For S.S.C & H.S.C
K_v ejvi mgq ev †Kvb
wKQz †jLvi mgq evK¨¸‡ivi †fZi m½wZ ev †hŠw³K PjgvbZv eRvq ivLvi Rb¨ gv‡S
g‡a¨ wewfbœ ai‡bi word ev phrase e¨eüZ
nq| G RvZxq word ev phrase †K sentence connectons e‡j|
†hgb there fore, but, next, in
foct, of course etc.
1. NUbv µg ev
avivevwnKZv eyS‡Z e¨eüZ Linking word mg~n-
First= cÖ_g|
Firstly= cÖ_gZ|
at first= me© cÖ_g|
in the first place = cÖ_g
at the beginning= ïiæ‡Z|
in the beginning = ïiæ |
second = wØZxq|
secondly = wØZxqZ|
third= Z…Zxq|
thirdly= Z…ZxqZv|
fourth= PZy_©|
fourthly= PZz_©gZ|
fifth= cÂg|
fifthly= cÂgZ|
in between= g‡a¨ (2 R‡bi
g‡a¨) |
in the middle of = g‡a¨|
in the end= †k‡l|
at the end= cwi‡k†l|
lastly= †k‡l|
at last= Ae‡k‡l|
finally= cwi‡k‡l|
to sum up= me©‡kl |
In colclusinon= cwi‡k‡l|
to conclude= cwi‡k‡l|
next= cieZx©|
afferwerds= cieZx©|
affer that= c‡i/ cÖvqB
then= Av‡iv|
2. AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`b Ki‡Z
e¨eüZ Linking word mg~n|
and = Ges I
both----and= Dfq
or = A_ev
either------ or = †nq
GwU---- bq AciwU
neither-------nor= GwUI bq----- IwUI bq
as well as= Ges
too= I
like wish also= cÖQ›`gZ/fv‡jv
so on= BZ¨vw`
a part from= e¨wZZ
similarly= GKB fv‡e
again -= cybivq
not only------but also= †Kej
GwU ‡bq-----IwUI
In addition= AwaKš‘
Besides/moreover/further more=
3. D`ib cÖavb Ki‡Z Linking
word wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ Word’s ev phrase mg~n,
for example= D`vnib miƒc
instance= D`vnib miƒc
such as= D`vnib miƒc
namely= D`vnib miƒc
in other word’s= Ab¨
that is= H nI
4. ˆemv`„k¨ g~jK Zzjbv
eySv‡Z e¨eûZ Linking word mg~n-
Instead= cwie‡Z©
on the contrary on the other hard= Ab¨w`K
but = wKš‘
yet= Zv m‡Ë¡I
still= Zv m‡Ë¡I
while/whereas= A_P
Although/though= hw`I
even though= hw`I
Despite= m‡Ë¡I
Inspite of= m‡Ë¡I
However= hv †nvK
all the same= G‡KB
Never those= Kg
nonetheless= Kg`„k¨ I g~jK Zzjbv
eyS‡Z e¨eüZ Linking word wn‡m‡e word ev phrase mg~n-
than= †P‡q, A‡cÿv
as-------as= gZ,
So------as= GZB
in the some way= GKB
by far= hZUzKz ch©šÍ|
Similarly= GKB fv‡e|
more= †ewk|
most= AwaKvsk
less= Kg
least= hv‡Z bv/AbšÍ
6. Kvib cÖKvk Ki‡Z e¨eüZ
Linking word mg~n-
Since= †h‡nZz
for= Rb¨
Because= Kvib
as= †h‡nZz/‡hgb
why= wK Rb¨/‡Kb
7. c~‡e© h ejv n‡q‡Q ev
Kiv n‡q‡Q Zvi dj kÖæwZ‡Z hv `uvwo‡q‡Q Zv cÖKvk Ki‡Z e¨eüZ Linking word mg~n-
So= myZivs|
therefore= AZGe|
hence= AZci|
as a result= dj...
