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Completing Sentence for SSCExamination-2015

Completing Sentence for SSC
1. (a) We should `no’ to corruption
because corruption is disgraceful .
(b) Corruption persons are not only
dishonest but also criminals.
(c) Now, it is high time we removed
corruption from the society .
(d) We should work together if we want
to establish a corruption free society .
(e) But we are so self-centred that we
always think of self-interest .
2. (a) AIDS is a fatal disease which is
incurable/is very dangerous .
(b) It is such a disease that leads the
patient to death.
(c) The first AIDS patient was a man
who worked in the Royal Navy .
(d) The doctors suggest that
prevention is the only solution so far.
(e) There is no further remedy that can
cure the patient .
3. (a) United we stand divided we fall.
(b) Don’t you know this wise saying?
(c) Unless you are united, you will not
(d) The story of the old man and his
sons teaches us that unity is strength.
e) It is high time we learnt the lesson.
4. (a) As flower is a symbol of love,
beauty and purity, it is liked by all .
(b)There is hardly and person who does
not hate a liar .
(c) We can turn our enemies into
friends if we love them .
(d) It is said that those who do not
love flowers are cruel.
(e) Many people cultivate flowers
because they love flowers.
5. (a) Since Bangladesh is an agricultural
country her economy depends largely on
agriculture .
(b) As her economy depends on
agriculture, she needs to put emphasis on
it .
(c) We have to develop cultivation
scientifically so that we can grow more
crops .
(d)Though our farmers work hard, they
do not get what they need .
(e) They cannot improve their condition
because they are poor and uneducated .
6. (a) We should be sincere because
sincerity brings success.
(b)All great men are sincere and they
become successful.
(c) If any work is not done properly, it
will not result in success.
(d) But sincerity does not mean only to
do any work properly; it also means to
do any work honestly.
e) Everybody must remember that
without sincerity none can attain success.
7. (a) If we drink arsenic polluted water,
we are sure to fall sick.
(b) Surface water is safe when it is
boiled .
(c) Pond water is not safe as different
types of filthy things are mixed with it .
(d)The illiterate people pf our country
fall a prey to various diseases because
they are not conscious of their
(e) Since there is scarcity of pure
water, everybody living there fetches
drinking water from the tubewell of
the neighboring village.
8. (a) A proverb goes that time and tide
wait for none.
(b) If he makes the best use of his
time, he will shine in life.
(c) But if he does otherwise, he is sure
to lag behind in the race of life.
(d) If he once falls behind, he will not
be able to compete with others.
(e) So he should make the use of his
time so that he can be successful .
9. (a) There goes a proverb that time tide
wait for none.
(b) Though lost wealth can be regained
by hard work, lost time can’t be regained .
c) Time is so valuable that we should
not waste it .
(d) Those who have become great in
life utilised their time properly.
(e) If we make the best use of time,
we’ll shine in life .
10. (a) I purchase books whenever I get
the opportunity .
(b) On the 21st February I went to
Ekushey Boi Mela which was organized at
Academy .
(c) I went to the book fair so that I
could buy books .
(d) There I found hundreds of book
stalls where so many books ere nicely
(e) I was delighted that I could come
close to renowned novelist Humayun
Ahmed .
11. (a) The sky is cloudy and the weather
is gloomy.
(b) I think that it may rain.
(c) If it rains, I shall not go out.
(d)There are some boys who like to
play in the rain.
(e) I don’t like to play in the rain
because I may become sick .
12. (a) A college is a seat of learning, so
it should be calm and peaceful.
(b) It should be a clam and peaceful
place where the students would be able to
study attentively .
(c) But nowadays peaceful
atmosphere is absent from the college
because there
are political violence’s and
students clashes.
(d) The students who live in a noisy
environment will face noise pollution.
(e) The sooner it can be controlled, the
better the life will be.
13. (a) I do not like people who tell lies .
(b) I believe that everybody can shine
in life.
c) I prefer wearing clean, ironed
clothes and polished shoes.
d) People who are not punctual cannot
shine in life.
e) I think those who are untidy in
their lifestyle will lag behind .
14.(a) Television serials are getting so
popular that the children become addicted
to them .
(b) Despite the widespread popularity,
television serials have some demerits
also .
(c) Those television programmes are
affecting not only the attitudes of our
youths but also
their dress style.
