v AvnmvbDj­vn bv‡g GKRb ¯‹zj evjK K¬vk †kl K‡i evox wdi‡ZwQj|hLb †m iv¯Ív cvi nB‡ZwQj †m GKRb e„×gwnjv‡K kvwqZ Ae¯’vq †`Lj|‡m gwnjvi Kv‡Q †Mj Ges Zv‡K AÁvb Ae¯’vq †`Lj|Bnv wQj Mi‡gi w`b|‡m g‡b Kij †h †m Amn¨ Mi‡gi Kvi‡b AÁvb n‡qwQj|‡m Zv‡K Zvi evox‡Z wb‡q †Mj|evox‡Z Ab¨vb¨ m`m¨‡`i mn‡hvMxZvq Zvi gv_vq K‡qK wgwbU VvÛv cvwb Xvjj|gwnjvwU Zvi Ávb c~bivq wd‡i †cj †m Rvb‡Z cvij †h gwnjvwU AZ¨šÍ Mixe Ges †m Zvi Kb¨vi evox‡Z hvB‡ZwQj|gwnjvwU Zvi cÖwZ `qv †`Lv‡bvi Rb¨ †m Avj­vni Kv‡Q Zvi Rb¨ `xN©Rxhb Ges me©v½xb mvdj¨ Kvgbv Kij|
27. Rina works in a big factory of garments. There are more than five hundred workers in the factory. One day as usual she was busy at work. Suddenly a sound came to her that there was a break out of the fair from the short circuit. As ill news runs fast, the news spread very fast among the workers. But no one noticed whether was actually any fire-----------------------------.
                                                  The Story of Rina (wibvi Mí)
Rina  works in a big factory of garments.There are more than five hundred workers in the factory.One day as usual she was busy at work.Suddenly a sound came to her that there was a break out of the fire from the short circuit. As ill news runs fast, the news spread very fast among the workers. But no one noticed whether was actually any fire or not .Rina found dark situation and came out from her floor to their factory’s narrow stair. There a vigorous push was made by frightened workers. They were getting down without showing any sympathy to one another. As a result some workers were trodden and faced unnatural death. Almighty Allah saved Rina.We should remember that danger may come anytime.(wibv GKwU eo Mv©‡g›Um KviLvbvq PvKzix K‡i|KviLvbvq cvPukZ Gi †ekx Kgx© KvR K‡i|GKw`b h_vixwZ K‡g© e¨¯Í wQj|nVvr GKwU kã Zvi Kv‡b †Mj †h kU© mvwKU© †_‡K Av¸b ‡j‡M `ªyZ Qwo‡q c‡o‡Q|‡h‡nZz Lvivc msev` `ªyZ Qwo‡q ZvB msev`wU Kgx©‰‡`i g‡a¨ `ªyZ Qwo‡h †Mj|wKšÍ cÖK…Zc‡¶ †KD †Kvb Av¸b †`‡Lwb †h Av¸b ev Ab¨wKQy|wibv AÜKvi †`L‡Z †cj Ges †m  KviLvbvi msKxY© c_ w`‡q Zvi Zjv †_‡K  †ei n‡q Avmj|fxZ Kgx©‡`i g‡a¨ †Vjv‡Vwj ïiy nj|Zviv G‡K Ac‡ii cÖwZ mnvbyf~wZ bv †`wL‡q bvg‡Z jvMj|hvi d‡j wKQy Kgx© c``wjZ nj Ges A¯^vfvweK g„Zy¨i gy‡L coj|me©kw³gvb Avj­vn Zv‡K i¶v Ki‡jb|Avgv‡`i g‡b ivLv DwPZ †h wec` †h †Kvb mgq Avm‡Z cv‡i|)
28. Farid was going to Rajshahi from Dhaka by the Padma Express. One the way the train stopped at Gafargaon first and then at Mymensingh and Jagarnnath gonj.He had to leave the train to cross the river by a railway ferry and board another train on the other side. Unfortunately he lost his bag in the ferry. In the bag there were his clothes, money, tickets etc. He was terribly upset. He did not know what to do. Suddenly an idea came to his mind. He went to the station master.-----------------------------------.
                                        A Frantic search for Farid’s lost bag
Farid was going to Rajshahi from Dhaka by the Padma Express. One the way the train stopped at Gafargaon first and then at Mymensingh and Jagarnnathgonj.He had to leave the train to cross the river by a railway ferry and board another train on the other side. Unfortunately he lost his bag in the ferry. In the bag there were his clothes, money, tickets etc. He was terribly upset. He did not know what to do. Suddenly an idea came to his mind. He went to the station master.A station master was a kind hearted gentleman. He gave a patience hearing to Farid. By this time the ferry had left. So there grew more anxiety in his mind. At a point he started weeping. Seeing her weeping other passengers gather around her and began asking her. Most of the passengers helped him searching the bag. At one time search spreaded to every nook and corner of the ferry. Suddenly a passenger shouted that the bag was found. It was left in a corner where there was a great gathering. Then Farid took the bag and saw that everything was okay except her beautiful purse which was empty.Any way by then the ferry reached the other side. Some young boys and girls helped her find her seat in the train standing in the station. Farid will never forget this experience.(dwi` cÙv G·‡cÖm †hv‡M XvKv †_‡K ivRkvnx hwB‡ZwQj|UªbwU c‡_ cÖ_‡g Mdi MvuI Zvici gqgbwmsn Ges †k‡l RMibvrMĆ_‡gwQj|Zv‡K ‡UªbwU Z¨vM K‡i †dix cvi n‡q Aci cv‡o A‡c¶vgvb †Uª‡b DV‡Z n‡qwQj|wKš‘ `~fv©M¨ekZ †dix‡Z †m e¨vM nvwi‡qwQj|e¨v‡Mi wfZi Kvco‡Pvco,UvKv cqmv,wU‡KU cÖf„wZ wQj|‡m fxlb gg©vnZ nj|‡m RvbZ bv wK Ki‡Z n‡e|nVvr Zvi gv_vq GKwU eyw× Gj|‡m †÷kb gvóv‡ii Kv‡Q †Mj|‡÷kb gvóvi AZ¨šÍ fvj  g‡bi gvbyl wQ‡jb|wZwb dwi‡`i KvQ †_‡K me ï‡b ‰ah© avib Ki‡Z ej†jb| BwZg‡a¨  †dix †Q‡o w`j|ZvB Zvi g‡b AviI DwØMœZv e„w× †c‡Z jvMj| GK ch©v‡q †m Kvbœ& ïiy K‡i w`j|Zvi Kvbœv †`‡L Ab¨vb¨ hvÎxiv Zvi Pvicv‡k¦© R‡ov nj Ges Zv‡K cÖkœ Ki‡Z jvMj | AwaKvsk hvÎxiv Zvi e¨vM LyRvi Kv‡R mvnvh¨ Kij| †dixi GKcÖvšÍ †_‡K Aci cÖvšÍ ch©šÍ †LvR Pj‡Z jvMj| nVvr GKRb hvÎx wPrKvi w`‡q DVj ‡h e¨vM cvIqv †M‡Q|‡hLv‡b AwaKZi fxo †mLv‡b GK cv‡k¦© e¨vMwU c‡o Av‡Q|dwi` e¨vMwU wbj Ges †`Lj mewKQy wVK Av‡Q ïaygvÎ _‡j Qvov|hvB‡nvK †dixwU Aci cÖv‡šÍ ‡cŠ‡Q †Mj|wKQy Ziyb evjK evwjKv Zv‡K Zvi A‡c¶vgvb †Uª‡b wmU LyR‡Z mnvqZv Kij|dwi` Zvi AwfÁZv Rxe‡bI fyj‡e bv|)
29. Rana’s parents are not financially solvent. They have a few pieces of land. They have a great hope in mind that if they can educate their only son, their hard days will come to and, and they will be able to see the light of better days in their life. So they spent all what they had for educating their son.After completing his graduation he came to Dhaka in search of a job-----------------------------.
                                   Industry is the key to success (cwikªgB †mŠfv‡M¨i cÖm~wZ)
Rana’s parents are not financially solvent. They have a few pieces of land. They have a great hope in mind that if they can educate their only son, their hard days will come to end, and they will be able to see the light of better days in their life. So they spent all what they had for educating their son. After completing his graduation he came to Dhaka in search of a job.He prepared well for BCS examination. He qualified himself in BCS examination. He joined the foreign service.He was posted in the U.K. He was doing well in his service. Though he was junior to many other officials in the office, he took the responsibilities many times and performed his duties well. Everybody loves him very much now. He sends money to his parents. His parents are happy now. (ivbvi evev gv Avw_©Kfv‡e m”Qj wQj bv |Zv‡`i wKQy Rwg wQj|Zv‡`i g‡b Avkv †h Zviv hw` Zv‡`i GKgvÎ mšÍvb‡K †jLvcov Kiv‡Z cv‡i Zvn‡j Zv‡`i K‡ói w`b GKw`b †kl n‡e Ges Zv‡`i Rxe‡b Av‡jv †`L‡Z  cv‡e| ZvB,Zv‡`i mšÍv‡bi wk¶v †`Iqvi Rb¨ Zv‡`i hv wQj Zv e¨q Kij| wk¶vmgvc‡bi ci †m PvKzixi mÜv‡b XvKv †Mj|‡m wewmGm cix¶vi Rb cÖ¯‘wZ wbj|‡m wewmGm cix¶vq DËxY© nj |‡m ciivó ‡hvM`vb Kij|Zv‡K hy³iv‡R¨ cvVv‡bv nj| †m Zvi PvKzix fvj K‡i Ki‡Z jvMj |hw` I †m Ab¨vb¨ Awdmvi‡`i †_‡K Rywbqi †m †ek wKQy `vwqZ¡ mdjZvi mv‡_ K‡iwQj | mevB Zv‡K LyeB fvjevmZ|‡m Zvi evevgv‡K UvKv cvVvZ| Zviv gvevev GLb Lye myLx|)
30. Nayeem’s father lives in Melbourne. His father sent him a ticket of Thai Airways. So he got a chance to visit Melbourne. On his arrival at the airport in Melbourne he saw that his father was not present there. He was at a loss at the new place. Suddenly a good idea came to his mind. He got the telephone number of his father’s office-----------------
                                                  Nayeem-A Boy of Ready wit
Nayeem’s father lives in Melbourne. His father sent him a ticket of Thai Airways. So he got a chance to visit Melbourne. On his arrival at the airport in Melbourne he saw that his father was not present there. He was at a loss at the new place. Suddenly a good idea came to his mind. He got the telephone number of his father’s office. He rang to his father. His father received the phone. He could recognise the voice of his son. Then he told his son to hire a cab and Nayeems did so.He went to his father’s office. Both the father and the son were very happy to meet each other.Thus by dint of his ready wit he was able to meet his father.(bvB‡gi evev †gBj‡ev‡b© _v‡K|Zvi evev Zv‡K _vB wegv‡bi GKwU wU‡KU w`‡qwQj|ZvB †m †gBj‡ev‡b hvIqvi my‡hvM †c‡qwQj|‡gBj‡evb wegvbe›`‡i ‡cŠQvi ci †m †`Lj †h Zvi evev †mLv‡b bvB|‡m bZzb RvqMvq wKsKZ©e¨wegyo n‡q †Mj|nVvr Zvi gv_vq GKwU eyw× Avmj|‡m Zvi evevi Awd‡mi †Uwj‡dvb b¤^i †cj| †m Zvi evev‡K ‡dvb Kij|Zvi evev †dv‡b DËi MÖnY Kij †m Zvi †Q‡ji KÉ eyS‡Z cvij|‡m Zv‡K GKwU K¨ve fvov Ki‡Z ejj Ges bvBg ZvB Kij|‡m Zvi evevi Awd‡m †Mj|evev Ges †Q‡j Df‡qB wgwjZ n‡q Lye Lykx nj|Gfv‡e Zvi Dcw¯’Z eyw×i Øviv †m Zvi evevi m‡½ wgwjZ n‡Z †c‡iwQj|)

