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Paragraph For JSc Students ( Nilphamari Govt: Girls High School, Nilphamari.)

Paragraph For JSc Students ( Nilphamari Govt: Girls High School, Nilphamari.
1. Earthquakes
Earthquake is a natural disaster. Any sudden movement of the earth due to a natural cause which produces a shaking is known as an earthquake. The chief cause of earthquakes is the sudden slipping of the portion of the earth’s crust past each other along fractures of faults. Another cause is volcano activity. Minor causes of earthquakes are sudden landslides, sub-marine slides and collapse of cavern roofs. The sudden shock sets up vibration in the earth and the vibrations take the form of waves within the earth. The focus of the earthquake is the place where these vibrations originate and the point on the earth’s surface which is vertically above the focus is called the epicenter. If the focus is nearer the earth’s surface the effects of the earthquake is greater. The vibrations or the tremors of the earthquake are measured by the Richter scale. Earthquakes cause change in the earth’s surface. Sometimes in mountainous regions landslides are caused. Buildings collapse and several people are rendered homeless. Fire is another great danger. Railway lines are often bucked of twisted. Under-ground water system is naturally disturbed by earthquake. Earthquakes are most common in volcanic and mountainous regions. Bangladesh lies in the active earthquake zone. As a result, she has already experienced several mild earthquakes during the recent years. The experts cannot give straight answer to what extent damage Bangladesh will face if any major earthquake hits. However, experts believe that earthquake is a major threat for Bangladesh because she lies in the active earthquake zone and several mild earthquakes are recurring here.  So, steps have to be taken immediately to minimize the losses. Increase of awareness, development of earthquake resistant buildings and many other steps must be implemented for reducing the loss of our lives and properties.
2. The International Mother Language Day
The International Mother Language Day is an important day in the history of Bangladesh. Formerly it was known as 'Language Martyrs' Day', but now it has been recognized internationally as the 'International Mother Language Day' on 17 November, 1999 by UNESCO. At present this day is observed all over the world to show love for mother tongue. In our country it is observed as a national mourning day. This is the day on which a lot of young Bengalis laid down their lives to uphold the right of their mother language. Salam, Barkat, Rafique, Zabbar including others were shot dead in the language movement procession against the illegal ruling party of Pakistan. Every year we observe the day with profound solemnity and great respect for the martyrs. Early in the morning the whole nation comes to the martyrs' monument to pay homage and due respect to the departed souls. People of all walks of life come here bare-footed in procession and offer flowers and wreaths to show honour to the martyrs. The people there keep silent for some minutes in honour and remembrance of the language martyrs. Government and non-government organizations arrange programmes to celebrate the day. On the occasion national programmes are held that are joined by the President, Prime Minister, and other high officials of government. Newspapers publish special supplements on the occasion. Television channels and radio stations broadcast special programmes highlighting the significance of the day. Prayer is held in public prayer halls throughout the country for the salvation of the martyrs. This day inspires the people to love their mother language. So, in fine , it can be noted that the significance of the day inspires a nation to be  ready to sacrifice the lives when the need arises.
3. Independence Day.
26 March  is the  independence day of Bangladesh.It is the biggest state festival. The day is celebrated every year in the country with great enthusiasm and fervour. It is a national holiday. All offices, educational institutions, shops and factories remain closed on this day. The day begins with 31 gunshots. Early in the morning the President and the Prime Minister on behalf of the nation place floral wreaths at the National Musolium at Savar. Then diplomats, political parties, social and cultural organizations, and freedom fighters pay homage to the martyrs. People from all walks of life also come there with rallies and processions. There are several cultural programmes throughout the day highlighting the heroic struggle and sacrifice in 1971. The country also witness a smartly dressed parade of defense forces, border guards, police, ansars and the VDP (Village Defense Party) at the National Parade Ground near the National Parliament. In Bangabandhu Stadium, school children, scouts and girl guides take part in various displays to entertain thousands of spectators. The educational institutions also organize their individual programmes. Sports meets and tournaments are also organized on the day including the exciting boat race in the river Buriganga. In the evening, all major public buildings are illuminated with colourful lights. Bangla Academy, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy and other socio-cultural organizations hold cultural functions. Similar functions are also arranged in other places in the country. It is the  independence day which inspires the people of Bangladesh to love their motherland and fight against injustice, tyranny, and falsehood. The day remains ever fresh in the hearts of the people of this country.
