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5. Change the following the sentences as directed in the brackets.. 1X5=5

5. Change the following  the sentences as directed in     the brackets..             1X5=5


(a) English is one of the most used languages in the
      world. (Comparative)
(b) It is spoken all over the world.(Active)
(c) It is also the richest language.(Negative)
(d) Without learning english we  can’t  prosper .
(e) It is foolish to waste time .(Interrogative)

Ans: (a) English is more used than more other languages in the world.
(b) People speak it all over the world.
(c) It is also not the poorest language.
(d) We can prosper by learning English.
(e) Isn’t it foolish to waste time?


(a) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues.(Positive)
(b) It makes us honourable in the society.(Negative)
(c) It brings peace in mind.(Interrogative)
(d) Truthfulness makes us faithful and reliable.(pass)
(e) A liar rich man is not as respected as a truthful poor man.(Comparative)

Ans: (a) No other virtue is as great as truthfulness.
(b) It does not make us dishonourable in the society.
(c) Does not it bring peace in mind?
(d) We are made faithful and reliable by truthfulness.
(e) A truthful poor man is more respected than a liar rich man.


Suma is a student of class VIII. (a) She is always punctual.(Negative)
(b) She is not  inattentive to her study .(Affirmative)
(c) She never tells a lie .(Interrogative)
(d) Very  few students of her  class are  so brilliant as she .(Positive)
(e) Her teachers  love her very  much.(Passive).

Ans: (a) She is never late.
(b) She is inattentive to her study.
(c) Does he ever tell a lie?
(d) She is one of the most brilliant students of her class.
(e) She is loved very much by her teachers.


(a) Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination.(Superlative)
(b) Any answer in the examination should not be elaborated..(Active)
(c) He should read through the question paper carefully.(Passive)
(d) At first glance the questions may not seem easy.(Affirmative)
(e) A student should attempt all the questions so that he may get marks .(Interrogative)   

Ans: (a) Strategy is the most  important thing is the examination.
(b) We /An examinee should not elaborate any answer in the examination.
(c) The question paper should be read through carefully by him.
(d) At first glance the question paper many seem hard/difficult.
(e) Shouldn’t a student attempt all the questions so that he may get good marks ?


(a) Modern science has created wonders.
(b) We get a lot of  opportunities for it(Imperative).
(c) Far off places have come closer for it.(Negative).
(d) It is one of the most important parts of our
      life .(Positive).
(e) We have to keep the  good and give up the    
      bad (interrogative).
Answer: (a)Hasn’t modern science created wonders?
(b) Let us get a lot of opportunities for it.
(c) Far off places have not become far for it.
(d)Very few parts of our life are as important as it.
(e) Haven’t   we to keep the  good and give up the bad?

06. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) We hate corruption.(Negative)
(b) A corrupt person is disliked (Active)
(c) Bangladesh is more corrupted than England .  
(d) Corruption is one of the biggest problems for our
      country .(Comparative)
(e) We should not earn black money .(Interrogative)

Answer: (a) We cannot but hate corruption.
(b) Everybody dislikes a corrupt person.
(c) England is not as corrupted as Bangladesh.
(d) Corruption is bigger than most other problems for
      our country.
(e) Should we earn black money.


(a) Health is wealth.  (Interrogative)
(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed  
(c) Everybody must be conscious of health .(Negative)
(d) Health is the most valuable thing in the world. (Comparative)
(e)Students will never forget their school
     life .(Affirmative)

Ans: (a) Isn’t health wealth?
(b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor
(c) There is nobody can be conscious of health.
(d) Health is more valuable than any other thing in the
(e) Students will always remember their school life.


(a) Anger is a vice.(Negative)
(b) I begets nothing but the worst (Affirmative)
(c) Anger is one of the most inhuman vices .(Positive)
(d) So we should control it for our own sake .(Passive)
(e) Everybody dislikes an angry man .(Interrogative)

Ans: (a) Anger is not a virtue.
(b) It begets only the worst.
(c )Very few vices are as inhuman as anger.
(d) So, it should be controlled for our own sake by us.
(e) Who does not dislike an angry man?


