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Blue Bird School & College, Sylhet
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5´10=5
an of a wide read
enough out the enrich
A student must have the habit of (a)  newspapers everyday. Mere bookish knowledge is not (b)  in this competitive world. Newspapers help him (c)  his general knowledge and make him aware (d)  the burning issues both inside and outside (e)  country. A man who doesn't read newspaper is like (f)  frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant (g)  the current affairs, he cannot take part in the talks and discussions in (h)  enlightened society and feels like a fish (i)  of water. By reading newspapers one can (j)  one's range of knowledge in the field of science, history, geography, literature etc.
2. Complete the following passage with suitable words. 0.5´10=5
We cannot ignore the (a)  of money in our life. To execute (b)  scheme of life, we need money. It (c)  our worldly peace and prosperity. We can enjoy our life well (d)  we have enough money. Without money our life will (e)  deplorable and lamentable. But (f)  money is not easy for all. Ability as well as skill is (g)  to earn money. Again, our peace and prosperity depend (h)  the proper utilization of money. Spending money (i)  illegal way can lead us (j)  the part of destruction and downfall. So, we should we aware of spending money.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1´5=5
Drug addiction

are strong attraction for any harmful things
It not only a national but also a global problem
Drugs used for intoxicating and stimulating effects
These drugs grasped the young generation of the country
Addiction taken by smoking or through injection
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5´10=5
contribute kill come show flee
involve achieve have be take
Today we (a)  a free nation. We (b)  to take great pains to gain freedom. Our war of liberation (c)  place in 1971. People from all walks of life (d)  forward and got (e)  in the war directly. Many a man (f)  in the battlefields. They (g)  from the battlefields (h)  their back. Rather all of them (i)  much to (j)  independence.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
"Why are you putting up the food in your pockets, sir?" "Why don't you eat?" asked the nobleman. "I am doing the right thing. My dress deserves this food," replied Sheikh Sa'adi. "I do not understand what you mean and I am sorry," said the nobleman.
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 110=10
(a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Affirmative)
(b) It begets only the worst. (Negative)
(c) So we should control it for our own sake. (Passive)
(d) An angry man causes a lot of troubles. (Complex)
(e) Realizing it, he should be emotionally balanced. (Compound)
(f) An angry man is not liked be anyone. (Active)
(g) Everybody hates an angry man. (Interrogative)
(h) He is the most despised person in society. (Comparative)
(i) Nothing is more furious than anger. (Positive)
(j) An angry man is not favourite as others. (Complex)
7. Complete the sentences. 1´5=5
(a) It is character which .
(b)  earns respect from all.
(c) A person may be of blue blood but .
(d) It is the childhood when .
(e) It is high time .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5´10=5
Patriotism means for one's own country and people. It is a powerful sentiment and is an (a)  (selfish) and noble virtue. A true patriot is a great asset for a nation. His (b)  (idea) gives him courage and strength. It (c)  (courage) him to sacrifices his life for the sake of (d)  (free) and honour of his country. By (e)  (be) a patriot, one can bring (f)  (prosper) for one's country and remove her sufferings. But false (g)  (patriot) expression is dangerous and (h)  (disaster). Patriotism is (i)  (price) but it must not supersede the feeling of (j)  (universe) only for humanity.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1´5=5
(a) The young generation love to listen to music aloud, ?
(b) They are indifferent to the end effects of sound pollution. Moreover nobody bothers for the others, ?
(c) They seldom pay heed to advice, ?
(d) Actually, smartness lies in modesty, ?
(e) We must make them understand that sound pollution causes a great harm to us ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1´5=5
It is better to have brain (a)  beauty. (b)  physical beauty is purely visual, the beauty of brain is all encompassing. It is (c)  a known fact that beauty is only skin deep. What is worse is (d)  physical beauty is not every lasting (e)  it declines with age and time.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 15=5
how much do you want said the mayor one thousand guilders said the pied piper alright said the mayor we will pay you one thousand guilders when will you set to work now replied the pied piper.
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Suppose, you are Makbul Ahmed. You have recently completed MA in English from Dhaka University. You have found a job advertisement in the Daily Star that Sreepur Kumaria Nasuba Hakim Girls' High School is looking for an English Teacher. Now, write CV with cover letter for the post. 8
13. Suppose, you are a student of Jamalpur Zila School. Your School needs a multimedia classroom with Internet facilities, as technology has become an important part of modern education. Now, write an application to your Headmaster on behalf of all students of your school requesting him to take necessary step in setting up a multimedia classroom in your school. 10
14. Mobile phone is a part and parcel of our daily life. Write a paragraph on 'The uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone'. 10
15. Flood is a common natural calamity in Bangladesh which occurs almost every year. Now, write a composition on 'Recent Floods in Bangladesh'. 12

Jalalabad Cantt. Public  School, Sylhet
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some words. You can use one word more than once. 0.5´10=5
for an out the anglers refresh into on fortunate
Angling is my hobby. Whenever I get time, I go (a)  angling. On the last Friday I went to a big lake near my village. I took (b)  angling rod, bait, (c)  umbrella, a towel, light (d)  and some other necessary things for angling. I went their in the morning and spent the whole day. I threw the hook with bait at about 8 am (e)  the lake but no fish took the bait. I got a little disappointed. When I was about to leave the place, a big fish devoured (f)  bait. I felt spirited and let the hook loose (g)  sometimes and then I pulled it (h) . It was such a big fish that other (i)  gathered round the fish. (j)  I angled another three fishes and returned home with a happy mood.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use only one word for each gap. 0.5´10=5
Nowadays parents are very (a)  of the harmful effects of
(b)  on children. Child psychologists think that (c)  physical and mental punishment can be disastrous (d)  a child's growth and (e) . It may lead to (f)  and hatred of the person who (g)  the child. Again, if a child (h)  punished, he may lack initiative. He may also feel hostile
(i)  others. So, rude behaviour may gradually (j)  in him.
3. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the following table. 1´5=5
Some helps first invented in China.
They made to spread educations culture.
It believe it from the leaves of papyrus trees.
was that the Egyptians first made paper.
the most useful gift of human skill.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5´10=5
carry reach supply filter make
run protect plan mean light
Nowadays civilized life (a)  life on the lap of science. Life in towns and cities is like life in a science laboratory. Cities and towns are now (b)  and (c)  with the help of science. Science makes it, science feeds it. Science guards and (g)  it. We won greatly to science for the comforts of our daily life. Electricity (e)  the streets and houses. Machine (f)  water and (g)  it. Trams and buses (h)  through the streets and (i)  people from one place to another at a nominal cost. Taxies and cars (j)  their destination very quickly.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
"Are you ill?" he said coldly. "No," I said. "Then why are you sitting when all others are working? Go out at once and give them a hand," said he.
6. Change the sentences according to direction given in brackets. 110=10
(a) How essential is newspaper for us! (Assertive)
(b) Newspaper is a paper which carries news and views of home and abroad to us. (Compound)
(c) Newspaper is such a thing without which we can not go a single day. (Simple)
(d) It is one of the most important things. (Positive)
(e) Isn't it a part and parcel in our day to day life? (Assertive)
(f) Society, art and culture are upheld by newspaper. (Active)
(g) Newspaper has removed global distance. (Passive)
(h) But a newspaper is not without some disadvantages. (Affirmative)
(i) A newspaper is a very useful thing. (Negative)
(j) Newspaper has linked up one part of the world with another. (Interrogative)
7. Complete the following sentences. 1´5=5
(a) If we invest in education for girls .
(b) It is education which .
(c) Educated women have higher income potential than those who .
(d) Those mothers who are educated .
(e) It is important to realize that .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5´10=5
Money is the means of leading (a) (world) life. (b) (Short) of money makes our life (c) (deplore). We can not lead our life (d) (proper) in want of money. But there are (e) (difficult) in earning money. Our peace and prosperity are (f) (depend) on proper (g) (utilize) of money. Spending money in an (h) (proper) way can lead us to the path of (i) (destroy). So, we should be (j) (care) in spending money.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1´5=5
(a) Meena is having a birthday party in the afternoon, ?
(b) Yes, she is. She's been busy in cleaning and dusting the drawing room, ?
(c) Yesterday her father brought her a lovely dress, ?
(d) And her mother wants to give her a pleasant surprise, ?
(e) Certainly, let's buy a nice gift for you, ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1´5=5
Women are nowadays as important as men in the society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. (a)  there can be no denying the fact (b)  they too posses equal rights and duties (c)  men do. They have noble mission to fulfill as men. (d)  they get opportunity, their genuine powers (e) capacities will bloom fully.
11. Rewrite the passage using capital letters and punctuation marks. 15=5
Once my mother said to me who came to you my friend rafiq mom. she asked what did he want i said his mother is ill. he needs some money i have given him five hundred taka my mother said wonderful.
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Suppose you are Sabbir Ahmod/ Sabina Yasmin. You have completed post graduation in Computer Science. You have seen a vacancy advertisement for the post of an IT Programmer in Opsonin Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. Now write a CV with a cover letter for the post.   8
13. Suppose you are Tania Ahmed. You have a friend named Jerin Anjum living in Nepal. Now write an e-mail inviting her to visit your country. 10
14. Write a paragraph on 'A Tea Stall' in about 150 words. 10
15. Write composition on 'Your Aim in Life' in about 250 words. 12

Sylhet Govt. Pilot  High School, Sylhet
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. 0.5´10=5
with an of to truthful the a dignity
(a)  is a noble quality. It is considered to be (b)  greatest and noblest of all virtues. It denotes the vary habit of speaking (c)  truth. It is synonymous (d)  the word straight forwardness. This very simple and unique costs a man nothing but earns for him (e)  lot. For example, it crowns a man (f)  honour and (g) . Besides, everybody believes him and respects him. Furthermore he always enjoys booth ease and peace. He is afraid (h)  none but the Almighty. But sometimes a truthful man is to face (i)  untoward situation and may fall prey (j)  some culprits.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5´10=5
Once a stream ran (a)  a green field. There lived (b)  ant beside the stream. One day the ant went to (c)  stream to drink water. While drinking (d)  the ant fell (e)  the running water. “Help! Help!” should the ant. But no one heard him. A dove was sitting on a tree (f)  the stream. He saw the (g)  condition of the ant and felt pity. Very quickly he broke (h)  a wild piece of grass. He flew (i)  the stream and dropped the grass right before (j)  ant.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from of the table below. 1´5=5
Unemployment should not depend idle after completing their studies.
It remain a curse.
There is on the govt. to provide them with jobs.
Educated youth are more people in our country than jobs.
They weakens the body and mind of our young population.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5´10=5
have motivate fail regard begin
write mean learn be consider
There are many reasons for which many students in our country (a)  in English. That English is a foreign is main reason. English is as if it (b)  a language. (c)  for a particular class of people. It (d)  as a sheer wastages of time. They (e)  to cram English as though they (f)  cramming is the only way to learn English. But (g)  they been earnest in learning English they could have (h)  it easily. Moreover they are not (i)  properly. In addition the text books (j)  according to the need of the learners.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
“I have got GPA-5 in the SSC examination.” said Sohel. “Congratulations!” said I. “What do you intend to do now?” “I want to study in a reputed college. I'll try to get admission in Dhaka College,” Sohel replied.