as a consequence= Gi d‡j
consequently= Gi AZGe
eventually= Gi Ae‡k‡l
Thus= Giƒc
Naturally= ¯^fveZB|
8. †Kvb Kv‡Ri D‡Ïk¨ I
djvdj e¨³ Ki‡Z e¨eüZ Linking word mg~n-
Note: Linkens ¸‡jv G‡ÿ‡Î
`y‡Uv Clouse †K hy³ K‡i|
Lest= cv‡Q|
So as to = .. wn‡m‡e|
So that= hv‡Z
in order that= hv‡Z
that= hv‡Z
so-------that= GB † h
as much as= GZ †ewk
cwigvb †h
as many as= GZ †ewk
msL¨K †h
9. kZ© Av‡ivc Ki‡Z e¨eüZ
Linking word e¨eüZ n‡e|
Note: G‡ÿ‡Î Linking
word ¸‡jv `y‡Uv clouse †K mshy³ Ki‡e |
If= hw`
of= b‡Pr, bZzev
otherwise= b‡Pr, bZzev
unless= hw` bv
untill= bv ch©šÍ
till= ch©šÍ
provided= hw`
provided that= hw`
providing that= hw`/cÖ`vb
Incase= hyw` kZ© eySv‡Z
as long as= hZÿb
Supposing that= g‡b K‡i
had= hw` kZ© eySv‡Z
were= hw` kZ© eySv‡Z
should= hw` kZ© eySv‡Z
when= hw` kZ© eySv‡Z
once= hw` GKevi
10. mgq I ¯’vb wb‡`©k
Ki‡Z e¨eüZ Linking word mg~n-
at that time= †m mgq
where= †mLv‡b
there =†mLv‡b
as= hLb------ZLb
when= hLb
while= hLb
before= c~‡e©
After= c‡i
Since= c‡i
as soon as= mv‡_ mv‡_
some time= gv‡S gv‡S
at present= eZ©gv‡b
presently= eZ©gv‡b
recently= m¤úªwZ
of late= †`wi‡Z
now= GLb
then= Zvici ZLb
after word= cieZx©
at first= me© cÖ_g
firstly= cÖ_gZ
once= GK`v
first time= me©cÖ_g
second time= cieZx©
no sooner had -----than= n‡Z
bv n‡ZB
scarcely had ---- when= n‡Z
bv n‡ZB
handly had---- when= n‡Z
bv n‡ZB
once the first time= me©
After wands= ZrcieZx©‡Z
11. †Kvb Dcmsnvi ev mvi
ms‡ÿc cÖKvk Ki‡Z e¨eüZ Linking word mg~n-
in brief = ms‡ÿ‡c
in short= ms‡ÿ‡c
to sum up= ms‡ÿ‡c
to summarise= ms‡ÿ‡c
on the whole= †gv‡Ui Ici
above all= m‡e©vcwi
in all = †gvU
in total= †gvU
12. †Kvb Kv‡Ri aib ev
KvRwU wKfv‡e Kiv Zv wb‡`©k Ki‡Z e¨eüZ Linking word mg~n-
as if= †hb
as though=†hb
how= †h ai‡b, †h fv‡e
however= AwaKš‘
like= gZ
as= †hgb
by and by= AwZ ZvovZvwo
as it were= †hb
so = †hgb...........
Such as= Ggb †h
such that= Gg †h
13. GKB mgq msNwUZ `ywU
NUbv cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ Linking word mg~n-
at the same time= GKB
at that time = †m mg‡q
mean while= BwZ g‡a¨
as= hLb
14. †Rvovq †Rvovq e¨eüZ
wKQz Linking word:
whether-----or= ‡nvK ev bv †nvK
Rather---than= eis
Though-----yet= hw`I-------m‡Ë¡I
15. Linking word wn‡m‡e
e¨eüZ relative pronoun mg~n
Who= †h whwb
Which= †hwU
Whom= _v‡K
Whose= hvi
What= hv
Whatever= hvB †nvK
Whichever= †Kvb fv‡e|
that= †hwU |
Thank you