(d) Television programmes have to be
entertaining as well as educative.
(e) By telecasting good programme,
television can play a great role in
respect of
15. (a) Since Bangladesh is an over
populated country, unemployment
problem is acute here .
(b) Instead of being an asset,
population has become a burden .
(c) Though some steps have been
taken, population is still increasing.
(d) If people had been conscious,
population problem would have been
controlled .
(e) It is time we controlled the growth
of our population.
16. (a) He was competent enough to get
a scholarship .
(b) Getting a scholarship is so
competitive that only the brilliant/best
students can get it .
c) Studying abroad is too expensive
for an ordinary student to afford.
(d) Navid is applying for a scholarship
in order that he can go abroad to study .
(e) Studying abroad will not only
upgrade his qualifications but also
promote his intellectual
17.(a) Truthfulness is a great virtue
because it makes a great .
(b)One cannot command the respect of
others unless he is truthful .
(c)One may succeed once or twice by
telling a lie but he can’t continue it for a
long time .
(d)You will not be trusted if you are a
   (e)So it is a wise decision to speak the
truth always .
18.(a) This is Bangladesh where we live.
(b)The people of Bangladesh are
friendly though they are poor .
(c)When anyone falls in danger, others
help him.
(d)We love and help one another as if
we were brothers and sisters .
(e)We work unitedly so that Bangladesh
can prosper day by day.
19.(a)Water is so vital of all natural
resources that it is called life .
(b)It is water which we need to live.
(c)Our agriculture which is our main
source of economy depends on fainfall.
(d)Though Bangladesh is blessed with
rivers our farmers do not get water during
dry season .
(e)If the rainfall is timely crops grow
well .
20.(a)If we invest in education for girls
they will be self-reliant .
(b)It is education which is the
backbone of a nation .
(c)Education women have higher
income potential than those who have
had not education.
(d)Those mothers who are educated can
take care both male and female children.
(e)It is important to realize that girls
can contribute to the society like boys.
21.(a) The two friends were traveling
through a forest which was full of wild
(b)They were frightened when they
saw a bear.
(c)One of them knew how to climb a
tree but the other did not.
(d)The friend who knew how to climb
left his friend.
(e)He climbed up a tree so that he
could save his life.
22. (a)The term “Health” means
soundness of both body and mind .
(b)Without a sound physique you
can’t enjoy a sound mind.
(c)An unhealthy rich man can’t enjoy
a sound mind.
(d)So, it is called one of the greatest
(e)A proverb goes that health is
23.(a) There goes a proverb that time and
tide wait for none.
(b)Though lost wealth can regained by
hard work, lost time can never be got
(c)Time is so valuable that we should
not waste a single moment.
(d)Those who have become great in
life have made the best use of time .
(e)If we make the best use of time we
can shine in life.
24.(a) You cannot find others to love you
unless you love them .
(b) It is love that unites all. (c)Love is
divine which ensures peace in the world .
(d)Your friends cannot help loving you
if you love them .
(e)If you are not loved, it is good
evidence that you don’t love others .
25.(a)Many dishonest person cut trees so
that they can get quick benefit.
(b)But if we cut trees at random, our
country will turn into a desert.
(c)Besides, trees bring rainfall which is
essential for agriculture.
(d)Trees supply oxygen without which
we can’t think of our existence .
(e)Since trees help us in many ways
we should plant more trees.
26. (a) I have a garden and it is in front
of my reading room.
(b)When I get time, I go into my
garden. (c)I water the plants so that they
can grow well .
(d)I have put a fence around the
garden which protects the garden.
(e) When I see the garden full of
flowers, I forget the sufferings of daily
27.(a) Once there was a king who was
fond of knowing his future .
(b)It is so happened that a famous
astrologer stopped at his capital .
(c)The king called on him and wanted
to know his future.
(d)The astrologer told him something
which was quite unpleasant .
(e)At this the king grew so furious that
he ordered his men to kill him.
28.(a)Once there was hungry fox and was
searching for food.
(b)He removed here and there and
came to a vineyard.
(c)He saw fine bunches of ripe grapes
and felt tempted.
(d)He felt so tempted that his mouth
watered at the sight of them .
(e)The grapes were hanging so high
that he could not reach them .
29.(a)Once there lived a maiden whose
name was Cinderella .