6. Change the sentences according to the directions. 110=10
(a) War is a curse for human civilization. (Negative)
(b) It is not constructive. (Affirmative)
(c) It destroys civilization. (Interrogative)
(d) It is the worst evil in civilization. (Positive)
(e) Those who are war mongers make trouble for all. (Simple)
(f) We know that war brings destruction. (Passive)
(g) Shouldn't man learn to live in peace? (Assertive)
(h) How devastating war is! (Assertive)
(i) Nothing is as corrosive as war. (Superlative)
(j) The evil minded leaders must be avoided. (Complex)
7. Complete the sentences. 1´5=5
(a) A tokai is a small boy who .
(b) Since he is shelterless .
(c) He undergoes hard work so that .
(d) He may have parents but .
(e) He cannot go to school because .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes and prefixes or the both write the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5´10=5
A postman is the most (a) (eager) waited person. He renders (b) (value) service to us. He performs his duties (c) (regular) and (d) (sincere). He is so (e) (care) that he does not deliver any letter without the legal (f) (own) of the thing to be delivered. If he fails to (g) (charge) his duties (h) (proper) it may cause (i) (repairable) loss to the person concerned. But he is not given proper (j) (treat).
9. Make tag questions of these sentences. 1´5=5
(a) A barking dog seldom bites, ?
(b) A good student is always attentive to his study, ?
(c) Bangladesh is a small country, ?
(d) Birds fly, ?
(e) Call in a doctor, ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1´5=5
Computer virus is terror to the users of computers. (a)  it is not biological virus, it disturbs the plain operation of a computer. Computer virus is usually a programme to delete the files which are saved (b)  useful memories. Sometimes the virus attacks the hard disk (c)  harms it. (d)  things happen (e)  on operation is possible after the attack.
11. Use punctuation marks where necessary in the text below. 5
salam kalam and alam are friends they arre the students of netrakona govt. college they are very much interested to learn english one day alam said to mamun will you learn english then read an english paper named the daily star
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Suppose, you are Sanglap and you have passed H.S.C and got a diploma on computer. Now, write a CV with cover letter for the post of a computer operator in a company. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose you are the students of Comilla Zilla School, Comilla. The students of your class want to go on a study tour. So you need permission of the Headmaster. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school seeking his permission to go on a study tour. 10
14. Imagine, you paid a visit to a book fair. Write a paragraph in about 150 words answering the following questions. 10
(a) What was the occasion?
(b) Where was the fair held?
(c) Why did you go there?
(d) What did you see there?
(e) What was your feeling?
15. Write a composition on 'Newspaper'. 12

B.K.G.C Govt. Girls' High School, Habigonj
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5´10=5
desire mischief reasonable from an
a chief in exercise
Love of power is inherent (a)  human nature. Everyone wishes to have power and to (b)  it to others. Power (c)  comes (d)  the possession of wealth or learning or any high office. It is (e)  to have some kind of power or other. He who has power, is feared, obeyed and respected. It is for this reason that power is sought by (f)  individual as well as by (g)  nation. To love power for its own sake is bad, it then becomes the root of all evils. To carry love of anything to (h)  excess leads only to (i) . So, this love of power should also be kept within (j)  bounds.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use only one word in each blank. 0.5´10=5
Man is the (a)  of his own fate. If he makes a proper (b)  of time and does his duties (c) , he is sure to improve and (d)  in life. But if he does (e) , he is sure to (f)  when it is too late and he will (g)  to drag a miserable life (h)  day to day. To spoil time is (i)  shorten one's life. For, our life is nothing (j)  the sum total of hours, days and years.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1´5=5

has one of the main impediments
some impediments to be developed
a developing country of South Asia
freedom in 1971
an independent country
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5´10=5
contribute come become play keep
need receive work confine be
Today women (a)  an important role in all spheres of life. They, no longer (b)  to the four walls of their husband's house. They have come out of the kitchens and (c)  hand in hand with men in all the development works of the government. By (d)  higher education they (e)  pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators etc. They have (f)  able to prove their worth. They (g)  much to the economy of the country. Now it has (h)  to the realization of the men that true development of the country is never possible (i)  half of the population idle at home. So, it (j)  no telling that women are playing a great role in the socio-economic condition of our country.  
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. .510=5
The teacher said to the boy, "Do you know that honesty is the best policy?" The boy said, "Yes, sir. I think so." "Then learn to be honest from your boyhood," said the teacher. "Thank you," said the boy. "May Allah help you," said the teacher.
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 110=10
(a) Corruption is one of the worst evils. (Positive)
(b) A corrupted man can do anything morality. (Complex)
(c) People hate a corrupted man. (Passive)
(d) Nobody respects him. (Interrogative)
(e) The man who takes bribe is next to devil. (Simple)
(f) Though we have strict law, we are still affected by this evil. (Compound)
(g) No other person is as hated as a corrupted man. (Superlative)
(h) We hope that Bangladesh will be free from this evil. (Simple)
(i) Everybody avoids a corrupted man. (Negative)
(j) A corrupted man leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)
7. Complete the following sentences. 1´5=5
(a) Acid rain is harmful because .
(b) The wind was so strong that .
(c) Had he been a little careful .
(d) They were frightened when .