31. Kashem is a poor rickshaw puller in Dhaka.He drives his rickshaw to different areas of the city.One day he saw some men selling lottery tickets enticing the passers-by.Kahem felt tempted and bought a ticket----------------.DB 08
                                   The story of a Rickshaw Puller(GKRb wi·vPvj‡Ki Mí)
Kashem is a poor rickshaw puller in Dhaka.He drives his rickshaw to different areas of the city.One day he saw some men selling lottery tickets enticing the passers-by.Kahem felt tempted and bought a ticket.He knew the date of the draw.He was waiting eagerly for the day.Then the much awaited day came and the purchased a daily newspaper.He began to search for the news of the draw.Suddenly the news came into his sight and with extreme tension he read the news.He foud that his ticket number won the first prize.His joys knew no bounds.His eyes became sodden with the tears of joy.Then he rushed home without delay.He let his wife and children know about the winning of the lottery.Then he consulted with his wife and started a business with the lottery money.Within days he became a rich man.(Kv‡kg GKRb Mixe wi·vPvjK|‡m kn‡ii wewfbœ GjvKvq wi·v Pvjvq|GKw`b †m c_Pvix‡K cÖjy× K‡i jUvixi wU‡KU wewµKvix wKQy gvbyl †`Lj|Kv‡kg cÖjy× nj Ges GKwU wU‡KU wKbj|‡m jUvixi ZvwiL RvbZ|‡m H w`bwUi Rb¨ A‡c¶v Aaxi AvMÖ‡n A‡c¶v KiwQj| Zvici †mB eûj cÖZxw¶Z w`bwU Avmj Ges †m GKwU ˆ`wbK cwÎKv wKbj|‡m Wª Gi LeiwU †LvuRv ïiy Kij|nVvr LeiwU Zvi `„wó‡Z Avmj Ges Pig DrKÉv wb‡q †m LeiwU coj|‡m †`L‡Z †cj †h Zvi wU‡KU b¤^iwUB cÖ_g cyi¯‹viwU wR‡ZwQj| Zvi Avb‡›`i mxgv wQj bv|Zvi P¶zØq Avb‡›`i R‡j wm³ n‡q †Mj|Zvici †m †Kvb wej¤^ QvovB evwo wdij|‡m Zvi ¯¿x I †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i‡K jUvwi †RZvi welqwU Rvbvj|Zvici †m Zvi ¯Îx I †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i‡K jUvwi †RZvi welqwU Rvbvj|Zvici †m Zvi ¯¿xi mv‡_ civgk© Kij Ges jUvwii UvKv w`‡q GKwU e¨emv ïiy Kij|K‡qKw`‡bi g‡a¨ †m GKRb abx †jvK n‡q †Mj|)                        
32. One day a boy was going to school.Suddenly he saw smoke.It was coming out of a house.He went in.He saw a house on fie-----------------.
                                           A school boy and fire (GKRb ¯‹zj evjK GesAv¸b)
One day a boy was going to school.Suddenly he saw smoke.It was coming out of a house.He went in.He saw a house on fire.There was nobody else near the fire.Only a few women were running to and fro.They were crying bitterly.The boy thought that there might be somebody in the house.He could not come out.It was burning very fiercely.The house was build with corrugated tin sheet and wooden structure.The tin sheets of the house caught fire.But the problem was that there was no nearby source of water.Some were crying while some were making hue and cry.People collected water from a distant source.They brought water in drums,pails,buckets.They took a long time to extinguish the fire.Though the fire was extinguished,no valuable things could be saved from the fire.Many people came forward to help them.Some gave bamboos,some gave wood.Some gave money,some gave food and clothes.So the family again erected a house.(GKw`b GK evjK we`¨vj‡q hvB‡ZwQj|nVvr †m †avquv †`L‡Z †cj|GwU GKwU evwo †_‡K AvmwQj|‡m wfZ‡i †Mj|‡m †`Lj †h evwo‡Z Av¸b †j‡M‡Q|Av¸‡bi Kv‡Q Avi †KD wQj bv|gvÎ K‡qKRb gwnjv Gw`K Iw`K †`Šov‡`Šwo KiwQj|Zviv Pigfv‡e wPrKvi KiwQj|evjKwU fvej †h evwoi wfZ‡i †KD _vK‡Z cv‡i|‡m †ewi‡q Avm‡Z cv‡iwb|GwU fxlbfv‡e cyuowQj|evwowU wQj †XDwUb Ges Kv‡Vi KvVv‡gv w`‡q wbwg©Z|evwowUi wU‡b Av¸I †j‡M †Mj|wKšÍ mgm¨vwU wQj †h wbKUeZx© †Kvb cvwbi Drm wQj bv|‡KD †KD Kv`uwQj Avi †KD †KD ‰n ‰P KiwQj|‡jv‡Kiv GKwU `~ieZx© Drm †_‡K cvwb msMÖn Kij|Zviv cvwbi Wªvg wb‡q,evjwZ wb‡q  cvwb Avbj|Av¸b †bfv‡Z Zv‡`i `xN© mgq †j‡M †Mj|hw` I Av¸b †bfv‡bv †Mj,wKšÍ †Kvb g~j¨evb wRwbmcÎB Av¸b †_‡K i¶v Kiv †Mj bv|Zv‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z A‡bK †jvK GwM‡q Avmj| †KD w`j evuk,†KD w`j KvV,†KD w`j UvKv,†KD w`j Lvevi I †cvkvK|Gfv‡e cwieviwU Avevi GKwU Ni Lvov Kij|)  
33. Two women quarreled over a child.One of the two said that the child was hers while the other claimed that she was the mother of the child.Finally they went to the king-------.
                              Intelligent justice of a prince (GKRb ivRKzgv‡ii wePv‡ii Zx¶èZv)
Two women quarreled over a child.One of the two said that the child was hers while the other claimed that she was the mother of the child.Finally they went to the king David.The king listened to them.He assured them of justice.Then the king began to ponder over the duel claim to the child.But he could not reach the decision as to what to do.In the meantime the prince came to learn about the matter.The prince was Solomon.He came forward to help the king.But the king could not rely on him because he was still a boy.Anyway,Prince Solomon listened to the quarreling women.Then he said, “ As both of you are claiming the boy, I shall divide the boy into two parts to give you.” Saying this,he aimed his sword at the boy.Just at that ime one of the woman cried out.She gave up her claim and begged for the boy’s life.But the other woman did not say anything.The prince could realize very well who the real mother was.He handed over the boy to the woman who cried out.He also ordered the guards to detain the other woman. (`yB gwnjv GK wkï‡K wb‡q SMov K‡iwQj| `yR‡bi GKRb ejj †h wkïwU Zvi hLb Ab¨Rb `vex Kij †h,†m wkïwUi gv| Ae‡k‡l Zviv ivRv †Wwf‡Wi Kv‡Q †Mj| ivRv Zv‡`i K_v ïb‡jb| wZwb Zv‡`i‡K b¨q wePv‡ii wbðqZv w`‡jb|Zvici ivRv wkïwUi ˆØZ `vexi Dci Mfxifv‡e fve‡Z ïiy Ki‡jb| wKš‘ wK Ki‡Z n‡e †m e¨vcv‡i wZwb wm×v‡šÍ ‡cuŠQv‡Z cvi‡jb bv| B‡Zvg‡a¨ ivRcyyyyyyyyyyyÎ welqwUi e¨vcv‡i Rvb‡Z cvi‡jb| ivRcyyyyyyyyyyyÎ wQj m‡jvgb| †m ivRv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z mvg‡b GwM‡q Gj| wKš‘ ivRv Zvi Dci wbf©i Ki‡Z cvi‡jb bv, KviY †m wQj ZL‡bv GKRb evjK|hv‡nvK,ivRcyÎ m‡jvgb SMovKvix gwnjv‡`i K_v ïbj|Zvici †m ejj Ò ‡h‡nZz †Zvgiv `yRb evjKwUi `vex K‡iQ †m‡nZz Avwg †Zvgv‡`i‡K w`‡Z evjKwU‡K `yBwU Ask‡K fvM Kie|GB e‡j †m evjKwUi w`‡K ZiKvix ZvK Kij|wVK GBgyn~©‡Z gwnjv‡`i GKRb wPrKvi w`‡q DVj|‡m Zvi `vex Z¨vM Kij Ges evjKwUi Rxeb wf¶v PvBj|wKšÍ Ab¨ gwnjv wKQyB e‡jwb|ivRcyÎ Lye fv‡jvfv‡e Dcjwä Ki‡jb  Ki‡jb †h †K Avmj gv|‡h gwnjvwU wPrKvi K‡iwQj †m Zvi Kv‡Q evjKwU‡K n¯ÍvšÍi Kij|‡m Ab¨ gwnjv‡K AvUKv‡bvi Rb¨ cvnviv`vi‡K I Av‡`k w`‡jb| )
34. Muna is the daughter of a poor farmer. Her father could not educate her on account of his poverty. At the age of fifteen, her parents gave her in marriage with a very poor boy.He is very lazy.He does not do work. So Muna works hard to support her family. But she is always anxious what will happen if she gives birth to a female child----------------.
                                            A struggling woman ( GKRb msMÖvgx gwnjv)
Muna is the daughter of a poor farmer. Her father could not educate her on account of his poverty. At the age of fifteen, her parents gave her in marriage with a very poor boy.He is very lazy.He does not do work. So Muna works hard to support her family. But she is always anxious what will happen if she gives birth to a female child. Muna entered his husband’s house with the dreams and hopes of a young  girls but all she saw was more want.It was Muna who worked for a handful of grains to feed herself,her mother in law and her husband.When she was 19,her first child was born.Fortunately it was a son.But the birth of a child was Muna’s another mouth to feed.Muna’s toiling days became harder with the birth of her second son in 1982.Her husband was still unwilling to work and therefore,she had to work even harder to feed all the five mouths.From morning to dark she worked,worked and worked.She was very concerned with the future of her children.But one day her unhappy came to an end.She came to learn about the Grameen Bank and became a member of the bank.Then she took  a loan of taka 5000/=.and started rice husking business with the money.She also brought a shop for her husband.She earned a lot of profit from her business and repaid the loan by installments.Thus she stood on her own feet using her hard work and wit.(‡gvbv GK Mixe K„l‡Ki Kb¨v| Zvi wcZv Zvi `vwi`ªZvi Kvi‡Y Zv‡K wkw¶Z Ki‡Z cv‡iwb|c‡bi eQi eq‡m Zvi wcZvgvZv Zv‡K GK evj‡Ki mv‡_ we‡q †`b|‡m LyeB Ajm|‡m KvR K‡i bv|ZvB †gvbv‡K Zvi cwievi‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z K‡Vvi KvR KiZ|wKšÍ †m wPšÍv K‡i hw` †m †g‡q mšÍvb Rb¥ †`q Zvn‡j wK NU‡e|‡gvbv GK hyewZ †g‡qi ¯^cœ I Avkv wb‡q ¯^vgxi evwo cÖ‡ek K‡iwQj wKšÍ †m hv †`‡LwQj Zv ïay Afve|‡gvbvB Zvi wb‡Ri kvïox I ¯^vgxi GK gy‡Vv Lvev‡ii Rb¨ K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡iwQj|hLb Zvi eqm wQj 19 eQi ZLb Zvi cÖ_g mšÍvb Rb¥ MªnY K‡i|‰mfvM¨µ‡g GUv wQj Zvi cyÎ mšÍvb|wKš‘ wkï R‡b¥wQj †gvbvi Avi GKwU Lvev‡ii gyL|1982 mv‡j †gvbvi wØZxq mšÍvb R‡b¥i gva¨‡g Zvi K‡ói w`b Av‡iv KwVb nj|Zvi ¯^vgx ZLbI KvR Ki‡Z Awb”QyK| Avi GB cvPu gy‡L Lvevi w`‡Z GgbwK Zvi K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z nZ|mKvj †_‡K ivZ ch©šÍ †m ïay KvR KiZ|‡m Zvi mšÍv‡bi fwel¨Z wb‡q LyeB wPwšÍZ wQj| wKšÍ GKw`b Zvi `yt‡Li w`b †kl nj|‡m MÖvgxY e¨vs‡Ki e¨vcv‡i Rvbvj Ges e¨vs‡Ki GKRb m`m¨ nj|Zvici †m 5000/=FY wbj Ges UvKv w`‡q avb gvovB‡qi e¨emv ïi“ Kij|‡m Zvi ¯^vgxi Rb¨ GKwU †`vKvb I wK‡bwQj|‡m Zvi e¨emv †_‡K A‡bK gybvdv AR©b Kij Ges wKw¯Í‡Z UvKv cwi‡kva Kij|Gfv‡e Zvi K‡Vvi cwikªg I eyw× e¨envi K‡i †m Zvi wb‡Ri cv‡q `vov‡jv|)
35. Once there lived a good number of mice in a house. They came out from their holes or nests at night. They went hither and thither in quest-----------.
                                                 The Intelligent Cat (GKwU PvjvK weovj)
Once there lived a good number of mice in a house. They came out from their holes or nests at night. They went hither and thither in quest of food. They cut different necessary things and even clothes of the family members’ .The members of the family became much annoyed at the mice. So they bought a cat. The cat was fat and a good hunter. The cat started to hunt the rat. But it was not fruitful. Because the other could not know what was going on. So, he changed his plan. He wanted to frighten all the rats. He started to injury the rats.  Then the injured rats went back to its nests and holes. The other saw the result. They became very afraid. By being afraid they all left the house. (GK`v GK evox‡Z cÖPzi cwigvb Bu`yi wQj|iv‡Zi †ejvq Zviv MZ© A_iv Zv‡`i Avevm¯’j †_‡K †ei n‡Zv|Zviv GLv‡b †mLv‡b Lvev‡ii mÜvb KiZ|Zviv g~j¨evb wRwbmcÎ GgbwK cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i cwi‡aq Kvco‡Pvco †K‡U †djZ|cwiev‡ii m`m¨ weovj¸‡jvi cÖwZ AZ¨šÍ w¶ß wQj|yZvB Zviv GKwU weovj wb‡q Avmj|weovjwU wQj AZ¨šÍ †gvUv Ges wkKvix|weovjwU h_vixwZ wkKvi Kiv ïiy Kij|wKš‘ djcÖmy n‡jv bv| KviY Ab¨iv eyS‡Z cviZ bv Avm‡j wK nB‡ZwQj|ZvB †m Zvi cwiKíbv cwieZ©b Kij|‡m me B`uyi¸‡jv‡K fq ‡`Lv‡Z †P‡qwQj|‡m B`uyi¸‡jv‡K AvnZ Kiv ïiy Kij|Zvici AvnZ B`uyiMy‡jv Zvi Avevm¯’‡j A_ev M‡Z© wd‡i †h‡Z jvMj|Ab¨ B`uyi¸‡jv cwiYvg †`L‡Z jvMj|Zviv fq †cj|Zviv fxZmgå¯Í n‡q evox †Q‡o P‡j †Mj|)
36. Once there lived a king in an island .there were green trees everywhere   in the island .The king decided to build a magnificent palace in the island .So he ordered his men to cut down all the trees-------------------.
                                                     Importance o trees (Mv‡Qi ¸iZ¡)
Once there lived a king in an island .there were green trees everywhere in the island .The king decided to build a magnificent palace in the island .So he ordered his men to cut down all the trees .Some opposed the kings idea but he did not pay heed to it .So people were compelled to carry out the king’s order. They cut down all trees. As a result a great change took place in the climate of the Island. There was no rainfall. Floods damaged the standing crops and washed away the alluvial top soil .There was drought and the farmer‘s could not grow food grains and other crops .Famine broke out in the island .People went to the king and wanted food and work .The king realized the importance of trees .So he imported plants of trees and distributed them among his subject free of cost. In a few years the land was of full of green trees .There was plenty of rainfall .People grew crops and became happy.(GK Øx‡c GK ivRv evm KiZ|Øx‡ci meRvqMvq meyR Mv‡Q fiv wQj|ivRv Øx‡c GKwU †RŠjymc~Y© AÆvwjKv wbgvY© Kivi  wmØvšÍ wbj| ZvB Zvi †jvKRb‡`i‡K MvQ ‡K‡U †djvi wb‡`©k w`j|wKQy msL¨K ivRvi wmØv‡šÍ GK n‡Z cvij bv|wKšÍ †m Zv‡`i  K_vi ¸iZ¡ w`j bv|ZvB †jvKRb ivRvi Av‡`k gvb‡Z eva¨ nj|Zviv MvQ †K‡U †djj|hvi d‡j Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ eo ai‡bi cwieZ©b †`Lv w`j|‡mLv‡b †Kvb e„wó †`Lv w`j bv|eb¨v `Ûvqgvb MvQ¸‡jv bó Kij Ges gvwUi Dcwifv‡Mi gvwU fvwm‡q wb‡q †Mj | ¶iv †`Lv w`j  Ges K„l‡Kiv Lv`¨km¨ Drcv`b Ki‡Z cvij bv|Øx‡c `yw©f¶ †`Lv w`j|‡lLvbKvi ‡jvKRb  ivRvi Kv‡Q †Mj Ges Lv`¨ I KvR PvBj|ivRv Mv‡Qi ¸iyZ¡ eyS‡Z cvij|ZvB †m MvQ Avg`vbx Kij Ges Zvi cÖRv‡`i gv‡S webvg~‡j¨ MvQ weZiY Kij|K‡hKeQ‡ii g‡a¨ Øxc Mv‡Q cwic~Y© n‡q †Mj|‡mLv‡b e„wó n‡qwQj |‡jvKRb dmj djvj Ges Lye Lykx nj|)
37. One day a farmer was taking some sacks of wheat to a mill. The mill was a few kilometers away. On the way--------------------------------
                            The greatness of a noble man (GKRb m¤£všÍ e¨w³i gnvbyfeZv)
One day a farmer was taking some sacks of wheat to a mill. The mill was a few kilometers away. On the way the horse stumbled and one of the sacks fell to the ground. It was too heavy for the farmer to lift and there was nobody around to him. He was at a loss. Meanwhile he saw a horseman coming towards him. His heart jumped, as the rider was coming nearer, the farmer recognized him. It was no other than the nobleman who lived in a great house at the top of the hill. He was a very gentle man. He stopped in front of the farmer and got off the horse. He helped him to lift his sack of wheat. The farmer became astonished that a nobleman like him could help a farmer like him.(GK`v GK K…lK wKQy M‡gi e¯Ív wb‡q wg‡j hvB‡ZwQj|c‡_i gv‡S †nvPU †Lj Ges GKwU e¯Ív gvwU‡Z c‡o †Mj|Bnv GZ fvix wQj †h K…l‡Ki c‡¶ DVv‡Z cvi‡jv bv Ges †mLv‡b Av‡k cvk †KD wQj bv | ‡m nZwenej nj|BwZg‡a¨ †m GKRb †jvK‡K †Nvovq P‡o Zvi w`‡K Avm‡Z †`Lj|Zvi g‡b Avb›` Gj| hZB †jvKwU Kv‡Q Avm‡Z jvMj ZZB K…lK Zv‡K wPb‡Z cvij| GB cvnv‡oi Dci eo evoxi m¤£všÍ e¨w³ e¨ZxZ Avi †KD wQj bv|wZwb AZ¨šÍ f`ª e¨w³|wZwb K…l‡Ki mvg‡b G‡m _vg‡jb Ges †Nvov †_‡K bvg‡jb|wZwb Zv‡K Zvi e¯Ív Dc‡i Zzj‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡jb|K…lK  Zvi gZ m¤¢ªvšÍ e¨w³ mvnvh¨ Ki‡e †f‡e †m wew¯§Z nj|