The man who pulls rickshaw for money is a rickshaw puller. A rickshaw puller is quite familiar in cities and towns. He lives in a slum. His dress is very shabby. His income is very poor. He supports his family through much hardship. He has no rickshaw of his own. He toils hard. In all weathers good and bad he is seen carrying passengers. He bargains with his passengers. He demands more when the weather is very hot or foul. Sometimes he tries to cheat passengers. But most often he is cheated by passengers. A rickshaw puller is seen sleeping on his rickshaw beneath a tree or sitting idly on his rickshaw. Though he drives rickshaw from morning till late night, he leads a very miserable life. His life is full of sorrows and sufferings. He cannot enjoy peace and happiness. If he becomes sick, he cannot drive his rickshaw and earn money. So he and his family starve. If he can earn more, his expectation becomes fulfill and his face smiles. But this opportunity is very rare in his life. Generally the life of a rickshaw is full of sufferings and full of obstacles. So, we should not neglect them from the society.

5. Environment Pollution

All our surroundings including air, water, soil, trees, and animals make up our environment. When the normal relations among these elements of natures are disturbed, the ecological balance is hampered and it is called environmental pollution. Environment is polluted by way of pollution of the factors that constitute it. Air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and odour pollution together with deforestation are the main conditions that pollute environment. The impact of environment pollution is very dangerous. The smoke from factories and other vehicles contains harmful substances like carbon-monoxide and sulfur-di-oxide. These hamper the cleanliness of the air. Mills and factories set up on river banks let out chemical wastes in to the river water. These poisonous substances are destroying the plants and aquatic life. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers used in agriculture are also polluting water. When people drink this water or take a bath in the polluted water, they are attacked with stomach and skin diseases. Besides, the birds and beasts have to lose their habitats and are badly affected by environment pollution which may often bring about the extinction. Environmental pollution may be controlled by taking different measures. We may increase after station. If trees are planted in large numbers, we can be benefited in different ways. Trees also increase rainfall and prevent air pollution. Laws should be passed to prevent factories from dumping wastes. Moreover, every conscious individual and institution should come forward to solve this problem for the sake of our existence.
6. A Tea Stall.
A tea stall is a small shop where tea is prepared and supplied to the people. It is a common sight in our country. It is found in cities, bazars, towns , railway stations, bus stands , beside school, college and even in villages. There are several chairs, tables and benches in a tea stall. Prepared tea is sold here. Biscuits , cakes, bananas, cigerates and betel leaf are also sold here. In a tea stall, there is a boy or two who serve to the customers. The manager sits generally in front of the cash box and collects money from the customers. A stall stall opens in the morning and closes at night. A tea stall is a popular place. People come and take tea here. They talk on various subjects, village politics, national and international politics and on current affairs. Actually a tea stall is an important place of social gathering. The customers spend their free time in the tea stall for extra enjoyment .
7. A Farmer/ The life of a farmer
A farmer is a man who leads his family by working hard in the agricultural farms or cultivating lands. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. So farmers are the backbone of the country. He is most common figure in our country. Basically he is the main force of economy. He is called the father of food production. But they are devaluated. Without his role our country cannot go ahead. The farmers live in the village. Some farmers have their own lands. But some others are landless. They cultivate the land of others. They have to work hard from morning till night even in sun and rain to earn their livelihood. He works in the field all day long and procedures different kinds of crops. The economic condition of a farmer is miserable. Although he works hard, he does not get enough crops to eat. He lives a very low-standard life. He lives in the thatched houses. When a farmer produces good harvest, he enjoys a happy life with his family .His face beams with joy. But when he cannot produce good harvest, he enjoys a miserable life He has to starve sometimes. He even cannot get minimum medical care. Due to his illiteracy, he suffers from various diseases. The joys of a farmer know no bound when he gets bumpers crops. To enlighten him with the modern ideas. Adult education programme for the illiterate farmers can be introduced in the Radio and television.