(e) Take your umbrella lest .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the brackets. 0.5´10=5
Those who lived (a)  (luxury) life are always (b)  (different) to the miseries of the poor. They enjoy life in (c)  (amuse) and (d)  (merry). They are (e)  (centered) people. They have little (f)  (realize) of the (g)  (bounded) sufferings of the poor. They remain indifferent to their (h)  (suffer). They feel (i)  (comfort) to work for their (j)  (better).
9. Add tag questions of the statements below. 1´5=5
(a) Telling lies is a great sin, ?
(b) One lie begets hundred lies, ?
(c) None believes a liar, ?
(d) He has to lead a miserable life, ?
(e) So, all of us ought to refrain from telling lies, ?
10. Complete the passage with suitable connectors. 1´5=5
Student life is the best time in life (a)  almost every student is free from cares (b)  anxieties of life. He has nothing to do (c)  study. (d)  a student, he should read novels, magazines, newspaper (e)  text books.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the below. 15=5
my dear mother your letter is just to hand it seems to me that you are anxious for me why you need not think about me
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Suppose, Bangladesh Bank invites application for the post of senior officer. You are Mahmud/Mahmuda and you are interested to build up a career as a banker. Now write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.   8
13. Suppose, you are Mahmud/ Mahmuda. You have passed the S.S.C. examination this year from B.K.G.C Govt. Girls' High School, Habigonj. You want to get yourself admitted into a college. So you need a testimonial from your headmaster. Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a testimonial. 10
14. Write a paragraph in 250 words on 'Tree Plantation'. 10
15. Flood is a common natural calamity in Bangladesh which occurs almost every year. Now write a composition on 'Recent Flood in Bangladesh'.   12

Habigonj Govt. High School, Habigonj
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of some words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5´10=5
of fear with a in get the
A good man is (a)  man of character. His polite behaviour is (b)  great asset because he can win the heart (c)  other people around him. He also (d)  the admiration (e)  all he deals with. He behaves well (f)  even those who are rude towards him. He behaves well
(f)  even those who are rude towards him. One who pretends to be polite cannot be polite (g)  all circumstances. But (h)  man who is really polite does not (i)  anybody whatever be ( j)  provocation.
2. Fill in the blank with suitable words. 0.5´10=5
English is regarded as (a)  international language. It is spoken all (b)  the world. So, the (c)  of this language can hardly be exaggerated. Almost all the books (d)  higher education are (e)  in English. Today every (f)  needs employees who can speak and write (g)  standard form of English. Ours is (h)  age of globalization. We need to (i)  English to join (j)  advanced world.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1´5=5
Trees are not cut trees at random.
We play a great source of food and vitamin.
They should an important role in our life.
our best friends.
plant trees more and more for a better life.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one verb more than once. 0.5´10=5
have overcome rise be enjoy
come suffer walk pollute
There (a)  different kinds of exercises. Walking (b)  one of them. We (c)  early in the morning for (d)  a morning walk. While (e)  in the morning, we can
(f)  fresh air. But in towns and cities air is being (g)  in many ways. As a result, people (h)  from different problems. To (i)  this problem, people and the government should (j)  forward.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
Soham said to Nil, "Where did you go yesterday? I was looking for you. But I did not find you." "I went to Dhaka," replied Nil.
6. Change the sentences according to direction. 110=10
(a) Health is wealth. (Complex)
(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Positive)
(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family. (Complex)
(d) He can succeed in life. (Interrogative)
(e) So, everybody cannot but be conscious of health. (Affirmative)
(f) Everybody must take care of health. (Negative)
(g) Health can be improved by regular physical exercise. (Active)
(h) The people who are poor cannot afford to take a balanced diet. (Simple)
(i) They are very concerned with the quality of food. (Exclamatory)
(j) Everybody should know that malnutrition causes weakness. (Passive)
7. Complete the following sentences. 1´5=5
(a) If you do not waste your time, .
(b) This is the boy who .
(c)  I were a child.
(d) United we stand .
(e) The boy is so weak in English .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5´10=5
Money cannot buy (a)  (happy). It is not necessary to bring happiness. It is (b)  (absolute) a (c)  (psychology) thing. It is the name of a (d)  (feel). It means the (e)  (content) of the mind. He who has (f)  (satisfy) with what he has is (g)  (real) a happy man. Above all, we should keep in mind that (h)  (world) happiness is not all. If we want to be (i)  (eternal) happy and lead a (j)  (dignify) life, we have to earn money in a honest way.
9. Make tag questions of the following statements. 1´5=5
(a) Nobody believes a cheat, ?
(b) Human beings hate him, ?
(c) He has to drag a miserable life, ?
(d) He can hardly succeed in life, ?
(e) Let us always speak the truth, ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1´5=5
Summer noon is very painful and disgusting. (a)  the sun shines hotly over head, life becomes miserable. The sufferings of the people know no bounds (b)  the electricity goes off. (c)  the people use hand fans to fan themselves. Children can neither sleep (d)  read. They feel out of sorts. (e)  the poor suffer most. They work outside in the burning sun.