38. There lived a clever fox in a jungle. One day he fell into a trap as he was passing through the jungle, he could get out of the trap but lost his tail behind. Without his tail the fox looked very odd and strange-----------.
                                             A fox without a tail (&GKwU †jRwenxb †kqvj)
There lived a clever fox in a jungle. One day he fell into a trap as he was passing through the jungle, he could get out of the trap but lost his tail behind. Without his tail the fox looked very odd and strange. Now the fox was feeling shy to mix with other foxes in the jungle. The fox thought and thought. At last he thought out a plan. He called upon all the foxes of that jungle. It was a meeting of the foxes. In the meeting, he told them that the tail of all foxes were burden to them. He suggested all to cut out their tails. All the foxes heard it. They thought over the matter and then understood the trick of the fox that how lost its tail. There was an old fox that explained everything about the trick of the cunning fox. So no fox agreed to cut the tail. The fox that lost its tail, left the place at once.(GK`v GK †kqvj e‡b evm KiZ|GKw`b †m GK dv‡`u coj KviY †m e‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡q hvB‡ZwQj|‡m dv`u †_‡K †ei n‡Z †c‡iwQj wKš‘ Zvi †jRwU nvwi‡qwQj|‡jR e¨ZxZ †kqvjwU‡K A™¢yZ †`Lvw”Qj|GLb †kqvjwU e‡bi Ab¨vb¨ †kqvj‡`i mv‡_ wgk‡Z j¾v‡eva K‡‡iwQj| ‡kqvjwU fvej Avi fvej| ‡kl ch©šÍ †m GKwU eyw× †ei Kij|H R½‡ji me †kqvj¸‡jv‡K WvKj |GUv wQj †kqvj‡`i mfv| mfvq †m †kqvj‡`i ejj †h †kqvj‡`i †jR Zv‡`i Rb¨ †evSv|‡m Zv‡`I mevB‡K †jR KvUvi civgk© w`j|me †kqvj ïbj|Zviv wPšÍv Kij Ges eyS‡Z cvij †h GUv wQj Zvi PvjvwK|‡mLv‡b GK e„× †kqvj wQj ‡h mewQy e¨vLv Kij|ZvB †Kv‡bv †kqvj Zv‡`i †jR KvU‡Z |AvMÖnx nj bv| †jRwenxb †kqvjwU †mLvb †_‡K P‡j †Mj|) 
39. Giashuddin Azam Shah was the ruler of Bengal. He was a kind and just ruler. He was very much fond of archery. One day when he was practicing archery, all on a sudden his arrow missed its target and pierced into the breast of a young boy who died instantly. The boy was the son of a widow. She went to the------------.
                                              The justice of Quazi (GKRb KvRxi wePvi)
Giashuddin Azam Shah was the ruler of Bengal. He was kind and just ruler. He was very much fond of archery. One day when he was practising archery, all on a sudden his arrow missed its target and pierced into the breast of a young boy who died instantly. The boy was the son of a widow. She went to the Quazi. The Quazi asked the sultan to make the widow happy. The sultan compensated for his guilt and the widow became pleased. Then the Quazi embraced the sultan. He said if the sultan disobeyed him he would have punished him. The sultan also said if the Quazi failed he would have beaten the Quazi. Then the two great men became ever friends.(wMqvmDwÏb Avhg kvn evsjvi kvmK wQ‡jb|wZwb `qvjy Ges b¨vqcivqb kvmK wQ‡jb|‡m aybyKwe`¨v  cQ›` KiZ|GKw`b hLb wZwb aybyKwe`¨v Abykxjb Ki‡ZwQj,nVvr Zvi Zxi j¶¨åó nj Ges GK evj‡Ki ey‡K Xy‡K †Mj Ges †m ZZ¶bvr gviv †Mj|evjKwU wQj weaevi GKgvÎ mšÍvb|‡m KvRxi Kv‡Q †Mj|KvRx gwnjv‡K Lykx Kivi Rb¨ myjZvb‡K ejj|myjZvb Zvi †`v‡li Rb¨ ¶wZc~iY w`j Ges e„×v Zv‡Z mš‘ó n‡jb|Zvici KvRx myjZv‡bi mv‡_ †KvjvKzwj Ki‡jb|‡m ejj †h myjZvb hw` Zvi Av‡`k Agvb¨ KiZ Zvn‡j wZwb Zv‡K kvw¯Í w`‡Zb|myjZvb I ejj †h hw` KvRx e¨_© nZ Zvn‡j wZwb KvRx‡K wcUzwb w`‡Zb|Zvici Zviv `yB gnvb e¨w³ eÜz n‡jv|) 

