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( যে কোন সমসামুলক DIALOGUE লেখার উপায় )
Write a dialogue between you and your friend,Abid….. Or,
Write a dialogue between your two friends Abid and Shihab on…..
( how to eradicate the illiteracy problem from Bangladesh./ problem of price hiking/on the effect of load shedding / about dangers of smoking/on environment pollution/ about ‘Eve-teasing’/on the abuses of mobile phones / on the bad effects of student politics যে কোন সমসামুলক)

Abid    : Good morning, Shihab. How are you?

Shihab : Not so well. Are you free now, my dear friend? Can we discuss about an important matter?

Abid    : Why not? We can , but what is about?

Shihab : I would like to discuss about  ( সমস্যার নাম ), because it is a burning question now a days.

Abid    : Yes, I agree with you on the matter you are mentioning. I think ( সমস্যার নাম ) is increasing
               day by day. It is severely affecting our normal life.

Shihab :  Do you know that ( সমস্যার নাম ) causes many problems and hinders to the development of
               our country. That is why our country is facing a lot of difficulties to overcome the created

Abid    : Yes friend, you are extremely right. I think that man is mostly responsible  for it and it is
              going out of control day by day.

Shihab : Our country is a small one but it is developing day by day. But, ( সমস্যার নাম ) is a great
               obstacle to its development.

Abid    : You are right.  We should find out the solutions to solve / lessen / remove the problem.

Shihab :  So, proper steps should be taken to prevent it as early as possible. Moreover, the government
               as well as the people of the country have to stand strongly against it.

Abid    :  your sound is cool. You are absolutely right. I also think that awareness as well as concern
              efforts can contribute much to solve / lessen / remove it.

Shihab : Besides, law enforcing agencies should come forward to controlling it.

Abid    : I also think that every literate and illiterate persons should work jointly against this problem.

Shihab : Yes, this is also right.

Abid    : No more today. See you again.

Shihab : Thank you.

Abid    : Welcome.