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Fill in the blanks with appropriate word for JSC

Fill in the blanks with appropriate word for JSC
Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
1. The prize giving ceremony of our school was (a) ___on 2 December 2012. it was held in the school auditorium. We decorated (b) ____school building very nicely. The function began at 10 a.m. it began with the (c) ___ from the holy Quran and the bible. Then the head teacher called the names of the recipients. The head teacher also read (d)___the annual report. Then the prize were distributed (e) —- the winners.

Answer: (a) held   (b) the   (c) recitation   (d) out   (e) among.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Independence is (a) ____birth right of a man. But no nation can achieve it without struggle. We achieved independence in 1971 through a (b) _____war. People of all walks of life joined the war. They fought (c) _____against the enemies. They did not run (d) _____showing their back. Many freedom fighters become martyrs in the war. Today we remember them with (e) ____respect.

Answer: (a) the    (b) bloody    (c) fiercely   (d) away   (e) profound.

3.              Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
21st February is declared as an (a) _______mother language day. This day is also (b) ____ Shaheed day. On this day people go to shaheed minar to show (c)______ to the martyrs. They carry flower wreaths to offer them. (d) _____national flag is kept half flying. The popular song “Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano Ekushe February” is (e) _____in chorus.

Answer: (a) international (b) called   (c) respect   (d) the   (e) sung

4.              Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Man is curious by nature. He wants to know (a) _____things about the world. Newspaper is (b) _____best media to satisfy this curiosity. It is useful to all sections of (c)_____. In modern life it has really become a (d) ____of our life. people can express their opinions through it.  For many reasons a newspaper is called the (e) ___of knowledge.

Answer: (a) various   (b) the   (c) people   (d) part and parcel   (e) storehouse

5.              Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Haji Mohsin was famous for his (a) ____. He helped the poor people (b) ____food and clothes. One night a thief (c) ___into his bedroom.  Haji Mohsin woke up and caught hold of the thief. The thief said, “sir, I am very poor and I have no (d) ___ in my house.” Mohsin felt pity with the poor man. He took him to another room and (e)—box.

Answer: (a) kindness   (b) giving   (c) entered      (d) food    (e) opened

6.              Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is a small country.  But this country of ours is rich in (a) ___ resources.  Our progress (b) ____ on the proper use of these resources. It will not do if we while away our time in (c) _____.  The responsibility of building the country (d) _____ rests with us.  For this we have to work hard. We should bear in mind that industry is (e) _____ key to success.
Answer: (a) natural     (b) depends     (c) idleness   (d) properly    (e) the

7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Industry is at the (a) _____ of all success.  It is not possible to do any noble deed without (b) _____ our Bangladesh is a poor country, but we take pride in calling her (c)____ Bengal. It requires hard labors to build golden Bengal in the true sense of (d) _____term.  The people of the developed countries are very industrious.  Many of us, on the other hand, are lazy and (e) _____to work.

Answer: (a) root   (b) industry   (c) golden   (d) the   (e) reluctant.

8.              Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Kazi Nazrul Islam is called the rebel poet.  He was (a) _____on 24th may, 1899, at churulia in the district of burdens.  He came of a poor (b) _____. Hos parents were Kazi Fakir Ahmed and jobeda khatun. Nazrul is one of the (c) _____ Bengali poets.  His poem “bidrohi” made him (d) _____overnight when he was only 21 year old.  Nazrul’s gazzles (islam songs) are very popular in the (e) _____community.