8. A Street Beggar.
The man who begs alms in roads and streets is called street beggar. A street beggar is a familiar figure in our country.  He is usually seen to beg standing by the roadside .He is a very poor man and lives on begging. Usually he is physically deformed and thus lives on others charity. He is seen always in rugged clothes and is dirty. He carries a bowl with him. Whenever a street beggar sees a passer-by, he begs alms by spreading the bowl towards the passer-by. If he gets any alms, he becomes happy and prays for the person who has given him alms. All the streets beggar have their own way of lie and mode of approaching for alms. He tries his best to draw the sympathy of the passers-by with his peculiar voice. He often recites from the holy Quran and tries to draw other’s attention. Sometimes he uses his tricks to earn more. He leads a very deplorable life. He lives from hands to mouth. He can not give good education to his children. He leads a life of sufferings and pains. He is born unsung, remain unsung and die unsung. We should mercy by giving alms to a street beggar who is unable to work and consequently fails to maintain himself or his family.
9.  Traffic Jam
Traffic jam means a long line of different kinds of vehicles. It is a common sight in our country. It is one of the major problems of modern time. This problem is created by the rapid growth of population and the increasing number of vehicles. It occurs almost all the district towns where a lot of vehicles play everyday. Especially it occurs near bus stand, railway crossing, in front of a school or a college and turn of a road, at the junction of various roads or near a market. It occurs mainly in the morning and afternoon on working days when everyday body tries to attend office in short time or returns home as early as possible. Actually traffic jam occurs seriously at office and school time. The causes of traffic jam are many. The roads of our country are very narrow. There are many unlicenced vehicles in our country. The drivers are not willing to obey traffic rules. They want to drive according to their freedom. As a result, traffic jam is created. Traffic jam is very harmful for our life. It kills our valuable time and our works are hampered widely. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade vehicles. However, this problem can be solved by taking some steps. Our government should construct spacious roads. One way movement of vehicles should be introduced. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly so that the drivers are bound to obey traffic rules. Sufficient traffic police should be posted on important points. Finally unlicenced vehicles should be removed. In fact, traffic jam is very harmful for every nation. By doing the above things, we can be free from traffic jam.
10. Load Shedding
 Load shedding means the discontinuity of supply of electricity for short or long time. Nowadays it has become a part of our daily life. There are many reasons for load shedding. The insufficient production of electricity is the main reason of it. Misuse and illegal connection of electricity are the other reasons of it. It occurs mostly at night because the demand of electricity is more than in the daytime. The bad effects of load shedding are beyond description. It creates problem in the socio-economic development of the country. Mills and factories, shops, hospitals etc. become paralyzed due to load shedding. The sufferings of the students know no bounds. They sit in the darkness closing their books during the load shedding. They suffer a lot of if it occurs in the time of their examination. The patients also suffer terribly because operation stops in hospitals for load shedding. Load shedding at night also encourages the thieves. However, this problem should be solved at any cost. The concerned authority must take necessary steps to stop it. More power stations should be established. Illegal connection and system loss should also be stopped. After all, there is no alternative to be conscious about the misuse of electricity.
11. A School Magazine
A school magazine is a kind of periodical publication. It is such a magazine which contains the writings of the students and the teachers of a school. It is a part and parcel of a school. Almost every well-established school publishes a school magazine every year. It reveals the creative genius of both students and teachers. To publish a magazine is not an easy task. At first, a committee is formed for publishing the magazine. Then the committee asks the learners and the teachers to send their writings. After that, the editor corrects the writings. They select the best publishable writings. A school magazine contains short stories, poems, essays, verses, jokes, riddles and other writings related to studies, sports and cultural activities of the school. It often contains album of photography. It also contains messages from the headmaster, assistant headmaster and the chairman of the school managing committee. A school magazine can play a vital role in improving the young learner’s habit of reading and writing. It can develop the students’ interest in literature. It stimulates (RvwM‡q †Zvjv) their imagination and develops their creative powers. It is a mirror of the school. It adds to the glory and honor of the school.
