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Composition : 1. CHILD LABOUR , 2. FEMALE RIGHTS AND SECURITY IN OUR COUNTRY., 3. Student Life and Social Service.,4. The Merits and Demerits of Satellite Channels , 5. Dowry System., 6. Computer Education., 7. Optical Fiber and Internet., 8. Patriotism. 9. My Neighbours.,

Child Labour is one of the major problems in a developing country such as Bangladesh. It is engineers the demolition of future generations. If a child is made to work from an early age, with no scope of going to school, we are gradually narrowing the nation’s potential to a few privileged people of the country. Thus, it is more practical to work at a firm policy to gradually reduce it, and set up safe homes for working children. In this regard, the Bangladesh government has made a policy, commitment to the issue of child rights. This includes a number of steps taken in recent years as ratification of the convention on the rights of child.

The child Labour has been defined as the employment of children under a certain age, set by national or international child Labour laws. ILO convention 138 sets 15 as the minimum age for admission to full time employment and 132 for light part time work, in countries with insufficiently developed economics and educational facilities, these ages are 14 and 12 respectively. For all hazardous works, the lower age limit is 18 years.

Bangladesh has a large number of child Labour, working at several sectors. According to a Labour face survey 299596, 10-19 age group working children totaled 16.9 million, which was nearly 19.9 percent of total Labour force. The regional conference on child Labour held at the beginning of 2001, informed the press that there were a fold of 6.3 million child Labourers in Bangladesh, employed in 300 sectors. Among the sectors, jobs in a total of 47 sectors are most hazardous.

There are several causes of child Labour and they are more complex and context specific. However, more important reasons many be in identified as under, generally, poverty and vulnerability sometimes necessitate children earring in come, low quality education, Social and cultural traditions, children’s own desire.

In Bangladesh, different laws and regulations have been enacted with a view of protect children form work. A memorandum of understanding (Mou) between the governments of Bangladesh and ILO, ipec was signed on October, 11, 1994 and piece activities were started in 1995 till now 97 action programs have been implemented under piece.

Although elimination of child Labour is desirable but it is a difficult task in meal term. For successful elimination, a coordinated, continuer and steady efforts can be justified. However, phase by hase elimination of child Labour may be possible identifying child workers, enhancing educational program, strict actions, legal measures, assistance to families, motivational and publicity campaign, rehabilitating, collection and dissemination of information.

However, the Child labor laws need to be strictly enforced by the Government. The general public need to be made aware of the severe consequences of Child labor. An increase in employment opportunity for adults would help in overcoming the problem of poverty and child labor. Government should ensure that every child gets the opportunity to go to school. The owners of factories and mines should take the pledge of not engaging child in their place of business.

Women are part and parcel of society. They are the nerve of the society. We cannot deny their role in the global society. We cannot imagine a body without a heart. Similarly it is not to think a societal improvement without the participation of the women  with this view in mind our national poet quoted that the creation of the world whatever great and beneficial for human being are shared fifty by man and fifty percent by women. In Bangladesh practical field of present twenty century they can’t live independently. So, to keep our Bangladesh ahead, we need to ensure the rights and security of women.

Women in the informal sector are often paid at lower grades than men for the same work. Women are universally sought after in literature and Bangladeshi women are no exception. The beauty and charms of Bangladeshi women are celebrated in poems, legends and short stories. But the suffering of Bangladeshi women is often ignored. Too many still face deprivation and oppression and the legal and socio-economic system does not do enough to prevent discrimination and violence against women.
Women's rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls worldwide, and formed the basis for the women's rights movement in the nineteenth century and feminist movement during the 20th century. In some countries, these rights are institutionalized or supported by law, local custom, and behavior, whereas in others they are ignored and suppressed. They differ from broader notions of human rights through claims of an inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women and girls, in favor of men and boys.

Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights include, though are not limited to, the right: to bodily integrity and autonomy; to be free from sexual violence; to vote; to hold public office; to enter into legal contracts; to have equal rights in family law; to work; to fair wages or equal pay; to have reproductive rights; to own property; to education.

However, The lack of legal knowledge among many women, especially in developing countries, is a major obstacle in the improvement of women's situation. International bodies, such as the United Nations, have stated that the obligation of states does not only consist in passing relevant laws, but also in informing women about the existence of such laws, in order to enable them to seek justice and realize in practice their rights. Therefore, states must popularize the laws, and explain them clearly to the public, in order to prevent ignorance, or misconceptions originating in popular myths, about the laws.