11. Use capital letters and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 15=5
dhaka the capital of bangladesh is a big city it stands on the bank of buriganga there are so many people in dhaka one day sumi said to her father i want to go to dhaka with you will you take me with you yes ill take you with me replied father
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Suppose you are Rima/Riman. Your home district is Sylhet. You have recently completed your M.A in English from D.U. Now prepare a CV for the post of an English Teacher of ABC High School, Dhaka. 8
13. Suppose, you are Sohan. You read in Khulna Zilla School. Your school has a beautiful common room but it lacks modern facilities. Now write an application to your Headmaster for increasing common room facilities. 10
14. Write a paragraph in 250 words on 'The Life of a Farmer'. 10
15. Write composition on 'Duties of a Student'. 12

Govt. Jubilee High School, Sunamgonj
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5´10=5
gather useful that by fulfill
fresh objects and horizon great
Study tour (a)  our practical experience. It also makes our mind (b) . The knowledge that is (c)  from books, is rather theoretical. So, in order to make our knowledge (d) , we must supplement it (e)  a varied experience of practical side of  nature and life. We can see everything (f)  learn a lot from study tour. The lesson (g)  we learn from geography, becomes far more impressive when we can see different (h)  with our own eyes. Study tour widens the (i)  of our mind and broadens our outlook. We can learn a (j)  lesson from study tour.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5´10=5
Internet is the (a)  discovery of science and the greatest advancement in the field of (b)  technology. Internet is (c)  all over the world. The business world is quite (d)  without it, To get internet (e) , it requires a modern telephone line and a different sort of software for (f)  the network system. Like telephone number internet is (g)  by its own number. To find out a web address one (h)  to take the help of a search engine. The students are (i)  by it in the present days. They can learn the latest discoveries and information (j)  it.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1´5=5
Earthquake is have enough preparation to save us from it
We do not a national disaster
Earthquakes destroy get any warning before it
It should many towns with people
more destructive than the flood
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5´10=5
like make stop take cause
be have live share mean
Eid is the main religious festival of the Muslims in Bangladesh. Eid (a)  happiness. Everyone wants to (b)  this happiness with their near and dear ones. So most of the people who are (c)  outside their home for different reasons (d)  a strong desire to get back home during the Eid vacations there (e)  a mad hush in buses or launches. This often (f)  transport accidents that (g)  away many lives. How ever, it can not (h)  people's desire to meet their family, in laws or friends, what (i)  people rush for their homes in spite of serious hazards? Do human beings have roots (j)  the trees?
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
“Hello sir, may I ask you a question?” “Oh, yes! But why?” “Sir, I could not understand a lesson that you taught in the classroom yesterday.” “Oh, I see. Ok, if you are free after this period, come to me in the teachers' common room.” “Thank you, sir.” “Most welcome, my son.”
6. Change the sentences according to the direction. 110=10
(a) Mother Teresa is an icon to many people. (Make it complex Sentence)
(b) She is respected by many people. (Make it Active voice)
(c) She is one of the most popular personalities on earth. (Make it comparative degree)
(d) She was very kind to the needy. (Make it negative sentence)
(e) She believes that charity is a virtue. (Make it interrogative)
(f) She believes that kindness is a great virtue. (Make it compound sentence)
(g) She was a noble hearted lady. (Make it complex sentence)
(h) She was a very emotional lady. (Make it exclamatory sentence)
(i) She used to help those who were unable to meet the basic needs. (Make it simple sentence)
(j) She did not marry (Make it Affirmative sentence)
7. Complete the sentences. 1´5=5
(a) Historical places help us .
(b) Man is curious .
(c) , he can know many things.
(d) We should pay a visit too a historical place .
(e) It is high time .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5´10=5
Life without leisure and (a)  (relax) is dull. Nobody can work without rest. Life becomes (b)  (charm) if a man does not have any time to enjoy (c)  (beauty) objects of nature. (d)  (Monotony) work headers the (e)  (smooth) of work. Leisure (f)  (new) our spirit of work. Everybody knows that (g)  (work) is (h)  (harm). Leisure does not mean (i)  (idle). It gives (j)  (fresh) to our mind.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1´5=5
(a) I am doing a very important work. Don't disturb me, ?
(b) Rupa said to Mina, “How happy you are in a nuclear family!” ?
(c) My cousin lives in a village. He hardly comes here, ?
(d) I study in a reputed school. I are a student, ?
(e) Don't make late. Let's go, ?
10. Complete the passage with suitable connectors. 1´5=5
Bangladesh is a small country (a)  it has a large population. A great number of people are poor (b)  illiterate. (c)  we want to develop the country, we must control the rapid growth of population (d) , we have to face a great problem. But it is a matter of joy (e)  our government has already taken initiatives to solve the problem.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
have you said your prayer today i said no i've forgotten it my brother replied
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Suppose, you are Nabil/ Nabila and you have a graduation with Hon's in Chemistry. You have seen a recruitment notice in the Daily star for the post of a “Medical Representative” in a renowned pharmaceutical company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, a devastating flood has visited your locality recently which took a heavy toil of lives. Now, write an application to the deputy commissioner of your district for relied and medical aids for the flood affected people. 10
14. Write a paragraph in 200 words on 'Your visit to a book fair'. 10
15. Write composition in 350 words on 'The game you like most'. 12

Ali Amzad Government Girls' High School, Moulavibazar
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5´10=5
dignity to boastful employment youth
towards undergo tough a
(a)  is a world wide problem. No country of the world can (b)  claim that she is absolutely free from the problem of unemployment. Finding a job is the (c)  task. An unemployed young man has to (d)  great deal of trouble, anxiety and humiliation to find out (e)  job. He has (f)  run from office to office, from man to man to get a job. For want of (g)  many people have to lead a vagabond life. Our students and (h)  should be made to change their attitude (i)  life. They should be made to realise that self-employment is the most (j)  way for employment.
2. Fill in the blank with suitable words. 0.5´10=5
Adopting unfair means in the examination is (a)  offence. It degrades (b)  standard of education. If the students of (c)  country do not acquire true (d) , there will be no development for (e)  country. (f)  examinee should read seriously so that he can cut (g)  good figure in the examination. To acquire true education should be (h)  only aim in the lives of all students. (i)  educated man can not support adopting (j)  unfair means in the examination at all.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1´5=5
Character a man without character.
