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2n Paper English Model Question For SSC

Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
[Answer all the following questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks]
Part-A : Grammar

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.                                                         0.5X10 = 5
Newspaper is (a) ........................... the people’s parliament. It plays (b) .........................vital role in the modern days. We must have the habit (c) .................... reading newspaper everyday. It (d) .................. us acquire general knowledge which is essential (e) ................. our education. Nobody  can keep contract (f) ...................the outside world without it. So, newspaper is (g) .................part  and parcel of our daily life. By reading newspaper, we can (h) .................news and views of (i) ................ current (j) ......................

2. Fill in the blank with suitable words.                                                                   0.5X10 = 5
Marco was different (a) ....................other ambassadors. He put down his (b) ....................in his notes and told the king (e) .......................many things. He (d) .....................him about the people and the countries. He also told about (e)  .....................golden temples of Barma, dog-sledges (f) ..................... the white bears of Syberia and the island of Jaba. But his uncle and father (g) ............... to go back to Venice. The King gave his consent (h) .........................., the condition that the world escort (i) ....................... Chinese princess to Persia. Then They would sail (j)  ...................home.

3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.     1X5 = 5

A King
A date
At last a new comer

fixed for the competition
enlisted serially for the competition but failed
that the king was a worthless person.
taken before the king
a rich prize for the teller of the biggest lie.

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.           0.5X10 = 5

Happiness (a) ....................relative term. A person with a crown (b) ...........................in a palace may  not be happy where as a day laborer may (c) ..................... happiness living in a shabby hut. Again happiness (d) .........................from person to person. A beggar can be happy if he (e) ..............a coin but a businessman who can (f) ........................ a huge sum of money a day (g) ....................not be happy. Actually a happy person (h) .................he who is (i) ..................with what he has. Happiness (j)............... only the blessing of Allah.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                  5
“Ratan, have you done your English today?” asked the teacher. “Yes, sir. I did it but I have not understood some grammatical points,” replied Ratan. “Where is the problem?” said the teacher.” “Let us try again.”

6. Change the sentences according to direction.                                                         1X10=10
(a) Tahsan is a regular student. (Negative without changing meaning)
(b) He is never late to attend his classes. (Affirmative without changing meaning)
(c) He wants to be a doctor to serve people.( Make it interrogative)
(d) His teachers help his in all respects (Passive)
(e) He is one of the most brilliant students in his class. (Positive)
(f) He is better than any other student of his school. (Superlative)
(g) He reads more to be a doctor. (Complex)
(h) He sits to read when it is time to read. (Simple)
(i) He is loved by his parents, teachers and friends. (Active)
(j) At the age of fifteen he reads in class IX. (Compound)

7. Complete the sentences.                                                                                           1X5 = 5
(a) .........................................................if you had told earlier.
(b) This is the house ................................................................
(c) We found the children .......................................................
(d) By eating a balanced diet, .................................................
(e) The muslins go to the mosques .........................................

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:                                                                                                                      0.5X10 = 5
Students are the future hope and (a) aspire of a nation. As a student you have a lot of (b) responsible. You should do your duties (c) proper. You should read your lesson (d) regular and (e) systematic. You may not understand a lesson by reading (f) one or (g) two. You must give full (h) attend. You can do (i) society work. You can help your parents in (j) differ ways.

9. Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                         1×5 = 5
 a) Good afternoon. How are you? Quite fine. It’s long time since we met last,—?
 b) Probably we met each other eight months ago,—?
 c) Yes. I thought you couldn’t but come to the fair,—?
 d) You are right. What’s that in your hand? It’s Shanchita by Kazi Nazrul Islam. You did not read the whole book,—?
 e) No, I did not. I have brought it for further reading. Let’s move and see other book stalls,—?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.                                                           1X5 = 5
Bangladesh is a small land (a) .................................... her population is huge. Most people live below extreme poverty line. (b) ...................................they can’t afford to educate their children (c) ............................. drop out of school after a few years (d) ............................. simply don’t go to school. (e) ................................this situation we have too many students to educate in proportion to the number of institutions.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.             1X5 = 5
why did you not go to school yesterday said the mother i was ill mum the girl replied how are you
today the mother asked again well said the girl