(b)Cinderella’s mother was dead and
she had to work hard in the kitchen.
(c)She had two elder sisters who were
unkind to her.
(d) They made her stay in the kitchen
and do all the hard work .
(e)She was so shocked that she always
remembered her dead mother .
30.(a)It is true that man is the architect
of his own fate.
(b)He can achieve what he desires .
(c)It is a wrong idea that man’s life is
decided by fate .
(d)It is not fate but sincere efforts
make him successful.
(e)There may ups and downs but he
should not lose heart .
31.(a) Once there were two friend who
were very intimate.
(b) One day when they were passing
through a forest they saw a bear coming
to them
(c) One of the friends knew that a bear
does not touch a dead body.
(d) One friend climbed up a tree and did
not think of the fate of the other friend .
(e) The friend who could not climb up
tree pretended to be dead .
32. (a) A farmer who produces foods for
others lives in village .
(b) He cultivates others land because
he has no land of his own .
(c) He is illiterate and so he can not
apply scientific method of cultivation.
(d)If he can cultivate scientifically he
can produce more crops .
(e) His face smiles when crops grow in
33. (a) Traffic jam is a common affair
which occurs in the big cities and towns .
(b) Most of this problem occurs in the
areas where roads are very narrow.
(c) It kills our valuable time and
hampers our work .
(d) It causes great suffering to the
ambulances which carry patients .
(e) This problem can be solved if
spacious roads are constructed.
34. (a) It was a hot summer day when a
crow was very thirsty .
(b) It wanted to drink but there was
no wanted to drink.
(c) He flew on and on in search of
water, but failed. (d) Then it took a rest
as it was tired .
(e) When it woke, it began to search
water again.
35. (a) Robert Bruce fought against the
British soldiers so that he could free his
(b) He fought six battles one after
another, but he was defeated each time .
(c) But at last he lost heart and gave
up the hope of success.
(d) When he was dethroned he took a
shelter in a cave .
(e) One day he found a spider who
was trying to reach the ceiling.
36. (a) Once there was a woodcutter who
used to cut wood in the jungle .
(b)Though he was poor he was
honest.(c) He worked hard, but could not
earn enough .
(d) One day while he was cutting
wood, all on a sudden the axe fell into the
river .
(e) The woodcutter tried his best to
find out his axe but failed .
37.(a)Once there was a cobbler who was
poor. (b)But he had a neighbour who was
(c)One day the neigbour came to the
cobbler and wanted to know his
condition .
(d)The cobbler told him that he had no
(e)The cobbler also said that he was
38.(a)It is known that gold is a precious
(b)It glitters and looks very beautiful.
(c)There are many worthless things that
also glitter.
(d)This means that all that glitters is
not gold.
(e)So the proverb teaches us that we
should not judge a thing on its outward
39.(a)We work hard so that we can
prosper in life .
(b) If we are not industrious, we can
not be great in life.
(c)A man who leads an idle life, always
remains poor.
(d)An idle man can never help people
and so he can not change his own fate .
(e)We know the proverb that man is
the maker of his own fate.
40.(a) Though Bangladesh is a small
country, she is burdened with huge
(b)But her over population can be
turned into asset.
(c)It is high time we did something for
the country.
(d) Women who constitute half of the
total population can contribute much in
this regard.
(e)It is our duty to do something for the
41.(a) It is true that opportunity does not
come always .
(b)So if we miss any opportunity, we
have to suffer a lot.
(c)We are not sure that another chance
will come.
(d)So it is our duty that we should
make the best use of any opportunity.
(e)Those who are prudent do not miss
any opportunity.
42.(a)Since man is a social being, he can
not live alone.
(b) He cannot do whatever he likes .
(c)If he wants to enjoy peace, he is to
abide by social rules.
(d)If he does not follow the social
rules, there will be chaos and conflict.
(e)If he respects others, they will also
respect him.
43.(a)We eat so that we can preserve our
(b) So we should bear in mind that we
do not eat just to satisfy hunger .
(c)If we want good health, we should
eat a balanced diet.
(d)People who live in the midst of
plenty do not always eat a balanced diet.
(e)The fact is that they have no
knowledge about food value .
44.(a)Once there was a greedy farmer
who had a goose.
(b)He was not happy though the goose
would lay a golden egg daily.
(c)He became so greedy that he
wanted to have all the eggs at a time .