(a) Everybody knows about the Royal Bengal Tiger of
      Sundarbans .(Negative)
(b) It is known to all for its ferocity(Interrogative)
(c) Now the number of the Royal  Bengal Tiger is
     decreasing. (Negative)
(d) Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy
      a society .(Positive)
(e) It lies in every phase of our society .(Interrogative)

Ans: (a) There is nobody but knows about the Royal
               Bengal Tiger of the Sundarbans.
(b) Isn’t it known to all for its ferocity?
(c) Now the number of the Royal Bengal Tiger is not
(d) No other weapon to destroy a society is as dangerous
     as corruption.
(e) Doesn’t it lie in every phase of our society?



(a) No other thing is as useful as computer. (Superlative)
(b) Every student needs computer. (Negative)
(c) A poor students cannot buy it. (Interrogative)
(d) It is one of the greatest inventions of science. (Positive)
(e) It was not invented overnight. (Active)
Answer: (a) Computer is the most useful thing.
(b)There is no students but needs computer.
(c) Can a poor student buy it?
(d) Very few inventions of science are as great as it.
(e) No one invented it overnight.



(a) Television is one the most common sources of
      entertainment. (Positive) 
(b) It is a costly item. (Negative) 
(c) We are entertained by it. (Active)
(d) Everybody learns many things by watchingtelevision.
(e) Who does  not like a good programme?(Affirmative)
Ans: (a) Very few sources of  entertainments are as
              common as Television.
(b) It is not a cheap item.
(c) It entertains us.
(d) There is no body but learns many things by watching TV.
(e) Everybody likes a good programme.


(a) A mobile set is light to  carry. (Interrogative)
(b) It is not expensive. (Affirmative)
(c) Only a wicked person uses it for evil purpose.
(d) It is used for different  purpose . (Active)
(e) No other thing is as useful as a mobile set.    
Ans: (a) Isn’t a mobile light to carry?
(b) It is cheap.
(c) It is used by only a wicked person for evil purposes.
(d) People use it for different purposes.
(e) Mobile set is the most useful thing.





(a) A train journey is very enjoyable. (Negative)
(b) It is cheaper than any other journey.(Superlative)
(c) It removes monotony. (Passive)
(d) No other  journey is as  pleasant as a train journey.
(e) Train runs faster than a bus ( t than any other
(e) A bus does not run as fast as a train.

14. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Air pollution is the most serious of all pollutions. (Positive)
(b) It is more harmful  than most other pollution(Superlative)
(c) Only man is responsible for this  pollution(Negative)
(d) It  causes many fatal diseases (Passive)
(e) There is nobody  but needs pure air.(Affirmative)

Ans: (a) No other pollution is as serious as air pollution.
(b) It is one of the most harmful pollutions.
(c) None but man is responsible for this pollution.
(d) Many fatal diseases caused by it.
(e) Everybody needs pure air.

15. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Pahela Baishakh is the biggest festival  for the people of Bangladesh. (Positive)
(b) People wear their traditional dress on this day. (Passive)
(c) People look very  cheerful .(Negative)
(d) There is nobody but attends a Baishakhi Mela (Affirmative)
(e) There is nothing unpleasant in a BaishakhiMela (Interrogative) 

Ans: (a) No other festival in Bangladesh is as big as Pahela Baishakh.
(b)Traditional dresses are worn on this day.
(c) People do not look sad at all.
(d) Everybody attends a Baishakh Mela.
(e) Is their anything unpleasant in a Baishakhi Mela?

16. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Smoking is one of the most serious problems. (Positive)
(b) No other thing affects a person as much as smoking (Comparative)
(c) Environment is polluted by it.(active)
(d) It is not good for health (Affirmative)
(e) Smoking costs more money (Negative). 

Ans: (a)Very few problems are as serious as smoking.
(b) Smoking affects a person more than anything.
(c) It pollutes environment.
(d) It is bad for health.
(e) Smoking does not cost less money.

17. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

 (a) I was invited to visit cox’s bazer by my friend. (Active)
(b) I gladly accepted the invitation.  (Passive) when I reached there, my friend received me cordially.
(c) I was very glad to see the see beach. (Negative)
(d) No other beach in the world is as long as it. (Comparative)
(e) It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Positive)

Ans: (a) My friend invited me to visit Cox’s Bazar.
(b) The invitation was gladly accepted by my friend.
(c) I was not sad to see beach at all.
(d) It is longer than any other beach in the world.
(e) Very few journeys in my life are as memorable as it.

18. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Mr. Ahmed  is one of the oldest men in the village. (Positive)
(b) But he is not  inactive at all. (Affirmative)
(c) He always gets up early. (Negative)
(d) He exercises regularly . (Interrogative)
(e) He has always been respected by all. (Active) 

Ans: (a) Very few men are as old as Mr. Ahmed.
(b) But he is very active.
(c) He never gets up late.
(d) Doesn’t he exercise regularly?
(e) All have always respected him.

19. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Two Eids are the greatest  festivals for the Muslims. (Comparative)
(b) Very few festivals delight as much as the two Eids. (Superlative)
(c) People forget their  miseries for the time being . (Interrogative)
(d) Different types of sweets are prepared.(Active)
(e) People do not wear old cloths on the occasion of Eids. (Affirmative).

Ans: (a) Two Eids are greater than any other Festival for the Muslims.
(b) The two Eids delight us the most of all festivals.
(c) Don’t people forget their miseries for time being?
(d) people prepare different types of sweets.
(e) People wear new cloths on the occasion of Eids.

20. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Check beast in you. (Assertive)
(b) The cuckoo sings only in spring . (Negative)
(c) The roads of Khulna are not wider then those of Dhaka. (Positive)
(d) Prevention is better than cure . (Negative)
(e) She is the first girl in our class . (Negative)

Ans: (a) You are requested to check the beast in you
(b) The cuckoo sings no other time but in spring .
(c) The roads of Dhaka are as wide as those of Khulna .
(d) Cure is not as good as prevention .
(e) She is not the last girl in our class .

21. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Students will never forget their school life .(Affirmative)
(b) They spent a wonderful time in the school.(Passive)
(c) The beauty of student life is beyond description .(Interrogative)
(d) No other school in this area is as good as ours.(Comparative)
(e) We would play different types of games and sports .(Imperative)

Ans: (a) Students will always remember their school life .
(b) A wonderful time is spent in the school by them.
(c) Isn’t the beauty of student life beyond description ?
(d) Our school is better than any other school in this area .
(e) Let us play different types of games and sports .

22.     Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Gani Mia is one of the poorest farmers in the village. (Comparative) 
(b He is very active.(Negative)
(c) He cultivates others lands.(passive)
(d) A poor life is led by him.(Active)
(e) He does not run after money.(Interrogative )

Answer: (a) Gani Mia is poorer than most other farmers in the village.
(b) He is not inactive at all.
(c) others lands are cultivated by him.
(d) He leads a poor life.
(e) Does he run after money?

23.     Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Sayma is the best student in the class.(positive)
(b) She is attentive to her studies. (Negative)
(c) She does not keep bad company.(affirm)
(d) he helps the weaker students. (passive)
(e) everybody loves him. (Interrogative).

Ans: (a) No other student in the class is as good as Sayma. 
(b) She is not inactive to his studies.
(c) She always keeps good company.
(d) The weaker students are helped by him.
(e) Who doesn’t love her?

24.     Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Book is the best of all friends. (Comparative)
(b) It delights us. (Interrogative)
(c) A book is cheaper than most other things.(Positive)
(d) Who does not like a book? (Affirmative)
(e) It is more valuable than any other thing.(Positive).

Ans: (a) Book is better than all other friends.
(b) Doesn’t it highlight us?
(c) Very few things are as cheap as book.
(d) Everybody likes a book.
(e) No other thing is as valuable as it.

25.     Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Gold is the most precious metal. (Positive)
(b) It is bought by the wealthy persons. (Active)
(c) Every woman likes it. (Negative)
(d)The price of gold is increasing day by day.(Interrogative)
(e) who does not like gold? (Affirmative).

Ans: (a) No other metal is as precious as gold.
(b) The wealthy person buys it.
(c) There is no woman but likes it.
(d) Isn’t the price of gold increasing day by day?
(e) Everybody likes gold.

26.     Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Very few metals are as useful as iron (Superlative)
(b) It is used for construction purpose. (active
(c) Bangladesh imports iron . (Interrogative)
(d) It is a heavy metal. (Negative)
(e) There is no building without iron. (Affirmative)

Ans: (a) Iron is one of the  most useful metals.
(b) People use iron for construction purpose.
(c) Doesn’t Bangladeshi import iron?
(d) It is not a light metal.
(e) Every building has iron.