40. Once there lived a middle aged woman named Bilkis. She had three sons. Her husband was very lazy and did not do any work. None but she had to work all day long to earn money for the family. One day she met a group of people who came to her village from the Grameen bank. They said that they were interested in helping the poor people, the landless and the helpless. She learn from them that ------
                                                   Unity is strength (GKZvB kw³)
Once there lived a middle aged woman named Bilkis.She had three sons. Her husband was very lazy and did not do any work. None but she had to work all day long to earn money for the family. One day she met a group of people who came to her village from the Grameen bank. They said that they were interested in helping the poor people, the landless and the helpless. She learnt from them that Grameen Bank is going to set up a branch in her village. They will provide loan to the helpless people on some conditions. But at first they have to from 5-6 groups each consisting of 5 members. Bilkis has become busy to collect the required numbers of members. As the rules and regulations of the bank, Bilkis has been elected chairperson and her sister –in law secretary.Bilkis is working well as the duties given on her. They have built up a centre as their office.Bilkis started rice husking business. Besides, she has continued a stationary shop. The profit she made was used to lead her and her family. Thus, her worst days were over by two years.(GK`v wejwKm bv‡g GK ga¨eqmx GK gwnjv evm KiZ|Zvi wZb  cyÎ wQj|Zvi ¯^vgx wQj Lye Ajm Ges †Kvb KvR KiZ bv|‡m Qvov cwiev‡ii Rb¨ mvivw`‡b cwikª‡gi gva¨‡g DcvR©b Kivi †KD wQj bv|GKw`b MÖvgxY e¨vsK †_‡K wKQy †jvK †`Lv Ki‡Z Avmj|Zviv ejj †h Zviv Mixe,f~wgnxb,Amnvq †jvK‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z AvMÖnx|‡m Rvb‡Z cvij †h Zvi MÖv‡g MÖvgxY e¨vs‡Ki GKwU kvLv Lyj‡Z hv‡”Q|Zviv Mixe‡`i‡K wKQy k‡Z© FY †`‡e|wKš‘ cÖ_‡g Zv‡`i‡K 5-6 Rb m`m¨wewkó 5wU `j MVb Ki‡Z n‡e|wejwKm cÖ‡qvRbxq msL¨K m`m¨ msMÖ‡ni Rb¨ e¨¯Í n‡q c‡o|e¨vs‡Ki wbqgvbymv‡i wejwKm‡K mfvcwZ Ges Zvi bb`‡K mnmfvcwZ wbev©wPZ Kiv nq|wejwKm Zvi Dci Aw©cZ KvR mwVKfv‡e cvjb K‡i|Zviv Zv‡`I Awdm wbgvY© K‡i|wejwKm avb ‡_‡K Pvj ˆZixi e¨emv ïiy K‡i|‡m GKwU †÷kbvix †`vKvb ïiy Kij|Zv †_‡K †h jvf †cj Zv w`‡q †m cwiev‡ii fiY‡cvlb cwiPvjbv Kij|Gfv‡e Zvi `ytL K‡ói w`b `yB eQ‡ii g‡a¨ †kl nj|)
41.  A poor girl, named Rina worked in a rich man’s house. The house master was kind to her but the mistress was very cruel. She used to scold her now and then. One while serving tea, Rina broke a cup of tea----------------------------------------------JB 10,CtgB 07
                                   The cruelty of a house mistress (GK M„nKZx©i wbôziZv)
A poor girl, named Rina worked in a rich man’s house. The house master was kind to her but the mistress was very cruel. She used to scold her now and then. One while serving tea, Rina broke a cup of tea.On seeing this, the mistress became angry and beat her badly .At one stage, the girl became senseless.Meanwhile, the master of the family arrived at the home. He, seeing the situation, became shocked. He brought the girl to the nearly hospital. According to the advice of the doctor, she was admitted to the emergency section/department. In the mean time, the mistress reached the emergency ward and apologized to her husband for her misconduct. The mistress also started nursing the girl.(ixbv bv‡g GKRb Mixe evwjKv GK abx‡jv‡Ki evox‡Z KvR KiZ|evoxi M„nKZ©v Zvi cÖwZ `qvkxj wQj wKš‘ M„nKZx© Lye wbôzi wQj|‡m hLbZLb Zv‡K eKvSKv KiZ|GKw`b hLb Pv cwi‡ekb Ki‡ZwQj,ixbv GKwU  Pv‡qi Kvc †f‡½wQj|GUv †`‡L M„nKZx© †i‡M †Mj Ges Zv‡K wbôzifv‡e cÖnvi Kij|GK ch©v‡q †m Ávb nviv‡jv|BwZg‡a¨ evoxi M„nKZ©w G‡m Dcw¯’Z n‡jv|‡m Ae¯’v †`‡L wew¯§Z n‡jv|‡m evwjKvwU‡K wb‡q wbKUeZ©x nvmcvZv‡j †Mj|Wv³v‡ii Dc‡`kg‡Z Zv‡K Riyix Ae¯’vq fwZ© Kiv n‡jv|BwZg‡a¨ M„nKZx© Riyix wefv‡M nvwRi n‡jv Ges Zvi ¯^vgxi Kv‡Q Zvi K…ZK‡g©I Rb¨ ¶gv PvBj|M„nKZx© evwjKvwU‡K I †mev Kiv ïiy Kij|)

42. Once there was an idle king. He did not like physical labour. As a result he grew bulky and could not move from one place to another. He called in a doctor. The doctor was intelligent and----------------------------------------------------.
                                            Idleness makes a man inactive

