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Weekly Exam / March/2015/Class-Six

Weekly Exam / March/2015/Class-Six
Subject : English 2nd Paper
Marks :40                              Time : 50 Minutes
1. Convert the following sentences into negative sentences. 10X1=10
(a) Sohan need read well to make a good result..(b) Bishal cut a good figure in the PSC Examination.(c) Auntora was working in the garden.(d) Rafa and Anika dug a hole in the middle of the field.(e) Maghla abode by the advice of Allah.(f) Sakib promised to help Bishal.(g) Arobi knows how to swim. (h) Anika and Rafa let Auntora recite a poem.
2. Transform the following sentences into negative sentences.   05X1=05
(a) Arobi is too short to touch the roof.(b) Meghla alone solved the matter.(c) Soan and Bishal pleased us all.(d) Rafa remembers her name.(e) Anika is a regular student.
3 Translate into English.                                                  05X1=05
 (a) আনিকা মাছই খায় না সে মাংসও খায়। (b) প্রধান শিক্ষক শ্রেনিতে প্রবেশ করতে না করতে ছাত্র ছাত্রীরা উঠে  দাঁড়াল। (c) মানুষ মরণশীল। (d)   সোহান  আমার শত্রু নয়। (e) বিশালের বয়স মাত্র দশ বছর ।
4. Write  down the three forms of the following verbs.                   05X1=05
    Say, Think, Sell, Make, Catch.
5.  Write down the opposite words of the following words with
     meaning in Bangla                                                                        05X1=05
     Satisfied,  Wise,  Agreed,  Obedient,  Late

6. Re-arrange the following sentences in correct order.                         10
a. Robert Bruce attacked the enemies and lastly he regained his kingdom.
b. The king of England invaded his kingdom and occupied it.
c. The activity of the spider inspired the king, Robert Bruce
d. She placed them before the king to take the natural one.
e. He asked the windows to be opened.
f. The Queen was surprised and went away admiring the king's wisdom.
g. The Queen of Sheba had heard much about Solomon's court and wisdom.
h. Attracted by such reports, she came to test the king.
i. Everyone has heard the name of Solomon, the King of the Jews, Who
    was famous all over the world for his wealth and wisdom.
j. Solomon was puzzled for a time.

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