(d)So he took a knife and cut the belly
of the goose .
(e)But it was an irony of fate that he
found nothing in the belly of the goose.
45.(a)Man is not satisfied with what he
has seen and known.
(b)Since he is curious, he wants to
know about the historical places .
(c)When he visits a historical place, he
knows many things .
(d)So when we get free time, we
should visit a historical place .
(e)We should pay a visit to a historical
place because it will enrich our domain of
knowledge .
46.(a)There was an old farmer who had
four sons.
(b) Though the sons were grown up,
they had no good relation with one
(c)They were so disobedient that they
always qurrelled among themselves.
(d)The old man tried to make them
united but they didn’t pay any heed to
(e)As he was getting old, he became
very anxious about their future.
47.(a) Honest is the best policy that is
known to all. (b)An honest man is loved
by all.
(c)He may not be rich but he is
respected everywhere.
(d)Only honest way can lead the
country to the progress.
(e)Everybody should try to cultivate
48.(a)Mobile phones have brought a
revolution in the field of communincation.
(b)Owing to the latest technology,
Bangladesh has made a great leap in the
world of
(c)Bangladesh still has a long way to
go to make this facility further available
to all and very
easily .
(d)Mobile phone operators are trying to
reduce the call rate.
(e)Mobile phone users have the right to
enjoy the lower call rate.
49. (a)When we eat food, we should bear
in mind that only right kind of food can
preserve our
health .
(b)We eat so that we may live.
(c)If we want to enjoy a good health
we must take a balanced diet.
(d)Sometimes it so happens that living
in plenty we fail to choose the right kind
of food.
(e)As a result they suffer from various
diseases which may cause death.
50. (a) Poverty is curse which makes our
life miserable.
(b)Many people who live below the
poverty level cannot fullfil their daily
(c)They blame their own lot for their
(d)It is true that idle inactive person
suffers in the long run.
(e)But many active and energetic
persons idle away their time for nothing.
51.(a)We learn English because it is an
international language.
(b)Our students are afraid of English
they don’t learn it in a proper way.
(c)Unless we learn English we will lag
behind in the race of globalization.
(d)Without learning English we cannot
expect good jobs.
(e)It is time we gave emphasis on
learning English.
52. (a)It is hope that helps us to live .
(b) Life would be intolerable if there is
no hope.
(c)It cheers our mind and delights our
(d)There is no end of hope, when hope
is gone life becomes meaningless.
(e)Life without hope is meaningless.
Where there is life.
53. (a) We earn money so that we can
live well.
(b)But we should not hanker after
money as money cannot bring real
(c)Some people earn money in any
unfair way though they are not in need of
(d)Although money is needed for our
living we should not commit any crime for
earning it.
(e)Unless we are honest in earning
money we cannot be happy.
54.(a)We take food so that we can live.
(b) We cannot keep good health unless
we eat balanced diet.
(c)Some people become sick though
they have a plenty of food.
(d)This is because they eat a lot of
fatty foods.
(e)We can make our food balanced if
we eat a lot of vegetables.
55. (a)Time which is very valuable should
be maintained properly.
(b)The person who idles away if
suffers a lot/cannot succeed in life.
(c)The prosperous nation always uses
time properly.
(d)But we as a nation do not realize
the value of time.
(e)So, to become an idle nation we
must be punctual.
56. (a) There is a proverb that time and
tide waits for none.
(b)One cannot get his lost money
and health back but one cannot get back
one’s lost time.
(c)Time once lost is lost forever.
(d)If we leave our work for tomorrow
we will lag behind.
(e) Man who wastes time idly suffers
in the long run.
57. (a)Those who are honest are
respected by all.
(b) It is honesty that makes a man
(c) If one’s desire is honest he may
shine in life for the time being.
(d)Their destruction is bound to
happen a serious havoc.
(e)If you meditate, you can feel
heavenly bliss.
58.(a)We are the citizens of a country
which new dolna is best with various
acute problems.
(b) Independence is the bright right of
a man, but in most cases people have to
struggle to
gain it.
(c)Again, people of an independent
country must preserve it, because it holds
our head up
among all the nations.
(d)If we are not careful there is chance
to lose our independence.
(e)We can take instance from our
valiant sons who sacrificed their lives for
motherland .
59.(a)It is known to all that industry is
the key to success.
