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Sentence correction worksheet

Sentence correction worksheet

Each sentence given below contains one of more errors. The error could be in the use of nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions or conjunctions. Find the error and rewrite the sentence correctly.
1. We all swum at the beach yesterday.
2. They hadn’t scarcely enough feed for their cattle.
3. The cow has trod on my sweet peas.
4. The perfume is for your sister and yourself.
5. My father has laid in bed all day.
6. Mother has lain the book down somewhere.
7. Have you read where there was an earthquake in China?
8. A bus runs passed our house.
9. Neither Peter or James can sing well.
10. He drove fast so as he might arrive early.
1. We all swam at the beach yesterday. (Swum is the past participle form of swim. It is used to make perfect tenses.)
2. They had scarcely enough feed for their cattle. (Scarcely is a negative word and hence it is wrong to use not with it.)
3. The cow has trodden on my sweet peas. (Perfect tense forms are made by putting past participles after have.)
4. The perfume is for your sister and you.
5. My father has lain in bed all day.
6. Mother has laid the book down somewhere.
7. Have you read that there was an earthquake in China?
8. A bus runs past our house.
9. Neither Peter nor James can sing well. (Note the correlative conjunction neither…nor.)
10. He drove fast so that he might arrive early. (To show the reason or purpose, we  use so that.

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