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English Second Paper Rajshahi Board-2017

Rajshahi Board-2017
                                                           English Second Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1.     Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                    0.5´10=5
        Morning walk is an exercise (a) ¾ for the people of all
¾. It gives us (c) ¾ benefits. (d) ¾ people who wake up (e) ¾ and go out for (f) ¾ walk, can enjoy (g) ¾ morning air. (h) ¾ this exercise helps them (i) ¾ good health. Again, they can (j) ¾ a good start of their work.
2.     Fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use only one word in each blank.    0.5´10=5
        Man is the (a) ¾ of his own fate. If he makes a proper
¾ of time and does his duties (c) ¾, he is sure to improve and (d) ¾ in life. But if he does not (e) ¾ it, he is sure to (f) ¾. Then he will be (g) ¾ to drag a miserable (h) ¾. To spoil time is (i) ¾ for a person. For, our life is nothing (j) ¾ the sum total of hours, days and years. 
3.     Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.               1´5=5
Kazi Nazrul
as a rebel poet.
His writings
almost all branches of literature.
in a small village in India.

was born
our freedom fighters.

is known
our national poet.
4.     Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs in the box.         0.5´10=5
There are several reasons why friendship (a) ¾ so necessary in human life. A man without a friend is like a man (b) ¾ in wilderness. Moreover, it (c) ¾ him to understand his surrounding in a better way. By (d) ¾ to a friend, a man can get relief. The advice (e) ¾ by a friend is sometimes more reliable than his own judgment. Thus, it is (f) ¾ that friendship is really important. But a man must (g) ¾ time while (h) ¾ a friend. If he (i) ¾ to select the right person as a friend, he (j) ¾ in the long run.
5.     Change the narrative style of the following text.   5
        My mother said, "Won't you go to school today?" I said, "Mother, I feel feverish today. I don't want to go to school." "Ok, take rest now. You should be more careful about your health," said mother.
6.     Change the sentences according to directions.         1´10=10
(a)   My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox's Bazar. (Make complex sentence)
(b)   I was very glad. (Make negative sentence)
(c)   I accepted the invitation. (Use passive voice)
(d)   When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Make simple sentence)
(e)   I was very excited to see the sea-beach. (Make exclamatory sentence)
(f)    It is the largest sea-beach in the world. (Use positive degree)
(g)   It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world. (Use comparative degree)             
(h)   It is called the pleasure seekers' paradise. (Use active voice) 
(i)    Every year a lot of people come to visit it. (Make compound sentence)
(j)    If I could visit the sea-beach! (Make assertive sentence)
7.     Complete the sentences.                                       1´5=5
(a)   Books are our best friends because ¾.          
(b)   A man who reads books regularly ¾.
(c)   By reading books ¾.
(d)   We can learn moral values ¾.
(e)   We should inspire the students ¾.  
8.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.            0.5´10=5
        Early rising is the habit of (a) ¾ (get) up from bed early in the morning. An early (b) ¾ (rise) can enjoy the (c) ¾ (fresh) of the morning air. He can hear the (d) ¾ (melody) songs of the birds. Again, he can start his day's work (e) ¾ (early) than others. An early riser does not suffer from (f) ¾ (physic) problems very often. So, he needs not go to any (g) ¾ (physic) (h) ¾ (frequent). Thus, an early riser enjoys (i) ¾ (vary) benefits and leads a (j) ¾ (peace) life.
9.     Make tag questions of the following statements.          1´5=5
(a)   Patriotism is a great virtue, ¾?
(b)   Every religion teaches us to be patriot, ¾?
(c)   We all must remember that the country is above everything, ¾?
(d)   Why some people forget it is really a question ¾?
(e)   We hope that nobody will derail from the right path, ¾?
10.  Complete the passage using suitable connectors.         1´5=5
        Ripa is a student of class ten. (a) ¾ she is meritorious, she never takes pride in her merit. She is helpful to all. (b) ¾ any weak student comes to her with any problem, she tries to help him. She is respectful to the senior (c) ¾ affectionate to the junior. She is simple in behaviour
¾ strict in principle. (e) ¾, everyone loves her.
11.  Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.              5
        the teacher said to me dont you like to practise english its an important subject and you  should be more careful about it
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12.  Suppose, you are Rezwan/Rezwana. You got your BA examination result last month. Recently you have seen a vacancy advertisement in 'The Prothom Alo' for the post of a 'Junior Officer' in ABC Bank. Now, write a CV with a cover letter to the HR Manager for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.                                                8
13.  Suppose, you are Areeb/Arusha. You are a student of Pragpur High School, Daulatpur, Kushtia. There is no Debating Club in your school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for opening a Debating Club in your school.                                                                                          10
14.  Our farmers play an important role in our agro-based society. They work from dawn to dusk in order to produce crops. Now, write a paragraph on 'The Life of a Farmer'.         10
15.  Newspaper is called the storehouse of knowledge. Almost all educated people read newspaper. Now, write a short composition on 'The Benefits of Reading Newspaper'.             12

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