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Weekly Exam / April / EIGHT / 2016

Weekly Exam / April / EIGHT / 2016
Subject : English 1st & 2nd Papers.
Marks: 30                                          Time : 40 Minutes
1.Change the sentences as directed                                                                                      1×5=5
(a) I shall never forget my school life (Affirmative). (b) I spent a wonderful time there (Exclamatory). (c) How peaceful and lovely the life was! (Assertive). (d) The beauty of student life beggars description (Interrogative). (e) No other part of my life was as memorable as student life (Superlative).

2.Change the sentences as directed                                                                                       1×5=5
(a) Poverty is the greatest problem in our country (Positive). (b) Many do not try to better their condition by hard labour Interrogative). (c) They only curse their fate (Negative). (d) None but a man is the makerof his own fortune (Affirmative). (e) So, is there anything for us but to work? (Assertive).

3.Change the sentences as directed                                                                                     1×5=5
Industry is the key to success. (a) No one can prosper in life without industry (Affirmative). (b) We have to work for our prosperity Interrogative). (c) Only the industrious people change the lot of a nation (Negative). (d) Women can contribute to our development as much as men (Comparative). (e) So, female education is one of the most important matters now (Positive).

4. Change the direct narration into indirect.                                                                   1X5=5                                     
    a. Taijul said, “I was absent yesterday.”
    b. The student said, “We were reading  books.”
    c. Mahidi said to me, “I bought a gift for you.”
    d. He said, “I saw her yesterday.”
    e. Nijhum said, “I have a new bicycle now.”

5.  Re-arrange the following sentences in correct order.                                                10
a. The dog not only felt disturbed but also became angry.
b. A crow saw him and wished to eat that.
c. In the meantime the other crow flew away with the bone.
d. This made him sad and helpless.
e. The dog ran after the crow but in vain.
f. It flew away and after sometimes returned with another crow.
g. Once a dog was eating a bony piece of meat under a tree.
h. The dog dropped the bone and looked at the crow.
i. Both the crows went near the dog.

j. One of them started packing the dog's tall.

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