Gap filling with & without clues
Gap Filling
Kivi ‡ÿ‡Î Grammar Gi wbqg Kvbyb Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e| Sentence ¸‡jvi evievi c‡o A‡_©i mv‡_ wgj †i‡L GKwU kã emv‡Z n‡e| ZvQvov kãwU
emv‡bvi mgq Parts of speech jÿ¨ ivL‡Z n‡e| m‡ev©cwi Tense , Subject
verb agreement , voice m¤ú‡K© fvj aviYv _vK‡Z n‡e|
wb‡Pi Tips Gi g‡a¨ wKQz Grammatical
Terms Av‡Q| G¸‡jv Abykxjb Ki‡j Gap
filling with Ges without clues c~iY Kiv 80% m¤¢e|
Doer/Agent: Verb Gi KvR †h Noun ev Pronoun mv¤ú`b K‡i
Zv‡K doer ev
agent e‡j|
Active : ev‡K¨i
Subject hw` Doer nq ZLb Verb
wU Active Voice G n‡e|
Passive : ev†K¨i
subject hw` edoer
bv nq ZLb verb wU passive voice – G n‡e|
Modal : ‡h Helping
verb g~j
verb Gi mood cªKvk K‡i Zv‡K Modal
Auxiliaries e‡j| h_v : Can,
could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must BZ¨vw`|
Determiner : ‡h kãmg~n ‡Kvb noun Gi msL¨v ev
cwigvY wbw`óZv cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K determiner e‡j| h_v : a, an, the, no, any, some, many, few,
much, his, her, your, their, my, our BZ¨vw`|
Infinitive : To + verb Gi g~j from ‡K infinitive
e‡j| KL‡bv KL‡bv To Dn¨ ZvK‡Z cv‡i |
Gerund : Ing hy³ verb hw` noun
wn‡m‡e KvR
K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Gerund e‡j| g‡b iv‡L‡e verb Gi g~j form Gi mv‡_ ing
‡hvM Kiv nq|
Linking verb : ‡h verb Gi ci subject
‡K eY©bvKvix noun/ adjeective _v‡K Zv‡K Linking verb e‡j|†hgb
: be, look, seem, taste BZ¨vw`|
1. (i)
am/is/are/was/were Gici hw` gap Zv‡K Ges subject wU
hw` Doer nq Z‡e ing
hy³ GKwU verb em‡e: We are ( destroy )—forests. Ans :
am/ is/was/were Gici hw` Gap _v‡K Ges subject wU hw`
Doer bv nq Z‡e
GKwU verb Past Participle verb em‡e :
: Injured students were ( keep )----untreated. Ans: kept.
To ev Modal Auxiliary &Gici
hw` Gap _v‡K Ges subject wU hw` Doer nq Z‡e GKwU Base From Gi verb em‡e : We
should ( raise )---- consciousness.Ans: raise
ii ) To ev Modal Auxiliary Gici hw` Gap _v‡K Ges subject wU hw` Doer bv
nq Z‡e be + verb –Gi past
participle From em‡e : Foreste
should not ( desttroy ) . Ans : be destroyed.
( i ) g~j verb _vKvi ciI
noun/Pronoum Gi mv‡_ †Kvb Gap
_vK‡j Ges H Noun/Pronoum wU hw` Doer
nq Z‡e ing hy³ GKwU verb emv‡Z cv‡i : Pepole ( live )--- in town face many problems. Ans :
g~j verb _vKvi ciI
noun/Pronoum Gi mv‡_ †Kvb Gap
_vK‡j Ges H Noun/Pronoum wU hw` Doer
bv nq Z‡e GKwU Past Participle verb emv‡Z cv‡i :
(Break)----- families are increasing day
by day. Ans:broken.
(iii)`ywU evK¨vs‡ki g‡a¨ subject wenxb
As‡ki ïiæ‡Z Gap _vK‡j Ges hw`
g~j As‡ki subject H verb
Gi Doer nq Z‡e ing
hy&³ GKwU verb em‡e:
(iv) )`ywU
evK¨vs‡ki g‡a¨ subject wenxb
As‡ki ïiæ‡Z Gap _vK‡j Ges hw`
g~j As‡ki subject H verb
Gi Doer bv
nq Z‡e Past Participale verb
be + adj/noun Gici Gap _vK‡j to+verb-Gi base
form em‡e|
am happy ( receive ) your letter. Ans : to receive
Gici hw` Gap Ges Gici Object _v‡K
Z‡e ing hy³ GKwU verb
em‡e :
Without(learn)—English, we cannot go abroad. Ans : learning
Without(learn)—English, we cannot go abroad. Ans : learning
Preposition object
Preposition/Determiner Gici ev subject ev object
Gi N‡i hw` Gap _v‡K Ges hw` Ab¨†Kvb kã bv _v‡K Z‡e GKwU Noun
is a common source of (amuse)----Ans : amnsement
is increasing day by day. Ans : pollution.
g‡b ivL‡Z H kã hw` verb nq Ges Zv‡K Noun
Kiv bv †M‡j Infinitive ev Gerund Ki‡Z
(Walk) – is a good exercise.
