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Everybody imitates his or her favourite personality to build up his/her own dream, career and personality. I have also my favourite personality. He is Zahir Raihan. Thought I have not seen him in real life as I belong to the post Liberation War generation. I have read many things about him. His contribution to our Liberation War has enthralled me. He has born on 19 August 1935 in the village of Majupur, in Feni district. He was an active worker of the language movement. While he was a student he joined the procession of our language movement despite a ban on such activities. Though he was arrested several times for such kind of activities, his spirit never faded. He took an active part in the mass movement in 1969. In1971, he joined the Liberation War. His dream of a free country always inspired me. He made films on real incidents highlighting the savagery of the Pakistan army and made people well aware of our great sacrifice in the Liberation War. Very unfortunately this great intellectual and patriotic hero was captured and killed after the independence. His dream, personality, uncompromising spirit always inspire me. Hence, he is my favourite personality, it is my unadulterated belief that his personality is really imitative to the present generation.

1. The great artist  ZAINUL ABEDIN
Zainul Abedin was born at a village in Kishoregonj in 1914. His father’s name was Jamir Uddin. He was a police officer. He had a great thirst for drawing. For this reason, he got himself admitted into Calcutta Government Art College in 1933. In 1938 he stood first class first from the college. In the same year he was awarded Gold Medal in all India Art Exhibition. He drew a lot of pictures on Famine of the Second World War in 1939 which earned world wide reputation for him. In 1948 he founded the Dhaka Art Institution. He was appointed principal in 1949 of this institution. He retired from this institution in 1967. Zainul Abedin is considered the founding father of Bangladeshi art. He was an artist of outstanding talent and earned international reputation. For his artistic and visionary qualities, he is referred to as Shilpacharya meaning ‘great teacher of art’ in Bangladesh. He designed the pages of the Constitution of Bangladesh. He founded the Folk Art Museum at Sonargoan, and also Zainul Abedin Shangrahasala, a gallery of his own works in Mymensing in 1975. He died in 1976.

6.  Pahela Baishakh
a) Why do we celebrate Pahlea Baishakh ?
b) What do rural peopl arrange an this day ?
c) How do the urban people observe it ?
d) What do different organisation arrange ?
e) What is the significace of the day ?

We are Banglee. We have an age old tradition. As part of age old
tradition, we celebrate Pahela Baishakh, the first day of Bangla new
year. The Pahela Baishakh has a great impact on rural people. Traders
and shopkeepers open halkhata (fresh account book) and offer sweets
to their customers and clients. Village fair Baishaki Mela is arranged.
Farmers take their agricultural products to the fair. Stationary
products, sweets, cloth are also available in the fair. Papet show,
Nugor Dhola. Doll Dance are seen in the Baishake Mela. House wives
of the village. prepare special food items on the occassion. Urdan
people also take part on different Cultural functions. Baishakhi Mela
are arranged in different places. All walks of people gather there.
Different socio cultural organization arrange cultural functions.
Chayanat holds programme at dawn at Ramna Batumal. Institute of
Fine Arts of Dhaka University brings out a colourful procession.
Besides these. Bangla Acadeny. Jatiya press club. National Musium
etc organize programmes in their premises Pahela Baishakh has great
significance in our lives. It helps us to introduce ourselves with our
culture and values. It represents our religious harmony and unity.

8. Deforestation.
Deforestation means removing trees or forests from a place. And forest
means a large area of land thickly covered with trees, bushes etc. There is no
denying the fact trees are useful to man in there very important ways : they
provide us with wood and other products, they give us shade and they help to
prevent drought and floods. If there are no trees, there will be little or no
rainfall. Then there will be a great change in the whole atmosphere, as a result
of which the whole country may be turned into a desert. Above all, the country
lose her green beauties. So, we have to realize the bad effects of deforestation.
In fact, if deforestation goes on in this way, soon our country will be changed
into a desert. So, unless the government has a good system of control, or, can
make the people aware of its necessity, the forests will slowly disappear.

7.  Eve Teasing
Now-a-days ‘Eve Teasing’ is the burning
question in our country. It has already become
a social curse. When girls are teased by men or
boys, it is called Eve Teasing. Eve Teasing is
bringing many disorders to our society. As we
live in a male dominated society, girls are
always dominated by men. At present girls
can’t move freely for the eve teaser. Since the
victim of Eve Teasing is girl so it needs no
telling that the eve teasers are boys. Some
rude, impolite and bad guys of our society are
often seen to disturb the girls. Generally
frustrated and those who take drugs tease the
girls. They don’t realize that women belong to
our mother class. Eve teasers are generally
seen in front of the schools, colleges, bus
stands and some busy public places. They
eagerly wait for the arrival of girls. It seems that
they have no work but tease the girls. At
present they are the biggest criminals of the
country. It generally occurs when a boy fails to
win the mind of the girl. If a boy offers his love
to a girl and if the girls refuses his love she
must be fallen the victim of Eve Teasing by the
boy. Sometimes girls commit suicide for being
the victim of Eve Teasing. But we all know that
it takes two to make a quarrel. Girls are also
responsible for such kind of bad practice. At
present girls are seen moving freely wearing
sex appealing dresses. As a result it attracts
the boys. So girls should be moderate in their
dresses and wandering. Now it’s time to stop
the bad practice. Government is very aware to
eradicate Eve Teasing from the country. A
strong law has already been passed against
Eve Teasing Every educated and conscious
person of the society should come forward to
help the Government so that it can be removed
easily from our country. We all should respect
our women folk because they are the part of
our life, our society and after all part of our

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