The Shortcut Way of Dialogue Writing.
Here is the best
short-cut way of dialogue writing between two friends on required topic for the
examinees of J.S.C. S.S.C & H.S.C board exams. This sample of dialogue is
composed based on the several dialogues suitable for academic exams.
dialogue writing between two friends through which you can
easily prepare your dialogues on several suggested topics of your exams. In
this case you have not to memorize each dialogue from top to bottom. You can
memorize only a few topic related sentences form your books and put those in
this format.
Moreover, having common items in question paper is another
one important topic. In this regard, if you do not get common item on dialogue
writing in your exam hall, you can apply this method to answer the question
successfully. But remember, this sample can be written based on two aspects:
'good and bad'.
Question Model:
In your exams, you will be asked to write a dialogue between
you and your friend or between two friends on a topic. This method that can be
used on the various topics. Here are the topics:
Write a dialogue between you and your friend Mehidi…..
Write a dialogue between your two friends Tajul and Chitro
(On the importance of learning English/ how to eradicate the illiteracy
problem from Bangladesh./ on benefits of early rising/on importance of tree
plantation/problem of price hiking/on the effect of load shedding/ about
admission in a university/about dangers of smoking/on environment pollution/
about ‘Eve-teasing’/on the abuses of mobile phones/on the bad effects of
student politics/on the importance of punctuality.)
Format of Dialogue writing
A dialogue between me
and my friend Mehidi / two friends Tajul
and Chitro on (……topic of dialogue……..)
Myself: Hello Ranan!, good morning, how’re you?
Mehidi: Hi, good
morning also. I’m fine but what’s about you?
Myself: I’m so so. Anyway , I’m thinking over an
Mehidi: Well,
would you like to share that with me?
Myself: Why not?
I’m thinking about (……topic of dialogue……..). It’s very
essential/harmful for us
and for our society.
Mehidi: Yes, you’re
right. It’s become a burning question of today. Most of the people of our
country are unconscious
(……topic of dialogue……..). But we must change this condition for our
some sentences here related to the topic of dialogue……..)
Myself: Exactly, we all have to work together for
increasing/removing (……topic of dialogue……..). It’s our duty to
Mehidi: Ok, now I’ve
to go. Thanks a lot for your discussion.
Myself: Thank you
very much for your co-operation. See you again. Bye.
Mehidi: Take care,
So, this is the format or technique of dialogue writing in
your exam. Now read carefully the following instructions on using this method.
Instruction on Dialogue Writing:
1. Read the question carefully before writing and follow the
key words. If there the names of friends are mentioned, you must use those
names and if it says that a dialogue between you and your friend, write
‘myself’ before your speeches and the friend’s name before his speeches.
2. Do not forget to write down the topic sentence: ‘A
dialogue between me and my friend ‘X’ on……/ A dialogue between two friends ‘X’
and ‘Y’on……’
3. The names of you and your friend will be on left side and
the speeches will be on right side. Keep a space between names and speeches.
4. Every auxiliary verbs or modal auxiliary verbs will be in
short forms in writing such as: (I am= I’m) (He is/was/has= He’s) (They
are/were= They’re) (He will/shall= He’ll) (I had= I’d) (He should/would= H’ld)
(Cannot/ Do not=Can’t/Don’t), etc. dialogue is a spoken language so you can’t
write it in full forms.
5. In dialogue, in the place of ‘essential/harmful’, select
one depending your topic. If the topic of dialogue is positive or good one,
keep the word ‘essential’ and if it is on bad aspect keep the word ‘harmful’.
This is same in case of the option: increasing/removing.
6. You have to add some topic related sentences to get full
marks on dialogue writing. You can study these from your guide books on English
2nd paper.
Eve Teasing, Load Shedding, Traffic jam, Road/Street
Accident, Drug Addiction.
Question: Write a dialogue between two friends Has
& SRV about (mgm¨vwUi bvg)
Has: Good morning, SRV.
How are you?
SRV: Not so well. Are you
free now my friend? Can we discuss about an important thing for some time?
Has: Why not? We can, but
what is it?
SRV: I would like to
discuss about (mgm¨vwUi bvg), because it is a burning
question now a days.
Has: Yes, I agree with
you. I think (mgm¨vwUi bvg) is increasing day by day, which is
affecting severely our normal life directly.