Once there was an old king.He did not like physical labour.As a result he grew bulky and could not move from one place to another.He called in a doctor.The doctor was very clever and from a close observation he could learn from the fact that idleness is the main reason behind the obesity of the king.He told the king that he was in great danger and therefore it is essential to get immediate treatment.Hearing the king turned pale.He repeatedly requested the doctor to give him medicine of his illness.He then gave the king a club and told him to brandish the club in the morning and in the evening for at least one hour.The king had no way before him except doing so.So he started brandishing the club regularly.Every time he became so tired but did not stop his job. At one point he used to lie strait on the earth.After a month the doctor came to visit his patient.He found the king fresh and healthy.He told him that physical labour is the best medicine to keep fit.The king,however,thanked the doctor for prescribing the right medicine. (GK`v GK e„× ivRv wQ‡jb| wZwb KvwqKkªg cQ›` Ki‡Zb bv|d‡j wZwb †gvUv n‡q c‡ob Ges GKB ¯’vb †_‡K Ab¨ ¯’v‡b †h‡Z cvi‡Zb bv|wZwb GKRb wPwKrm‡Ki mibvcbœ n‡jb|wPwKrmK wQ‡jb Lye PvjvKGes Mfxi fv‡e ch©‡e¶b K‡i wZwb eyS‡Z cvi‡jb †h ivRvi ¯’yjZvi cÖavb KviY AjmZv|wZwb ivRv‡K ej‡jb bv wZwb Lye wec‡` Av‡Qb|Avi ZvB Riyix wPwKrmv `iKvi|  GK_v ï‡b ivRv Nve‡o †M‡jb|wZwb wPwKrmK‡K Jla †`Iqvi Rb¨ evi evi Aby‡iva Ki‡jb|wPwKrmK ivRv‡K Rvbv‡jb †h Zvi Amy¯’Zv †Kej GKwU Jla Av‡Q|ZLb wZwb ivRv‡K GKwU gy¸i w`‡jb|mKvj I mÜvq Kgc‡¶ GK N›Uv gy¸i †Nviv‡Z ej‡jb| ivRvi mvg‡b Zv Kiv Qvov Avi †Kvb c_ wQj bv| ZvB wZwb wbqwgZ gy¸i †Nviv‡bv ïiy Ki‡jb| cÖwZeviB wZwb Lye K¬všÍ n‡q co‡Zb| †mvRv n‡q gvwU‡Z ï‡q co‡Zb| GKgvm ci wPwKrmK Zvi †ivMx‡K †`L‡Z G‡jb|wZwb ivRv‡K m‡ZR Ges my¯’ Ae¯’vq †`L‡Z †c‡jb|wZwb Zv‡K ej‡jb †h my¯’ _vKvi Rb¨ m‡ev©Ëg Jla n‡”Q KvwqKkªg|hv‡nvK mwVK Jl‡ai e¨e¯’vcÎ †`Iqvi Rb¨ ivRv wPwKrmK‡K ab¨ev` Rvbv‡jb|)
43. There was a big pond in a certain village.It was filled to brim with water.Many dogs took their shelter in the pond.Some of them---------------------.                             
                 What is play to one is death to another (GKR‡bi Rb¨ hv †Ljv A‡b¨i Rb¨ Zv g„Zy¨)
There was a big pond in a certain village.It was filled to brim with water.Many dogs took their shelter in the pond.Some of them put their heads out of the water and coaked loudly.One day some naughty boys were playing by the side of the pond.When they heard the frogs croaking,some of them started to throw stones into the pond for fun.These stones hurt some of the frogs.All the frogs at once went down into water.But the boys did not leave the place.They remained standing there with stones in their hands.They went on pelting the frogs with stones when they raised their heads above the water.So an old frog raised his head out of the water and said, “Dear boys,don’t throw stones at us,please.” “We’re playing,” said the boys, laughing. “I understand that,”said the old frog. “But the stones you throw hit and hurt us.What’s play to you is death to us.”(‡Kvb GK MÖv‡g GKwU eo  cyKzi wQj|GwU cvwb‡Z Kvbvq Kvbvq cyY© wQj| A‡bK e¨vO cyKz‡i Avkªq wb‡qwQj|Zv‡`i wKQy wKQy cvwbi Dci Zv‡`i gv_v ZzjZ Ges Lye †Rv‡i KK©k K‡i WvKZ| GKw`b wKQy `yó evjK cyKz‡i cv‡k¦© †LjwQj| hLb Zviv e¨v‡Oi KK©k WvK ïb‡Z †cj ZLb Zv‡`i K‡qKRb gRv K‡i cyKz‡i cv_i Qyo‡Z ïiy Kij| GB cv_i¸‡jv wKQy e¨vO‡K AvNvZ Kij| ZZ¶bvr mKj e¨vO cvwbi g‡a¨ P‡j †Mj| wKšÍ evj‡Kiv ¯’vbwU Z¨vM Kij bv| Zviv Zv‡`i nv‡Z cv_i wb‡q †mLv‡b `vwo‡q _v‡K|ZvB GK eq¯K e¨vO cvwbi Dci gv_v Zz‡j ejj wcÖq evj‡Kiv `qv K‡i †Zvgiv Avgv‡`i‡K cv_i wb‡¶c K‡iv bv|‡Q‡jiv nvm‡Z nvm‡Z ejj Avgiv †`LwQ eq¯‹ e¨vOwU e‡j Avwg †mUv ey‡SwQ wKšÍ ‡Zvgvi †h cv_i †Qvo Zv Avgv‡`i‡K AvNvZ K‡i Ges Kó †`q|‡Zvgv‡`i wbKU hv †Ljv Zv Avgv‡`i wbKU g„Zz¨|Ó) 
44. It was a winter morning.Cold wind was blowing heavily.A farmer was going to his field.He found a snake half dead………    
                                     Black will take no other hue(Kqjv ay‡j gqjv hvq bv)
It was a winter morning.Cold wind was blowing heavily.A farmer was going to his field.He found a snake half dead with cold, lying by the side of the road. He took pity on the wretched snake.He put it in his basket and brought it home.He warmed the snake with fire and gave it warm milk and made it fresh.It was all right with it and it got quite well very soon.It began to play with the children of the farmer.For the time being,it behaved well but afterwards it showed its actual behaviour and forgot the symphathy of the kind farmer.One day while playing with the children of the farmer,it spread out its fang and bit one of them.The farmer realised his mistake.He undertood that an evil always remains an evil.So he became very angry and killed the snake with a stick,saying, “Black will take no other hue.”(ZLb wQj kxZKvj|e¨vcKfv‡e VvÛv evZvm cÖevwnZ nw”Qj|GKRb K…lK gv‡V hvw”Qj| †m GKwU mvc‡K iv¯Ívi cv‡k¦© VvÛvq Aa©g„Z Ae¯’vq kvwqZ †`LwQj|‡m `y©fvMv mv‡ci cªwZ m`q n‡qwQj|‡m GwU‡K Szwo‡Z Zz‡j evwo‡Z G‡bwQj|‡m Av¸b w`‡q mvc‡K Dò K‡iwQj| GwU‡K Mig `ya w`‡qwQj Ges m‡ZR K‡i Zy‡jwQj| Gi mewKQy wVK wQj Ges kªxNB Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kij| GwU K…l‡Ki †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i mv‡_ †Ljvayjv ïiy K‡iwQj|mvgwqKfv‡e Gi AvPiY fvj n‡qwQj wKš‘ cieZx©‡Z GwU Zvi cÖK…Z AvPiY K‡iwQj Ges `qvjy K…l‡Ki mnvbyf~wZ fy‡j wM‡qwQj|GKw`b K…l‡Ki †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i mv‡_ †Ljvi mgq GwU Zvi dbv cÖmvwiZ K‡i Zv‡`i GKRb‡K Kvgo w`‡qwQj|K…lK Zvi fyj eyS‡Z †c‡iwQj †m eyS‡Z †c‡iwQj †h Lvivc memgq LvivcB _v‡K|ZvB †m Lye ivMvwš^Z n‡qwQj Ges mvcwU‡K jvwV w`‡q GB e‡j nZ¨v K‡iwQj †h Kqjv ay‡j gqjv hvq bv|) 
45. Once upon a time there lived three friends in a certain village.One day they set on a long joureney on foot.They promised to help-----------------------------.
                                             Three honest friends (wZbRb mr eÜz)
Once upon a time there lived three friends in a certain village.One day they set on a long joureney on foot.They promised to help one another and to be helpful if and when any problem arises.One the ways they had to pass through a jungle.All on a sudden,they saw a bag of gold lying on the ground.The three friends stood around the bag and looked around to check whether there was anybody or not.But they did not find anybody coming along the way.Then they thought for a while and tried to decide what to do.Suddnely one of them found a blood-stained man lying senseless in corner.When they touched him,he received sense.Then the three friends served the man and made him feel better.After that they asked him about the whole incident.The man answered that he was kindnapped by some dacoits who tortured him inhumanity.He also said that his family gave the dacoits a bag of gold as ransom.But seeing the police they ran away leaving me wounded.The three friends returned him the bag of gold. (‡Kvb GK mgq  GKMÖv‡g wZbRb eÜz evm KiZ|GKw`b Zviv cv‡h †n‡uU GK `xN© åg‡b †ei n‡jv|Zviv cÖwZÁv K‡iwQj G‡K Aci‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡e Ges mnvqK n‡e hw` Ges hLb †Kvb mgm¨v †`Lv †`q|cw_g‡a¨ Zv‡`i GKwU R½j AwZµg Ki‡Z n‡qwQj|nVvr Zviv Rwg‡bi Dci c‡o _vKv ¯^‡Y©I e¨vM †`Lj|wZb eÜz e¨v‡Mi Pvicv‡k¦© `vov‡jv Ges Zviv cix¶v Ki‡Z Pvwicv‡k¦© ZvwK‡q ‡`L‡jv †mLv‡b †KD Av‡Q wKbv|wKš‘ Zviv c_ w`‡q KvD‡K  Avm‡Z †`Lj bv|Zvi ci Zviv wKQy¶Y wPšÍv Ki‡jv Ges wmØvšÍ wb‡Z †Póv Kij wK Kiv hvq|nVvr Zv‡`i GKRb GK ‡KvYvq c‡o _vKv GKRb i³v³ AÁvb gvbyl‡K †`L‡Z †cj|hLb Zviv Zv‡K ¯úk© Kij †m Ávb wd‡i †cj|Zvici wZb eÜz †jvKwU‡K †mev Kij Ges fvj Kij|Zvici Zviv mg¯Í NUbv m¤ú‡K© Zv‡K wR‡Ám Kij|‡jvKwU‡K DËi w`j †m wKQy WvKvZ KZ©„K AcüZ n‡qwQj hviv Zv‡K AgvbweKfv‡e AZ¨vPvi K‡i‡Q|‡m Av‡iv ejj †h Zvi cwievi WvKvZ‡`i gyw³cY wn‡m‡e GK e¨vM ¯^Y© w`‡qwQj| wKšÍ cywjk †`‡L Avgv‡K AvnZ Ae¯’vq †i‡L cvwj‡q †Mj|wZb eÜz Zv‡K ¯^‡Y©i e¨vMwU †diZ w`j|)

46. Once upon a time a noble built a grand house. On the front of the gate he wrote the words, “this house is to be given to the first man who can prove that he is contended. ‘One day a stranger knocked at the gate and desired to speak to the noble man------------.
                                                     The prudence of a noble man
Once upon a time a noble built a grand house. On the front of the gate he wrote the words, “this house is to be given to the first man who can prove that he is contended. ‘One day a stranger knocked at the gate and desired to speak to the noble man about the words written on the gate .The noble man told him about this. Understanding this, the stranger told the noble man that he would be content if noble man would give him the house . Then the noble man realized that the stranger was a greedy man.If he would be given this house ,finally and consecutively he would demand all of other resources he had .Therefore, the noble man driven him out .(GK`v GK m¤£všÍ e¨w³ GKwU evox wbgv©b K‡iwQj|‡M‡Ui mvg‡b †m wKQy  kã wj‡L w`‡qwQj Ò GB evoxwU cÖ_‡g Zv‡K w`‡q w`qv n‡e †h cÖgvY Ki‡Z cvi‡e †h †m mš‘ó e¨w³|GKw`b GK †jvK AvMš‘K e¨w³ `iRvq av°v w`j Ges m¤£všÍ e¨w³i m‡½ K_v ej‡Z B”Qv cÖKvk Kij †h `iRvi †M‡U wKQy kã wj‡L †i‡LwQj| m¤£všÍ e¨w³ Zv‡K GB m¯ú‡K© ejj|eySvi ci AvMš‘K e¨w³ m¤£všÍ e¨w³‡K ejj †m mš‘ó e¨w³ n‡Z cv‡i hw` †m Zv‡K evwowU w`‡q †`q|Zvici m¤£všÍ e¨w³ AbyaveY Kij †h AvMš‘K e¨w³ AZ¨šÍ †jvfx|hw` †klch©šÍ †m evoxwU w`‡q †`q Zvn‡j †m AviI wKQy `vex Ki‡e|ZvB m¤£všÍ e¨w³ Zv‡K Zvwo‡q w`j|)
47. As I was walking home yesterday, a small man with a long pointed beard and only one harm stopped me and asked me the way to “Nur munjil” I was very surprised because that is my house.----------------------------.
                                             An enlightened man (GKRb Av‡jvwKZ gvbyl)
As I was walking home yesterday, a small man with a long painted beard and only one arm stopped me and asked me the way to “Nur munjil” I was very surprised because that is my house. I told him to come with me and follow me .He came with me and I knocked at the door of my house .My mother opened the door and she could recognize the stranger .This very man was nobody but one of my paternal uncles. He joined the liberation war in 1971 .Then he expressed everything in detail what had happened after the liberation war. With an inquisitive mind I was following his speeches. He fought against enemies with great courage. Suddenly he got a severe hit at his head and he lost his previous memories. The days after that incident were a bleakest picture of his life .He turned into a complete insane .He was roaming here and there with a strange mad look in his eyes. A few days earlier in a certain moment he could regain his memory .Now the moment of ‘Nur  Monjil’ has become obvious to him .After a long period he has come back here and has got his near and dear ones. I was listening to him with a rapt attention.I felt a profound respect for this enlightened man .He deserves a special room in  the very core of my heart where I would like to adorn him with a sense of pride and honour. (hLb Avwg MZKvj evoxi w`‡K nvUuwQjvg GKRb †LvPvu‡LvPv `vwo wewkó †QvU GKRb e¨w³ Avgv‡K GKevû w`‡q `vo Kivj Ges wRÁvmv Kij †h b~i gbwR‡ji iv¯Ív ‡KvbwU|Avwg wew¯§Z njvg KviY †mwU Avgv‡‡`i evox|Avwg Zv‡K Avgvi mv‡_ Avm‡Z ejjvg Ges Avgv‡K AbymiY Ki‡Z ejjvg|‡m Avgvi mv‡_ AvmjGes Avwg Avgvi evoxi `iRvq UzKv w`jvg|Avgvi gv `iRv Lyj‡jb Ges †m AvMš‘K e¨w³‡K wPb‡Z cvi‡jb|GB †jvKwU Avgiv gvgv Qvov Avi †KD wQj bv| ‡m 1971 mv‡j gyw³hy‡× AskMÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb|Zvici †m mewKQy we¯ÍvwiZ ejj hy‡×i c‡i wK N‡UwQj|DrmyK g‡b Avwg Zvi K_v ¸‡jv Abymib Ki‡ZwQjvg|`ya©k mvn‡m wb‡q †m kÎy‡`i mv‡_ hy× K‡iwQj|nVvr Zvi gv_vq AvNvZ †j‡MwQj Ges †m Zvi ¯§„wZkw³ nvwi‡q †d‡jwQj|‡mB NUbvi c‡i Zvi Rxe‡bi Ki“b Qwe n‡q D‡VwQj| ‡m m¤ú~Y© Av¯^vfvweK gvbyl n‡qwM‡qwQj|cvM‡ji gZ †`L‡Z GKRb gvby‡li gZ †m GLv‡b †mLv‡b Ny‡i †eovZ|wKQyw`b c~‡e© nVvr Zvi ¯§„wZkw³ wd‡i cvq |b~i gbwR‡ji gyn~©ZMy‡jv Zvi Kv‡Q †f‡m D‡V |A‡bK w`b ci ‡m wd‡i G‡mwQj Ges Zvi AvcbRb‡`i‡K wd‡i †c‡q‡Q|Avwg Zvi K_v¸‡jv AwZg‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ ïb‡Z wQjvg| GB Av‡jvwKZ gvby‡li cÖwZ Avgvi kª×v Rvbv‡Z gb Pvw”Qj|Avgvi g‡bi ü`‡q †m we‡kl ¯’vb K‡i wb‡qwQj †hLvb †_‡K  Avwg Zv‡K kª×v Ges M‡ei© AbyfywZ Rvbv‡Z B”Qv K‡iwQj|)