3. Student Life and Social Service.
The home and the educational institution of a student are the places where he imbibes the spirit of social-service. Now, social service is considered an important part of the school activities. Like others, students have also their duties towards the society. Students are the future citizens of the country and have different roles to play. Though they should devote a greater part of their time in attending to their studies they should spend a portion of their time in the service of the people. It is needless to say that they get much time for merry making, playing, amusements, touring etc. apart from their routine life of study. Students should cultivate the spirit of service from the very formative stage.

Most of the time of a student is wasted in idle gossip, in roaming and in fruitless work. It is better to utilize the power of youth in socially productive work than to squander our precious time in loitering at the market place or before theatre hall. If a student utilizes his time fruitfully and in socially useful work he gets contentment. Contentment is his satisfaction with his position. Students should remember that they are born for the improvement of the society by instilling the spirit of service in them. They can help the mankind in the best possible way. If a student does not have the will or spirit to work, he cannot succeed in life. We elevate our life style by doing well to the society. Social service is a voluntary work and one cannot be compelled to do a work. Social service fulfills two conditions. It helps one to utilize the leisure hours and the society gets benefited by it.

The value of social service should be taught to students to create inspiration in them. They should be enthused to pay their utmost strength and service to the society to make their existence meaningful.  Students should be taught how to serve the people of their country. They may teach reading, writing and arithmetic to the vast majority of illiterate Indians. They may render service to the members of the society in their time of need. They may relieve the suffering of the masses by nursing the sick.

Spreading education is no mean service. They can make the illiterate masses aware of their rights and duties. Once zeal is created amongst the students illiteracy may be wiped out. The Government cannot fulfill the ambitions of the vast mass of people.

Hence the students can guide the people in the right direction whether it is a question of digging canals or constructing educational institutions. Sympathy and fellow feeling should be imparted the students to do some noble works for the people.

People of our country are not aware of how to keep the atmosphere hygienic. People can be taught by students how to lead a life of cleanliness and how to keep their lives free from diseases. Students can co-operate with people on matters of public interest such as education, sanitation, trade and commerce. Students can participate in cleaning drains, ponds during the leisure hours. They can help people during natural calamities such as earth quake, flood, drought, cyclone by collecting funds from different sources.

So, in fine, it can be said in such a way that Students have a spirit to work but the guardians and, teacher should guide them in the right way. Social service can be safely managed if they can be guided properly. Our teachers should guide them in the right way.

4. The Merits and Demerits of Satellite Channels

Satellite channels mean the foreign television channel that we can use by means of satellite and dish antenna. In Bangladesh satellite television was first launched in 1992. Now it is spread in every town and in many of the villages through cable operators. Millions of people have become the viewers of satellite channels. Nowadays some of our national TV channels are also televised globally. Therefore, our satellite television programmes are also received by the viewers in foreign countries. Satellite channels enable us to come in close contact with many different cultures and views. We learn about various ways and styles of life and different attitudes. We can compare our own culture and views with those of the others and thus promote our capacity of adjustment.

Satellite TV carries the feelings and problems of different nations to us and creates a new feeling of togetherness. This promotes human understanding which is essential to global peace. Helping international marketing: Satellite TV advertisements are used in a large scale to promote marketing of every industry in the world. So, people related to trade and commerce become more and more dependent on satellite TV for the spread of their market.

Every culture has its originality based on native culture. But this root is affected by the aggression of satellite channels. The influence of the western culture may badly affect our own literature, songs traditions, culture etc.

Some countries through satellite television, are trying to impose their thoughts, ideas and beliefs on the other people of the world. They influence the public opinions of our country for their own benefit. They want to rule and guide us from far distance by the remote control of satellite channels. Vulgar and nude programmes on the satellite TV attract the young people of our country. They demoralize the young generation, the vital force of a nation.

However, to foster and enrich our national culture, we have to receive only the good aspects of foreign culture and show respect to our tradition. Therefore, to ensure the positive use of the satellite TV channels the government should formulate a policy regarding which channels should be permitted and which channels should not be permitted.