(b)Unless a man works hard he will
not succeed in life.
(c)The man who touched the highest
peak success is praised by all.
(d)Nothing is possible for a man who
is sincere.
(e)So, we must be industrious so
that we can attain success.
60.(a)One can prosper in life if one tries
heart and soul
(b)We have to work hard to prosper in
(c)Those who are idle cannot prosper
in life
(d)Idle people are nothing but
liabilities to the country
(e)They give nothing to the socity as
well as to the family.
61.(a)We learn English because we need
it in almost every sphere of our life.
(b) Our students are afraid of learning
English it is a foreign language.
(c) Unless we learn English we will not
be able to get handsome jobs.
(d)For higher education English is a
must because almost all books essential
for this level
are written in English.
(e)It is time we learn English.
62.(a)Time which is lost once is lost
forever. (b)There is a proverb that time
and tide wait for
(c)It is time which never stops its
journey. (d) It does not wait for anyone
and marches on.
(e) One must suffer in the long run if
one does not make the best use of time.
63.(a)It is said that God helps those help
(b)In youth the mind is soft and we
can shape it as we want.
(c)If we lose the morning hours of lie
we are sure to suffer in the long run.
(d)If we sow good seeds in youth we
shall reap a good harvest in old age.
(e)If we remain lazy we must suffer
the pangs of poverty.
64.(a)Sumi reads attentively lest she
should fail in the long run.
(b) She could not come out successful,
Though he worked hard .
(c)If she were serious from the
beginning she would be successful.
(d)After the result she pretended as
though she had known everything.
(e)But she started reading with a view
to becoming successful.
65.(a)A proverb goes that time and tide
waits for none.
(b)If he makes the best use of his time
he is sure to prosper in life.
(c)But if he does otherwise he is sure
to suffer in the long run.
(d)If once he fails behind he will not be
able to keep pace with time.
(e)So he should make the best use of
his time so that he can prosper in life.
66.(a)Dowry means property or money
that is determined by the bridegroom.
(b)Those who are greedy demand it.
(c)If the guardians fail to fulfill the
demand of the bridegroom the brides may
be tortured.
(d) The helpless parents of the bride
are compelled to provide dowry even if
have no ability.
(e) As dowry is a social curse it must
be removed from the society.
67. (a)We work hard so that we can
prosper in life .
(b)Peace and prosperity are not
possible if ‘we do not work hard .
(c)A man who—brings misery for him
is lazy
(d)There is nobody who does not hate
a liar
(e)Since he is unsuccessful in his life
he will suffer in the long run.
68.(a)Every year many tourists visit Cox’s
Bazer with a view to enjoying their
holidays .
(b)On the sea beach, they feel like
playing like children.
(c)The Bay is so vast and eye catching
that tourists come here frequently.
(d)But the beauty and serenity of
Cox’s Bazer is being spoilt .
(e)If we cannot preserve the beauty
and serenity of Cox’s Bazer we will lose
the best tourist
attraction of the country .
69.(a)Computer is one of the greatest
wonders of modern science.
(b)It renders great service to
(c) A computer is a blessing to
human beings.
(d)Though it is a blessing it has some
(e)We cannot help going a single
moment without computers.
70.(a) Everyman has a great desire for
wealth but very few can achieve it.
(b) Some people hanker after riches
while others desire for fame.
(c) In fact, true happiness lies in
contentment, so we should be contented
with what we
(d)Those who hanker after riches
cannot be happy. (e)It is high time we
met him.
71. (a)There goes a proverb that time and
tide waits for none.
(b) Though lost wealth can be regained
by hard work, lost time can never be
(c)Time is so valuable that we cannot
waste it.
(d)Those who have become great in
life have made the best use of time.
(e) If we make the best use of time we
can prosper in life.
72(a) 1971 is the year when our
Liberation war broke out.
(b) Brave sons sacrificed their lives to
free the homeland.
(c) In the night of 14 December, the
Pakistani Army and the ‘Rajakar killed
the intellectuals
(d) But the enemies could not repress
our sprit although we were weaker in
(e)Therefore we salute the freedom
fighters and hate them who were against
the Liberation
73.(a) Though a student’s main duty is to
study he must take part in extra curricular
(b) He should read newspaper and
other books which are the sources of
general knowledge .
(c) A student must take care of his
health because health is the root of all
happiness .