27.     Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

a) No other boy is as reliable as Shihab. (Comparative) 
(b) He is sincere to his duties. (Negative)
(c) He does not put off any work for tomorrow. (Interrogative)
(d) He finished his duties in time. (passive)
(e) No body hates him.(Affirmative).

Ans: (a) Shihab is more reliable than any other boy.
(b) He is not insincere to his duties.
(c) Does he put any work for tomorrow?
(d) His duties were finished by him in time.
(e) Everybody likes him.

28. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Tree plantation is a noble task. (Negative)
(b) It is not a difficult task. (Interrogative)
(c) People must  plant trees for their existence. (Passive)
(d) An  important role is played by tree(Active)
(e) Trees are one of the best friends of  human beings. (Positive).

Ans: (a) Tree plantation is not an ignoble task.
(b) Is it a difficult task?
(c) Trees must be planted by people for their existence.
(d) Trees play an important role.
(e) Very few friends of human being are as good as trees .

29. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Our victory day is a memorable day. (Negative) 
(b) People can not but observe the day. (Affirmative)
(c) Everyone remembers the martyrs. (Passive)
(d) No other day is as important as our victory day (Comparative)
(e)We observe the day in our school?(Interrogative)

Ans: (a) Our victory Day is not a forgettable day .
(b) People must observe the day.
(c) The martyrs are remembered by everyone.
(d) Our victory Day is more important than any other day.
(e) Don’t we observe the day in our school ?

30. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

a) Our independence day occupies the most important day in our life. (Comparative)
(b) The valiant fighters fought bravely. (Interrogative)
(c) Our freedom fighters are  braver than most other persons. (Positive)
(d) There was nobody but supported the freedom fighters. (Affirmative)
(e) Our freedom fighters cannot be forgotten. (Active)

Ans: (a) Our Independence Day occupies more important day than any other day in our life .
(b) Didn’t the valiant fighters fight bravely?
(c) Very few persons are as brave as our freedom fighters.
(d) Everybody supported the freedom fighters.
(e) Can we forget our freedom fight ?

31. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

We are human beings. (a) All man must die. (Negative).
(b) It matters a little if a man lives many years or not. (Interrogative)
(c) Our life is not measured by months or years.(Active)
(d) The people living only for their own interest are not real human beings.(Affirmative)
(e) Their life is not better than that of a beast.(Positive)

Ans: (a) All man cannot but die.
(b) Doesn’t it matter a little if a man lives many years or not?
(c) Months or years do not measure our life .
(d) The people living only for their own interest are unreal human beings .
(e) Their life is not as good that of a beast .

32. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) We hate corruption.(Negative) Corruption is a curse.
(b) A corrupt person is disliked by everybody. (Active)
(c) Corruption is one of the biggest problems for our country. (Comparative)
(d) Bangladesh  is more corrupted than England.(Positive)
(e) We should not earn black money. (Affirmative)

Ans: (a)We do not like corruption .
(b) Everybody dislikes a corrupt person .
(c) Corruption is bigger than most other problems for our country
(d) England is not as corrupted as Bangladesh
(e) We should earn white money .

33. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Mohammad Muhsin was a very kind man .(Exclamatory) He was born in Hugly.
(b) He inherited vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative)
(c) He did not marry.(Affirmative)
(d) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Passive)
(e) Very few Musium Leaders in the world were as merciful as he. (Superlative)

Ans: (a) What a kind man Mohammad Muhsin was !
(b) Didn’t he inherit vast property from his father and sister ?
(c) He remained unmarried .
(d) During his life time ,money is spend lavishly by him help the poor .
(e) He is one of the most merciful Muslim leaders in the world .

34. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Mr. Ahmed is the wisest man in the village.(Comparative)
(b) He is poor.(Negative)
(c) He could walk slowly.(Interrogative)
(d) He never eats more than one thing.(Affirmative)
(e) What a pity (Assertive).

Ans: (a) Mr Ahmed is wiser than any other man in the village .
(b) He is not rich .
(c) Couldn’t he walk slowly ?
(d) He always eats one thing .
(e) It is a great pity .

35. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy a society.(Positive).
(b) It  lies in every phase of our society.(Interrogative).
(c) It paralyses the whole nation. (Negative).
(d) The persons in the high rank of the society are not involved in corruption. (Affirmative). 
(e) Social awareness is very essential to resist corruption. (Exclamatory).

Answer: (a)No other weapon to destroy a society is as dangerous as corruption.
(b) Doesn’t it lie in every phase of our society?
(c) Doesn’t it paralyse the whole nation?
(d) The persons in the high rank of the society are immune from corruption.
(e) How essential social awareness is to resist corruption!

36. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) We are human beings.(Interrogative).
(b) All men must die. (Negative).
(c) It  matters little if a man lives many years or not.(Interrogative).
(d) Our life is not  measured by months or years.(Affirmative).
(e) The life of the people is not better than that of a beast (positive).

Answer: (a) Aren’t we human beings?
(b) No man can  avoid death. / All men can not but die.
(c) Doesn’t it matter little if a man lives many years or not?
(d) Is our life measured by months or years. Or, our life is measured by anything but months or years.
(e) The life of people is as good as that of a beast.

37. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) No other problem in Bangladesh is as great as illiteracy.(Comparative).
(b) So the literacy rate in Bangladesh is very poor.(Negative).
(c) It is too poor to imagine.(Interrogative).
(d) It is the duty of the educated people to educate the illiterate.(Interrogative).
(e) We should take necessary  steps to eradicate illiteracy.(Imperative)

Answer: (a) Illiteracy is greater than any other problem in Bangladesh.
(b) so the literacy rate in Bangladesh is not so high.
(c) Isn’t it too poor in imagine?
(d) Isn’t it the duty of the educated people to educate the illiterate?
(e) Let’s take necessary steps to eradicate literacy.

38. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Mohammad Mohsin was a kind man. (Negative).
(b) He was a great man.(Exclamatory). 
(c) He inherited vast property from his father and sister.(Interrogative).
(d) He did not marry. (Affirmative).
(e) He spent money to help the poor.(Interrogative).

Answer: (a) Wasn’t Mohammad Mohsin is a kind man?
(b) What a man he was!
(c) Didn’t he inherit vast property from his father and sister?
(d) He was unmarried or, he was a confirmed bachelor.
(e) Didn’t he spend money to help the poor?

39. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Have you ever heard the name of the poet kazi nazrul islam?(Assertive).
(b)Very few poets are as famous as Nazrul Islam in Bangla literature.(Comparative).
(c) His  poetic works were full of patriotism and optimism.(Negative).
(d) He inspired the people to fight for independence.(Interrogative).
(e) Would that I were a great poet  like Nazrul! (Assertive).

Answer: (a) You have heard the name of the poet Kazi Nazrul Islam.
(b) Nazrul Islam is more famous than most other poets in Bangladesh literature.
(c) His patriotic works were not devoid of patriotism and optimism.
(d) Didn’t he inspire the people to fight for independence?
(e) I wish I were a great poet like Nazrul.

40. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) No other country in the world is as populous as Bangladesh.(Comparative).
(b) Farmers are living in the villages.(Negative).
(c) The farmers are not rich.(Affirmative).
(d) The farmers work hard to support themselves.(Interrogative).
(e) We should take care of them. (Imperative).

Answer: (a) Bangladesh is more populous than any other country in the world.
(b) farmers are not living in the towns.
(c) The farmers are poor.
(d) Don’t the farmers work hard to support themselves?
(e) Let us take care of them.

41. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. (Positive).
(b) Computer is very helpful for us.(Exclamatory).
(c) A computer is a blessing on earth. (Negative).
(d) We should make the proper use of computer. (Imperative).
(e) We cannot but depend on it. (Affirmative).

Answer: (a) Very few inventions of modern science are as great as computer.
(b) How helpful for us computer is!
(c) A computer is nothing but a blessing on earth or, a computer is not a curse on earth.
(d) Let us make the proper use of computer.
(e) We most depend on it.

42. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Bangladesh is full of nature resources.(Interrogative).
(b) She has largest  network of rivers(Negative).
(c) They have a total length of 24140 kilometres. (Interrogative).
(d) It is one of the most important sources of our national economy. (Positive).
(e) I love my country (Negative).

