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2. The Importance of Reading Newspaper.

2. The Importance of Reading Newspaper.
Newspaper provides us with information collected from around the globe. It also helps to develop new ideas, and at times guide the common man how to think and discuss. We may say that today we are living in a newspaper culture. Whether in English or other regional languages, almost every man gets benefited from newspaper. A newspaper acts an important medium to control corruption and scams. The chief topics of general interest in newspaper includes politics, social issues, sports, economy, movies, and share market.

Newspaper is a mode of mass communication. It is very helpful in creating social awareness. Newspaper raises voices against social issues such as child labor, dowry system, etc. They urge the common people to act and behave in a rational manner.
Our is an age of modern science. Modern science has invented new ways and means for our comforts. Reading newspaper is beyond doubt a good habit. Newspaper is the mirror of the day.
Newspaper brings us the news of the world. So the importance of newspaper reading is great. A man becomes well-versed in the current politics and political incidents of the world. It helps the nation to form national integration. It develops the outlook of the people of all sectors.
Newspaper is a storehouse of knowledge. General Knowledge is an essential part of education. Newspaper is the best means for acquiring knowledge. The students can know very interesting things by reading a newspaper. The reading of newspaper is very useful for the students to develop their language ability and knowledge of the world.
Newspaper can give us a clear idea of the current events of the country and the world. The newspaper also brings out the plans and policies of the corporations and the government. Newspaper is the best medium of advertisements concerning business, trade and industry.
A person who does not read newspapers is like one shut up in a closed door. We may have the radio and the television today, but they do not give us detailed information as the newspaper does.

So, to conclude, it can be noted that newspaper is the mirror of the day. Life would be dull without newspaper and breakfast would lose much of its cheer.

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