5. Dowry System.
Dowry means the property which a woman brings to her husband at the time of her marriage.  Originally, it must have meant property represented by the voluntary gifts given to the girl by her parents, relatives and friends out of love and affection, at the time of her marriage.  May be these gifts were given to the girl in order  to enable her to set up a new home out of a sense of social responsibility.  The system of dowry must be as old as the institution of marriage itself.  It must also have been a universal practice.  Every father wants to give some presents to his daughter when she is leaving his home for good and starting life afresh.  There is nothing  unusual, bad abnormal about it. But as time passed, the system degenerated into an evil custom.  It came to be looked upon as an evil and a curse.  The dowry became an all- important and a primary factor in marriage.  Many young married girls have become victims of it. Some newly married daughters are maltreated and tortured by their husbands for the cause of dowry. Dowry system originated in the society through feeling of inferiority for womanhood. It is really a shame that we are approaching a grim chapter of modern civilization.

Dowry system has virtually turned women into Inferior beings and commodities. Newly married young women are subjugated and humiliated by their husbands for the non-payment or deferred payment of dowry. In fact it becomes a cancerous spot in the body of the society and social organizations are breaking down due to this animality.

Like other underdeveloped, feudal and backward societies the women folk of Bangladesh also remain at low graded life. The main reason is women s feeble participation in the national economy. Actually man's financial ability any independence is inseparably related to an kind of prestige. The women of Bangladesh are not economically Independent and they are de dent on the males for many reasons. Women of the two religions — Hindus and Muslims of Bangladesh are the victims of disparity in the hereditary laws. They suffer terribly from financial Incapacity due to this discrepancy. Again male dominated society where the clutches of so-called dowry system exists till now deprives women of their basic human rights and individuality.

To stop women oppression through dowry system is the prime Job of all conscious people now. To tackle dowry system and women oppression application of law is very important. In our country, two laws are existing at present, such as : Dowry Prohibition Act, 1980 and the Cruelty to Women Deterrent Punishment Ordinance, 1983. In these laws there are strict provisions of punishment for handing and taking of dowries, women oppression and women trafficking. So Impartial judicial measures are to be taken in all spheres. Besides, social campaign. protest and prevention programmes of different public and private organizations should be launched urgently against dowry system. The need for women education and employment of educated women should be stressed. After all, poverty alleviation and drive against ignorance and prejudices are the preconditions of fight against dowry system.

So, to save women from the curse of dowry system is a burning issue. Women should be given due right and social status by removing the inhuman convention of dowry. For this man and woman of all walks of life along with women movement should come forward. So long as the very social disease like dowry system is not abolished, our women will not enjoy due feminine rights. Anti-dowry campaign should be started and people should be made aware of the evils of dowry.

6. Computer Education.

Computer education in schools plays an important role in students career development. Computer with the internet is the most powerful device that students can use to learn new skills and more advanced version of current lessons. Schools are around the globe teaching student’s basics of computers and internet. However, Today, it is the world of technology. These technologies benefit man in numerous ways. One of these technologies is “computer” which can perform various tasks quickly and accurately.

Computer education has gained much importance in modern world. It is being used in every field. Today, we can easily find computers being used in offices, libraries, banks, schools and even at homes. Thus, it is playing a significant role in today’s world. The present world and the upcoming generation should look forward to acquire computer education so that they can be updated with worldwide news and information. Computer education can help in maintaining a contact between people that may be acquaintances, colleagues, or close relations.

Apart from this, computer is playing a great role in the field of business. The one who knows about computer and its use can easily carry out all the calculations, statistical work and other programming within seconds. A person who has the knowledge of computers can use various software for the completion of various tasks. Besides this, the running train, the flying airplane, a machine working in a factory, marketing or even the work of an ordinary clerk is based on computer.
An architect having the knowledge of computers can make 3D models of buildings etc to represent them in front of his clients. Computer education is also being used in the world of entertainment by musicians in making different sound notes, by movie makers and many other people.