Answer: (a) born    (b) family   (c) greatest    (d) famous   (e) Muslim 

9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
UNICEF is an (a) ____ organization. It mainly works for the children.  UNICEF was (b)____ in December 1946.  it’s (c)_____ is in new York, USA.  Currently it works in 190 countries and territories of the world.   Extremely (d) ____ children of the world are its main target. UNICEF is the world’s largest organization taking care of children’s  (e)____ and protection.
 Answer: (a) international   (b) established    (c) headquarters     (d) poor    (e) right

10. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The invention of paper was an important event in history. There stared a (a) ____ change in the area of writing. Before the invention of paper people wrote on the surface of stone, metal (b) _____leaves etc. but as soon as paper was invented writing become easier.  Books began to be (c) _____ more easily.   Today a huge quantity of paper is being (d)______ and (e)_____ in the publishing world. 
Answer: (a) revolutionary      (b) wood     (c) published     (d) produced      (e) used

11.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Good food means the (a) ____kind of food.  It contains such natural (b) ____ that our body needs to stay healthy.  But it is also important that one should not eat too much (c) _____the food is good. (d) ____too much is bad for health.  We have to eat only a (e) _____amount of food that our body needs.
 Answer: (a) right    (b) substances   (c) though    (d) eating    (e) certain

12.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Cleanliness is the (a) ______to good health.  If we are not clean, disease will attack us.  In order to keep clean we have to take (b) _____everyday.  We have to (c) _____on clean clothes. We have to (d) _____our hands before meals and after (e) ____the toilet.

Answer: (a) precondition    (b) bath     (c) put    (d) wash    (e) using

13.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Students should be conscious about keeping their classroom clean.  They (a) ______not always depend on others for this.  They do the cleaning by themselves.  They can (b) _____some rules.  Some of them can be: Do not spit in the class; do not drop (c) ______in the class; use the (d) _____for trash; keep the desks and chairs in (e)_______.

Answer: (a) should   (b) maintain   (c) wastes/litters   (d) dustbin/bin    (e) order

14. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
What is truthfulness?  It (a) ____ a great virtue.  It (b) _____ a indispensable part of human character.  The great men of the world were truthful.  The great prophet Hazard Mohammad (sm) (c) ____a model of truthfulness.  Once a man who was (d) _____to steal came to him for (e) ____so that he could give up stealing.

Answer: (a) is   (b) is    (c) was    (d) used   (e) advice

15. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Physical exercise is (a) ______for all.  It keeps us (b) ___strong and healthy.  Our life is full of activities and (c) _____.  We can face them if we have physical and mental (d) ______.  It is physical exercise which (e) ____us to gain this fitness.

Answer: (a) essential    (b) physically     (c) struggles     (d) fitness     (e) helps.

16.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
It is well-known that education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can make (a) ___without education. Education (b) ____our ignorance and gives us (c) ___of knowledge. While imparting education there should be no (d) _____between men and women.  Education is one of the (e) ____human rights

Answer: (a) progress      (b) removes    (c) light    (d) discrimination      (e) basic/fundamental

17.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
English is an international (a) ____. It is spoken all over the (b) ____. So the importance of English cannot be (c) ___anyhow.  All the books of higher education are written in (d) ___.  Today organizations recruit employees who can speak and write English (e) ——–.

Answer: a) language     b) world      c) denied      d) English     e) well

18.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Patriotism is a (a) ____virtue.  It is a (b) _____quality in human nature.  It (c) _____a man to shed every drop of blood to (d) ______the liberty and dignity of the country.  But patriotism should not be merely a (e) _____slogan in the public meeting to fake the people.  It should be cherished in the core of heart and materialized in our deeds.

Answer: a) noble     b) great      c) inspires       d) defends      e) political

19.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Our environment is comprised of various (a) _____.  Oxygen is one of the most. (b)_____ elements of our environment.  We cannot do a single movement (c) _____oxygen.  It is wholly, solely and instantly related to our life.  it strengthens our immune system and helps us to breath properly.  We feel (d) _____condition in absence of oxygen.  But it is a matter of sorrow that the (e) _____of oxygen is getting shorter for environment pollution.

Answer: (a) astonishing      (b) important       (c) without      (d) fixed       (e) lack

20.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Health is (a) _____for all. Without sound health none can live properly in the world.  Malnutrition is reverse to (b) ______health.  Malnutrition refers to (c) _____of nations.  Those who suffer from malnutrition can not do any work properly.  Malnutrition can be prevented by taking (d) _____diet.  A balanced diet is essential for all.  Those, who don’t take a balanced diet suffer (e) _____malnutrition.