(d) He must observe the rules of health
so that he can keep his body fit.
(e) If there is any natural calamity he
should take part in humanitarian work .
74. (a)Bangladesh is our homeland where
we live peacefully.
(b)Though it is a small country it has a
huge population.
(c) Bangladesh is a country of natural
scenery which is beautiful.
(d)Most of the people who live in
villages work in the field.
(e)They are poor because they are
75.(a)Bangladesh has three World
Heritage Sites, though she is a small
(b)The Shat Gambuj Mosque is a 15 th
century Islamic edifice which is one of the
world heritage sits.
(c)Khan Jahan Ali came to Bagerhat
so that he could spread the light of Islam .
(d)The mosque was used not only as
a prayer hall but also a court .
(e)Since it is one of the greatest
tourist attractions. it should be
maintained properly.
76. (a) If we lose the morning hours of
our life, we shall sufer in the long run.
(b)As a student, you should read
properly so that you can shine in life.
(c)Students should read text book
again and again with a view to
understanding their
lessons properly.
(d) Unless lies the head that wears a
(e)When the students stood up the
teacher entered the classroom.
77.(a) Since Bangladesh is an over
populated country unemployment problem
is acute.
(b)Instead of being an asset,
population has become a burden.
(c)Though some steps have been
taken, population is still increasing.
(d)If people had been conscious,
population problem would have been
(e)It is time we controlled the growth
of our population.
78.(a)A wise man is one who has wisdom
(b)Knowledge is very useful but wisdom
cannot be neglected
(c)We need a special kind of education
which helps us to gain wisdom.
(d)Wisdom guides us to make the best
use of our knowledge and become
(e)Without wisdom we cannot took him
to the nearest hospital.
79. (a)It is true that most of the parents
in our country are not interested enough
to send their
children to school.
(b)Parents think that spending money
for the children’s education is unwise
when the child is a girl.
(c)They think female children need no
education because they cannot help their
parents in
their old age.
(d)To lesson discrimination in children’s
educational statues the government gives
subsidy for
female children so that parents can
send their female children to school.
(e)It is a good sign that nowadays people
are seen more serious about their
80.(a) We should be sincere because
sincerity brings success.
(b) All great men are sincere and they
become successful.
(c)If any work is not done properly it
will not result in success.
(d)But sincerity does not mean only to
do any work properly, it also means to do
any work
(e) Everybody must remember that
without sincerity none can attain success.
81.(a)The national Memorial which is
situated at Savar is a symbol of nation’s
respect for the
(b)It is built concrete, but made of
blood. (c)It is an achievement which is
(d)But it stands for an achievement of
martyrs who are immortal.
(e)It stands upright for the millions of
martyrs who laid down their lives for the
freedom of
their motherland.
82.(a)One can prosper in life if one tries
heart and soul
(b) We have to work hard to prosper in
(c)Those who are idle cannot prosper
in life.
(d)Idle people are nothing but liabilities
to the country.
(e)They give nothing to the society as
well as to the family.
83. (a)It is youth that is the prime time of
our life .
(b)When there is not only physical
strength but also viogur of mind.
(c)This is the period of time when we
have much courage among us .
(d)The youth can struggle a lot so that
they can make their mission successful.
(e)A youth can have the confidence in
order he can face any situation on the
way of his goal.
84.(a)Sincerity is indispensable in our
(b)It is sincerity which helps to do any
work properly.
(c)If we are sincere we can reach our
(d) Those who have become sincere are
sincere in their way of life.
(e)A student must be sincere to his
studies so that he can do well in the
85.(a)Education is the only way which
can accelerate all our development work .
(b)It paves the way so that we can
ensure development of our country.
(c) If we make all the illiterate masses
educated we can make them skilled
(d)We can make them skilled workers
in order that they can contribute to the
(e)The conscious people should play a
vital role to make our country developed .
86.(a)Books are men’s best companions
in life.
(b) You may not get good friends as
long as when you need them .
(c)But it is books always ready to be
by your side .
(d)They are your real friends as long as
you are alive .
(e) To satisfy our thirst for knowledge ,
we have to read more and more books.
87.(a)It is cricket that is a very exciting
(b) At present it is the most popular
game in our country.
(c) Though cricket is a costly game ,
people of all classes enjoy playing it.
(d)Bangladesh is a test playing
country but its standard is not high .
