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Write a dialogue between you and a bookseller on buying a grammar book

Book Seller:  Good Morning. How may I help you?

Myself        : Good Morning. I want to buy a book.



Book Seller: There are different kinds of books here. What type of books do you

                        want to buy?

Myself        : I want to buy a grammar book.



Book Seller: What is the name of the grammar book you are asking for?

Myself        : I want to buy Applied English Grammar And Composition.


Book Seller: What is the name of the writer of Applied English Grammar And


Myself        : The name of the writer of Applied English Grammar And Composition

                      is P C Das  

Book Seller: Let me search the very book.

Myself        : Ok, I am waiting.



Book Seller: Is this your desired book?

Myself        : Yes, it  is.



Book Seller: Can I pack it for you?

Myself        : What is the price of the book?



Book Seller: Only TK 400

Myself        : Oh take the money.



Book Seller: Thank you very much. Let me pack it for you.

Myself        :Ok, please pack it.



Book Seller: Here is your book. Come again.

Myself        : Ok. Bye.

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