48. There lived a poor farmer in a village. He had a son called Kamal. Kamal was a very meritorious boy. He studied in his village school. Although he was the son of a poor farmer, he always dreamt of having higher education from his boyhood. Being a poor farmer his father could hardly bear the expenses of his education. Moreover, he had to help his father in the field. Yet he passed the SSC Examination in the--------.
                                           Fortune favours the hardworking Kamal
There lived a poor farmer in a village. He had a son called Kamal. Kamal was a very meritorious boy. He studied in his village school. Although he was the son of a poor farmer, he always dreamt of having higher education from his boyhood. Being a poor farmer his father could hardly bear the expenses of his education. Moreover, he had to help his father in the field. Yet he passed the SSC Examination in the first division with letter marks in four subjects. He then got himself admitted into Dhaka College but he was unable to stay in the college hostel, A few friends of him managed the principal to do so. With great hardship he managed to continue his studies there. Fortunately, he passed the HSC examination in the first division with the letter marks in two subjects. Then, Kamal became optimistic to continue his studies. He became ambitious and appeared in the admission test at medical colleges for MBBS course. Luckily he got chance to study there. After 5 years of study in medical college, he became an MBBS doctor. His poor parents felt proud of their brilliant son. (GK MÖv‡g GK Mixe K…lK evm KiZ|Kvgvj bv‡g Zvi GK †Q‡j wQj|Kvgvj wQj Lye †gavex|‡m MÖv‡gi we`¨vj‡q covïbv KiZ|hw`I †m Mixe K…l‡Ki †Q‡j wQj †QvU‡ejv †_‡K †m D”Pwk¶vi ¯^cœ †`LZ|Mixe K…lK n‡q Zvi evev Lye KgB LiP w`‡Z cvi‡Zb|AwaKšÍ †¶‡Z Zvi evev‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z nZ|Zey †m GmGmwm cix¶vq PviwU wel‡q †jUvi b¤^I mn cÖ_g wefv‡M †m cvk K‡iwQj|Zvi ci †m XvKv K‡j‡R fwZ© n‡qwQj wKšÍ K‡jR †nv‡÷‡j _vKvi mvg_¨© Zvi wQj bv|wKQy eÜz Aa¨¶‡K e‡j †nv‡÷‡j _vKvi e¨e¯’v K‡i w`‡qwQj|A‡bK K‡ó †m Zvi cov‡jLv Pvwj‡q wM‡qwQj|fvM¨µ‡g †m GBP.Gm.wm cix¶vq 2wU wel‡q †jUvi mn cÖ_g wefv‡M cvk K‡iwQj| Zvici Kvgvj Avkvev`x wQj †h Zvi covïbv Pvwj‡q hvIqvi Rb¨|‡m D”PvsLx nj Ges Gg we we Gm †Kv‡m©i Rb¨ fwZ©cix¶vq AskMÖnY Kij | fvM¨µ‡g †m †mLv‡b covi my‡hvM †cj| cvPu eQi c‡i †m GgweweGm Wv³vi n‡jv | Zvi Mixe evevgv Zvi †gavex mšÍv‡bi Rb¨ Lye Me©‡eva Kij|)                                                  
49. Mr Ahmed just completed his graduation. He has not got any job yet. Some of his friends serve in Dhaka. So he came to Dhaka with a hope that his friends would help him in getting a job------------------------.


                                                     Industry is key to success
Mr Ahmed just completed his graduation. He has not got any job yet. Some of his friends serve in Dhaka. So he came to Dhaka with a hope that his friends would help him in getting a job. His friends received him cordially and managed a room to live in.Besides, they managed tuition for him and with it he was able to lead his life. But the sorrowful news for him is that he has applied for many jobs and got a few responses. One day, he got an interview card from a commercial bank and also faced it with success. In afternoon, he got a letter of appointment. He was said to join on the 25th April 2008 as a probationary officer at Mipur Branch.( Rbve Avn‡g` Zvi mœvZK wWMx †kl K‡iwQj|‡m ZLbI PvKzix cvqwb|Zvi wKQy eÜz XvKvq PvKzix  K‡i| †m A‡bK Avkv wb‡q XvKv G‡mwQj †h Zvi eÜziv Zv‡K PvKzixi e¨vcv‡i mvnvh¨ Ki‡e|Zvi eÜziv Zv‡K AvšÍwiKfv‡e MÖnY Kij Ges _vKvi Rb¨ iy‡gi e¨e¯’v K‡i w`j|G Qvov Zv‡K wUDkb msMÖn K‡i w`j Ges GwU w`‡q †m Rxeb cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z †c‡iwQj|wKšÍ Zvi `yt‡Li welq wQj †h †m PvKyixi Rb¨ A‡bK `iLv¯Í K‡iwQj Ges †mLvb †_‡K Lye KgB mvov †c‡qwQj|GKw`b †m Kg©vwmqvj e¨vsK †_‡K B›Uvi wfD KvW© †c‡qwQj Ges mvd‡j¨I mv‡_ †gvKvwejv K‡iwQj|weKvj‡ejv †m ‡hvM`vi cÎ †c‡qwQj|Zv‡K wgicyi kvLvq cÖ‡ekbvix Awdmvi wn‡m‡e 2008 mv‡ji 25 Zvwi‡Li g‡a¨ †hvM`vb Ki‡Z ejv nj|)

50. Jamal is an SSC examinee. He is not attentive to his lessons especially to English because he is very weak in english.Moreover, he is lazy. So, his preparation in English is not good. A month ago before his examination he managed ----------------------------------
                                                    Regular study(wbqwgZ †jLvcov)
Jamal is an SSC examinee. He is not attentive to his lessons especially to English because he is very weak in english.Moreover, he is lazy. So, his preparation in English is not good. A month ago before his examination he managed a short suggestion of probable questions on English. On the day of examination of English he started for the examination hall a bit earlier. He entered the examination hall with a trembling heart. After the examination hall he saw most examinees were in the examination hall. Within a short time the invigilator entered the examination hall. He gave the answer script to all the students. After that Jamal got the question paper and read it thoroughly at first. But alas! He forgot all the answer that he learnt by cramming.moreover, he found the questions uncommon. He could not write English off hand. He felt terribly sorry realizing his own folly and left the hall with a heavy heart. He now decided to read more attentively and regularly. (Rvgvj Gm.Gm.wm cix¶v_x©|‡m cov‡jLvq g‡bv‡hvMx wQj bv we‡kl K‡i Bs‡iwR‡Z Kvib †m Bs‡iwR‡Z wQj AZ¨šÍ `y©ej|AwaKš‘ †m Lye Ajm|ZvB Zvi Bs‡iwR‡Z cÖ¯‘wZ fvj bv|cix¶vi GK gvm c~‡e© Bs‡iwR wel‡qi cix¶vi m¤¢ve¨ cÖ‡kœi Dci mv‡Rkb msMÖn K‡iwQj|Bs‡iwR cix¶vi w`‡b GKUz Av‡M †m cix¶vi n‡ji D‡Ïk¨ †ei nj|‡m g‡b fq wb‡q cix¶vi n‡j cÖ‡ek Kij|cix¶vi nj cÖ‡ek K‡i †`Lj †h AwaKvsk cix¶v_x© cix¶vi n‡j|wKQy mg‡qi g‡a¨ nj cwi`k©K n‡j cÖ‡ek Ki‡jb| ‡m cix¶vi mevB‡K DËicÎ w`j| Zvici Rvgvj DËicÎ †cj Ges cov cÖ_g †_‡K †kl ch©šÍ cov ïiæ K‡i w`j|wKš‘ nvq! †m me DËi f~‡j †Mj hv †m f‡q gyL¯Í K‡iwQj|AwaKšÍ cÖkœ¸‡jv wQj A‡Pbv|‡m ¯^vfvweKfv‡e Bs‡iwR wjL‡Z cvij bv|‡m Zvi †evKvgx Abyaveb K‡i Kó †cj Ges †m g‡b Kó wb‡q cix¶vi nj Z¨vM Kij |‡m ZLb wmØvšÍ wbj fvj K‡i g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ cov‡jLv Kivi wmØvšÍ wbj|)
51. In his boyhood Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani was going to Bagdad for education.On the eve of his deparature from home, his mother------------------.
                                 Truthfulness of Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani
In his boyhood Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani was going to Bagdad for education.On the eve of his deparature from home, his mother asked him, “My son, never tell a lie and don’t get frightened in danger.”Bagdad was far away from his home.He began his journey in the company of a band of merchants.The way was infested with robbers.After five days, a gang of robbers fell upon the travellvers.One of the robbers caught hold of the boy.The gang leader saw it and said, “Let the boy go.He has nothing with him.”At this the boy said, “No, you are wrong, I have forty gold coins sewed in my sleeves.”The leader asked him why he told them away about his money.The boy said in reply that at the time of his deparature,his mother forbade him to tell a lie.He could not disobey his mother.Hearing this a change came into the gang leader.He gave up robbery with all his men.They began to lead good and honest life. (evj¨Kv‡j Avãyj Kv‡`i wRjvbx wk¶vjv‡fi Rb¨ evM`v` hvw”Q‡jb|M„n †_‡K Zvi we`vq †ejvq Zvi gv Zv‡K ïav‡jb, Ò‡n Avgvi cyÎ,KL‡bv wg_¨v K_v ej‡e bv Ges wec‡` fq †cI bv|ÓevM`v` Zvi evwo †_‡K A‡bK `~‡i wQj|wZwb GK`j ewY‡Ki mv‡_ c_ Pj‡Z jvM‡jb|c_wU‡Z WvKv‡Zi DrcvZ wQj|cvPuw`b Pjvi ci,GK`j WvKvZ mdiKvix‡`i  Dci Svwc‡q coj|Ab¨Zg GKRb WvKvZ evjKwU‡K a‡i †djj|`‡ji m`©vi G‡K †`Lj Ges ejj ,ÒevjKwU‡K †h‡Z `vI|Zvi Kv‡Q wKQyB †bB|ÓG‡Z evjKwU ejj, Òbv,Avcbviv fyj Ki‡Qb,Avgvi Rvgvi Avw¯Í‡bi g‡a¨ Pwj­kwU ¯^Y© gy`ªv †mjvBK…Z Av‡Q|Ó `j‡bZv Zv‡K wRÁvmv Kij †Kb †m Zv‡`i‡K Zvi UvKvi K_v e‡jwQj|evjKwU cÖwZDˇi ejj †h,Zvi we`v‡qi mg‡q Zvi gv Zv‡K wg_¨v K_v ej‡Z wb‡la K‡iwQj|‡m Zvi gv‡qi Aeva¨ n‡Z cviZ bv|G K_v ï‡b `j‡bZvi g‡a¨ GKwU cwieZ©b Gj|‡m Zvi me †jv‡Ki mv‡_ WvKvwZ †Q‡o w`j|Zviv fv‡jv Ges mr Rxeb cwiPvwjZ Ki‡Z jvMj|)

