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S.S.C. SPECIAL -2018

S.S.C. SPECIAL -2018
Subject : English   2nd Paper
Marks: 60            Time :  1. hours.
Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box. Make any grammatical changes if necessary. You may need
    to use one word more than once.                                                                                                         0.5´10=5
Our mother land is Bangladesh. She is one of the (a) ¾ countries of the world. Most of (b) ¾ people are deprived of the light of (c) ¾. They are not capable of doing (d) ¾ work. So they have little (e) ¾ to the development of the country. As they live in an (f) ¾ condition, they suffer from many kinds of (g) ¾ such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery and dyspepsia. Moreover they always depend on (h) ¾ help of others. So, their (i) ¾ condition is deteriorating day by day. The government should take some pragmatic steps to improve their condition. If our people are not free from the curse of poverty, our nation will certainly lag (j) ¾.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words :                                                                                     0.5×10= 5
While (a) ¾ experts suggest 'Blue Whale' was originally a sensationalised hoax, they (b) ¾ that it is likely that the phenomenon has led to instances of imitative self-harming and copycat groups, leaving vulnerable children at (c) ¾ of cyber bullying and online shaming. (d) ¾ is described as being based on the relationship (e) ¾ participants/challengers and administrators. As of late 2017, participation in Blue Whale seems to be receding; however, internet safety organisations across the (i) ¾ have reacted by giving general (j) ¾ to parents and educators on suicide prevention, mental health awareness, and online safety in advance of the next incarnation of cyber bullying.
3.Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below :                 1×5= 5
Child abuse or child maltreatment
to be maltreating adults. 
Child abuse can
occur in
include subsequent ill-health, including higher rates of chronic conditions, high-risk health behaviours and shortened lifespan.
physical or psychological maltreatment or neglect of a child.
The result of child abuse
a child's home, or in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with.
Maltreated children may
grow up
result in immediate adverse chronic physical and psychological effects.

4.Complete the following text with right forms of verbs given in the box.       0.5×10= 5
A radio personality (American English) or radio presenter (British English), commonly (a) ¾ as a 'disc jockey' or 'DJ' for short, (b) ¾ a person who (c) ¾ an on-air position in radio broadcasting. A radio personality that (d) ¾ a radio show is also (e) ¾ as a radio host, and in India and Pakistan as a radio jockey. Radio personality salaries (f) ¾ by years of experience and education. In 2013, the minimum salary of a radio personality in the USA (g) ¾ $28,400. A radio personality with a bachelor's degree (h) ¾ a salary range of $19,600-60,400. The salary of a local radio personality will (i) ¾ from a national radio personality. For example, Rush Limbaugh was reportedly paid 40 million annually as part of the eight-year 400 million contract he (j) ¾ with Clear Channel Communications.
5.  Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                           5
"Have you ever been to the Taj Mahal in Delhi?" "No, I have never gone there," Biplab said to Arup. "If you visited the wonder, you could gain practical knowledge I believe." "It is both an interesting and important place," said Biplab. "How nice the place is!" said Arup.
6. Change the sentences according to direction.                                                                               1´10=10
(a)   Child labour is one of the biggest curses of 21st century. (Positive)
(b)   It is the violation of human rights. (Interrogative)
(c)   Unfortunately this has become accepted in our society. (Complex)
(d)   Only poverty is responsible for this. (Negative)
(e)   In a family of five or six children, the parents have to send some of their kids to work so that they can fill their empty stomach. (Simple)
(f)    Though these poor children have to work hard all day long, in return they are rewarded with all kinds of abuse. (Compound)
(g)   What an inhuman act is it! (Assertive)
(h)   Slavery is not as inhuman act as it. (Comparative)
(i)    Child labour should be stopped. (Active)
(j)    Government has taken steps to prevent child labour. (Passive voice)

7.     Complete the following sentences.                                                                                 1´5=5
(a)   We must work hard in order to ¾.
(b)   A man who ¾ cannot shine in life.
(c)   It is hard labour that ¾.
(d)   The idle cannot reach their target because ¾.
(e)   ¾ unless you work hard.
8.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the underlined root words given in the brackets.                                                                                                                        0.5´10=5
        Student life is the (a) ¾ (gold) ¾ season of life. This is (b) ¾ (form) ¾ period of life. This is the time for (c) ¾ (prepare) ¾ of future life. Students are the future (d) ¾ (lead) ¾ of the country. They should have (e) ¾ (patriot)  ¾. They should achieve quality (f) ¾ (educate) ¾ and build themselves as (g) ¾ (compete) ¾ citizens. They should gain (h) ¾ (know) ¾ and learn the art of (i) ¾ (behave) ¾ and (j) ¾ (interact) ¾ before others.
9.     Make tag questions of these statement.                                                                                      1´5=5
(a)   Everybody respects freedom fighters, ¾?
(b)   Time and tide wait for none, ¾?
(c)   Many a man wastes valuable time, ¾?
(d)   God has given us the ability to make the world beautiful, ¾?
(e)   A dishonest can hardly realize the necessity of honesty, ¾?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.                                              1´5=5
Bangladesh has made remarkable gains over the past two decades by ensuring access to education, (a) ¾ at the primary level and for girls. (b) ¾ the country's net enrollment rate at the primary school level increased from 80 percent in 2000 to 98 percent in 2015, (c) ¾ secondary school net enrollment is now around 54 percent, up from 45 percent in 2000. (d) ¾, the percentage of children completing primary school is close to 80 percent, and Bangladesh has achieved gender parity in access. (e) ¾ these and other achievements, however, a number of challenges remain.

11.  Use capital letters and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.   5
bangladesh is a small country with a population of about sixteen crores she can hardly make headway so we should work hard to keep pace with the rest of the world

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