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English First Paper , Dinajpur Board-2015

                              Dinajpur Board-2015
                                                                English First Paper

Part A : Reading Test (50 Marks)
Read the passage and answer the questions below :
Long ago, there lived a young man named Abdul Karim in a village. Various problems and sufferings were the constant companions of the villagers. Quarrels, ill-feelings, jealousy and enmity were the major traits of the social life of the village. He found all these unbearable and so he left the village. He went to a jungle to live in isolation. There he built a nice small house with wood, bamboo and reeds. "Ah, what a happy life I have got now! Now I am far away from the enmity and ill-feelings of the people," said Abdul Karim to himself. But one day he noticed some holes in his blanket. He wondered who might make these. However, after a few days, he discovered some mice in his hut. So, he brought a cat so that he might get the mice killed. As the cat needed milk, he had to bring a cow. The cowboy was to be provided with food. It made him take a wife to cook food. Then the couple had  children and thus he was in a family again. So it is impossible to live alone. It is only possible if a person is either an angel or a devil. Man cannot live without food, shelter, companions and cooperation. They have to assist each other. As human beings, they cannot avoid all these. Only by living in a family or community, they can fulfill their needs. So, we should live in a society to be good people and happy citizens.
1.     Choose the correct answer from the alternatives :  1´7=7
(a)   Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'constant' in sentence 2?
        (i) alone                            (ii) forever
        (iii) desolated                  (iv) isolated
(b)   What does the expression 'he found all these unbearable' mean in sentence 4?
        (i) He found the rats unbearable
        (ii) He found cat, cow and cowboy unsustainable
        (iii) He found quarrels, ill-feelings, jealousy etc. unbearable
        (iv) He found the atmosphere of the jungle unsustainable
(c)   Which of the following describes 'the disappointment' of Abdul Karim best?
        (i) He brought a cat to kill the mice
        (ii) He had to bring a cowboy to tend the cow
        (iii) He discovered some mice in the hut
        (iv) He went to a jungle to live in total isolation
(d)   Which of the following words describes ‘men's ill-feeling’ best?
        (i) Friendship                      (ii) Love
        (iii) Enmity                         (iv) Benevolence
(e)   What is the main purpose of the author of this passage?
        (i) To draw the picture of social evils
        (ii) To highlight that man cannot live alone
        (iii) To show the importance of the life of a cowboy
        (iv) To assert that it is not possible to live in a forest
(f)    Which of the following statement is true about men's impossibility to live alone?
        (i) He went to the jungle to live alone
        (ii) He brought a cat to kill the mice
        (iii) He wanted to make a family again
        (iv) He had to bring a cowboy
(g)   "But one day, he noticed some holes in his blanket"¾ What does the sentence mean?
        (i) Holes are done by rats
        (ii) Holes are done by cats
        (iii) Holes are done by cows
        (iv) Holes looked beautiful in blanket
2.     Answer the following questions.                     2´5=10
(a)   From your reading of sentences 1, 2, 3 and 4, write down the reasons why Abdul Karim left the village?
(b)   "Ah, what a happy life I have got now!" Who says this and why?
(c)   What did Abdul Karim discover in his hut?
(d)   How did Abdul Karim make a family again?
(e)   Why should we live in a society?
3.     Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80-90 words.  10
4. Read the following passage and complete the table below with information from the passage :             1´5=5
Stephen Hawking is considered the greatest physicist after Einstein. He was born in England in 1942. He was very skilled in Mathematics from the early age. He wrote the book, 'A Brief History of Time : From the Big Bang to the Present Times' in 1988. In this book he explains cosmology for the general public. It became famous and established his reputation as a great scientist. He received his Ph.D in cosmology from Cambridge University in 1968. But fortune did not favour him. In 1972, he became a victim of Gehrig's disease. Since, then, he has been confined to a wheel-chair with no power to control his body. But he continues teaching through the help of computer. In 1974, he won the prestigious Albert Einstein award for theoretical physics. In 1979, he joined Cambridge University as Lucasian Professor of mathematics. He is still carrying out his research work using his computer.
Name of events
(i) ...

(ii) .....
in 1988

Became Lucasian Professor of mathematics

(iii) ...

Received Ph.D.
(iv) .....

in 1974

(v) ... ... ...
5.     From your reading of the above passage, fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use one word only in each blank.       1´5=5
        (a) ¾ Stephen Hawking cannot move and speak. He (b) ¾ at Cambridge University. Even he (c) ¾ his research. He is doing everything with the help of a computer. He is noted (d) ¾ his book. 'A Brief History of Time'. This book has earned him (e) ¾.
6.     Match the parts of sentences in Column 'A' and Column 'B' to write five complete sentences. There are more parts of sentences in Column 'B' than required.                                 1´5=5
Column A
Column B
a.   Garments industries are
i.      are very high.
b.   The remunerations paid to the garments workers
ii.     in the lives of a upper class of women.
c.   Garments industries have brought a great change
iii.    the women working in garments industries are happy.
d.   In spite of getting poor salary
iv.    are very poor.
e.   A job in a garment industry helps a woman
v.     a major source of earning foreign currency.

vi.    in the lives of poor women.

vii.   to be self-reliant.
7.     Put the following parts of the story in correct order to rewrite the whole story :     1´8=8
(a)   He took part in the revolt against King Edward I of England for the independence of his country.
(b)   But his army was defeated again and again.
(c)   Robert Bruce was the King of Scotland.
(d)   He led an expedition against England, overthrew the English army and secured the independence of Scotland.
(e)   It fell down again and again but it did not give up its attempts. At its seventh attempt it succeeded in reaching the top.
(f)    He noticed a spider trying to reach the top of the steep wall of the cave.
(g)   Being defeated for six times, he lost all hopes and fled away to save his life. One day he was lying in a cave in the forest.
8.     Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on "A Winter Morning". You should write about 250 words.      10
(a)   How is a winter morning?
(b)   How do animals feel?
(c)   How do people feel in a winter morning?
(d)   When do people get up?
(e)   What do children and people do in a winter morning?
(f)    What kinds of food do people eat?
9.     Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.          10
        Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was ill. One night he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden, his mother woke up, raised her head and told her son to give her a glass of water. Bayazid went to the kitchen to bring water. But he found the pitcher empty. He searched for water here and there, but in vain. Then, he decided to fetch water from the nearby fountain .......
10.  Look at the chart below. It shows some information about some activities including Bangladesh. Now, describe the chart in your own words [word limit : 150]                                    10

Sri Lanka
Land area
1,44,000 sq. km (approx)
65,600 sq. km
3,287,590 sq. km
9,600,000 sq. km
Density of population
Birth rate (per 1000)
Death rate (per 1000)
Growth rate
11.  Suppose you are Raihan/ Raihana. You are an SSC candidate. Your exam is very near. Now, write an e-mail to your father informing him how you have been prepared for the examination.              10
12.  Munir is your friend who went to Dhaka to visit many interesting places. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about some interesting places.                                  10

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