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9. Matching for JSC

Column -A
Column -B
(a) Truthfulness is one
i. likes a liar
(b) It means the quality
ii. in order to prosper in life
(c) Nobody
iii. of speaking the truth in all situations.
(d) A truthful person
iv. of the greatest virtues of human being.
(e) We should practice this habit regularly
v. is respected by all.
    (a) + iv   Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues of human being.
 (b) + iii   It means the quality of speaking the truth in all situations.
 (c) + i     Nobody likes a liar.
 (d) + v    A truthful person is respected by all.
 (e) + ii    We should practice this habit regularly in order to prosper in life.

Column -A
Column -B
(a) Unemployment
i. remain idle after completing their studies.
(b) It weakens the body and mind
ii. in our country than jobs.
(c) We should change our notion to
iii. is a curse
(d) There are more people
iv. is a curse
(e) Many educated people
v.  of our young generation
    (a) + iv   Unemployment is a curse.
 (b) + v    It weakens the body and mind of our young generation.
 (c) + iii   We should change our nation to secure a comfortable job in an office or bank.
 (d) + ii   There are more people in our country than jobs.
 (e) +  i    Many educated people remain idle after completing studies.

Column -A
Column -B
(a) A teacher plays a vital role in
i. without him
(b) He works had
ii. him and evaluate his service.
(c) He has a great duty
iii. to show his students the right director.
(d) A country suffers a lot
iv. forming an educated nation.
(e) So everybody should respect
v. to make a developed nation.
    (a) + iv    A teacher plays s vital role in forming an educated nation.
 (b) + v     He works hard to make a developed nation.
 (c) + iii    He has a great duty to show his students the right direction.
 (d) + i      A country suffers a lot without him.
 (e) + ii     So everybody should respect him and evaluate his service.

Column -A
Column -B
(a) Illiteracy is a curse
i. can’t contribute to the betterment of his country.
(b) It greatly hinders 
ii. the whole nation suffers.
(c) An illiterate person 
iii. the prosperity of a nation
(d) As a result
iv. for a developing country like ours
(e) So, we all should come
v. forward to educate the general mass.
    (a) + iv   Illiteracy is a curse for a developing country like ours.
 (b) + iii   It greatly hinders the prosperity of a nation.
 (c) + i     An illiterate person can’t contribute to the betterment of his country.
 (d) + ii    As a result the whole nation suffers.
 (e) + v     So, we all should come forward to educate the general mass.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  Frustration is the cause
i.     not only a national but also a global problem.
(b)  Drugs kill the addicts
ii.    effect on human body.
(c)  Drugs bear a terrible
iii.  slowly but surely.
(d)  Addiction means
iv.  of drug addiction.
(e)  Drug addiction is
v.    strong attraction for harmful things.
    (a) + iv  Frustration is the cause of drug addiction.
 (b) + iii  Drugs kill the addicts slowly but surely.
 (c) +  ii  Drugs bear a terrible effect on human body.
 (d) + v   Addiction means strong attraction for harmful things.
 (e) + i    Drug addiction is not only a national but also a global problem.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  A flower is regarded as the
i.    of a flower for its charming beauty.
(b)  It is also a symbol
ii.   are held in our country.
(c)  It is very sad that a flower blooms
iii.  best gift of nature.
(d)  Everybody on earth is fond
iv.  in the morning and fades away very soon.
(e)  At present flower exhibitions
v.    of purity and beauty.
    (a) + iii  A flower is regarded as the best gift of nature.
 (b) + v   It is also a symbol of purity and beauty.
 (c) + iv  It is very sad that a flower blooms in the morning and fades away very soon.
 (d) + i    Everybody on earth is fond of a flower for its charming beauty.
 (e) + ii   At present flower exhibitions are held in our country.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  Trees are our
i.    existence without trees.
(b)  They are essential
ii.   vitamins and furniture.
(c)  We cannot think of our
iii.  related to our life.
(d)  Trees are closely
iv.  best friends.
(e)  They are a great source of food
v.   for our existence.
    (a) + iv  Trees are our best friends.
 (b) + v   They are essential for our existence.
 (c) + i    We cannot think of our existence without trees.
 (d) + iii  Trees are closely  related to our life.
 (e) + ii   They are a great source of food vitamins and furniture.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  Drugs bear a terrible effect
i.    not very easy .
(b)  They kill them
ii.   drowsy.
(c)  Drug-addicted people feel
iii.  slowly but surely.
(d)  The remedy for drug addiction is
iv.  a punishable offence .
(e)  Drug business is
v.    on human body.
    (a) + v    Drugs bear a terrible effect on human body.
 (b) + iii  They kill them slowly but surely.
 (c) + ii   Drug-addicted people feel drowsy.
 (d) + i    The remedy for drug addiction is not very easy .
 (e) + iv  Drug business is a punishable offence .

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  Students have  
i.    also render service to the country.
(b)  first of  all, he
ii.   some duties to perform.
(c)  Students can
iii.  education to poor helpless people.
(d)  Most of the people
iv.  of our country are illiterate.
(e)  Students can provide
v.    has to study hard.
    (a) + ii  Students have some duties to perform.
 (b) + v  first of  all, he has to study hard.
 (c) + i   Students can also render service to the country.
 (d) + iv Most of the people of our country are illiterate.
 (e) + iii Students can provide education to poor helpless people.