It influences a mental or moral nature.
If character be lost, everything is lost.
Everybody hates the crown of a man.
Environment one's character.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5´10=5
know apply mix earn open
give keep enrich receive become
Bookish knowledge (a)  useless when one (b)  it in real life. In our practical life we (c)  with different types of people and we get (d)  by learning from their way of living, manners and other things. The world is big. If we (e)  our eyes and ears (f) , we can learn a good many things of life. The outside world (g)  us a wide scope of (h)  different people and their cultures. The things (i)  at schools and colleges are important but what we (j)  from our practical life is precious.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
"Stop! You are eating all our bread," shouted the two rats. "I am trying my best and I have told you it's difficult," said the monkey. "Give us the little piece," said the rats. "This is my piece. Haven't I done a lot of work for you?" replied the monkey. "How foolish we are to believe you!" said the rats.
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 110=10
(a) The other sailors were very angry with the old man who shot the Albatross. (Compound)
(b) They thought that they were the most endangered persons in the world. (Comparative degree)
(c) They blamed him for their suffering and thirst. (Passive voice)
(d) They cursed him and hung the dead albatross round his neck as a punishment. (Simple)
(e) The next few days were very terrible. (Exclamatory)
(f) They found water nowhere. (Interrogative)
(g) The sailor's throats were so dry that they could not speak. (Simple)
(h) Their eyes hurt with looking across the bright glassy sea watching all day long for a ship to come to help them. (Complex)
(i) Suddenly they saw a ship which was coming towards them. (Simple)
(j) Seeing the boat, they thought it was the blessing of God. (Compound)
7. Complete the following sentences. 1´5=5
(a) As an SSC candidate, you should read properly so that .
(b) Make proper use of your time lest .
(c) You ought to read your texts again and again with a view to .
(d) If you memorize the answer without knowing the meaning .
(e) It is high time you .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5´10=5
Life without leisure and (a) relax is dull. Nobody can work without rest. Life becomes (b) charm if man does not have any time to enjoy the (c) beauty objects of nature. (d) Monotony work hinders the (e) smooth of work. Leisure (f) new our spirit of work. Everybody knows that (g) work is (h) harm. Leisure does not mean (i) idle. It gives (j) fresh to our mind.
9. Use tag questions with the following sentences. 1´5=5
(a) Everybody wants to lead a better life, ?
(b) A better life seldom comes without hard working, ?
(c) We have to work hard for this, ?
(d) But most of us can hardly work hard, ?
(e) Actually, life is not a bed of roses, ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1´5=5
(a) , there are more differences between practical knowledge and bookish knowledge. (b) , often they are thought to be the same. (c) , a man is educated in the trust sense, he will be able to lead a life completely different from others. (d) , he can distinguish between right and wrong. (e) , education is very important.
11. Use capital letters and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
why are you going to dhaka said father i want to buy some important books said asif do you need money yes father ok i wont let you go alone ill accompany you
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Suppose, you are Kabir/Kabita. You have recently passed HSC. You have found a job advertisement in a National newspaper that there is a vacancy/post for the position of a salesman in a manufacturing company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.   8
13. Suppose, you are Zara, a student of Dhaka Ideal School. There is no canteen in your school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for setting up a canteen in your school campus. 10
14. Suppose, there is a big library in your school. Now, write a paragraph in 250 words on 'Your School Library'. 10
15. Write composition on 'Floods in Bangladesh'.   12

Moulavibazar Govt. High School, Moulavibazar
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5´10=5
Liberty does not descend (a)  people automatically. People must raise themselves (b)  it. It is (c)  fruit that must be earned (d)  it can be enjoyed. That (e)  means freedom only from foreign (f)  is (g)  out worn idea. No (h)  has only real value unless it also means freedom (i)  want, disease, corruption and ignorance : not merely freedom from foreign (j) .
2. Fill in the blank with suitable words. 0.5´10=5
The Nobel Prize is the word's most (a)  and important prize. It has been given (b)  1901. This prize is given to the persons with (c)  contributions in the (d)  fields. The Nobel Prize was (e)  by a man who was the (f)  of dynamite. This scientist was Alfred Bernard Nobel. He earned a huge (g)  of money by selling (h) . At the time of his death in 1896, Nobel (i)  behind a huge amount of money. He (j)  left a will indicating the interest of this money should be given as prize.
3. Make five sentences from each column of the table below. 1´5=5
A person who
is wealth
the root of all happiness.
ill health cannot enjoy his life.
good health to survive in the world.
the blessing of God.
4. Fill in the gaps with right forms of verbs in the box. There are more words than needed. 0.5´10=5
become give apply keep mix earn
open enrich receive wish look know
Bookish knowledge (a)  useless when one (b)  it in the real life. In our practical life, we (c)  with different types of people and we get (d)  by learning from their way of living, manners and other things. If we (e)  our eyes and ears (f) , we can learn a good many things of life. The outside world (g)  us a wide scope of (h)  different people and their cultures. The things (i)  at school and colleges are important but what (j)  from our practical life is precious.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
"Good morning, students," said the new English teacher. "How are you?" "We are fine, sir. What about you?" "I'm fine too. Please sit down." "Have your prepared your lesson?" told the teacher. "Sorry sir, we were a little bit busy with our practical class."
6. Change the sentences according to direction. 110=10
(a) He had to make division of time to do his work properly. (Complex)
(b) None is cared for in using time. (Voice change)
(c) If he works sincerely, he can succeed in life. (Compound)
(d) He knows that time once gone is gone forever. (Simple)
(e) He is very rude in his behaviour. (Negative)
(f) Usain Bolt runs faster than an old tiger. (Positive)
(g) It matters little if a man lives many years or not. (Interrogative)
(h) They play football in the afternoon. (Imperative)
(i) Speaking the truth was as rewarding thing in life. (Comparative)
(j) Had I been a poet! (Assertive)
7. Complete the following sentences. 1´5=5
(a) Two years passed since .
