English First Paper
Part A : Reading
Test (50 Marks)
Read the passage.
Then answer the questions below it (1-3).
Pollution means
contamination of air, water and soil with harmful pollutants. They are
important elements of the environment. The industrial revolution, growth of
cities and uses of motor vehicles are the main causes of pollution. Today,
worldwide environment pollution has become a major problem. It has not only
damaged plant and animal life, but also affected the normal cycles in nature,
such as the food chain, Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle and Oxygen cycle. Most of
the air pollution is caused by the burning of fuels in factories, houses and
motor vehicles. This process releases harmful gases and tiny particles into the
air. Factories and industrial plants produce a large amount of smoke which
pollutes the air every day. Smoke and gases are harmful and have proved to be
the cause of lung diseases and cancer, Carbon mono-oxide, Nitrogen di-oxide and
di-oxide are poisonous gases. These are produced by motor fuels. Harmful
chemicals from factories and vehicles often get mixed with water vapour in the
air and produce acid rain which kills plants and eats away metals and buildings
by degrees. Most of the water pollution is caused by factories, farms and
homes. Along with the sewage which flows into the rivers, industrial
discharges, human and animal wastes also pollute water. Several insecticides,
used to protect crops, fruits and vegetables also pollute the underground
water. When we drink this water, we become victims of several diseases. In many
places, noise is a gigantic problem and has proved to be a serious health
hazard. Noise defilement causes high blood pressure, anger and even peptic
ulcer. Radiation is another dangerous pollutant. Nuclear weapons, X-rays,
microwave ovens- all produce radiations- which are harmful.
1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. 1´7=7
(a) The water
of the river is defiled by ¾
(i) poisonous gases produced by factories and
motor vehicles
(ii) countless insecticides
(iii) acid rain
(iv) industrial
discharges, human and animal wastes that flow into the rivers along with sewage
(b) Noise pollution has proved a serious health
hazard because it causes ¾
(i) lung diseases and cancer
(ii) damage to ears and brains
(iii) several diseases
(iv) high blood pressure, anger and severe peptic
(c) Which events
are responsible for environment pollution?
(i) The
industrial revolution
Growth of cities
Uses of motor vehicles
(iv) All
of the above
(d) What
does noise pollution do to us?
Causes respiratory diseases
Causes water borne diseases
Causes blood pressure and peptic ulcer
(iv) Of
all above
(e) The
industrial revolution, growth of cities and use of motor vehicles are ¾
(i) a
knotty problem in total world
damaging plant and animal life
(iii) the
key causes of pollution
affecting the normal cycle in nature
(f) A large amount of harmful smoke
is produced by ¾
(i) motor vehicles
(ii) the burning of wood and other things in houses
(iii) factories and industrial plants
(iv) the burning
of human and animal wastes
(g) Acid
rain not only kills plants but also ¾
pollutes the environment
causes many skin diseases
eats away metal and buildings
(iv) eats
different types of wastes
2. Answer the following questions. 2´5=10
(a) What is pollution?
(b) How does air pollution cause?
(c) What is the cause of acid rain?
(d) What are main causes of pollution?
(e) Why radiation is harmful?
3. Write
a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Read the
passage carefully and answer the questions given below (4-5).
Once there was a town named Hamelin. The town was infested with rats.
There were rats and rats in every house of the town. All the house owners were
fed up with the rats. The rats were doing a lot of mischief. The house owners
informed the city Mayor about the matter. The Mayor became astonished. Suddenly
a stranger with a flute came to them. The stranger said that he would solve the
problem. For this, he demanded some money. The house owners and the Mayor
agreed. The stranger started playing his flute. All the rats came out of the
houses. The stranger was walking towards the nearby river. The rats were
following him. The stranger stopped by the bank but the rats jumped into the
river. Thus, the problem was solved.
4. Complete
the table below with the information from the passage. 5
was a town named
(i) .......
The town
(ii) .......
with rats
(iii) .......
came with a flute
to them
(iv) .......
heard about
the matter
The stranger
was walking towards the
(v) .......
5. From
your reading of the above passage, fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use
one word only in each blank : 1´5=5
There was a town (a) ¾ Hamelin. It was infested with rats. The rats were doing
a lot of (b) ¾. The house
(c) ¾ informed the city Mayor about the matter. The Mayor became (d) ¾. Suddenly, a stranger with a flute came to them. The stranger said that he would solve the problem. For this he (e) ¾ some money.
(c) ¾ informed the city Mayor about the matter. The Mayor became (d) ¾. Suddenly, a stranger with a flute came to them. The stranger said that he would solve the problem. For this he (e) ¾ some money.
6. Match
the parts of sentences given in column 'A' and column 'B' to write five
complete sentences. There are more parts of sentences in column 'B' than
required. 1´5=5
Column A
Column B
a. His father
i. in one of his voyages.
b. Once a storm arose
ii. to be a
sailor from his boyhood.
c. It drove away
iii. born in
d. Robinson Crusoe was
iv. him to
study Law.
e. He wanted
v. him to be
a teacher.
vi. in the
vii. the ship
onto a sand bank.
7. Put the following parts of the story in
correct order to rewrite the whole story. 1´8=8
(a) He had no much education.
(b) He ascended
the throne of Delhi
at the age of thirteen.
(c) His full name was Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar.
(d) He was skilled in warfare.
(e) Akbar was
born in 1542 at Amarkot in Sind .
(f) The battle of second Panipath took place in
1556 and he won the battle.
(g) When he was born, his father Humayun lost the
throne of Delhi .
(h) He was the grandson of Babar.
Part B :
Writing Test (50 Marks)
8. Answer the following questions to write a paragraph
on 'A Street Accident'. You should write it in about 250 words. 10
(a) When did
the accident happen?
(b) Where did
it happen?
(c) Where were you when it happened?
(d) What did you see?
(e) How did you feel?
9. Read
the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story. 1´10=10
Long, long ago there lived
a cowboy in a certain village. He used to tend cows in a nearby field beside
the forest. The cowboy was a great liar. He enjoyed ...........
10. Look at the pie chart. It shows the habits rate of
taking tea and coffee in different years. Describe the chart in your own words. 10
= 2001 & 2010

11. Suppose,
you are Sumon/Sumona. You live at 7, Station
Road , Rajshahi. Your friend Amin/Amina lives at 4,
Elephant Road ,
Dhaka . Your friend sent you a nice gift on
your last birthday. Now, write a letter to him/her thanking for the gift. 10
12. Suppose, your exam is knocking at the door. You
need to work hard but you are suffering from fever/various physical problems.
Now, write a dialogue between you and a doctor. 10
Thank you