Answer: (a) essential     (b) sound      (c) deficiency       (d) balanced       (e) from

21.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Cleanliness is (a) ____ to godliness. Without (b) _____ clean, none can lead a (c) ______life.  it is (d)_____to spend time with young children practicing and teaching them good hygiene.  They should be taught how to (e)____ hygiene.

Answer: (a) next      (b) being       (c) happy       (d) good      (e) maintain

22.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
It is food (a) ______is very important for our body.  We can’t live without (b) ____.  Ms.  Rehana says that we must always have good food.  Good food means the right kind of food (c) _____for health.  Good food contains all natural substances that our body (d) _____.  We must eat (e) ____amount of food, not more than that.
Answer:  (a) which       (b) food      (c) for       (d) needed     (e) certain

23.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is one of the most (a) _____ populate countries in south Asia.  Her (b) ______area is smaller in comparison to (c) _____countries but she has really a large (d) ______.  She lost three million people in (e) _____war of liberation in 1971.

Answer: (a) over/densely      (b) total      (c) many     (d) population     (e) the

24.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Cricket is an international game.  So, everything is measured here (a) _____.  It is played between two teams, each (b) _____of eleven players.  A soft, dry and grassed ground is necessary for the game.  Other requisites of the game are two wooden bats, a ball and two sets of (c) ____.  The wickets are pitched at a distance of 22 (d) _____.  This play is widely enjoyed in the present (e) ____.

Answer: (a) internationally       (b) consisting    (c) stumps     (d) yards     (e) world

25.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
You have heard the (a) __of Begum Rokeya.  She was born in the (b) __ pairabondh.  She had attraction for education (c) __childhood. She was a (d) ___in the education of  Muslim women. We remember her with (e)—.

Answer: (a) name      (b) village    (c) from     (d) pioneer    (e) respect

26.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Newspaper is the storehouse of (a) ——-.It reflects the customs and (b) ——of other countries. In fact, (c) ——- is the gist of current (d) ——. Truly speaking, it has become (e) ——-to our modern life.

Ans (a) knowledge ;(b)culture; (c) It; (d) affairs(e)happy.

27.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can (a) ——without education. Education (b) ——-our ignorance and gives us the (c) ——-of knowledge. In respect of imparting education there should be no (d) ——- between man and woman. Education is one of the (d) ——- human rights.

Ans;(a) Prosper;(b)Removes;(c) Light ; (d) disparity;(e)basic.
 28. Man is the maker of (a) _____ own fortune. If we are (b) _____ of work, we cannot prosper (c) _____ life. But some people think (d) ____ success in life depends on (e) ___ or chance.
Answer: (a) his (b) path (c) peace (d) that (e) luck
 29.Independent Bangladesh is our (a) ____. It is the duty of (b) _____ of us to build up       (c) ___ country. The students’ role is (d) _____. They have to bear in (e) ___ that they are        responsible citizens of this country. Their duty is to keep away the country from       corruption and work for the country.
Answer: (a) mother land (b) all (c) our (d) important (e) mind

30.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Ants are very industrious. They (a) ——-together in search of food all day (b) ——.Though they are small insects, they are well (c) ——— in there way of life. They save food to face (d) ——– in future. They are patient and watchful. We have a lot to (e)—– from their lives.

Answer: (a) friendly (b) different (c) close (d) exchange (e) sense.

32.       Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Sea-water is (a) ——-. Water has no (b) ——- of its(c) ——-. As vast expanse of sea water is visible at a time, it looks blue. This blue water looks very (d) ——–. But this water is not (e) ——–.

Answer: (a) saline (b) colour (c) own (d) beautiful (e) blue
32.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Air is an important element (a) ——-our life. But air can (b) ——— polluted in many ways. The (c) ——— cause of air pollution is (d) ———–. By inhaling polluted air, we (e) ——–sick. We should take steps to prevent air pollution so that we can be healthier and happier.

Answer: (a) proper (b) scientific (c) mankind (d) having (e) become.

