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1. Uses of Internet /

1. Uses of Internet
Internet has been the most useful technology of the modern times which helps us not only in our daily lives. The internet has intruded globally into everything than we could imagine. There are hardly people who do not rely on the internet for their daily life. Internet has emerged in such a way that we happen to use it to run our daily life in some way. The uses of Internet are endless. Internet is a valuable source for a lot of information. Data and information related all fields are updated in the internet. Students can spend a few minutes over the internet to read their relevant study materials. Many students use internet for intense research on their projects. With internet, communication has become better and easier. One can call and talk to someone over the internet. Video calls are an interesting option with communication through internet. Mailing is one another form of communication, which is widely used in daily corporate life. Daily updates and current happenings are made available in the internet instantly. The corporate world relies on internet for file sharing, data transfer, internal communication and external communication; and many other purposes. a business itself can be started and accomplished through the internet. E-Commerce has lot of advantages like reaching the customers easily, giving a lot of information about the business, clearing customer queries instantly and making the payment also possible over the internet. So, to say it can be said that The Internet has introduced improvements in technology, communication and online entertainment, but it is also incredibly useful for education purposes as well.

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