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(1).  Dialogue Between Two Friends About Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone
Omi : Hello, Zarif. How are you?
Heya: I am fine and what about you?

Omi: I am fine too. It is long time since I met you last.
Heya: But we have kept constant contact only because of the mobile phone.

Omi: Yes, this mobile phone has become a very instrumental device in our daily life. We cannot do
         without it for a single day.
Heya: Right. It has reduced uncertainty, doubt, anxious waiting and painful suspense. In fact, it has
          made our life easy and comfortable in many ways.

Omi: Besides, it has made our global communication dynamic and faster.
Heya: But we must admit that it has some disadvantages too.

Omi: You are absolutely right. It causes brain tumor, genetic damage and many other incurable
S.K.R.          diseases. It is especially hazardous for the children and pregnant women.
Heya: Yes, during conversation, the blood brain barrier may get damaged, the blood pressure may
          get high and the red blood cells may get affected.

Omi: Besides, it is doing a lot of harms to the teenagers. They can easily indulge in many obscene
         programmes also. In this way it is spreading pornography.
Heya: Absolutely. Moreover, it is helping young boys and girls to contact easily with their so called
         lovers in season and out of season.

Omi: You are right. They are approaching negative way.
Heya: It is high time we saved them from their moral degradation.

Omi: Right you are. The criminals are also carrying out their operations with the help of it. It is also
        very alarming.
Heya: All these are very true. Though we are getting immense benefits from it, we should use it with
          much care and caution to avoid its demerits. 

Omi: Yes. Thank you so much. Good bye now.
Heya: Good bye.

(2).  A dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of learning English.
Myself : Hello my friend, how are you?
Friend : I am fine and you?

Myself : I am also fine. Where are you going now?
Friend : I am going to British council.

Myself : But why?
Friend : To learn English.

Myself : Why do you want to learn English, is it very important?
S.K.R.Friend : Of course, it is very important.

Myself : Will you explain it please?
Friend : Why not? You know that English is an International Language.

Myself : So what?
Friend : The world cannot go for a single day without English. So it very easy to understand the
               importance of learning English.

Myself : Is there anything more to indicate the importance of learning English?
Friend : Yes, if you follow, you will find that most of books, magazines papers and other  research books
              are written in English. 

Myself : O I see. You are correct. I think more than this.
Friend : What is that.

Myself : It is the age of information, communication and science.
Friend : So what?

Myself : These media are conducted in English.
Friend : You mean no one can do anything using these media without English.

Myself : Yes, you have come to the point.
Friend : This is the reality. To keep you updated there is no other alternative to learn English.

Myself : It is obviously true.
Friend : Thank you my friend.

Myself : Thanks also to you.
Friend :  See you again.

(3).  A dialogue between two friends about the importance of reading newspaper.
Myself : Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah.
Friend : Walikum Assalam Warahmatullah.

Myself : How are you my friend?
Friend : Alhamdulillah and you?

Myself : Mash Allah I am fine.
Friend : Let us go to a newspaper stall.

Myself : But why?
Friend : To meet my thirst.

Myself : What do you mean? Why do you need to go to newspaper stall to meet thirst?
S.K.R.Friend : I mean thirst of newspaper.

Myself : I cannot understand your word.
Friend : It is very easy. I cannot start my day without reading newspaper.

Myself : Please explain it to me.
Friend : Newspaper is the current mirror of the world.

Myself : What does it mean?
Friend : It means, newspaper gives us all kinds of news of both home and abroad.

Myself : What do you mean by all kinds of news?
Friend : All kinds of news means social, political, business, games and sports, education,
               invention and discoveries, amusements and so on. 

Myself : Does it give us only news?
Friend : No. It also gives us the views of the mass people. 

Myself : Anything more?
Friend : Yes. Editorial and research news. 

Myself : Which option of the paper is most important to you?
Friend : Headlines and editorials. 

Myself : Is it very important to read newspaper regularly?
Friend : Of course. Newspaper opens the windows of our outlook. It keeps us updated with the
current world. To keep pace with the world it is most important to read newspaper       regularly.