33.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
English is an (a) ­‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ language. it is our (b) ______ language. We (c)________ english for international communication. Without (d) _________ english well we cannot shine nationally. Proper (e) _______ should be taken for learning English in our country.
  Answer: (a) international (b) second (c) speak (d) learning (e) step.
34.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The annual sport of our school was (a) ___ on last Monday. Our local MP was (b) ____ guest. All the students and teachers were (c) ___ at the sports ground. We (d) ____ our school on the (e) ____. We all enjoy the day.
Answer: (a) held (b) chief (c) present (d)decorated (e) occasion
Answer: (a) but (b) natural (c) country (d) of (e)duty
35. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The 21st February become the (a) ___ of our national (b) ___ since then. The Shaheed Day is (c) ___ with great respect and (d) _____. Innumerable barefoot processions are brought out early in the morning in different (e) ____ of the country.
           Answer: (a) source (b)spirit (c) observed (d) solemnity (e) regions     

36.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
   Cricket is a (a) ____ game. This game is played (b) ____ to teams. A team (c) ___of eleven players. Bangladesh has much (d) ___ in cricket. It also has earned the (e) ___ status.
Answer: (a) popular  (b) between  (c) consists  (d) improved  (e) international    
37.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A patriot is a (a) ____ who loves his (b) ___. The patriotic people love (c) _____motherland very (d) ____and this love is higher than the love of their (e) ____.
Answer: (a) person (b) country (c) their (d) dearly (e) life.  
38.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Time is highly valuable. Time waits for (a) ___ every one of us should (b) ___proper use of time. The success of the man who makes proper use of time is (c) ____. Those who (d) ___ time can not succeed in life. all great man of the world have made proper use of time. We should (e) ___ them. 
Answer: (a) none  (b) make  (c)certain  (d) misuse  (e) follow

39.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Human life is very (a) _______. So this every moment (b) _________ life should be utilized  (c)__________ . it will not be (d) ________ to waste a moment. (e) ______ time is what life is and it waits for none.
 Answer: (a) short (b) of (c) fully (d) wise  (e) therefore

40.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is one of the most (a) ——- populated countries in south Asia .Her (b) ——area is smaller in comparison to (c)——- countries but she has really a large (d)———- . She lost three million people in the war of (e) —— in 1971.
Answer: (a) densely (b) land (c) other (d) population (e) liberation
41.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Trees are our best (a) —— .They are a great (b) —— of food any vitamins, shelter and oxygen. They make the (c) ——- fertile. Trees keep the (d) —– strong .Trees save us from (e) ——- and many other natural calamities.

Answer: (a) friend (b) source (c) soil (d) land  (e) erosion

42.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Time is very (a) —— .Time does not wait for any body. Nobody (d) —– stop it. It moves (c) —— and forward. It is not wise to neglect time .Those who make the best use of time are sure to succeed .All the great (d) —— of the world have made the best use of (e) —— . We should follow them.
Answer: (a) valuable (b) can  (c) forward  (d) men  (e) time

43.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is our (a) ——. It is a very (b) —– country .The people of this country are (c) —– loving .We want to (d) —- in peace with all other (e) —– .
    Answer: (a) motherland (b) small (c) peace  (d) live  (e) communities

44.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A hobby is once favorite (a) ———– but not one’s main business .A man follows it because it gives him (b) —————.There are many fashionable hobbies .They are stamp  collecting , coin collecting, gardening (c) ————— birds and so on. Of them my favorite hobby is (d) ———. It have a garden in front of my (e) —————– room .

Answer: (a) pastime (b) pleasure  (c) watching  (d) gardening  (e) reading

45.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Football is the most popular (a) ——-in the world .Like cricket (b) —– isn’t costly .It is full (c) —— thrill for both the players (d) —— the spectators .It improves our (e) ———— and mind .

Answer: (a) game (b) football (c) of  (d) and  (e) physique

46.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Eid- ul-Fitre is the (a) — religious festival for the Muslims. It comes (b) —— the end of the holy month Ramadan. It is a day of great (c) —–. (d)—— prayer in Edgah is the main activity of the day .It teaches is how to (e) —– a decent life.