52. Once there was a king.The king was very fond of knowing his future from the astrologer.A good astrologer………………….
                                    A king and a astrologer ( GK ivRv Ges †R¨vwZw©e`)
Once there was a king.The king was very fond of knowing his future from the astrologer.A good astrologer visited the capital of the king.The called him to the palace.The astrologer told something very unpleasant.At this the king got furious and condemned him to death.But another thought crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for excecution.The king then asked, “How long would you live?” He then thought for while for some way of escape.He thought that the king would prove him in a liar putting him to death.With ready wit he said, “The stars declare that I’ll die only a week before your death! I shall wait to receive your majesty where you have been sending me.At this king turned pale. ‘Drive this wretch away and let him not come again’shouted the king.(GK`v GK ivRv wQj|ivRv †R¨vwZwe©‡`i wbKU †_‡K Zvi fwel¨r Rvb‡Z AvMÖnx wQj|GKRb fvj †R¨vwZwe©` ivRvi ivRavbx ågb K‡iwQ‡jb|ivRv Zv‡K cÖvmv‡` WvK‡jb|†R¨vwZwe©` LyeB AwcÖq wKQy K_v ej‡jb|G‡Z ivRv wnsmª n‡q †M‡jb Ges ivRv Zv‡K wgZy¨`‡Û `wÛZ Ki‡jb|wKšÍ †R¨vwZwe©`‡K mvRv †_‡K g„Zz¨`Ê †`Iqvi c~‡e© Zvi gv_vq Av‡iK wPšÍv Avmj|Zvici ivRv Zv‡K wRÁvmv Kij, ÒAvcwb KZw`b evPu‡eb ?ÓZvici gyw³ cvIqvi Rb¨ †m wKQy mgq wPšÍv Ki‡jb|‡m wPšÍv Kij  ivRv Zv‡K g„Zzy¨`‡Û `wÛZ K‡i Zv‡K wg_y¨K cÖgvwYZ Ki‡e|Zvr¶wYK eyw× LvwU‡q wZwb ej‡jb, ÓZviv¸‡jv cÖKvk K‡i †h Avwg Avcbvi g„Zz¨i gvÎ GK mßvn c~‡e© gviv hve|Avgv‡K †hLv‡bB †cÖiY Kiyb Avwg †mB Av‡`k MÖn‡Yi A‡c¶v Kie|GUv ivRvi †Pnviv weeY© n‡q †Mj|ÒZv‡K †U‡b wb‡q hvI Ges Zv‡K †Kvbw`bI GLv‡b Avm‡Z w`‡e bv,Ó ivRv wPrKvi K‡i ejj|)  
53. Sheikh Saadi was going to Bagdad with a group of rich merchants.He had a buddle of books and some money with him.The merchants had their goods and a lot of money------------------------.
                               Sheikh Saadi and the robbers (‡kLmv`x Ges WvKv‡Ziv)
Sheikh Saadi was going to Bagdad with a group of rich merchants.He had a buddle of books and some money with him.The merchants had their goods and a lot of money.They traveled without any problem for twelve days.On the fifteenth day, a group of robbers attacked them.The robbers took away all the money and valuables of the merchants.One of the robbers caught Saadi and told him to give him what he had.Saadi gave him the buddle of books and said, “I hope you will make good use of these books.”The leader of the robbers became surprised at his word and asked him how he would make good use of the books.Saadi told him to give the books to his children and appoint a good teacher for them.Then they would tell him how sinful it is to snatch away others’ money.The leader became repentant and returned all the money and gave up robbery.(‡kLmv`x GK`j ewb‡Ki mv‡_ cov‡jLv Kivi Rb¨ evM`v‡` hvB‡ZwQj|Zvi mv‡_ A‡bK eB I wKQy UvKv wQj|ewYK‡`i Kv‡Q A‡bK g~j¨evb wRwbm Ges UvKv cqmv wQj|eviw`b ch©šÍ Zviv †Kvb cÖKvi mgm¨v QvovB PjwQj|‡ZiZg w`‡b GK`j WvKvZ Zv‡`i Dci Avµgb Kij|WvKv‡Ziv Zv‡`i KvQ †_‡K g~j¨evb wRwmmcÎ I UvKv cqmv wQwb‡q wb‡qwQj|Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb WvKvZ mv`x‡K a‡i †djj Ges Zvi Kv‡Q hv wQj w`‡Z ejj|mv`x eB¸‡jv w`‡q ejj, Ò Avwg Avkv Kwi eB¸‡jv mwVK e¨envi Ki‡e|GB K_v ï‡b WvKv‡Ziv wew¯§Z n‡jv Ges Zv‡K wRÁvmv Kij wKfv‡e Zviv eBMy‡jv mwVKfv‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z cvi‡e|mv`x Zv‡`i‡K Zv‡`i †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i‡K w`‡Z ejj Ges Zv‡`i Rb¨ GKRb wk¶K ivL‡Z ejj|Zvici Zviv ej‡e A‡b¨i wRwbm wQbZvB KZ eo RNb¨ KvR|WvKvZ m`©vi Aby‡kvPbv Kij Ges mg¯Í UvKv cqmv †diZ w`‡q w`j Ges WvKvwZ Kiv †Q‡o w`j|) 

54. Last Saturaday I went to the river for taking my bath at 9.00 a.m. I saw two boys bathing in the river.Suddenly one boy fell into deep water and cried for help.I saw the other boy jumping into the deep water immediately after he had heard the cry…………………BB 09

Last Saturaday I went to the river for taking my bath at 9.00 a.m. I saw two boys bathing in the river.Suddenly one boy fell into deep water and cried for help.I saw the other boy jumping into the deep water immediately after he had heard the cry.But perhaps he,like the first boy,did not know how to swim.The result was infact dangerous for both their lives.They both were about to be drowned.I know well how to swim.So, I dived into the water and soon caught the two boys by their hands with both  my hands.But in such a situation,I could neither swim to the bank nor keep my head above water very well.Besides the boys were throwing their limbs to somehow keep alive.On top of that there was a strong current in the river that was taking us deeper.Finding no other way, I also started crying at the top of my voice for help.Meanwhile,two strong young men noticed our distress.They jumped into the river and finally rescued us all.They praised me highly for my effort to save the boys.They also told,the boys not to take bath any more in the  river if they could not learn how to swim.(MZ kwbevi mKvj bqUvq †Mvmj Kivi Rb¨ b`x‡Z †Mjvg|Avwg `yRb †Q‡j‡K b`x‡Z †Mvmj Ki‡Z †`Ljvg|nVvr GKwU †Q‡j Mfxi cvwb‡Z c‡o wM‡q mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ wPrKvi Ki‡Z jvMj|Avwg Zr¶bvr Ab¨ †Q‡jwU‡K wPrKvi ï‡b Mfxi cwb‡Z Svwuc‡q co‡Z †`Ljvg|wKš‘ †mB m¤¢eZ Av‡Mi †Q‡jwUi g‡Zv mvZuvi RvbZ bv|djvdj wQj Aek¨¤¢vexfv‡e Zv‡`i Rxe‡bi Rb¨ ûgwK¯^iƒc|Zv‡`i `yR‡bB Wy‡e givi Dcµg nj|Avwg fvj mvZvui RvbZvg |Avwg cvwb‡Z Svwuc‡q c‡o kxNª `yÕnv‡Z †Q‡j `ywUi nvZ AvuK‡o aijvg|wKš‘ G cwiw¯’wZ‡Z Avwg Zxu‡i mvZvi KvUu‡Z wKsev Avgvi gv_v cvwbi Dci wVKfv‡e ivL‡Z cviwQjvg bv|Ab¨w`‡K †Q‡j¸‡jv †Kvb iK‡g †e‡uP _vKvi Rb¨ Zv‡`i nvZ-cv QyuowQj|Gi mv‡_ mv‡_ b`x‡Z Ggb †mªvZ wQj hv Avgv‡`i‡K b`xi Av‡iv Mfx‡i †U‡b wb‡q hvw”Qj|Ab¨ †Kvb c_ bv †`‡L Avwg m‡Rv‡o mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ wPrKvi Kijvg|BwZg‡a¨ `yRb k³-mvg_© hyeK Avgv‡`i mevB‡K D×vi Kij|Zviv †Q‡j¸‡jv‡K i¶v Kivi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i cÖ‡Póvi cÖksmv Kij|Zviv mvZvi bv Rvbv ch©šÍ †Q‡j¸‡jv‡K Avi b`x‡Z †Mvmj bv Kivi Rb¨ ejj|)
55. One day Abul Khaier was grazing the cattle along the railway track.Suddenly he saw some problems in the track.He found that both the rails of the track are cut off for about 15 feet.Even the sleepers at that point had been removed…………………………………           
                                                   Wits of a boy saved hundreds
One day Abul Khaier was grazing the cattle along the railway track.Suddenly he saw some problems in the track.He found that both the rails of the track are cut off for about 15 feet.Even the sleepers at that point had been removed.He became alarmed at this.He took it as a sabotage effort of the miscreants.He also could picture the devastating caused by such sobatage.So,he was looking around for help.But nobody was there.In the meantime,he could hear the whistle of an advancing train.He became restless at this.He did not know what to do. “How can I warn the driver of the train about the impending danger?”There’s must be a way out.”-he thought.Suddenly his red shirt attracted his attention.He took it off.Then he stood in the middle of the railway track and started moving his red shirt from a quite distance.He thought of something unusual and managed to stop the train before the danger point.Later, everybody realised what was going to happen.They praised the boy’s wits highly and thanked him for saving their lives. (GKw`b Aveyj Lv‡qi †ij iv¯Ívi av‡i Mevw` cï Povw”Qj|nVvr †m iv¯Ívi mvgvb¨ ΓwU †`L‡Z †cj|‡m †`L‡Z †cj iv¯Ívi †ij¸‡jv c‡bi dz‡Ui gZ †K‡U †bqv n‡q‡Q|GgbwK †m ¯’v‡bi ¯­xcvi¸‡jv I Zz‡j †bqv n‡q‡Q|‡m GUv †`‡L mZ©K n‡q DVj|‡m eyS‡Z cvij †h ,GUv `y®K…ZKvix‡`i aeesmvZ¡K KvR|‡m G ai‡bi aeesmvZ¡K Kv‡Ri m¤¢ve¨ aeesm m¤ú‡©K Av›`vR Ki‡Z cvij|ZvB †m mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ Pviw`‡K ZvKv‡Z jvMj|wKš‘ †mLv‡b †KD wQj bv|‡m Zr¶bvr  GKUv AMÖmigvb †Uª‡bi ûB‡mj ïb‡Z †cj|‡m GUv ï‡b Aw¯’i n‡q co‡jv|‡m eySj bv wK Ki‡Z n‡e| ÓAvwg wKfv‡e Avmbœ wec` m¤ú‡K© †Uª‡bi PvjK‡K mZ©K Ki‡Z cvwi? GKUv c_ Lyu‡R †ei Ki‡ZB n‡e|‡m fvej|nVvr Zvi jvj kv‡U©i K_v g‡b coj|Ges cZvKvi g‡Zv kvU©wU bvov‡Z jvMj|‡Uª‡bi PvjK †ek `~‡i †_‡K †Q‡jwU‡K jvj kv©UwU Dov‡Z †`Lj|‡m †Kvb GKUv ANU‡bi K_v †f‡e wec`msKzj ¯’vbwUi Av‡M †UªbwU _vgv‡Z m¶g nj|c‡i,mevB wK NU‡Z hvw”Qj Zv eyS‡Z cvij|Zviv evj‡Ki cÖZ¨cbœgwZ‡Ë¡i D”P cÖksmv Kij Ges Zv‡`i Rxeb i¶vi Rb¨ Zv‡K ab¨ev` Rvbvj|)  
56. Once upon a time an unemployed young man lived in the capital city of Bangladesh. After obtaining master degree from a university he began to try to get a job. Trying for a few months and being failure in every step he became frustrated. As a result he could not feel comfort anything. One day he decided that he would leave------------------------.
                                                            An industrial graduates
Once upon a time an unemployed young man lived in the capital city of Bangladesh. After obtaining master degree from a university he began to try to get a job. Trying for a few months and being failure in every step he became frustrated. As a result he could not feel comfort anything. One day he decided that he would leave the capital city. But he thought more and more about the matter. At he decided that he would not leave the capital city. He tried to get a job, so he was looking over many advertisements. One day he joined in a garments factory. And he was looking over newspapers. He saw an advertisement in the paper. He applied for job in a bank. At last he found a job in a bank as senior officer. He became very happy.

