# What is modifier?
Ans: ‡h Word ev phrase Noun Gi c~‡e© A_ev c‡i ewmqv D³ Noun †K modify K‡i (D³
Noun m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡i) Zv‡K
Modifier e‡j|
Note: Modifier g~jZt Sentence
Gi g‡a¨ adjective Gi KvR K‡i|
Ex (i) He is an honest man
(ii) The girl playing in the field is strong.
Dc‡ii (i) bs Sentences G “honest” adjective wU
noun wUi c~‡e© e‡m Zvi m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨
cÖ`vb Kwiqv‡Q | ZvB ÒhonestÓ D³ sentence
Gi Modifier.
(ii) bs Sentence-
“playing in the field” phrase wU
“boy” Noun wUi c‡i e‡m D³ Noun m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb Kwiqv‡Q| ZvB
“playing in the field” phrase wU nq
sentence Gi modifier.
* Modefier `yB cÖKvit
1. Pre- modifier
2. Post- modifier
Note: (i) Determiners, Adjective I Noun adjective Modifier Gi
KvR K‡i|
(ii) Modifier me mgq Noun
phrase Gi head word Gi c~‡e©
ev c‡i e‡m |
(iii) A‡bK mgq Advervial
phrase Gi Modifier _v‡K|
(i) What is premodifier?
Ans: Pre k‡ãi A_© c~‡e©
†h Modifier Noun ev Noun
phrase Gi c~‡e© e‡m Zv‡K modify K‡i Zv‡K premidifier e‡j |
Note: Premdefier Noun phrase Gi
head word Gi c~‡e© Ges Determiner Gi
c‡i e‡m|
What is determiner?
Ans:- ‡h kã mg~n †Kv‡bv Noun Gi msL¨v ev cwigvb ev wbw`©óZv cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Determiner
What is Noun phrase?
Ans: ‡h phrase mg~n Noun †_‡K MwVZ nq Zv‡K Noun phrase e‡j|
Different types of premodifier
(i) Noun as premodifier: Sentence G A‡bK mgq Noun I
Noun †K Modify K‡i| †`‡L‡Z n‡e †h Sentence G `ywU Noun cvkvcvwk
ewmqv cÖ_g Noun wU wØZxq Noun
modify Ki‡j Zv n‡e cÖ_g Noun wU
Adjective iƒ‡c premodifien .
(ii) Noun adjective as premodifier: GLv‡b GKwU Simple
sentence G `ywU Noun cvkvcvwk e‡m Ges cÖ_g Noun wUi c~‡e© GKwU adjective _v‡K|
Ex: She brought a big river fish.
Explanation: Avgiv Dc‡ii
Sentence wU‡Z ‡`Lv‡Z cvw”Q river Ges
fish `ywU Noun cvkvcvwk e‡m‡Q| ZvB cÖ_g Noun wUi c~‡e© big adjective wU e‡m‡Q| ZvB river- GLv‡b Noun Adjective- wU fish Noun wUi premodifier .
(iii) Adjective as Premodifier : Avgv‡`i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, adjective Noun ev Noun phrase Gi c~‡e©
ewmqv premodifire Gi KvR K‡i|
Note: G `i‡bi e¨env‡ii
adjective †K Attributive use e‡j|
* Whate is attributive?
Ans: †Kvb
adjective noun Gi c~‡e© ewmqv hLb H
Noun wU‡K cÖZ¨ÿfv‡e quality K‡i Zv‡K attributive e‡j|
Ex:- Roni is a brilliant student.
Exlanation: Dc‡ii
Sentence wU‡Z brilliant adjective- wU student Noun wU‡K cÖZ¨ÿfv‡e quality K‡i‡Q|
ZvB GwU premodifier Gi KvR K‡i‡Q|
What is pasticiple ?
