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Jessore Board-2017 English Second Paper

Jessore Board-2017

                                                           English Second Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1.     Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                               0.5´10=5
        Man is the (a) ¾ of his own fate. If he makes (b) ¾ proper division of his time and (c) ¾ his duties accordingly, he will (d) ¾ improve and prosper (e) ¾ life. But if he does otherwise, he is sure (f) ¾ suffer when it is too late. To waste time is as bad as to commit suicide. In fact our (g) ¾ is nothing but the sum total (h) ¾ hours, days, and years. If we waste (i) ¾ morning hours of life, we shall have to (j) ¾ afterwards.
2.     Fill in the blanks with suitable words.        0.5´10=5
        A great (a) ¾ of people speak English all over (b) ¾ world. Some people use (c) ¾ as a first language and some people take it as (d) ¾ second language. Many international organizations now (e) ¾ on English to communicate with offices in different (f) ¾. Their advertisements published (g) ¾ different newspapers are in English. They also want people who possess a good (h) ¾ over English. People seeking (i) ¾ can't expect to get a good one (j) ¾ knowing English.
3.     Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.               1´5=5
Drug addiction
strong attraction for any harmful thing.
not only a national but also a global problem.
These drugs
used for intoxicating and stimulating effects.
grasped the young generation of the country.

taken by smoking or through injection.
4.     Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.              0.5´10=5
One day a scholar (a) ¾ a river with a boat. Suddenly a ghastly wind (b) ¾ to blow. The scholar (c) ¾ with fear. The boatman (d) ¾ him if he (e) ¾ how to swim. The answer from the scholar (f) ¾ negative. Then the boatman (g) ¾, "Very soon you are going to (h) ¾. You (i) ¾ a lot of knowledge but it (j) ¾ to use at this moment."
5.     Change the narrative style of the following text.   5
        "Why did you not go to school yesterday, Rimu?" asked mother. "I was ill, mum." "How are you today?" "Well," answered the girl. "Don't worry for me."
6.     Change the sentences according to directions in the brackets.       1´10=10
(a)   Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (Comparative)
(b)   Any answer in the exam should not be elaborated. (Active)
(c)   When he gets the question paper he should read it carefully. (Simple)
(d)   At first glance, the questions may seen difficult. (Negative)
(e)   A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks. (Complex)
(f)    If an examinee answers all the questions, the examiner becomes glad to see that. (Simple)
(g)   But, it is better than not answering at all. (Positive)
(h)   It is really sensible. (Exclamatory)
(i)    The examinee should not waste time by doing it. (Passive)
(j)    Without following this process, you cannot bring a good result in an examination. (Compound)
7.     Complete the following sentences.                    1´5=5
(a)   Five years have passed since ¾.     
(b)   Hardly had the assembly began ¾.
(c)   ¾ lest you should miss the plane.
(d)   Danger often comes ¾.
(e)   The lady speaks as if ¾.   
8.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.            0.5´10=5
        You should bear in mind that (a) ¾ (confidence) assists a man to reach the goal of life. The lack of (b) ¾ (determine) leads one to lose the confidence. You need it in order to (c) ¾ (come) the problems of life. Fix a target and then try (d) ¾ (sincere) to gain success. Don't lose heart if you fail. Remember that (e) ¾ (fail) is the pillar of success. Whereas, success without (f) ¾ (complete) is not enjoyable. Determination keeps you (g) ¾ (mental) strong and make (h) ¾ (prepare) for struggling to reach the goal. Nobody can be (i) ¾ (success) in his mission. Failure makes him more (j) ¾ (determine) to work hard.
9.     Make tag questions of the following statements.          1´5=5
(a)   The freedom fighters are the real heroes, ¾?
(b)   Nothing is greater than their sacrifice, ¾?
(c)   Their contribution for our country will always be remembered, ¾?
(d)   We should never neglect them, ¾?
(e)   Every citizen of Bangladesh must have due respect for them, ¾?          
10.  Complete the passage with suitable connectors. 1´5=5
        Trees are very important (a) ¾ they produce Oxygen (b) ¾ is a must for man and all living beings. We must realize (c) ¾ they help us in many ways. (d) ¾ trees are less in number, there will be an increased amount of carbon di-oxide in the atmosphere (e) ¾ it will enhance greenhouse effect.
11.  Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the text below.     5
        my sons listen to me said rahman an old farmer a great treasure lies hidden in the land there i am going to leave it for you the sons asked how shall we find it
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12.  Suppose, you are Mahmuda/Mahmud of 2/3 Gulshan, Dhaka and have passed M.Sc. in Computer Science. You have seen a vacancy ad for the position of an IT Officer in a mobile company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.   8
13.  Suppose, you are Sajid/Sajida, a student of class nine of Udayan High School, Mymensingh. Now, write an application to the Headteacher of your school for increasing common room facilities.        10
14.  Suppose, you have visited the book fair held in your town this year and had a great experience. Now write a paragraph in about 250 words on 'Your Visit to a Book Fair'. 10
15.  Write a composition on 'Your Future Plan of Life'.        12

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