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Weekly Exam / March/2015/Class-Six

Weekly Exam / March/2015/Class-Six
Subject : English 2nd Paper
Marks : 30                       Time : 30 Minutes

1. Convert the following sentences into negative sentences. 10X1=10
(a) Soan was in class five.
(b) Bishal played football.
(c) Auntora would have recited a poem.
(d) Rafa and Anika saw playing cricket.
(e) Meghla sang a song.
(f) Sakib had posted a letter to  Bishal.
(g) Arobi fought with  Soan.
(h) Anika and Rafa dare  go there to meet Auntora.

2. Transform the following sentences into negative sentences. 
(a) As soon as Arobi started for school , it started to rain.
(b) Meghla ate  only fish.
(c) Soan and Bishal were absent from  the last exam.
(d) Rafa read many books.
(e) Anika acted wisely.

3 Translate into English.                                            05X1=05
(a)   গরু একটি গৃহপালিত পশু।
(b)   জামাটি এতই দামী যে সে তা কিনতে পারলো না।
(c)   অন্তরা  খবরতি শুনতে না শুনতে সে কান্না করা শুরু করল।
(d)   একমাত্র আল্লাই আমাদেরকে সাহায্য করতে পারে।
(e)   মেঘলা পাঁচটির বেশি কলম কিনে নাই ।

4. Write  down the three forms of the following verbs.      05X1=05
     Go, Learn, Swim, Cut, Abide.

5.  Write down the opposite words of the following words. 05X1=05

     Solvent, Regular, Friend, Always, Sincere.

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