(b) Had I been a cricketer .
(c) No sooner had we reached the school .
(d) It is high time they .
(e) Uneasy lies in the head .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5´10=5
The true aim of education is the (a)  (harmony) development of body, soul and mind. But (b)  (book) knowledge is (c)  (sufficient) in this regard. Without (d)  (curricular) activities, the full blooming of body, mind and soul is (e)  (possible). Co-curricular activities include debate, (f)  (public) of magazine and (g)  (culture) activities. They teach students (h)  (modest), diligence, (i)  (right) and the bondage of (j)  (friend) among the students.
9. Make tag questions of the following statements. 1´5=5
(a) It is true that nobody believes a liar. ?
(b) One need not think of others. ?
(c) We see that there is little water in the pond. ?
(d) Let them finish the work in time. ?
(e) I'd have done it if you had permitted. ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1´5=5
Men usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act as they like. No one (a)  can have his own way all the time. A man can not live in society peacefully (b)  he considers the interest of others (c)  his own interests. (d)  society means a group of people with the same ways of life, people in the society may not make such decision (e)  can prove unjust and harmful to others.
11. Use capital letter and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
the teacher said to nasim why are you talking in the classroom you should behave yourself nasim replied sir im asking rabiul to lend me his pen my pen has run out
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Write a CV with a cover letter to the Managing Director for the post of a sales representative. 8
13. Write an application to Upozilla chairman for some relief for the flood affected people in your locality. 10
14. Write a paragraph on 'A Street Accident'. 10
15. Write composition on 'Population Problem in Bangladesh'. 12

Shaistaganj Islami Academy & High School, Sylhet
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5´10=5
a lose matched in continuous
both the enjoyment
Without effort there can be no progress (a)  life. Life (b)  its interest if there is no struggle. Games become dull if there is no competition (c)  them and if (d)  result can be easily foreseen. No matter we win (e)  games or lose it. The keener the contest the greater the (f) . A victory is not (g)  real triumph unless (h)  the sides are equally (i)  whether we like it or not life is on (j)  competitive examination.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5´10=5
Every student wants (a)  do well in the examination. But it is not (b)  easy task. A student has to work hard (c)  this. (d)  the very beginning he must be serious. He should read the test (e) . He must not memorize and answer (f)  knowing the meaning. Again, he must not make notes (g)  a common source. He should have a good command (h)  English. (i)  doing all these things a student can (j)  to make a good result.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1´5=5
Traveling in ancient times

had fears of wild animals robbers and pirates
People very difficult
There to travel overcoming all obstacles
Roads and communication system to depend on foot, boats, horses or carts
But yet people very bad
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5´10=5
be give like do care
contain prefer need keep ensure
Costly foods (a)  so rich as they seem to be in their food value, whereas, cheap foods are richer in their food value. But young people in general (b)  think so and they habits with a wrong notion. Unfortunately enough, even the educated young groups (c)  for nutrients or food value. They (d)  predominance to the matter whether a food is tasty or not. The young people in general only
(e)  delicious, fatty and oily food. This why junk food is (f)  by many specially the young people or the children. Some think that rich food (g)  a lot of nutrients (h)  for one to (j)  fit and (j)  proper growth of the body.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
"My dear friends," said the stranger. "I have come here because I have a massage to give you. Lend me your ears please." "Let him say whatever he likes," said the old man. "Oh! What a joy the message has brought for us."
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 110=10
(a) Child labor is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century. (Positive)
(b) It is the violation of human rights. (Interrogative)
(c) Unfortunately this has become accepted in our society. (Complex)
(d) Only poverty is responsible for this. (Negative)
(e) In a family of five or six children the parents have to send some of their kids to works so that they can fill their empty stomachs. (Simple)
(f) Though these poor children have to work hard all day long, in return they are rewarded with all kinds of abuses. (Compound)
(g) What an inhuman act it is! (Assertive)
(h) Slavery is not as inhuman as it. (Comparative)
(i) Child labour should be stopped. (Active)
(j) Government has taken steps to prevent child labour. (Passive)
7. Complete the sentences. 1´5=5
(a) I shall leave the hotel after .
(b) If my friend had helped me .
(c) A child which is burnt, .
(d) Five year passed since .
(e) The more he gets, .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5´10=5
No institution can run without discipline. It cannot run well if there is (a)  (discipline). In human life discipline is a must. Students should form the habit of (b)  (obey) (c)  (disobey) brings about chaos that results in (d)  (fail) and (e)  (down) everywhere. Our students should be (f)  (discipline) because they need it in order to have (g)  (prosper) in life. A family cannot have (h)  (peace) environment without discipline. (i)  (similar), a country cannot attain (j)  (develop) without discipline.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1´5=5
(a) Hello, Jalal. Still your uncle has been living in Japan, ?
(b) Yes Jahir. He's been living there for a long time, ?
(c) He sends me stamp always, ?
(d) You have got quite a nice collection now, ?
(e) What a lot, ?
There are a lot I have not got yet.
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1´5=5
Forests are very important (a)  trees give us oxygen.
(b)  we are cutting down trees at random. (c)  animals and birds are losing their shelter. (d) , by doing this unwise activity we are doing harm for ourselves. (e)  we should be aware to protect our forests for our own interest.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 15=5
one day when he set in the market place leaning idly against his basket a young woman dressed in the silk clothes and ornaments stopped before him lift up your basket porter she said in a sweet voice and follow me.
