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CLASS-TEST / JUNE / S.S.C. - 2018

CLASS-TEST / JUNE / S.S.C. - 2018
Subject : English 1st & 2nd Paper
Marks: 25                    Time : 40 Minutes.
A.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.
A responsibility is a duty or an obligation TO DO something. For example, you have the responsibility to take care of your parents in their old age, to attend school and pursue your studies properly and so on. You have also the responsibility to society and the government, e.g. to help a neighbour in trouble or to cast your vote if you are 18 or over. A responsibility is also an obligation or a duty NOT TO DO something. For example, you have the responsibility not to steal a book from a public library or not to put your building materials on the footpath. These are your responsibilities as citizens. Butthere are responsibilities of the government as well. Our government has the responsibilities to provide for its citizens “the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care”1. The government also has the responsibilities to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, equality of all before law2 etc. The knowledge, skills and attitudes you have gained at home, at school and in society will help you to accept your responsibilities and to carry them out effectively. Remember, discharging your responsibilities will be good for you, good for your family and friends, and good for your society and country as a whole.
1.Choose the best answer from the alternatives.                                                     1X5=5
a. To ensure freedom of speech is a responsibility of _
      (i) every citizen (ii) the educated persons (iii)  the government (iv) the politicians
b. A responsibility is synonymous to _
(i)  a right  (ii)  a celebration (iii) an enjoyment  (iv)  a duty
C.  Casting vote at one's  18 or over is a responsibility to_.
(i) the government (ii)  the society (iii) the family  (iv)  the parents   
D. Helping a neighbor is a duty to _.
(i)  the government (ii)  the state (iii)  the society (iv) the family
E. " For example" means_.
    (i)  for instance  (ii) something new (iii) description  (iv)  depiction
B. Change the sentences according to directions in the brackets.               1X10=10
(a)Change the Babbage was a British mathematician. (make it negative without changing meaning) (b) He was born on 26 December 1791, probably in London. (make it compound) (c) He was often unwell when he was a child. (make it simple)  (d) In 1810 he went to Cambridge University to satiate his interest in mathematics. (make it complex) (e) After graduation he was hired by the Royal institution to lecture

on calculus. (make it active) (f) In 1820s Babbage work on his Difference Engine, a machine which could perform mathematical calculation. (make it simple) (g) His Difference Engine 2’was bigger and better than Difference Engine 1. (make it positive) (h) His invention ‘Analytical Engine’ was a very complex machine. (make it active) (i) He is remembered for this invention as the pioneer of computer. (make it active) (j) He died in London at his home on 18 October 1871. (make it complex)
C. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in   the parenthesis.                                                                                     0.5×10=05
Macbeth is Shakespeare’s (a) _____ (great) ______ tragedy which tells the story of a brave (b) _____ (Scotland) ______ general. His name is Macbeth who receives a (c) _____ (prophet) ______ from a trio of witches. The prophecy reveals that one day he will become the king of Scotland. He is (d) _____ (consume) ______ by ambition and spurred to (e) _____ (act)  ______ by his (f) _____ (ambitious)  ______ wife Lady Macbeth. Out of (g) _____ (desperate)  ______ he kills King Duncan and takes the throne for himself. He soon becomes an (h) _____ (autocracy)  ______ ruler and resorts to (i) _____ (commit)  ______ more and more murder to protect himself from doubt and (j) _____ (suspect)  ______.
D.  Make tag questions of these statements.                             1×5=5
a. One of them came to Mr. Rahim, ——-?
b. Mr. Rahim and not his friends helped him, ——-?
c. The color of his eyes seemed to yellow, ——-?
d. Doctor said that he got jaundice, ——-?
e. Each man and each woman standing there gave him some help, ——-?

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