Myself : You are right. Thank you for sharing the importance of reading newspaper.
Friend : See you again.

(4).  Write a Dialogue between you and your Headmaster about a transfer certificate.
Ayshi : May I come in, sir?
H.M   : Yes, come in. Any problem?

Ayshi : Sir, I wish to discuss with you regarding a T.C.
H.M : Sit down, which class are you in?

Ayshi : I am in class 8, section A. As my family decided, I need a transfer certificate.
H.M : Transfer certificate! It is the month of May and is the middle of the session. Why are you going to
           leave your school? 

S.K.R.Ayshi : Sir, my father is a government employee. Recently he has been transferred from here to Chittagong.
          My family has already shifted there. 
H.M : Can’t you stay here for the rest of the session?

Ayshi : I am sorry to say that I have no relative here to reside with or other scope to stay in.
H.M : Really it is a problem.

Ayshi :Sir, I like my school very much but situation does not allow me to study here.
H.M : Ok, submit an application to me seeking a T.C.

Ayshi : What else have I to do, sir?
H.M : Contract with the clerk. He will give you all out helps to get a T.C.

Ayshi :Thank you very much, sir.
H.M : Okay.

5. A Dialogue between doctor and patient.
Myself: Good morning, sir!
Doctor:  Good morning! What’s wrong with you?

Myself: I have been suffering from fever since yesterday.
Doctor:  Have you any other problem?

Myself: I also feel headache and trembling.
Doctor:  Let me feel your pulse and check your fever. At this time the fever is 102 degree. Don’t worry,
               there is nothing serious. I am giving you the and you will be all right in a few days.

Myself: Thank you, doctor.
Doctor:  But get your blood tested for malaria, and come with the report  tomorrow.

Myself: OK doctor.
Doctor:  I shall recommend at least two days rest for you.

Myself : Would you prepare a medical certificate for me to submit it in my office?
Doctor:  Oh sure.  This is your medical certificate.

Myself : Thank you very much. Please tell me how shall I take this medicine?
Doctor:  This medicine is for a day only. Take this dose as soon as you reach your home and the second at
               3 pm and the third at night before sleeping.

Myself: What should I eat doctor?
Doctor:  You should eat only light food. You can take milk and fresh fruit also.

Myself: How much shall I pay you doctor?
Doctor:  Rupees hundred only.
Myself: Here it is please. Thanks doctor.
Doctor:  It’s all right.
Myself: Thank you doctor. I shall see you tomorrow with my blood report.
Doctor:  Okay.
6.  Write a dialogue between a student and librarian to borrow a book
Rumman  : Excuse me sir. May I come in?
Librarian : Yes, please! Come in.

Rumman  : I want to take some books.
Librarian : You cannot take some books. You can take only one book at a time.

Rumman  :  I want Kalam's Wings of Fire.
Librarian : Mm! Let me check.

Rumman  : Is it available sir?
Librarian : Yes, it is available.

Rumman  : Where is it?
Librarian : It's in the 3rd shelf in the extreme corner.

Rahul : Shall I take the book?
Rumman  : Where is your old book?

Rumman  :  Here it is.
Librarian : What is the name of the book?

Rumman  :  Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
Librarian : What's the due date?

Rumman  : I think it's 25th April.
Librarian : What's the date today?

Rumman  : Today is 27th April.
Librarian : You must pay the fine then.

Rumman  :  Sorry sir.
Librarian : I can't help you. I must follow the rules.
Rumman  :  How much should I pay?
Librarian : Rs.5/- only.

Rumman  :  Here is the money sir.
Librarian : Alright take the book.

Rumman  : One more clarification sir, Shall I ask you?
Librarian : Yes, you will.

Rumman  :  What are the newspapers available here?
Librarian : All the news papers are available here.

7. Write a dialogue between you and your friend on an exciting cricket match.
Protity : Hello Zarif! How are you?
Sristy   : I am fine and what about you?