Walking/to Walk.
Get/Remain Gici hw` Gap _v‡K Z‡e Past Participle verb em‡e|
Gap Gi Dfq cv‡k Determiner ev Preposition _vK‡j GKwU verb em‡e|
The (destroy) ---- of forests should be
controlled. Ans:destruction.
Adjective Gici Gap _vK‡e GKwU Noun em‡e:
It causes ecological
(imbalanced)- Ans: imbalance
10. (i) So/Too/Adverb
Gici Gap _vK‡j GKwU Adjective em‡e|
I am too (weakness) –
to walk. Ans. weak
10(ii) than Gi c~‡e© Gap _vK‡e GKwU adjective em‡e:
11. Linking Verb Gici Gap _vK‡j Adjective em‡e|
12. Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Gap _vK‡j
GKwU Adjective.
Many – people
gathered at Shahbag . Ans: young
13.Auxiliary Verb I g~j Verb Gi gv‡S Gap _vK‡e
GKwU Adverb
14. GKwU evK¨vs‡ki Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z Gap _vK‡j
GKwU Adverb
15. Intransitive Verb
Gici †Kvb Gap _vK‡j GKwU Adverb em‡e|
British eating habits
have changed (significant)----Ans: significantly.
16.Transitive Verb
+ Objest Gici†Kvb Gap _vK‡j GKwU Adverb em‡e|
We learn our mother
tongue (natural) ------Ans: naturally
17. `yB evK¨vs‡ki Sentence ïiæ‡Z ev gv‡S Gap _vK‡j GKwU Conjunction em‡e|
-he is poor, he is
honest.Ans: Though
I could not come----I
was ill. Ans: because.
18.‡Kvb Phrase Gi Adjective Gi c~‡e© Gap _vK‡j Adverb em‡e|
I am
(high)------proud of your success. Ans: highly
19.evK¨wU‡Z †Kvb verb bv _vK‡j Gap G _vK‡j GKwU verb em‡e Ges Tense Abymv‡i cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e|
g‡b ivL‡e, subject wU doer n‡j
ïiæ Tense MZ cwieZ©b n‡e| Z‡e subject wU doer bv n‡j ïiæ Tense Abyhvqx AwZwi³ GKwU be verb +
g~j verb Gi Past Participle n‡e|
20. Tense m¤ú‡K© aviYv AR©‡bi Rb¨ e¨vcK Abykxjb Ki‡Z n‡e|
Pre-c~‡e© + Position-Ae¯’vb| myZivs ‡h Word ‡Kvb
Noun ev Pronoun Gi c~‡e© e‡m Sentence
Gi Word Gi
mv‡_ †mB Noun ev Pronoun Gi m¤úK© wb‡`k K‡i, Zv‡K Preposition e‡j| (A Preposition is that sits before a noun
or a pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence.)
Preposition is a word or group of words before a noun or pronoun to show time,
source, position etc.
wb‡Pi Sentence ¸‡jv
jÿ¨ Ki t
The players are in the field. (‡L‡jvqvoiv gv‡V Av‡Q|)
The book is on the table. (eBwU †Uwe‡ji Ici|)
He went to school. (‡m ¯‹y‡j wM‡qwQj|)
The girl is between the boys. (evwjKvwU evjK‡`i gv‡S Av‡Q|)
Ic‡ii 1g ev‡K¨ in kãwU players
I field Gi
g‡a¨, 2q ev‡K¨ on kãwU
book I table Gi g‡a¨,
3q kãwU went I school
Gi g‡a¨ Ges 4_© ev‡K¨ between
kãwU girl I boys Gi g‡a¨ Kx m¤úK© we`¨gvb
Zv cÖKvk myZivs GLv‡b in, on, to,
between k㸇jv Preposition.
Preosition Gi wKPz D`vnviYt At,
in, into, by, of, with, below, under, above, from, beside, behi BZ¨vw` |
evsjv wefw³ I Preposition : evsjv e¨vKi‡Y wKQz wefw³ i‡q‡Q
†h ¸‡jv Kvi‡Ki mv‡_ m¤ú„³| Avi GB wefw³ Bs‡iwR iƒcvšÍi Ki‡j Avgiv Preposition
cvB| ZvB
QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i mn‡R †evSvi Rb¨ wefw³ I Preposition-Gi cvi¯úwiK m¤ú‡K©i GKwU wPÎ wb‡P †`Iqv n‡jv | †m¸‡jv g‡b ivL‡j
Preposition Gi mwVK Ae¯’vb A‡bKUvB g‡b ivLv m¤¢e|
cÖ_gv ev k~Y¨ wefw³
No Preposition (He is a boy)
wØZxqv (‡K,†i, cÖwZ)
to (The house is given to Rahim.)
