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Mosquito menace is one of  the most talked topics. The  fear and nuisance of mosquito is called  the mosquito menace. For the city dwellers, it is a  constant nuisance. Particularly at night, it becomes more when thousands of mosquitoes start singing around  us. Even during daytime, we are not free from the  attack of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are small insects living in houses or near the houses. They are found all over the world. The body of the mosquito consists of three segments i.e. head, thorax and abdomen. The head is conical in shape and bears a long needle like structure called the proboscis with which the mosquito bites The females are blood suckers and bite during day and night. These mosquitoes are most abundant during rainy season. They breed in artificial collections of water i.e. water found in broken bottles, flower pots, fire buckets etc. Aedes mosquitoes are responsible for spreading yellow fever  dengue fever and hemorrhagic fever. However, to prevent menace  caused by mosquitoes, we have to be alert and work in an assorted effort.
(2) Self-Control.
Self-control is the ability to control impulses and reactions, and is another name for self-discipline. It is not some kind of negative and limiting behavior, as some people might think. When self-control is used wisely and with common sense, it becomes one of the most important tools for self improvement and for achieving success. Self control is vital for overcoming obsessions, fears, addictions, and any kind of unsuitable behavior. It puts a man  in control of his life, his behavior, and his reactions. It improves his relationships, develops patience and tolerance, and is an important tool for attaining success and happiness. In many ways, it helps a man. It keeps in check self-destructive, addictive, obsessive and compulsive behavior.it gives a man  a sense of mastery over his life, and brings balance into his life. Self-control helps to keep over-emotional responses in check or moderation. Self-control eliminates the feeling helplessness and being too dependent on others. It helps to manifest mental and emotional detachment, which contributes to peace of mind. It enables to control moods and reject negative feelings and thoughts. Self-control strengthens self-esteem, confidence, inner strength, self-mastery and willpower. It enables a man  to take charge of his life. However, it makes a man who has the sense of self-control a responsible and trustworthy human being.