Answer: (a) biggest (b) after  (c) joy  (d) saying  (e) lead

47.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Illiteracy is a curse .It is the root cause of (a) ——- which hampers all development efforts of the government and the community .No development effort can be successful (b) —- illiteracy is remove. No individual, community or organization not even the government is (c) —- of solving this huge problem single-handed. It is the solving (d) ————- of all the literate people of remove illiteracy from society .We should be conscious (e) ————- this responsibility.

Answer: (a) ignorance (b) until (c) capable (d) responsibility (e) about

48.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Trees are our best (a) —– .They (b) —– us with food .Vitamin .shelter and oxygen. They enhance the (c) —– of the land. Trees keep the soil strong, and save the land from flood and many other natural calamities .So, we should plant trees as (e)—- as possible.

Answer: (a) friends (b) provide (c) fertility (d) erosion (e) many

49.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Independence is the (a) ——– of a man .But no nation can (b) ——- it without struggle. Our war of independence (c) ——– in 1971.People of all walks of (d)_____ joined the war with a smiling face to e)____ the country.

Answer: (a) right (b) achieve (c) occurred (d) bravely  (e) free

50.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Good manner is an integral part (a) __education. The necessity of good manners (b)_____ be ignored. Rather, priority should   be (c) __ to them to win love and (d) __ of others. Good manner is a (e) ____.

Answer: (a) of (b) should not (c) given (d) affection (e) quality

51.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Patriotism is (a) ____ love ones own country.  It is a (b) ____ sentiment and is wholly unselfish and noble. A patriot can (c) ____ his life for the sake of his own country. His idealism gives him (d) __ and strength. A true patriot loves to dedicate his life for the (e)_____ of his country.
     Answer: (a) to (b) passionate (c) sacrifice (d) vigour (e) sake

52.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Walking is a good (a) __. It develops our body and refresh our (b) ___. One can take fresh air and enjoy the (c) ______ of nature if one walks in the (d)___ morning. So walking should be formed as a (e) ____ by people of all ages.

Answer: (a) exercise (b) mind (c) beauty (d) early (e) habit

53.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is one of the most (a) ____ populated countries in south Asia. Her b) _____area is smaller in comparison to (c) ___ countries but she has really a large d)_____. She lost three million people in (e) __ war of liberation in 1971.  

Answer: (a) densely (b) total (c) other  (d) population  (e) the

54.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Examination is very important in student life. It justifies a student’s (a) ——. No student can be (b) ——–to next class without examination. So, every student (c) —–hard to pass the examination. There are many ways to do (d) ——in the examination and meritorious students follow these ways. Subject (e) ——-is not all things to approach the examination.

Answer: (a) quality (b) promoted (c) tries  (d) good  (e) knowledge

55.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Hazrat Omar (R), the second caliph of (a) ——-was (b) ——in 583. His father’s (c) ———was Khattab Hantama. He was a great (d)——.In his early (e)——-he was dead against Islam.

Ans: (a) Islam (b) born (c) name (d) man (e) life

56.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
An early riser can enjoy the fresh air and oxygen of the morning (a) ——– refresh both his body and mind. Moreover, he can (b)——–his work early and as such he (c)——– enough time to perform his work (d)———.On the other hand, too much sleep (e)——- a man dull and lazy.

Ans: (a) which (b) start (c) has (d) properly (e) makes

57.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is the most densely (a)——country in the (b)——-.Every year more than two million people are being added to our (c)——-.The problem is now out of (d)——–.But this can be checked if the government and the people are firmly determined to control birth and grow (e)——– at the same time.

Answer: (a) populated (b) world (c) country (d) control  (e) crops

58.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
We know that our land is limited. So, most (a) ———–our farmers try hard all the year round to (b) ——-more food for themselves but not their cattle. Their animals can eat (c)——– nature grows. During the monsoon (d) ——–grows a lot of green plants and they eat too (e) ——-.