(e) It is better we took effective
measure to upgrade the standard.
88.(a)It is happiness that is a relative
term .
(b) A person with a crown who lives in
a palace may not be happy .
(c) Rather a day labourer may have
happiness living in a shabby hut.
(d)Again, it is happiness that various
from person to person.
(e) A beggar can be happy if he has a
89.(a)Unemployment is a state when a
man has no work to earn money .
(b) It is a social evil which hampers
the progress of social life.
(c) If the income of the people
increases the development of the country
will be accelerated.
(d)It is reasonable income that
increases the per capita income.
(e)Unemployment is a social evil
which must be eradicated at any cost .
90.(a)Truthful is one of the greatest
virtues of a man .
(b) The person who is truthful is
trusted everywhere .
(c) Unless we are truthful we cannot
shine in life.
(d)It is better to avoid telling lies .
(e)A truthful person is so bold in his
sprit that nothing can daunt him.
91.(a)It is character which is one of the
greatest assets of a man .
(b) Those who are bestowed with good
character , earns respect from all.
(c)A person may be of blue blood but
he may not have good character .
(d)It is in the childhood when we
should build up good character .
(e) It is high time we built up
character .
92.(a)Contentment is the key to success
in life.
(b)The person, who is content with his
honest means, is a happy man.
(c)An honest man does not care
(d) Though he has to suffer for the
time being , he will win in the long run.
(e) It is high time we tried our best to
be honest in our way of life.
93.(a)We should make the habit of
reading books so that we can acquire
knowledge .
(b) The books which are written by
famous writers are a great source
of knowledge.
(c)Nobody gets perfection in life if he
does not try to remove ignorance.
(d) If we read books , we can remove
(e)We want to make society civilized
and there is no alternative to reading
books .
94.(a)Independence is our birthright.
(b)Though we are now independence,
we had to achieve it at the cost of a sea
of blood .
(c) Our heroic sons sacrificed their
lives to liberate our land.
(d)The national Memorial signifies the
supreme sacrifice of our valiant fighters .
(e)We should take some positive steps
so that we can upgrade the status of our
fighters .
95 (a) There is no doubt that computer is
a boon to human civilization.
(b) Computer is an electronic device
which performs mathematical calculation.
(c)Computer is used in all sectors of
life so that it is widely used in the field of
administration, treatment etc.
(d) If we are sincere enough, we can
learn the use of computer.
(e)Despite its multilateral uses
computer is not without any bad impact.
96.(a)Illiteracy is a great problem in
Bangladesh .
(b)There are many reasons
responsible for our illiteracy .
(c)Our people are now trying sincerely
so that this problem can be uprooted from
country .
(d) Though our government has taken
some bold steps, still the rate of illiteracy
is on the
(e) It is high time we reduced the rate
of illiteracy beyond imagination.
97.(a) Patriotism is a noble virtue.
(b)Though it an inherent instinct in
human nature the Muslims regard it as a
part of their
faith .
(c)Unless we can sacrifice ourselves
for our nation we shall not be termed as
patriots .
(d)A true patriot speaks as if we were
ready to come forward for the security of
the country .
(e)We should be motivated so that all
of us strongly feel for the national issues .
98.(a) Ratan is a boy who is very
(b) Since he wants to do well in the
examination, he never neglects his
(c) Though he comes of a poor family,
he wants to continue to his studies.
(d) He knows that he has to earn
knowledge to change his condition.
(e) He is confident that he will cut a
good figure in the examination .
99.(a) It is punctuality that is one of the
qualities of a man .
(b) Those who are punctual can reach
the summit of success.
(c) As he is punctual, he never leaves
any work for the next day.
(d) Though he has to do a lot of
works, he does not show any excuse.
(e) We should be punctual so that we
can succeed in life .
100.(a) Books are men’s best
companions in life.
(b) You may not get good friends
when you need them .
(c) But it is books that are always
ready to be by your side .
(d) They are your real friends as long
as you are alive .
(e) To satisfy our thirst of
knowledge, we have to read more and
more books.
101.(a) It is happiness that is a relative
term .
(b) A person with a crown who lives
in a palace may not be happy .
(c) Rather a day labourer may have
happiness living in a shabby hut.
(d) Again, it is happiness that varies
from person to person.
(e) A beggar can be happy if he has a

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