Protity : I am also quite fine. Did you enjoy the cricket match yesterday between Bangladesh and
               New Zealand?
Sristy   : Certainly! It is the first time that Bangladesh defeated New Zealand. I am very happy
               that I enjoyed the match in the stadium. 

Protity :What is your impression about the match?
Sristy   : Oh, yes!  I was deeply impressed to see the performance of the two teams—particularly
               the team of Bangladesh.

Protity : Yes, it was a great surprise that Bangladesh beat the Ex-World Champion— New Zealand. 
Sristy   : Exactly! You know New Zealand is one of the well-known teams in the cricket world.
              And it is very interesting that they were defeated by us.

Protity : Yes. But it true that the fielding of Bangladeshi players was excellent. They fielded like a
               top class team.
Sristy   : Certainly! And it was another reason that the New Zealand team failed to get high  score.

Protity :In the end it was an easy target for the Bangladeshi batsmen. But our team was so
             unpredictable that you couldn't be surprised if they could not have achieved that.
Sristy   : Definitely. But our batsmen also performed as well as the bowlers.

Protity : You are right. I think Bangladesh will shine more in next matches and will bring good
               name and fame for the country.
Sristy   : Certainly! Our hope is not unreasonable.

Protity : Yes, indeed! Thank you very much and let us wait for the next match.
Sristy   : You are most welcome. Good bye. See you again.

8. A dialogue between you and the manager of a bank  about opening a bank account.
Myself : Hello!
Manager : Hello!

S.K.R.Myself : May I come in sir?
Manager : Yes, of course.

Myself : Can I have a seat sir?
Manager : Sure.

Myself : Thank you.
Manager : Welcome. What can I do for you?

Myself : I want to open an account with your bank.
Manager : Ok, it’s very good.

Myself : But I don’t know how to open an account sir.
Manager : Will you tell me what kind of account you want to open?

Myself : Actually I have got a handsome amount of money as scholarship.
Manager : And now you want to save it, OK?

Myself : Yes, you are right sir.
Manager : I am giving you a form to fill it up. Just fill it up with the information required   in different  
                 serial. After filling up the form, come to me with two passport size photographs of you and
                 another copy of photograph of your beneficiary.

Myself : What type of account am I going to open sir?
Manager : It is a saving account.

Myself : Would you explain what is saving account?
Manager : It means you can save any amount of money at any time and you can  withdraw any  amount
                 from your account at any time.

Myself : O, I see. Do I need to do anything more?
Manager : Yes. You have to deposit an amount of initial money to open the account.

Myself : What is the amount sir?
Manager : It may be at least one hundred or more than one hundred.

Myself : Thank you sir for your kind cooperation.
Manager : You are most welcome.

9. A Dialogue about the advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life.
Spriha  :  Good morning, Mahir, you’re going to your villages today,  aren’t you? Why don’t you stay
S.K.R.               days  more in Dhaka city?
Rowza  : Oh, no I do not feel comfort in Dhaka city. It’s totally boring.

Spriha  :    What are the things of city life you do not like?
Rowza  :   I think life in the city is very artificial. It’s full of business and  separation. People lead a very
                  busy life in polluted area.  They wake up from sleep in the morning hearing the sounds of
                  motor  vehicles, machines and factories.

Spriha  :     You are right. But there are many modern facilities you can have in city life. In cities there are
               many good educational institutions, hospitals and clinics. There’re also many recreational places
               in the city. It’s often easier to find work here.
Rowza  : That’s true, but I think life in the village is far better than of city life. Village life is quite natural
               and the people in the village lead a very simple life. They wake up from sleep in the morning
               hearing the melodious songs birds. They can take fresh food, fruits, fishes, meat and vegetable.
               Similarly, the villagers are cooperative as well as helpful. The environment of the village is
               totally pollution free. You can get the scenery of green field and meadows.  

Spriha  :  But village life is not without its disadvantages. Disease, hunger malnutrition poverty is common
              in the life of the villagers.
Rowza  :  Actually both the lives have their advantages and disadvantages. A balanced development can
              remove the gap between two types of life.