Answer: (a) Isn’t Bangladesh full of natural resources?
(b) She has nothing but the largest network of rivers or, she has no less than the largest network of rivers.
(c) Haven’t they a total length of 24140 kilometres?
(d) Very few source of our national economy are us important us it.
(e) I cannot but love my country.

43. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.


(a) We are proud of our freedom fighters(Interrogative).
(b) Their contribution will never be forgotten .(Affirmative).
(c) They were inspired by the common people. (Interrogative).
(d) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing. (Positive).
(e) They lead a  very miserable life .(Exclamatory).

Answer: (a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?
(b) Their contribution will always be remember.
(c) Aren’t they inspired by the common people?
(d) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.
(e) What a miserable life they lead!

44. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Cox’s Bazaar is the longest sea beach in the world. (Positive)
(b) Everybody knows this.(Interrogative)
(c) Tourist and visitors from home and abroad visit this beach. (Passive)
(d) They are highly delighted at the natural beauty of this place.(Passive)
(e) Our government is active to make more attractive. (Interrogative)

Ans: (a) No other sea-beach is as long as Cox’s Bazar.
(b) This is known to everybody.
(c) This beach is visited by tourists and visitors from home and abroad.
(d) The natural beauty of this place delights them highly.
(e) Our government is not inactive to make it more attractive .

45. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Today nothing is as serious as pollution.(Comparative)
(b) But nobody is aware of it. (Interrogative)
(c) It’s importance can not be described in words. (Affirmative)
(d) Fresh air is necessary for existence. (Negative)
(e) There is no living things but needs fresh air. (Affirmative)

Ans: (a) Today pollution is more than anything .
(b) But is anybody aware of it ?
(c) Its importance is indescribable in words.
(d) Fresh air is not unnecessary for existence.
(e) Every living thing needs fresh air.

46. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)
(b) People of all ages enjoy the game. (Passive)
(c) At present cricket is the more popular game in our country. (Comparative)
(d) Cricket is enjoyed not only by the young but also by the old. (Affirmative)
(e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but it’s standard is very low. (Negative) 

Ans: (a) What an exciting game cricket is!
(b) The game is enjoyed by people of all ages.
(c) At present cricket is more popular than any other game in our country.
(d) Cricket is enjoyed both by the young and the old.
(e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not at all high.


47. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Health is wealth.(Interrogative)
(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man.(Positive)
(c) A healthy poor man is not a liability to his family . (Affirmative)
(d) Everybody must be conscious of  health.(Negative)
(e) No other thing in the world is as valuable as health .(Comparative) 

Ans: (a) Isn’t health wealth?
(b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man.
(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family.
(d) Everybody cannot but be conscious of health.
(e) Health is more valuable than anything in the world.

48. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Affirmative)
(b) It always begets the worst. (Negative)
(c) Anger is one the most inhuman vices(Positive)
(d) We should control it for our own sake(Interrogative)
(e) An angry man is disliked by everybody .(active)

Ans: (a) Anger is only a vice.
(b) It never begets the best/It does never beget the best.
(c) Very few vices are as inhuman as anger.
(d) Shouldn’t we control it for our own sake?
(e) Every body dislikes an angry man.

49. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

We achieved our freedom in 1971. (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters .(Interrogative).
(b) There contribution will never be forgotten.(Affirmative) they where inspired by the common people
(c) There sacrifice is greater than any other kings (Positive).
(d) But today many of them land a very miserable life. (Negative).
(e) Proper initiatives many improve there condition .(Passive).

Ans: (a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?
(b) Their contribution will always be remembered.
(c) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.
(d) But today many of them can’t lead at all a peaceful life.
(e) Their condition may be improved by proper initiatives.

50. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Road accident are a curse.(Negative)
(b) They cause a great loss to life and property.(Interrogative) But these accidents occur due to a number for reasons.
(c) The drivers are more responsible than any other person for the accidents.(Positive)
(d) Most of them hardly known the traffic rules.(Passive)
(e) Most often they don’t care for the traffic rules.(Affirmative)

Answer: (a) Road accident are not a blessing .
(b) Don’t they cause a great loss to life and property ?
(c) No other person is as responsible as the driver for the accidents .
(d) The traffic rules are hardly known to most of them .
(e) Few of them care for the traffic rules. 

51. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Akbar was one of the greatest kings of India.(Positive)
(b) Who gave you the red pen ?(passive)
(c) The sun sets in the west .(Negative)
(d) I never drink tea .(Interrogative)
(e) Parvin was too poor to buy a chain.(Comparative)

Ans: (a) Very few kings of India were as great as Akbar .
(b) By whom were you given the red pen?
(c) Doesn’t the sun set in the west?/ The sun can’t but set in the west .
(d) Do I ever drink tea?
(e) Parvin was so poor that she could not buy a chain.

52. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Very few metals are as precious as gold.(Superlative)
(b) He is too weak to walk.( Negative )
(c) The boy did his best .(Negative-Interrogative)
(d) Fie! You are a cheat. (Affirmative)
(e) Pen through the line.(Passive)

Ans: (a) Gold is more precious than most other metals.
(b) He is so weak that he can not walk.
(c) Didn’t the boy do his best?
(d) It is a shame that you are a cheat .
(e) Let the line be penned through .

53. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Walking is the best of all exercises .(Comparative)
(b) Walking as an exercise is usually taken in the morning or evening.(Active)
(c) An early morning walk gives us fresh vigour and strength. (Negative)
(d) This morning air refreshes the body and mind.(Interrogative)
(e) It is never harmful to our health. (Affirmative) 

Answer: (a) Walking is better than any other exercise .
(b) People usually take walking as an exercise in the morning .
(c) An early morning walk does not  give us weak vigour and strength.
(d) Doesn’t this morning air refreshes the body and mind .
(e) It is always beneficial to our health

54. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Education is power.(Interrogative).
(b) Education is necessary for every man (Negative).
(c) We should receive education.(Imperative).
(d) Man is the  best creation  of Allah.(Positive).
(e) Education is very important for man.(Exclamatory).

Answer: (a) Isn’t education power?
(b) Isn’t education necessary for every man?
(c) Let us receive education.
(d) No other creation of Allah is as good as man.
(e) How important education  is for man!

55. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Honesty is a great virtue. (Interrogative)
(b) Everybody likes an honest boy. (Passive)
(c) No other virtue is as great as honesty. (Superlative)
(d) Honesty is never unrewarded. (Affirmative)
(e) It is greater than any other thing. (positive).

Ans: (a) Isn’t honesty a great virtue?
(b) An honest boy is liked by everybody.
(c) Honesty is the greatest virtue.
(d) Honesty is always rewarded.
(e) No other thing is as great as it.

56. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Negative)
(b) People of all ages  like this game. (Passive)
(c) At present cricket is the most popular  game in our country. (Positive)
(d) Bangladesh is one of the weakest test playing countries. (Comparative) 
(e) I am fond of watching twenty-twenty cricketmatch. (Interrogative)

Ans: (a) Cricket is not a dull game at all.
(b) This game is liked by people of all ages.
(c) At present no other game in our country is as popular as cricket.
(d) Bangladesh is weaker than most other test playing countries.
(e) Am I not fond of watching twenty cricket match ? 

 57. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

Kabir is a day laborer. (a) He is very punctual in his work. (Negative).
(b) Everyone knows him in his area(Interrogative).
(c) He knows everyone.(Passive).
(d) He is the best worker of all.(Comparative).
(e) He never wastes his time. (Affirmative)

Ans: (a) He is not unpunctual in his work .
(b) Doesn’t everybody in his area know him ?
(c) Everyone is known to him.
(d) He better than all other workers.
(e)He always utilizes him time. 

58. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Poverty is the greatest problem in country.(Positive). But we are hardly realized that this measurable condition on our creation. (Interrogative).
(b) Many do not try to better their condition hard labor. (Affirmative).
(c) They only force their fate. (Passive)
But this is not reality. It is man who is the maker of his own fortune.
So (d) they should work hard to improve their lot. (Imperative)
(e) By working hard, they can remove their condition.(Negative).

Ans : (a) No other problem in our country is as great as poverty.
(b) Do many people try to better their condition by hard labour?/
Many are averse to try to better their condition by hard labour .
(c) Their fate in only cursed by them
(d) Let them work hard to improve their lot .
(e) Without working hard ,they can’t remove their condition .

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