Ans:- Sentence G hw` Verb Gi
mwnZ ing †hvM Kwiqv
verb+Adjective Gi KvR GK m‡½ K‡i Zv‡K participle e‡j|
Ex: I saw him reading a novel
(iv) Participle as premodifier: Avgiv Rvwb †h Participle mgq
adjective Gi KvR K‡i| wKš‘ adjective
me©`v Noun †K modify K‡i| ZvB
participle hLb Noun Gi c~‡e© ewmqv D³ Noun †K modify K‡i
ZLb †mUv‡K premodifier e‡j|
(i) Present Particilple as pre-modifier (Verb Gi present form Gi mv‡_ ing)
(ii) Past participle as pre-modifier ( g~j verb Gi
past participle form)
Ex: She has married a decayed man.
(v) Determiners as pre-modifiers: Determiners nj (i) Article: a, an, the Ges Demonstrative pronoun, this, that,
these, those. G¸‡jv pre-modifier wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|
Ex: He saw a bird.
I took this per yesterday
(vi) Quantifers are pre-modifiers: Quantifiers ej‡Z one, two, three, four five.......,
Some, much, many, several, a lot, a little BZ¨vw`
pre-modifier wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq|
Ex: the pot has much water.
Moni has brought three books from library.
(vii) Possessive as pre-modifier : Avgiv Rvwb Possessive nj
(my, our, their, her, your, his) G¸‡jv
Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m pre-modifier Gi KvR K‡i|
Ex: My brother has come from Dhaka.
(x) Adverb as premodifier: KZ¸‡jv
adverbial word-subject Gi c~‡e© ewmqv
premodifier Gi KvR K‡i|
Ex:- He always comes here.
(xi) Compounds as premodifier: A‡bK mgq Compounds hy³
word ¸‡jv compounds premodifier Gi KvR K‡i|
Ex: It is a back- dated cake
About post Modifier
(i) Appositive as post modifier: Avgiv Appositive ej‡Z
eywS †h, hLb `ywU Noun cvkvcvwk
ewmqv hw` GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K eySvq ZLb wØZxq Noun wU‡K cÖ_g Noun- wUi
Appositive ejv nq| G‡ÿ‡Î wØZxq Noun-wU hLb cÖ_g Noun wUi m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb
K‡i ZLb †hUv Post modifier wnmv‡e KvR K‡i|
Mrx. Azman Laila, principal
of our college, is a good administration
(ii) Infinitive phrase as post modifier: To+verb Gi
present form Gi c‡i AwZwi³ word ewm‡q Infinitive phrase MwVZ n‡i †hUv n‡e Infinitive post modifier
wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|
What is infinitive Ans: Present verb Gi eZ©gvb Kv‡ji c~‡e© to Ges
Subject Gi m‡½ hy³ bv nBqv ïay wµqvi fve
eySvq Zv‡K Infemitive e‡j|
Ex:- Hedrew a picture to hang on the wall.
(iii) Present participle phrase as post Modifier wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq:
Ex: I saw the girl reading a novel
(iii) Past participle phrase as post Modifier wn‡m‡e
e¨eüZ nq|
Ex: The phone made
in China
is very good.
(iv) Prepositional phrase as Post modifier wn‡m‡e
e¨eüZ nq|
Ex: The flower on the table is very attractive.
(v) Adjective as post Modifier: Avgiv Rvwb Adjective †h
Noun †K Modify Ki‡e mvavibZ Zvi c~‡e© em‡e|
Note (i) Participle hLb
Noun Gi c‡i e‡m H Noun †K modify K‡i
ZLb Zv post modefier
(ii) wKQz wKQz Noun ev pronoun
Av‡Q †hgb (Anyone, Every one, Some
thing) Gi c‡i ewmqv H Noun ev
pronoun wU‡K modify K‡i ZLb post- modifier
Ex: (i) Is everyone in terest in drowing?
(ii) All the students pressnt in the class were reading the
lessons. \
(xi) Adverb as post Modifier wn‡m‡e
e¨eüZ nq|
(v) Relative clouse as Post Modifier: Avgiv Rvwb †h, Relative clouse me©`v Noun Gi
c‡i e‡m Ges D³ Noun †K Modify Ki‡j
Zv post-Modifier
Ex: The girl who passed in the exam is
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