Answer: (a) of (b) grow (c) that (d) nature (e) much

59.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Tea is a popular (a) ———-.Almost everybody likes to (b) ——–tea .When we are (c) ——–we (d) ——-tea. By (e) ——-tea, we can remove our tired.
 Answer: (a) drink (b) drink (c) tired (d) drink (e) drinking

60.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Time and tide (a)——–for none. None can call it (b)——-. A mane can get back his(c)——–money and health but cannot get back  his lost .time ( d)——- lost is lost forever .So, we should make the (e)——-use of our time .

Answer: (a) wait (b) back (c) lost (d) once (e) proper

61.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Good food plays a vital role for our (a) ——-.But unhealthy (b) —–is detrimental. So we have to choose the (c) ——–food. At the same time we have to eat the (d) ———amount of food. Eating too (e) ——–is not good for health.

Answer: (a) health (b) food (c) good (d) right  (e) much

62.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Mount Everest has (a) ——–fascinated climbers. It is in (b) ——–Himalayan mountain. It is the(c) ———- mountain in the world. It was (d) _____ after an English man, George Everest. He was the first (e) ______ survey the Himalayas in 1881.

Answer: (a) always (b) the (c) highest (d) named (e) to

63.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Bangladesh is an agricultural country. But her agriculture (a) ___ on the mercy of nature which is water. Rain is the (b) ___ of this water. The monsoon (c) ___ heavy rainfall. But if it does not rain in time, the farmer cans not (d) ____ the land. Again in the rainy season, it rains heavily. Heavy rainfall causes flood. During flood people (e) ______ much.

Answer:(a) depends  (b) source  (c) causes  (d) plough  (e) suffer

64.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Good manners cost us nothing. Our education (a) ____ incomplete if we don’t learn good manners. We should show respect to the (b) ____. It is necessary for a (c) ______ society. We should have (d) ___ sense of fitness in our conduct. So, none should avoid the (e) ___ practice of good manners.

Answer: (a) remains (b) elders (c) disciplined (d) good (e) regular

65.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Book’s are men’s best friends. You may (a) ___ many a good friends but you may (b) ___ find them where you are in need. (c) ___ may not always come to you with (d) _____. One or two may prove false and (e) ____ you much harm.
    Answer: (a) have (b) not  (c) they  (d) sympathy  (e) do

66.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Education enlightens (a) ___. It is compared to light which removes the darkness of (b) _____. It also helps us distinguish (c) _____ right and wrong. But Bangladesh is to go a long way to educate all of its (d) ________. All the educated people should come (e) ___ to removing the darkness of illiteracy from the country.                                                             
      Answer: (a) mind (b) ignorance (c) between (d) people (e) forward

67.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Time and tide wait for none. None can call (a) _____ back. A man can get back his lost money (b) ___ health but cannot get back his lost time. Time (c) ____ lost is lost forever. So, we should make the (d) ____ use of our time. We must do our work (e) ___ time .

Answer: (a) it (b) and (c) once (d) proper (e) in

68.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A mother exercises an indelible (a) ____ in the formation of children’s characters and in shaping their (b) ____ destiny. Lives of many great men to the world show that their greatness was (c) ____ to their mother’s information. The things that they (d) _____ at home take a (e) _____ root in them.

Answer: (a) role (b) own  (c) due  (d) do  (e) lasting

69.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A winter morning is usually misty, cool, dull, calm and (a) ____. Things are (b) ______ seen from distant places. The sky gets (c) _____ for which (d) _____ things look hazy and (e) _____. 
     Answer: (a) quiet (b) not (c) misty (d) all (e) vague


70. The river is of great (a) ___ to us. We bathe in the (b) ___ of the river and drink water (c) ___ it. We use the water of the river in various ways for agricultural (d) ___ by digging (e) ___. 
Answer: (a) use    (b) water   (c) from    (d) purpose    (e) canals

71.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
He loved his own (a) ___ very much. He was (b) ___ in his village home and had his (c) ___ education there in his (d) ___. The trees, the flowers, the leaves of trees and every (e) ___ of his village were beautiful in his eyes. 