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Suppose, you are Md. Asaduzzaman and you have passed B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from BUET. You have seen a vacancy ad for the post of a Project Engineer in a renowned organization. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.   8
13. Suppose, you are an inhabitant of the village Shibpur in Umarapur Union in the district of Khulna. The roads of your village have been damaged during the recent flood. Now, write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for repairing the damaged roads.   10
14. A winter morning is different from morning in other seasons. Write a paragraph in 250 words on "A Winter Morning". 10
15. Flood is a common natural calamity in Bangladesh which occurs almost every year. Now write a composition on 'Recent Floods in Bangladesh'.
Describe the causes of flood, how does it do harm to our lives and properties. Also describe government's activities in recent floods, how can we minimize the losses of flood, etc. 12

Govt. S.C Girls' High School, Sunamganj
English 2nd Paper

Part A : Grammar (Marks 60)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list. You may need to change the forms of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5´10=5
the for patience to an
by of a with practical
Man has (a)  unquenchable thirst (b)  knowledge. He is never satisfied (c)  what he has known and seen. For this, he set out (d)  travelling. But it needs (e)  lot of money and (f) . (g)  people of developed countries are fit (h)  it. So they are capable (i)  earning (j)  knowledge.
2. Complete the following passage using suitable words. Use only one word for each gap. 0.5´10=5
Change is the only constant thing in the universe that exists over time. Everyone needs (a) , a change that will be good. A new government is now in (b) . Things are (c)  to change. We are also looking forward to (d)  changes in ourselves and in our country. Something that will (e)  us. If we want to bring out changes around us, we have to change (f)  from inside. We have to think (g)  and be optimistic. Only a positive (h)  can make positive change. In our country many things (i)  to be changed for good. Now we all need to work together to (j)  out changes in our country.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1´5=5
A forgive
To forgive
But if is
may be
takes considered to be a sign of weakness.
superior to a wrong-door.
a strong character to check passion.
easy to take revenge.
really a sign of strength.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the list. 0.5´10=5
live be possess have look come
bring require love can may go
The world (a)  gloomy in the absence of a true friend. A man who (b)  alone is either an angel or a beast. Thus, arises the need for a true and honest friend. True friends, no doubt, (c)  rare in this world. Mr. Rifat is my best friend. He has (d)  my class fellow since my early days. He (e)  of a very good and respectable family. His parents (f)  well-to-do. He (g)  all the qualities of head and heart. Devotion to duty, obedience to elders and love for youngers (h)  his great ideals. As a matter of fact, I (i)  lucky that a person like Rifat is my best friend. These qualities (j)  tempted me to call him my true friend.
5. Rewrite the following passage into indirect speech. .510=5
My friend said to me, "Why are you reading this hour? It is time for prayer. Let us go out for a walk after saying prayer." "Yes, I agree with you," I said.
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 110=10
(a) We belong to a country and its name is Bangladesh. (Make it simple)
(b) Once we were not independent. (Make it affirmative)
(c) We were oppressed and suppressed for many years. (Make it active)
(d) We got our independence by defeating the Pak-Army in 1971. (Make it compound)
(e) Many of our freedom fighters embraced martyrdom fighting against the enemies. (Make it complex)
(f) We should remain grateful to them. (Make it interrogative)
(g) They sacrificed their lives to free the country from the enemies. (Make it complex)
(h) Their sacrifices did not go in vain. (Make it affirmative)
(i) It is for their sacrifice that we got independence. (Make it simple)
(j) They fought very bravely. (Make it exclamatory)
7. Complete the following sentences. 1´5=5
(a) A library is a place .
(b) They help us .
(c) A library is a source .
(d) People gather knowledge .
(e) It is we who .
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5´10=5
The other name of water is life. Clean water is (a)  (drink). Dirty water is (b)  (safe). Clean water is (c)  (contaminate) and (d)  (suit) for drinking. Bangladesh is a (e)  (river) country. But we get (f)  (adequate) water for use. The water of our rivers is (g)  (filth) and (h)  (poison). We should keep water clean for health, happiness and (i)  (long). The Government should play an (j)  (act) role to keep water safe.
9. Add tag questions of the following sentences. 1´5=5
(a) It is natural that every student wants to do well in the examination, ?
(b) But what we can say easily is really not so easy, ?
(c) To do well in the examination a student should follow some instructions, ?
(d) He should read the texts again and again, ?
(e) He must not memories the answers without knowing the meaning, ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1´5=5
Politics itself is not an evil job, (a)  the whole development of the country depends on it. (b)  student politics is not basically bad. (c)  nowadays it has taken a dreadful shape (d)  the unwise and wicked role of the politicians. Generally the parents and guardians hold that students should not take part in politics (e)  it greatly hampers their study.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 510=5
alexander the great was the king of macedon he was the son of phillip mighty king of sparta he invaded india  about 327 be years ago on the way he defeated porus and marched towards the punjab.
Part B : Composition (Marks 40)
12. Write a CV with a covering letter for the post of and marketing Executive of a renowned medicine company which was published on 30 June, 2017 of 'The Daily Star'. 8
13. Write an application to your headmaster asking for a testimonial. 10
14. Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words on 'Environmental Pollution' by answering the following questions. 10
(a) What do you mean by environment pollution?
(b) How many kinds of pollution are there?
(c) How do air and water become polluted?
(d) How can we protect ourselves from the pollution mentioned here?
15. Write composition in not more than 300-350 words bout 'Duties of a student'.   12

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