SRV: Do you know (mgm¨vwUi bvg) causes many (fatal diseases such as
cancer, heart attack ‡iv‡Mi †¶‡Î ) problems for our country.
Has: Yes, friend. You are
right. I think that, man is mostly responsible for it and it is going out of
our control day by day.
SRV: For a country small
but developing country like Bangladesh(mgm¨vwUi bvg) is really a great obstruction for our
Has: You are right. We
should find out the solutions for the(mgm¨vwUi bvg).
SRV: So, proper steps
should be taken to prevent it as early as possible. Moreover people must be
aware of it.
Has: Your sound is cool.
You are absolutely right. I think concern effort can contribute to much more to
reduce it.
SRV: Besides law
enforcing agencies should come forward to control it.
Has: Every literate
person as well as illiterate the persons also should come and work jointly
against this problem.
SRV: Yes, this is also
Has: No more today. See
you again.
SRV: Thank you
Has: Welcome.
Magic Dialogue
***mgm¨v m¤úwK©Z †Kvb wel‡q Dialogue ‡jLv n‡j
wb‡gœv³ fv‡e m¤ú~Y© Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb:
Deforestation, Any kind of
pollution, Load Shedding, Dangerous of smoking, Campus Violence, Gender
discrimination, Toll collecting, Hijacking, Corruption, Terrorism, ANTHRAX, Eve
Teasing, Load Shedding, Traffic jam, Road/Street Accident, Drug Addiction.
Question: Write a dialogue between two friends Has & SRV about (mgm¨vwUi
Has: Good morning, SRV.
How are you?
SRV: Not so well. Are you
free now my friend? Can we discuss about an important thing for some time?
Has: Why not? We can, but
what is it?
SRV: I would like to
discuss about (mgm¨vwUi bvg), because it is a burning
question now a days.
Has: Yes, I agree with
you. I think (mgm¨vwUi bvg) is increasing day by day, which is
affecting severely our normal life directly.
SRV: Do you know (mgm¨vwUi bvg) causes many (fatal diseases such as
cancer, heart attack ‡iv‡Mi †¶‡Î ) problems for our country.
Has: Yes, friend. You are
right. I think that, man is mostly responsible for it and it is going out of
our control day by day.
SRV: For a country small
but developing country like Bangladesh (mgm¨vwUi bvg) is really a great obstruction for our
Has: You are right. We
should find out the solutions for the(mgm¨vwUi bvg).
SRV: So, proper steps
should be taken to prevent it as early as possible. Moreover people must be
aware of it.
Has: Your sound is cool.
You are absolutely right. I think concern effort can contribute to much more to
reduce it.
SRV: Besides law
enforcing agencies should come forward to control it.
Has: Every literate
person as well as illiterate the persons also should come and work jointly
against this problem.
SRV: Yes, this is also
Has: No more today. See
you again.
SRV: Thank you
Has: Welcome.
Toll collecting, Hijacking,
Corruption, Terrorism, ANTHRAX
Question: Write a dialogue between two friends Has & SRV about (mgm¨vwUi
Has: Good morning, SRV.
How are you?
SRV: Not so well. Are you
free now my friend? Can we discuss about an important thing for some time?
Has: Why not? We can, but
what is it?
SRV: I would like to
discuss about (mgm¨vwUi bvg), because it is a burning
question now a days.
Has: Yes, I agree with
you. I think (mgm¨vwUi bvg) is increasing day by day, which is
affecting severely our normal life directly.
SRV: Do you know (mgm¨vwUi bvg) causes many (fatal diseases such as
cancer, heart attack ‡iv‡Mi †¶‡Î ) problems for our country.
Has: Yes, friend. You are
right. I think that, man is mostly responsible for it and it is going out of
our control day by day.
SRV: For a country small
but developing country like Bangladesh (mgm¨vwUi bvg) is really a great obstruction for our
Has: You are right. We
should find out the solutions for the(mgm¨vwUi bvg).
SRV: So, proper steps
should be taken to prevent it as early as possible. Moreover people must be
aware of it.
Has: Your sound is cool.
You are absolutely right. I think concern effort can contribute to much more to
reduce it.
SRV: Besides law
enforcing agencies should come forward to control it.
Has: Every literate
person as well as illiterate the persons also should come and work jointly
against this problem.
SRV: Yes, this is also
Has: No more today. See
you again.
SRV: Thank you
Has: Welcome.
Thank you