Z…Zxqv (Øviv, w`qv, KZ~©K)
by, with (He was killed bya boy ) (We write
with pen.)
4_x© (Rb¨, wbwg‡Ë)
for (I worked for him)
5gx (nB‡Z (n‡Z),‡_‡K,‡P‡q)
from, since (His father fell from a tree.)
6ôx (i, Gi )
of (This is the pen of Kamal)
7gx (G, q,†Z, G‡Z)
in, at (He lives in Gazipur.)
(He lives at a small village.)
Preposition mvaviYZ Qq cÖKvi| †hgb-
1. Simple Preposition: Gi g~jZ GK word wewkó preposition. †hgb- in, at, to, for, of, out, from with, by BZ¨vw`|
2. Double Preposition: `ywU simple preposition wb‡q MwVZ Preposition
¸‡jv Double Preposition. into (in+to), upon
(up+on), within (with +in), without (with+out) BZ¨vw`|
3. Compound Preposition: †Kvb noun,
adjective ev adverb Gi c~‡e© simple
preposition hy³ n‡q †h Preposition MVb K‡i, Zv‡K Compound Preposition e‡j| †hgb-
along= on(=a)+long, beside=by(=be)+side.
behind= by (=be)+hind, between= by (=be)+tween BZ¨vw`|
4. Phrase Preposition: †Kvb Phrase hLb GKwU Preposition
Gi gZ KvR K‡i,ZLb Zv‡K, Phrase
Preposition e‡j | †hgb-
There is a
garden in front of our school.
He took Economics instead of Civics.
GLv‡b in front of,
instead of phrase ¸‡jv Prepositional
5. Participle Preposition: †Kvb participle hLb preposition Gi KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Participle
Preposition e‡j| †hgb-
Regarding the matter he knows nothing.
GLv‡b Regarding (= about) nj participle preposition.
6. Disguised Preposition: ‘Disguise’ A_© QÙ†ek| hLb‡Kvb Preposition,
‘disguise’ A_©vr
ÕQÙ‡ekÕ AvKv‡ii ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ nq, ZLb Zv‡K Disguised Preposition e‡j| †hgb-
The king went a (=on) hunting).
It is 5 O (=of) clock in the evening.
Ic‡ii sentence ¸‡jv‡Z ‘on’
Ges Õof
preposition ¸‡jv QÙ‡ek iƒ‡c ‘a’
Ges ‘o’
myZivs GLv‡b ‘a’ Ges ‘o’
disguised preposition.
Preposition Gi e¨envit
KZK¸‡jv cÖavb cÖavb Preposition Gi e¨envi wb‡¤œ †`Iqv
‡QvU ¯’vb eySv‡Z :
He lives at Comilla.
wbw`©ó mgq eySv‡Z : He came here at 10 a.m.
eqm eySv‡Z : He
came to the orphanage at four.
w`K eySv‡Z :
Please look at me.
gvÎv eySv‡Z ; The
car runs at 60 miles per hour.
`vwqZ¡ eySv‡Z : He
did the work at his own risk.
eo ¯’vb eySv‡Z : Rahim lives in Dhaka.
†Kvb wKQzi †fZ‡i Aew¯’Z eySv‡Z : He is in the drawing room .
gvm I eQi eySv‡Z ; He was born in April in 1982.
mxgvbvi g‡a¨ eySv‡Z : Mymensing is in the north of Bangladesh.
fwel¨rKv‡j e¨cK mgq eySv‡Z :
he will come in a month.
Ae¯’v eySv‡Z :
He is in good health.
welq eySv‡Z : In
this case I know nothing.
wKQzi †fZ‡i cÖ‡ek Kiv ev Kiv‡bv A‡_©t He entered
into the room.
wKQz iƒvšÍwiZ nIqv A‡_©t Water is changed
into ice.
wKQzi DcwiZ‡ji ms¯ú‡k© eySv‡Zt The
book is on the table.
eySv‡Z t The cow lives on grass.
w`b ev ZvwiL eySv‡Z t He
came on Monday.
eySv‡Z : He forgave the
boy on my request.
eySv‡Z : He
invited me on his birthday
ciciB eySv‡Z :
On receiving the news he burst into tears.
Kiv eySv‡Z : Switch
on the TV.
‡Kvb ¯’v‡bi w`‡K eySv‡Z : He started for Dhaka.
Rb¨ eySv‡Z :I am waiting for you.
eySv‡Z : he has come here
for living.
mgq eySv‡Z : He has been ill for five days.
Thank you