Computers help students to draw the creativity on the computer such as by using windows paint program. If students are taking Hindi Classes or poem writing then they can do it by typing in Hindi on computers. If students are taking Mathematical classes they can use Microsoft Excel application to solve and understand questions

Thus, in a nutshell, computer education has become necessary for every person to make the work to be done in the simplest , easiest and quickest way
7. Optical Fiber and Internet.
Optical fiber is a type of Network. The most common are fiber optics, cable, DSL and satellite. Each network type is different in the way they transfer data, and each offer their own unique advantages. Fiber optic Internet is an Internet connection that transfers data fully or partially via fiber optic cables. “Fiber” refers to the thin glass wires inside the larger protective cable. “Optic” refers to the way the type of data transferred  light signals. In fact, Optical fiber is a flexible, transparent fiber made by drawing glass or plastic to a diameter slightly thicker than that of a human hair. Optical fibers are used most often as a means to transmit light between the two ends of the fiber and find wide usage in fiber-optic communications, where they permit transmission over longer distances and at higher bandwidths than wire cables. Optical fiber can be used as a medium for telecommunication and computer networking because it is flexible and can be bundled as cables. It is especially advantageous for long-distance communications, because light propagates through the fiber with little attenuation compared to electrical cables. This allows long distances to be spanned with few repeaters.

Everyday, data transfer rates are getting faster and faster as technology gets better and demands get higher. To keep up with these faster data transfer needs, fiber optic Internet access has been introduced to the public. Fiber optic Internet uses pulses of light to create an electromagnetic carrier wave that can be used to send data at very high speeds. In this article, we will explain how fiber optic Internet works, compare fiber optics with coaxial Ethernet cables, compare fiber optics with wireless internet, explain what direct fiber and shared fiber is, and go over terms like FTTN, FTTC, and FTTP.

Wireless Internet can be great for residential purposes and taking your computer with you but even it has its downsides when compared to fiber optics. Wireless Internet data transfer rates depend on your Internet connection speed provided by your ISP, how much electricity is being passed through your router, and how good your router’s antennas are. Fiber optics, however, rely on the speed of light. You can still use wireless Internet in combination with fiber optics, although it may slow your connection down slightly compared to a direct fiber optic connection.

FTTN stands for Fiber To The Node which refers to the fiber or fibers from the central office connecting to a neighborhood box called a “cabinet”. A single cabinet can connect several hundred customers to the central office. All customers in the area are connected to the cabinet using coaxial cables but the fiber optics connected to the cabinet allow for high data rates anyway. If you do not wish to connect to a cabinet, you can request that the ISP install a fiber directly to your home.

FTTC stands for Fiber To The Curb which refers to the fiber or fibers from the central office connecting to a “cabinet” that is placed in a small area where several customers can connect to it via coaxial cables. FTTC allows for faster connections because it is closer to the customer than FTTN systems are. However, the coaxial cables still lower the overall potential bandwidth that customers can take advantage of.

FTTP stands for Fiber To The Premises which refers to the fiber or fibers from the central office connecting directly to the subscriber’s home, office, or other type of building. FTTP is the fastest of all types of fiber optic systems because it is so close to the subscriber and does not necessarily involve coaxial cables. FTTP can exist on both Direct and Shared Fibers, which will be covered later in this article. FTTP may refer to a connection that runs directly to the home, directly to the building, or directly to a utility pole outside of the home or office.

A direct fiber refers to every individual fiber optic customer having their own fiber that stretches from their house to the central office. Direct fibers provide customers with large amounts of bandwidth which equal extremely fast data transfer speeds. Fiber optic companies generally use direct fibers in areas where there aren’t that many customers. Direct fibers cost more to install but will pay off in the long run.

Shared fibers are much more common than direct fibers and involve one fiber stretching from the central office to an area with many customers, where the fiber is then separated into many individual fibers. Shared fibers still provide customers with large amounts of bandwidth and fast Internet connections but data transfer rates do vary depending on how many customers are accessing the Internet at one time.

However, both Optical Fiber and Internet play an important role in all spheres of the people of modern world.
8. Patriotism.
Patriotism means love of one’s own country. it is a noble virtue. it is a sterling quality of a man. it elevates his moral character and inspires him to lay down his life on the alter of his country. He is the most unfortunate man who has no sense of love for his motherland.

Patriotism inflames a spirit of sacrifice in a man. It inspires him to live for his country and die for his country. The progress and prosperity of a nation depends on the deep love of the individual members of the country. National prestige and glory should be a living reality to a true patriot. He should not live for his own interest being blind of the interest of his country and countrymen. He should bear in mind that motherland is superior to heaven.

False patriotism is very dangerous. Love of one's own country is good but one should not look down upon other countries. Many crimes have been committed in the name of patriotism. It has been so much misused to fulfill the most selfish aims and narrow passions that Dr Johnson said in disgust, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

A true patriot always longs for the good of his country and countrymen. It is a noble sentiment that inspires him to place. The good of his motherland .above his personal interest. He devotes himself to the service of his Country. So his countrymen always hold him in great respect and follow in his footsteps. He has no conflict with internationalism. A true patriot has a broad and liberal outlook.

