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Weekly Exam / March/2016

Weekly Exam / March/2016
Subject : English 2nd Paper
Marks : 24                       Time : 55 Minutes
1. Fill in the gaps with right forms of verbs.                         0.5X8=04                             
My life’s certainly very different from yours. You (a) -- (‘live’)  in a village, but I live in a big modern city. Montreal is full of large offices, shops, factories and many other buildings. And there (b) -- (be)  very many roads with a lot of traffic. I (c) -- (dislike)  the traffic because it’s very dirty and noisy. And sometimes when you (d) -- (travel)  in the city, you (e) -- (‘wait’)  in the traffic for hours and hours. Montreal also has an under ground railway. It’s a railway but it (f)-- (go)  under the ground. It (g) -- (call) the ‘subway’ and it’s the fastest way to travel inside the city. I’m lucky because there’s a subway station quite near my home and I use it every day to travel to school. It’s an easy way to travel, but you (h) -- (travel)  outside the city on the subway.
2. Fill in the gaps with right forms of verbs.                         0.5X8=04                                                  
Masuda (a) -- (‘know’)  that dirt is dangerous for babies, but sometimes even the drinking water is dirty in Bangladesh. So then it’s necessary (b) -- (boil)  it. People (c) -- (boil)  water in many ways. They (d) --- (use)  kerosene, electricity, gas or wood. But these things (e) -- (‘be’)  cheap. And if people use wood, they (f) -- (cut)  down a lot of trees. But trees are necessary. We (g) - (plant)  trees, not cut them down. So what can we do? In 1976 a scientist at Gonoshasto Kendro (h)-- (think)  about this problem. ‘How can people boil water cheaply?’ he asked himself.
3. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross for zero articles.                                                             0.5 × 6 = 3                   
Mr. Patrick is (a) --  European. As he is (b) -- Englishman, he knows (c) -- English very well. He is (d) -- honourable man to everyone. He is (e) -- younger of the two brothers. His father is an Englishman too but his mother is (f) ? French
4. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross for zero articles.                                                            0.5 × 6 = 3
Money cannot buy (a) --- happiness. Money is (b) -- must for our life. But it is not necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (c) -- psychological thing. It is (d) -- name of (e) -- feeling. It means contentment. He, who is satisfied with what he gets and contented with his life is really (f) -- happy man.

5.Write a paragraph on A School Magazine.                                    10

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