(3) Friendship.
Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust – without any selfish motive. It refers to the feeling of companionship and the exchange of friendly emotions between people or more people. Friendship is something abstract idea. It cannot be seen but can be felt only. Friendship is not made, but born. Friendship is the precondition of lobe. Shakespeare says that friendship is a nameless address. It is the inherent instinct that is created out of the human heart. It is essential for life because it helps us live happily and peacefully. Without friendship life gets dull and gloomy. For our mental peace and satisfaction we need friendship. A true friend is one, who loves his friend truly and selflessly. There is no alternative to true friendship. It is the celestial gift of God. All the good things develop friendship. Honesty, love, good manners, education and so on develop friendship. Mutual understanding maintains friendship. Without having mutual understanding, there will be be friendship. A false friend does harm to the real friends. he is the fair weather friend. He is not a friend in need. He does not think good of his friend. He is jealous of his friend's betterment. That's why, a false friend must be avoided.
(4) A Facebook Status you liked.
I like the status posted in the Facebook about mankind. It means that the face book status that tells about idealism is liked by me. Few days ago I read a face book status posted by one of my FB friends. It is about the quality of a man. It is “ If money is lost, nothing is lost, if health is lost something is lost, if character is lost everything is lost”. It is not a religious teaching. It is a universal maxim and stands true in all the countries all the ages. Wealth is an objective factor once lost it can be earned again. The Pandavas lost their whole kingdom, but regained it. Ups and downs are a common feature in business and industry. If you lose money people may sympathize you with that. They won’t hate you. So in a way nothing is lost. So it is true, to some extent, with health too. It is of course a subjective factor. An unhealthy person is a headache to his kins and to one’s ownself too. But health too can be revived. A man suffering from heart trouble, tuberculosis, even cancer can be cured. Almost all the diseases are curable. One can regain his health even in old age. If health is lost only something is lost. Bribery, extraction of dowry, smuggling, telling lies, betraying the nation and the society, rape, expediency all show the loss of character. Honesty, truthfulness, faithfulness, devotion to the nation and the society, respect for the national traditions all form character of a man. If these are lost all is lost. The man won’t have any respect in the society. However, this is why I like this face book status very much.
(5) The Importance Of Science Education.
Science Education means the education based on science. Science education deals with sharing of science content and process with individuals who are not considered traditionally to be member of the scientific community. Science education is very important to the development of any nation. That is why every nation must take it very seriously  in all institutions. Many of the developed worlds were able to achieve so much in science and technology because of science education. Science education comprises three subjects namely biology, chemistry and physics which are combined with education and over the year there has been low enrolment of these courses in our institutions. A graduate of physics education can be self-employed.  Physics graduates have some knowledge of electronics that is enough for them to be able to have a little period of training as apprentices and then stand alone as electronic technician. Without science education Information and Communication Technology would be impossible. Science and technology will not be possible without science education; for instance engineering, medicine, architecture e.tc  will not be possible if there is no one to teach the students the core subjects needed for these courses. Biology education is very important to any growing economy. Many graduates of biology education are self-employed and employers of labour. There are colleges of education where students of chemistry department are taught how to make dye and chalk. Graduates of these departments can establish their own chalk business as soon as they become graduate. However, it can be said that no development is possible without Science Education.
 (6) Your Experience of Visiting A Computer Exhibition.
A computer exhibition is an exhibition where computer is exhibited and sold to the common people. Computer is the most wonderful device of modern science. To-day a computer exhibtion is held in the big cities to make computer more popular in every sector. It is very useful part of eduction. Different companies and distributors hold a computer exhibition. The fair continues a week or a month. It is open for all . The stalls are decorated colourfully to attract the people. A good number of computer is sold at a fair price in a computer exhibition. A computer exhibition inspires visitors to receive computer education perfectly. Last month I went to visit a Computer Exhibition with some of my friends. I saw many computers of various brands. In the exhibition, I saw Samsung Brand Computer, Tosiba Brand Computer, and so. The price was also different on the basis of the brands. I wanted to buy a one but my purse did not allow me.  Many buyers went there to buy computers. Some were buying computers. At last without buying computer, I left the Computer Exhibition. I never forget the experience I have got in the Computer Exhibition.
(8) Morning Walk.
Morning walk means walking in the morning. It is a good habit and beneficial to health. It is a kind of physical exercise. A life can not be happy, decent, comfortable and successful without morning walk. A morning is suitable for all. There are many benefits of morning walk. It keeps our body and mind sound. It creates the body strong and active. It helps proper blood circulation and digestion. Morning air is fresh and full of oxygen and this air refreshes our body and mind. One who walks in the morning can enjoy the beauty of nature, the smell of flowers and the chirping sound of binds. Therefore, those who get up early in the morning and walk in the morning get the real benefit of it. Walking at morning is very useful to health. Its makes a man to cheerful, strong and healthy. It removes the monotony of the routine work life. A man walking at morning regularly leads a happy and healthy. He\She is successful in every work. So in order to make life successful and fruitful one should cultivate this good habit from early life. Besides the health benefits, it is an extremely delightful experience to take a walk early in the morning.

(10) Your Experience in editing a School Magazine.
Editing a School Magazine is as difficult as enjoyable. I have gathered many experiences while editing a School Magazine. I had to examine all the writings. I had to correct the spellings. I had to do all the things because I was selected as a editor of my School Magazine. I have also known the purpose of writing a school Magazine. A school magazine is there to inform parents on the events of the school and what the students have been doing recently. It’s also a way to impress them and other parents to make the school look outstanding and a good place of learning for their children. It gives out messages to the parents about upcoming events and issues they want them to be aware of. I have also gathered the experience of various things. The contents page for the school based magazine is very effective because it is clear what kind of magazine it is. The colour scheme matches the school’s logo and the schools quote is on the bottom showing it is purely about academics. The images next to the headings represent what the articles will be about, giving the readers more of an insight. The bold emboss around the text and images makes it stand out and show what is key to the page, since it is a contents page, its just to gather the information as to what is inside. The page is kept simple and easy to understand with the simplicity of the colours and layout. There isn’t any unnecessary information. It also includes an intro at the bottom about the school and what it is about, which is very helpful to the target audience which is parents as they get an insight as to what the school is like and their specialities. The bold yellow heading at the top is the main focus point due to the difference in colour, showing that is the key topic in this issue of the school magazine. However, all the things I have experience in editing a school Magazine.

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