57. There was a thief in Arabia. He used to steal at night. None could live in peace for him. The Prophet (Sm) also heard of him. One day he told the thief not to steal. At this the thief said, “Please asked me to do any other things. I will obey you, but do not ask me to give up stealing.”-------------------------------------.

                                              The way of giving up bad habits

 There was a thief in Arabia. He used to steal at night. None could live in peace for him. The Prophet (Sm) also heard of him. One day he told the thief not to steal. At this the thief said, “Please, ask me to do any other things. I will obey you, but do not ask me to give up stealing.” Then the prophet (Sm) told him not to tell a lie. After some days, he set out to steal. On the way he met a man who asked him where he was going. He could not tell a lie and do stealing. This happened for many days and he could not tell a lie and do stealing. At last he gave up stealing.                                  

58. There was farmer in a village. His condition was moderately well. The farmer had a pet dog. He loved his dog very much. Everyday he fed it with its hearts content. On the other hand, the dog also liked its master. Every night, it served as------------------------.

                                                                   A faithful dog
There was farmer in a village. His condition was moderately well. The farmer had a pet dog. He loved his dog very much. Everyday he fed it with its hearts content. On the other hand, the dog also liked its master. Every night, it served as a guard of its master’s house. One night a thief broke in the shed of the cattle. All the members of the farmer were in sound sleep. Smelling the presence of an unknown person in the shed, it began to bark loudly. The thief was in a fix what to do. The farmer was awakened by the sound of barking and rushed out the house and caught the thief red-handed. Thus the dog saved the cattle of the farmer.  

60. A crocodile went to a fox and requested him to educate her children. The fox agreed to do so gladly. The crocodile left all her children with the fox and went away to home in the----------------------------------------.

A Traitor

A crocodile went to a fox and requested him to educate her children. The fox agreed to do so gladly. The crocodile left all her children with the fox and went away to home in the river. The clever fox was fond of eating crocodile meat. He ate three of them with much satisfaction. After a few days the crocodile came to see her children. The clever fox went in and came back with a crocodile’s child. The crocodile was pleased to see her child to be fat and nice. Then the fox went back inside and came with the same crocodile’s child and showed it to the crocodile. All the time the fox went in and did the same thing. A suspicion arose in the crocodile’s mind and understood the trick of the fox. She wanted to know what had happened to others kids. The clever fox this time went in and never came out of the cave. Before leaving the crocodile, he advised the crocodile not to believe anybody without knowing him well.
60. Once a rich man came to Dhaka by train. He took a rickshaw from kamalapur Railway station. He had a basket------------------------
An Honest Rickshawala

Once a rich man came to Dhaka by train. He took a rickshaw from kamalapur Railway station. He had a basket full of different things. The rickshawala reached the rich man to his destination. It was time to change. He went to the garage to deposit the rickshaw. He got down and saw a moneybag on the rickshaw. He went home with the moneybag and found some money in it. His wife told him to use some of the money from the bag. But he was honest. He tried to find out the owner of the moneybag. At last the owner of the moneybag was found. He took the moneybag from him and gave him only thanks only. So his wife rebuked him for his foolishness.

61. One day a boy was walking by the railways. At that place, he saw a break in the line. Somebody may remove---------------------------

An Intelligent Boy

One day a boy was walking by the railways. At that place, he saw a break in the line. Somebody may remove the line. Within a second he thought that a railway driver may not aware of the break and surely there would be an accident. He thought that within a short time a mail train would come and grew anxious for the lives of so many passengers. He thought how he could save the train from the accident. The boy quickly ran to the officer who was standing on the platform. He told the officer what he had seen. The officer got very serious and immediately decided to contact the train. He talked to the master of the train and told him to stop the train. Thus the train was saved from an accident.

62. A long time ago the town of Hamlin was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The Rates were so big and so fierce----------------
The pied piper of Hamlin

A long time ago the town of Hamelin was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The Rates were so big and so fierce that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles. They ate up the corn in the granaries. At last the Mayor of the town was informed about the problem by the people. But the Mayor failed to find out a way. However, there came a pied piper who offered the Mayor to remove the rats in lieu of thousand guilders. The Mayor and his councilors accepted this proposal. The pied piper through his magical blow of pipe took all the rats to nearby the river. When the piper played the pipe, all the rats of the town followed him into river and drowned. After completing his task, the piper demanded his money. But the Mayor refused to pay all the money except only a little amount. The pied piper became very angry and playing different tune .He hallucinated all the children of Hamlin. Like the rats they followed him laughing and dancing. At last the children reached at a certain hill and entered into the den of it from where they never came back. The pied piper in this way took the revenge on the people of Hamelin.

63. Once a queen was very jealous of the eye-catching beauty of her only step-daughter named Snow white. So, she ordered her huntsman to kill Snow white without any consideration. But the huntsman had a soft corner for the snow white. He instead of killing Snow white left her in the forest. While she was running in the forest out of fear, seven dwarfs came across her. They took her to----------------

Once a queen was very jealous of the eye-catching beauty of her only stepdaughter named Snow white. So, she ordered her huntsman to kill Snow white without any consideration. But the huntsman had a soft corner for the snow white. He instead of killing Snow White left her in the forest. While she was running in the forest out of fear, seven dwarfs came across her. They took her to their house and brought her up. Once a prince came by that forest. As soon as he saw her, he fell in love with her. Next he married her and took her to his kingdom. The queen heard the message and went to the prince’s palace to kill Snow White. As soon as she arrived the palace, the prince’s guard seized her. They took her to the prince. Seeing her, the prince became very excited. He ordered the people to punish her. Snow White was very kind hearted. She forgave the queen. From that day, the queen became grateful to Snow WShite and forgot all her jealousy.

64. Once a lad went to a famous teacher and having expressed his desire to acquire knowledge begged to instruct-------
Morning shows the day
Once a lad went a famous teacher and having expressed his desire to acquire knowledge begged to instruct him in the arts and science. The learned man, wishing to find out what sort of ability the lad had asked him. “Where is Allah?” The lad replied, “I will answer you if you will tell me first where He is not?” The teacher from his sensible reply, thought highly of the boy’s understanding and according to his wishes, perfect him in his studies.
65. Once a scholar was going to place by boat. It was the beginning of the summer season. The boatman set sail and the boat was---------------------------------

Whole life was spoilt

Once a scholar was going to place by boat. It was the beginning of the summer season. The boatman set sail and the boat was advancing smoothing. The scholar said to the boatman, “Did you read a history?” The boatman said, “No.” The scholar told him without knowing any knowledge of history one-fourth of his life was spoilt. He looked at the beautiful scenery and asked again whether he had read geography. As usual, the reply of the boatman replied in the negative. This time the scholar said that one-half of the boatman’s life was spoilt. Then they were silent for sometime. It was afternoon. The scholar broke the silence and said to the boatman that there might be storm. This time the boatman replied positively and asked the scholar whether he knew how to swim. The scholar replied in the negative. Then the boatman said to the scholar that if the storm sank the boat, the whole life of the scholar was spoilt.

66. Soloman was the wisest man of his time. His fame spread far and wide. Everyday many people asked him different questions. He answered all their questions-------------------

Wisdom never hides itself

Solomon was the wisest man of his time. His fame spread far and wide. Everyday many people asked him different questions. He answered all their questions perfectly. So King Solomon was called ‘Solomon, the wise.’ Queen of Sheba ruled another country. Hearing the name and fame of Solomon’s she decided to test his wisdom. She bought three garlands of flowers before King Solomon and asked him which real flower was. Among them two garlands were unreal and one of them was real flower. The king thought for a while. He observed all the garlands very keenly. All of them looked same so that it was quite difficult to find out the real one. Suddenly Solomon discovered that a bee came inside the room and sat on a garland. Then Solomon came to know which the real garland of flowers was. He pointed to the garland on which the bee sat. He could find out because a bee always sits on a real flower, not on unreal flower. The queen of Sheba got astonished and praised the king Solomon for his wisely answer. Solomon was really a wise king. 

67. There were two gentlemen who lived in the same town. One of them was an Englishman and the other was Bengalee. The Englishman was a doctor and the Bengalee was a teacher. Once the two gentlemen were traveling by the same train and they----------.
Tit for tat

There were two gentlemen who lived in the same town. One of them was an Englishman and the other was Bengalee. The Englishman was a doctor and the Bengalee was a teacher. Once the two gentlemen were traveling by the same train and they were in the same cabin. The cabin has much space for its passengers but the Englishman captured most of the space with his baggage though the space was not for to keep baggage. So, it was very difficult for the teacher and the gentleman to sit with comfort. Though they suffered but the English ignored it. After traveling a short distance the Englishman told the gentleman to leave the shoes outside the cabin. But the gentleman didn’t agree. Then the Englishman threw the shoes outside the window of the train and the shoes were lost. The Englishman explained, “Dirty shoes are harmful for health.” The Bengalee man was very angry enough upon the Englishman. He looked for any chance. At last it came. When the Englishman began to smoke, the Bengalee man said, “Smoking is bad for health. You make unhealthy environment. So you should out from this cabin like the shoes of the gentleman. If you do not leave the cabin, I will throw you out.” The Englishman was afraid to hear it and left the cabin with his baggage

68. There were a large dog and a donkey. There were good friends. One day they decided to go on----------.

A Selfish donkey and the dog

There were a large dog and a donkey. There were good friends. One day they decided to go on a journey. They set out and were going together carrying a basket of bread. Traveling for sometime, they became very hungry. They put down the load and the donkey began to eat the grass that had grown by the roadside. The dog could not eat grass. So, he prepared to eat some bread from the basket. But the donkey tried to protect him to eat bread. He said that these were for our business. We should not eat up. But the dog said that he was very hungry. The donkey proposed him to go nearby jungle where there was a jack-fruit tree. The dog went there and found out a ripe fruit. He began to eat and sing. A wolf was there, he came out. But he found that there was a donkey and a dog. He preferred to eat the donkey. The donkey was very selfish and for that he was killed.

69. There lived a poor but worthy farmer. With the small income of his few acres of land he--------

Honesty is the best policy

There lived a poor but worthy farmer. With the small income of his few acres of land he used to support himself, his wife and seven children. One day while walking through the fields, he was thinking of how he could add to his income. He found a purse of gold, which had been dropped by a passer-by. He carried it home and showed it to his wife who advised him to use it or at least a part of it for himself or her. The honest farmer told his wife that honesty is the best policy and that he would first try to find out the man who had lost it. The owner of the purse, a wealthy man, was at last discovered by the farmer. The rich man took the purse and gives him thanks, but no reward. The wife rebuked the husband for his foolishness. The farmer kept saying, “Honesty is the best policy.”

70. One night Hazi Muhammad Mohsin was sleeping. At midnight a sound wakened--------.

Hazi Muhammad Mohsin and the thief
One night Hazi Muhammad Mohsin was sleeping. At midnight a sound wakened him. Opening his eyes, he saw a man in his room. He caught the man and asked him “Who are you? Why have you entered my room?” Trembling with fear, the man said, “I have entered your room to steal some money. I have no work and I have no money. My children haven’t eaten anything for two days. So I have come to steal. Mohsin was filled with pity for the man and his family. He gave the man some money and told him to go home. The man thanked him. Mohsin said, “Try to find work. Never try to steal.” The man

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