Spriha  :    I agree with you.
Rowza  :   Thanks a lot and you are highly invited in our village.

Spriha  :   Oh sure. I hope I will visit your house during the next holiday. Good- bye.
Rowza  : See you again.

10. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the bad effect of strike / hartal.
Prionty : Hello Zarif! How are you?
Jaba     : I am not fine. What about you?

Prionty : I am fine. But what happened to you? Is there any problem?
Jaba     : Yes, I can't go to college today owing to hartal.

Prionty : Oh, yes! On hartal day, not only your college but also all other offices and business firms
        remain closed.
Jaba     : Oh, it's very bad. I see hartal does not benefit anyone but to paralyze the life of
          common people.

Prionty : Yes, it is so harmful. The price of essential commodities is on the rise due to the
         insufficient supply of essential commodities. As a result, inflation is caused. 
Jaba     : I see it is very detrimental to us.

Prionty : Not only that. Very often clashes take place between the hartal supporting groups and
         anti-hartal supporting groups.
Jaba     : You are right. Owing to clash between the rival groups, general people lose their
         valuable lives and properties.

S.K.R.Prionty : Exactly! Besides, buses and cars are smashed and set fire during hartal, which brings
               immense sufferings to the innocent people.
Jaba     : Yes, I saw a private car burning in the road at the time of telecasting news on

Prionty : It is a common incident in our country during the hartal days. But hurling petrol bomb is
               very pathetic as it burns people alive in the road.
Jaba     : It is terrible and totally inhuman.

Prionty : However, we can hope that one day this destructive hartal would be banned in our
               country. Thank you.
Jaba     : I am waiting for that day. You are most welcome.

11. Write a dialogue between two friends about their aim in life.
Esha : Good morning., Dipu. How are you?
Shafa: Good morning. Thanks. I am fine and you?

Esha : I am also fine. I am very glad at your brilliant result in the HSC Examination. Would you tell me
            about your future plan?
Shafa: I have already made up my mind to study law. I will join politics after completing my studies.

Esha : Why do you want to be a politician?
Shafa: I wish to serve my countrymen by driving away nasty politics. People have no faith on politicians.
           They think that politicians are all corrupt.

Esha : Isn’t it true?
Shafa: Yes, it is.

Esha : Yet you want to be a politician. Why?
Shafa: I want to remove the stigma. I want to prove that all politicians are not corrupt. Besides, without
            honest politician, no nation can prosper in true sense. You should not forget that nothing is
            impossible for man. A patriotic leader can stamp out all kinds of corruption and injustice from the
            country. Please pray for me.

Esha : All these are true. But it is really a difficult task.
Shafa: You are right. People only blame politicians but they don’t want to be honest politician. I want to
            show the path.

Esha : I am very glad at this. I am sure that we will be able to eradicate evil politics from the country if
            people start thinking like this.
Shafa: Thanks.

Esha : Thanks a lot. See you again. No more today. Good-bye!
Shafa: you are most welcome. Good-bye!

S.K.R.12. Write a dialogue between you and your Headmaster asking three days leave in advance.
Feha : May I come in, sir?
H.M : Yes, come in. Any problem?

Feha : Sir, I need advance leave for some days.
H.M  : Sit down, which class are you in?
Feha : I am in class-Six, section-B.
H.M : Your Half-yearly Examination is near at hand. Why do you need leave now?

Feha : My sister’s marriage ceremony is going to be held on Friday next, sir. I have to remain
             busy for some days.
H.M : Sister’s marriage! Who is your sister? Wasn’t she student of our school?

Feha : Yes, sir. My sister is Monika and she passed the S.S.C exam from this school in 2006.
H.M : O, yes; Monika—she was a meritorious student. Isn’t Abdul Hakim your father?

Feha : Yes, sir.
H.M : Offer salam to him on my behalf.

Feha : Sir, he is shortly coming to school to invite you all.
H.M : O well. However, how many days do you need leave for?

Feha : For three days, sir.
H.M : OK, submit an application to me asking for three days’ leave.

Feha : Thank you very much, sir.

H.M :    OK.

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