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2. The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The town of Hamlyn was once full of rats. They ate all the food, troubled sleeping babies, and made a lot of noise. The people had grown tired of the rats but were unable to do anything. Even the cats were not able to kill the rats.  One day, a queer fellow with piercing eyes, came to town. He was called the Pied Piper. He went to the Mayor and asked him, “What will you pay me if I free your town of every single rat?” The mayor offered fifty pounds to the Pied Piper.  Happy with the offer, the Pied Piper started playing his pipe. Hearing the shrill, keen note, every rat came out from its hole and started following him. The Pied Piper kept on playing his pipe and the rats followed hirn. The piper walked up to the harbour with millions of rats behind him and led them into the water and waited till every rat had drowned.Now the town was free of the little devils and the people were very happy. After all the rats were dead, the Pied Piper returned and asked the Mayor for his money. The Mayor said that he could only give him twenty pounds for such an easy job. Now that the rats were dead, the Mayor thought that there was nothing to worry about. But the Pied Piper wanted to teach him a lesson. This time he played a different tune. Hearing his music, the children came out of their houses. They started following the piper, dancing and shouting. The elders watched in disbelief as the Pied Piper led the children far, far away. The Mayor sent his men to look for the piper and bring the children back but none could find the lost children. So, the moral of the story is Tit for tat.
3. Hidden Treasures.
Once there lived an old farmer. He had three sons. The farmer worked on his farm. He asked his sons to work too. But they were very lazy. He wanted to teach them the value of hard work. But the lazy.  Sons did not care for his advice. After some time the farmer fell ill and thought that his end was near. He called his sons and said that he wanted to disclose a secret. And the secret is that he had buried his treasure in the farm. He told them to dig the place after his death. Soon after the death of their father they went to the field. They dug it from end-to-end. But they could not found the treasure. They became sad. In the meantime, an old passed that way. He knew what their father meant. He advised them to sow seeds in the farm.  They obeyed him. After some time, they had a very good crop. They sold the crop found enough money. They became rich. Thus they learnt the value of hard work. So, the moral of the story is no pain, no gain. Or the fruit of hard work is sweeter than any gift.
4. Hunger is the great sauce.

5. The result of laziness
Once there was a lazy farmer in a village. He had a few plots of land but he did not plough them in time well. So he could not reap good harvest. One day he saw that the fence around his garden was broken. As he was in the habit of putting o work for tomorrow, he thought it would be repaired the next day. But he forgot it and some days passed by. One day he was sitting before his house idly. He saw that some goats were entering his garden through the broken fencing. He called his wife to drive the goats away when she was busy in cooking in the kitchen. At once she came out running and rushed towards the garden. At that time a dog was lying in wait outside the kitchen. As soon as the farmer’s wife left the kitchen, the dog entered there and spoiled some of the cooked food. At this the farmer got furious and hurried to the kitchen with a stick in hand. His little son was playing just beside the kitchen. As he threw the stick towards the dog, it stuck the boy and injured him. At last, it was clear to the farmer that all At that time a dog was lying in wait outside the kitchen. As soon as the farmer’s wife left the kitchen, the dog entered there and spoiled some of the cooked food. At this the farmer got furious and hurried to the kitchen with a stick in hand. His little son was playing just beside the kitchen. As he threw the stick towards the dog, it stuck the boy and injured him. At last, it was clear to the farmer.

6. The curiosity results in invention
Once a thirsty crow was flying to and fro in search of water. But he found no water. At last, he saw a pitcher nearby and flew to it. After going there the thirsty crow noticed that the water was at the bottom of the jar. As he was very thirsty he tried his best to drink water as soon as possible. But his bill could not reach the bottom of the jar. At this, he became very sad and hopeless. He didn’t understand what to do then. He was thinking and thinking but no idea came into his head. He was waiting helplessly. Suddenly the crow saw some small pieces of stone near the jar. Seeing the stones a new idea came into his head.  Without wasting time for any moment, he picked up the stone and began to drop them into the jar one by one. As a result, the water came up to the brim. When all the stones were dropped into the jar, his bill could touch the water.
7. A true friendship
An ant and  a dove
Once an ant was very thirsty. He went to a pond to drink water. When he began to drink water, a wave swept him away. He was about to drown. There was a tree on the bank of the pond. A dove was sitting on a branch of the tree. He noticed the ant was about to drown. The dove felt pity for the ant. He wanted to save the ant. So he dropped a leaf of the ant. The ant got on the leaf and saved his life. Another day the ant was seeking food under that tree. Then he noticed that a hunter had aimed at the dove. The dove did not know it. The ant thought, “I must save the life of the dove.” So he bit on the right leg of the hunter. At this the hunter’s hands trembled and the bullet missed its aim. Then the dove flew away and saved his life.    
9. A Rolling Stone gathers no moss.
Once the animals and birds in a forest thought of electing their king. The animals wanted to have an animal as the king. The birds wanted to have a bird as a king. They discussed the question for some time. Then they started fighting over this. There was a bat, who tried to be very clever. He was on the side of the animals when they were powerful in the fight. Next, he was on the side of the birds when they were more powerful In the end, the animals won the fight. They made the lion king of the forest. Now, both the animals and the birds were against the bat. They remembered how he had opposed them one after another. They were not ready to keep him in the forest so they turned him out. Ever afterwards the bat lived a sad, friend less life, away from the society of other animals and birds. The lesson of the story is that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Anyone who changes sides or places is often in trouble
11. Look befor you leap
Once in summer day, a fox was very thirsty. He looked about all day for water to drink. At last he came to a well. The well was very deep. He tried to get water. He tumbled in. There was a little water. So he was not drowned. He drank all he could. Then he tried to get out. But he could not. A goat came to the well to drink water. He saw the fox and said, “I could not get any water. Is there water to drink?” The cunning fox was glad to see the goat and at once made a plan. He invited the goat and said, “My friend, this well is famous for its sweet water. I have jumped in and I’m drinking water to my heart’s content. If you want a taste of it yourself, please jump into it.” Without a second thought, the foolish goat jumped into the well. The fox at once leaped on the goat’s back, then got on to his long horns and got out at the well. Before leaving the place, he looked into the well and said, Foolish goat, look before you leap. The goat at last cried to come out and wanted to get help from the fox but the fox went away.

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