However, in this world there is no man who is not proud of his country. It is the purest of all his passions. There is no man whose heart is not filled with joy when he walks homeward after traveling in a foreign country.
9. My Neighbours.
Neighbors play an important role in our social life. Neighbors are those persons who live closer to our house or flat. Man is a social being.  We all have neighbors. Nobody can live without neighbors whether he likes them or not. Neighbors play an important part in our social life. It is advisable to find a good neighbor before finding a good house. A good and understanding neighbor makes our life sweet. A bad neighbor makes it unpleasant and unbearable

I live in Nilphamari which is a small town. The area where I live is inhabited by people belonging to different trade and professions. Some of them are government servants. The others are school and college teachers, doctors, engineers and businessmen.

He is the happiest  man who has good neighbours. Fortunately, I am one of them. I have the best of relations with my neighbours. They are frank and sociable. They whole-heartedly co-operate with one another. They share one another joys and sorrows. There has never been any trouble between us. Our life has been smooth and peaceful. We have been living here in harmony for years. My neighbours are like my relatives. In fact, we behave as if we were members of a family. I have many neighbours, but the best among them is the one who lives on my left. He is a doctor by profession. He is gentle, and sober. He is always polite and courteous. He is the father of a happy family of four children. His wife is a highly cultured and civilized lady. One of his sons is of my age and all our programmes of study and recreation go jointly, Inspire of their wealth and status, they are not at all proud.

My neighbour shares joys and sorrows of their neighbours. He is full of sympathy for everyone. He has always been helpful to me. Whenever I have had any trouble he has come to help me without asking for it. He has never charged any fees for attending any patient in the locality.

My neighbour is full of mirth. I have never seen him glum or gloomy. He is always full of cheerfulness and good humor. He always welcomes us with a warm smile.

My neighbour is honest and sincere. He is a very busy doctor. He has a kind word and sweet smile for any patient who visits him. He is courteous to every one. He makes no distinction between one patient and another. If there is an urgent case, he does not hesitate to get up in the middle of night. He is a true servant of the suffering humanity

However, these qualities have endeared him to me. The greatest quality in him as a neighbour is his considerateness; Every one in the locality is full of praise for him.

10. The Wizard of Apple
Steven Paul Jobs is called the Wizard of Apple. Steve Paul Jobs is the pioneer of personal computer revolution. He has been described as a showman, artist, tyrant, genius, jerk. Through his life, he was loved, hated, admired and dismissed, yet he is a living legend; the genius who founded Apple in his parent's garage when he was just 21 years-old. He was the co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. He was an abandoned child. He was born on 24 February, 1955 in San Francisco. He was brought up and educated by a car mechanic, Paul Job and his wife, Clara. They loved him very much. Steve's education began at the hands of his adoptive mother. Steve Jobs attended a local school in California and later enrolled at Reed College, Portland, Oregon. He was famous for his career in the electronic field of computers and consumers.

As a child, Jobs preferred doing things by himself. He swam competitively, but was not interested in team sports or other group activities. He showed an early interest in electronics and gadgetry. He spent a lot of time working in the garage workshop of a neighbor who worked at Hewlett-Packard, an electronics manufacturer.

Following high school graduation in 1972, Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Reed was an expensive college which Paul and Clara could ill afford. They were spending much of their life savings on their son's higher education. Jobs dropped out of college after six months and spent the next 18 months dropping in on creative classes, including a course on calligraphy. He continued auditing classes at Reed while sleeping on the floor in friends' dorm rooms, returning Coke bottles for food money, and getting weekly free meals at the local Hare Krishna temple

In 1976, Wozniak invented the Apple I computer. Jobs, Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, an electronics industry worker, founded Apple computer in the garage of Jobs's parents in order to sell it. They received funding from a then-semi-retired Intel product-marketing manager and engineer Mike Markkula.

Through Apple, Jobs was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields. Jobs also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar.

Jobs died at his California home around 3 p.m. on October 5, 2011, due to complications from a relapse of his previously treated pancreatic cancer.

However, The global effects of Steve Jobs' contributions were immense. He showed the world a new way of innovating and technology. Jobs started a new era of technology with the creation of iTunes, iPods, iPhones, Macbooks, and iPads.

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