Answer: (a) village    (b) born   (c) primary    (d) boyhood     (e) thing

72.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Man cannot live (a) ___. So he wants (b) ___. He can not do without the (c) ___ of others even for a (d) ___. For this reason, man has been living (e) ___ from time immemorial.

Answer: (a) alone   (b) company    (c) help     (d) day     (e) together

73.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A winter morning is misty and (a) ___. There is dense (b) ___ everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun (c) ___ cannot get through it. Even things at a little (d) ___ can hardly be (e) ___.

Answer: (a) cold   (b) fog     (c) rays    (d) distance    (e) seen

74.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Early rising is the habit of getting up from (a) ___ in the morning. It is a very good (b) ___. It is essential and good for (c) ___. This habit is of special (d) ___ to a man in various (e) ___.

Answer: (a) bed    (b) habit    (c) health    (d) use     (e) ways

 75.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
The man who (a) ___ rickshaw for money is a rickshaw puller. A rickshaw puller is quite (b) ___ in cities and towns. He (c) ___ in a slum. His (d) ___ is very shabby. His income in very (e) ___.

Answer: (a) pulls     (b) familiar      (c) lives     (d) dress    (e) poor

76.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A fisherman is a person who earns his (a) ___ by catching and selling (b) ___. Generally a fisherman (c) ___ by the rivers, big canals, marshy lands and seas for his professional advantages. A fisherman lives with his family. He works (d) ___ all day and all night. He is always (e) ___ in making his fishing nets, repairing them taking care of his fishing boat, dying and painting them.

Answer: (a) livelihood    (b) fishes   (c) lives    (d) hard    (e) busy

77.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Mina is a (a) ___. She is a (b) ___ student. She reads in the Dhaka (c) ___. Every day she goes to (d) ___ University. She is an (e) ___ girl.

Answer:   (a) student     (b) honours   (c) university    (d) the     (e) active   

78.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Dhaka (a) ___ on the Buriganga. It is an old (b) ___. The city is (c) ___. People of different (d) ___ live in the city. Their occupation is not the (e) ___.

Answer : (a) stands     (b) city     (c) over populated    (d) kinds    (e) same

79.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Trees are our best (a) ___. They are a great (b) ___ of food and vitamins, shelter and oxygen. They make the (c) ___ fertile. Trees keep the (d) ___ strong. Trees save us from (e) ___ and many other natural calamities.

Answer : (a) friends     (b) source    (c) land     (d) soil      (e) flood

80.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
My house is in the (a) ___ of Nurganj. There are many (b) ___ in our village. The village is very (c) ___ and quite. A pond is (d) ___ to my house. At the (e) ___ of my house we have the kitchen. 

Answer : (a) village    (b) trees    (c) calm    (d) close    (e) side
 81.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
We (a) ___ in Bangladesh. We (b) ___ Bangla. The area of our country (c) ___ very small but her population is more. Most of the people of the country (d) ___ Muslims. There (e) ___ also Hindus. Buddhists and Christians. 

Answer :(a) live    (b) speak   (c) is      (d) are    (e) are

82.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
        Bangladesh is our (a) ___. It is a very (b) ____ country. The people of this country are 
       (c) ___ loving. We want to (d) ___ in peace with all other (e) ___. 
       Answer : (a) mother land    (b) ancient (c) peace    (d) live    (e) nations

83.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Most of (a) ___ farmers of our (b) ___ are very poor. They do not (c) ___ how to read and (d) ___. they have no (e) ___ of their own. 

Answer : (a) the   (b) country     (c) know     (d) write    (e) lands

84.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Independence is the (a) ___ of a man. But no nation can (b) ___ it without struggle. Our war of Independence (c) ___ in 1971. People of all walks of (d) ___ joined the war with a smiling face to (e) ___ the country.

Answer: (a) right (b) achieve    (c) took place  (d) life    (e) free