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Parts of Speech

Horizontal Scroll:     Parts of Speech
GKwU Sentence ev evK¨ †h  mKj word _v‡K GB word ¸‡jvi A_,© e¨envi I Kv‡h©i  w`K †_‡K cÖ‡Z¨KUv word GK GKwU Parts of Speech e‡j|  
                                              Parts of Speech AvU cªKvi
i. Noun (we‡kl¨)
ii. Pronoun (me©bvg)
iii. Adjective (we‡klY)
iv. Verb (wµqv)
v. Adverb (wµqv we‡klY)
vi. Preposition (m¤^ÃœK Ae¨q)
vii. Conjunction (ms‡hvM Ae¨q)
viii. Interjection ( we¯§qm~PK Ae¨q)
ix.Noun we‡kl¨ / bvg evPKt
Noun Gi cÖKvi†f`

         Concrete Noun  (Bw›`ªqMÖvn¨ we‡kl¨)                                                                      Abstract Noun (¸YevPK we‡kl¨)  

Proper noun                              Common Noun                                   Collective Noun                                       Material Noun
(wbw`©Ã³ bvg evPK)                 mvaviY RvwZevPK we‡kl¨                        mgwóevPK we‡kl¨                                e¯‘evPK we‡kl¨

mvavibZt Verb ev Adjective Gi mv‡_ ness, tion, hood, ment, ism, th, ity, ce, cy, ty BZ¨vw` †hvM Kwiqv noun MVb Ki‡Z nq
Dc‡ii cuvP cÖKvi Noun  ‡K Avevi `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq
1. Countable Noun                           2. Uncountable Noun
1. Countable Noun: ‡h Noun ¸‡jv MYbv Kiv hvq ‡hgbt (Proper noun, Common noun, Collective noun)
2. Uncountable Noun: ‡h mKj Noun MYbv Kiv hvq bv|†hgb: (Material Noun, Abstract Noun)

GKwU Sentence Gi †h mKj ¯’v‡b Noun em‡Z cv‡i|

1. Verb Gi Subject wn‡m‡e: Raju is a good boy.
2. Verb Gi object wn‡m‡e: Roni flies a kite
3. Preposition Gi object wn‡m‡e: The boy is fond of milk.
4. ‡Kvb incomplete verb Gi complement wn‡m‡e |†hgbt We made her chairman.
5. Case in apposition wn‡m‡e e‡m|†hgbt Mr. Milton, headmaster of our school, is an honest man.
6. mvavibZ His, Her, Their, my, our, your + noun e‡m|
‡hgbt His kingship is known to us.

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