Column -A
Column -B
(a) We are indebted to our parents for our life on earth
i.    for food, clothes and education
(b)  We were totally helpless when we were children
ii.   make us happy
(c)  They spend money for food, clothes and education
iii.  our parents for our life on earth
(d)  They are doing their best for us
iv.  their best for us
(e)  They try to make us happy
v.   when we were children
    (a) + iii We are indebted to our parents for our life on earth.
 (b) + v  We were totally helpless when we were children.
 (c) + i   They spend money for food, clothes and education.
 (d) + iv They are doing their best for us.
 (e) + ii  They try to make us happy .

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  Early rising
i.    gets enough time to perform his takes.
(b)  It makes
ii.   get up early from bed
(c)  It helps
iii.  is a good habit
(d)  An early riser
iv.  our health free from diseases
(e)  We should
v.   the person who are not able to finish his works in time
(a) + v  Early rising is a good habit.
(b) + ii  It makes our health free from diseases.
(c) + iv It helps the person who are not able to finish his works in time.
(d) + i   An early riser gets enough time to perform his takes.
(e) + ii  We should get up early from bed .

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  Drug addiction is now
i.    slowly but surely.
(b)  Frustration is the cause
ii.   to go on unchecked.
(c)  Drugs bear a terrible effect
iii.  of this addiction.
(d)  They kill them
iv.  on human body and mind.
(e)  This curse should  not be allowed
v.   a global problem.
(a) + v  Drug addiction is now a global problem.
(b) + iii Frustration is the cause of this addiction.
(c) + iv  Drugs bear a terrible effect on human body and mind.
(d) + i   They kill them slowly but surely.
(e) + ii  This curse should  not be allowed to go on unchecked.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  physical exercise means body.
i.     of all exercises
(b)  There lies a close connection
ii.   regular physical exercise.
(c)  One should take
iii.  between body and mind.
(d)  Physical exercise is essential
iv.  the regular movement of the limb of our
(e)  Walking is the best
v.    for our physical and mental health
(a) + iv  physical exercise means the regular movement of the limb of our body.
(b) + iii There lies a close connection between body and mind.
(c) + ii  One should take regular physical exercise.
(d) + v  Physical exercise is essential for our physical and mental health.
(e) + i   Walking is the best of all exercises.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  Plant and trees are
i.    shelter, foods, fruits, medicine etc.
(b)  The boons and benefits
ii.   to maintain ecological balance
(c)  They provide
iii.  more and more trees.
(d)  They are essential
iv.  intimately connected with our lives
(e)  We should plant
v.    derived from trees are too many to count
(a) + iv  Plant and trees are intimately connected with our lives
(b) + v  The boons and benefits derived from trees are too many to count
(c) + i   They provide shelter, foods, fruits, medicine etc.
(d) + ii  They are essential to maintain ecological balance
(e) + iii We should plant more and more trees.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  To every man death
i.    lives a few years more or less than another.
(b)  But it matters little if a man
ii.   by our deeds and actions.
(c)  Our life is not
iii.  must come sooner or later.
(d)  It is only measured
iv.  die unhonoured  and not remembered.
(e)  The people who live only for their interest
v.    measured by months or years.
(a) + iii To every man death must come sooner or later.
(b) + i   But it matters little if a man lives a few years more or less than another.
(c) + v  Our life is not measured by months or years.
(d) + ii  It is only measured by our deeds and actions.
(e) + iv The people who live only for their interest die unhonoured and not remembered.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  The secret of success lies
i.    every moment is valuable.
(b)  Many of us often forget that
ii.   when we will die.
(c)  iv Life is short
iii.  we have to do a lot of works.
(d)  We don’t know
iv.  but art is long.
(e)  In this short but period
v.    in the proper use of time.
(a) + v  The secret of success lies in the proper use of time.
(b) + i   Many of us often forget that every moment is valuable.
(c) + iv Life is short but art is long.
(d) + ii  We don’t know when we will die.
     (e) + iii In this short but period we have to do a lot of works.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  Punctuality means coming
i.    to form the habit of punctuality.
(b)  It is really a
ii.   or doing something at the
(c)  It enables a man to
iii.  great virtue.
(d)  It also teachers us how to
iv.  make the proper use of time.
(e)  So, we all are required
v. be responsible and dutiful to prosper in life.
     (a) + ii  Punctuality means coming or doing something at the
(b) + iii It is really a great virtue.
(c) + iv  It enables a man to make the proper use of time.
(d) + v  It also teachers us how to be responsible and dutiful to prosper in life.
    (e) + i    So, we all are required to form the habit of punctuality.

Column -A
Column -B
(a)  Man cannot
i.    prosperity for their self-interest.
(b)  He wants persons
ii.   live alone.
(c)  But everybody with whom we mix and converse  
iii.  with whom he mix and converse is not a friend.
(d)  I  Some gather rounds us only in our
iv.  they desert us altogether.
(e)  But when we are in trouble
v.    is not a friend in the true sense of the term freely.
(a) + Man cannot live alone.
(b) + He wants persons with whom he mix and converse is not a friend
(c) +  But everybody with whom he mix and converse  is not a friend in the true sense of the term freely.
(d) + Some gather rounds us only in our prosperity for their self-interest.
(e) + But when we are in trouble they desert us altogether.