12. Our National Flag
A national flag means a flag which a country achieves / gains by independence. It is the symbol of a nation. To gain independence a country has to struggle a lot. However, Bangladesh is an independent country. It has  a national flag like other free countries. It reminds us the freedom fighters of our country who has dedicated their lives for our country. Our national flag is made by cotton or silk. Its shape is rectangular and it is 10: 6 in proportion. It may be different sizes according to its use. The flag is hoisted everyday in government buildings and educational institutions. It is hoisted everywhere in our country on 16 December, 26 March and 21 February. Our national flag has two colours- green and red. The green colour is the symbol of youth and the red colour is the symbol of the sacrifices of freedom fighters. We salute the national flag and respect our freedom fighters with much respect. In fact, we are really proud of it.
13. A Book Fair You Have Visited.
A book Fair is an attractive fair where different type of books are displayed and sold. Nowadays it has become very popular. I was very lucky to visit the Ekushey Boi Mela this year. Every year, the fair is held on the occasion of 21st February to remain us the struggle and sacrifice in the language movement. The fair was organised by Bangla Academy in the premises of the institution. I went there with some of my friends. When I entered the main gate of the fair, I found a different environment. I saw all sorts of books such as fiction, text books, dramas, children books, reference books etc. Man, women and children of all ages and classes gathered there. The stalls ware occupied by different publishers. From a book stall, I bought some favorite books. In the evening, many poets and novelists and writers came to visit the fair. Besides books, other attractive articles were also sold in the fair. Book fair is very important because the it upgrades our thoughts and expands our knowledge. I was very delighted visiting such a fair and gathered some new experience there.
14. How to Keep School Campus Clean.
Keeping the school campus neat and clean is very important for all the students because a school is a place to study and learn. If the physical environment is not an attractive one, then studying and learning become less pleasant and the concentration of the students will be hampered. To keep the school campus neat and clean the students have to do some certain works. Firstly, in every class the students can make a class forum or group and the leader of the forum can divide the works. There are different works in the school campus. According to the instruction of the leader the students will continue the work. Some students of a forum can arrange of garbage and rubbish in waste disposal containers, take care of the gardens and trees. Similarly, another group can keep the plants well-trimmed, mow the lawn, and trim the grass around the borders. Other group can rake the fallen leaves, keep the statues well-polished, mop and vacuum the floors and carpets inside. Some can clean the walls, windows and other surfaces. To keep the campus always neat and clean the students can make some rules permanently both inside and outside of the classroom. Firstly, students should not spit in the class, drop litter in the class. Secondly, they have to use the bin for trash and keep the desks and chairs in place. At the time of performing the works they can get any help from their class teacher and other teachers. In this process the students can keep their school campus neat and clean.
15. Eve-Teasing
Eve-teasing is a heinous act of disturbing girls and women. It is a kind of sexual harassment. It is a curse  for  girls and women all over the world. It has recently become a burning question in our country. Some evil minded boys and men have no respect for women's dignity. They try to satisfy their evil nature. They are the common eve-teasers. The young beautiful girls and women are the victims of eve-teasing. Narrowness, men's evil nature, cruelty, lack of morality, unemployment, frustration, failure in love, lack of religious spirit, lack of public awareness, parents' indifference, etc. are greatly responsible for eve-teasing. The effects of eve-teasing are, no doubt, harmful. Eve-teasing causes many unfortunate events. Girls and women are deprived of their rights of freedom, education, etc. They cannot go out for their education or for doing jobs. They have to stay at home away from school and college and are married off at an early age. They suffer psychologically. Sometimes, they become victims of acid throwing. Sometimes, it happens that eve-teasing is leading them to commit suicide. It is high time to take proper steps to stop eve-teasing. The government and the conscious people should strongly fight against this evil act of eve-teasing. The mobile court has already been formed to punish the eve-teasers. Exemplary punishment should be ensured to the eve-teasers. Parents should take proper care of their children. Children should not be allowed to watch vulgar and indecent television programmes. Moral teaching should be given to them. Public awareness should be raised to start a social campaign against eve-teasing. The government has already declared 13 June as the Eve-teasing Protection Day to raise public awareness. So to say, it can be noted that the persons should be morally developed.

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