Right Forms
Of Verbs
Rule-1: Subject Gi headword
verb e‡m| A_©vr
headword singular n‡j verb singular Ges headword plural n‡j verb plural nq| †hgbt
A number of boys
(be) present. (were)
Many students (be)
there. (were)
A sister of the
boys (have) come. (has)
The office of his
uncles (be) nice. (is)
Most of the
teachers of our country (be) poor. (are)
Note: GKvwaK word wb‡q MwVZ subject Gi †ÿ‡Î subject wUi evsjv
A_© Ki‡j evsjvq †h kãwU †k‡l e‡m mvaviYZ H kãwU‡K headword wn‡m‡e aiv
hvq| †hgb Any
brother – Avgvi
fvB, the office of
his uncles- Zvi PvPv‡`i Awdm, a
sister of the boys- evjK‡`I GKwU †evb| GLv‡b fvB, Awdm, †evb-k㸇jv headword wn‡m‡e
e¨eüZ nq| k㸇jv Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ singular
Av‡Q| myZivs k㸇jv singular
G‡`i c‡i verb I singular n‡q‡Q|
Ab¨w`‡K most of the
teachers of our country- Avgv‡`i †`‡ki AwaKvsk wkÿK, many students- A‡bK QvÎ| GLv‡b wkÿK I QvÎ-kã `ÕwUi
Bs‡iwR teachers I student e¨eüZ
n‡q‡Q| teachers I student kã `yÕwU plural nIqvq headword n‡”Q plural Ges G‡`i
c‡i verb I n‡q‡Q plural.
and Øviv hy³
`yB ev Z‡ZvwaK noun/pronoun-
GK‡Î plural subject aiv nq Ges
Gi c‡ii verb I plural nq|
He and I (be)
friends. (are)
Rahim and Karim
(be) playing. (are)
Rakib and Razib
(be) two brothers. (are)
Bread and butter
(be) my favourite food. (is)
Bread Ges butter wg‡j GKUv
Lvevi eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q|
mvaviYZ and Øviv hy³
`ywU c` Avjv`v `yBRb e¨w³ wb‡`©k Ki‡j `yÕwU c‡`I c~‡e©B the e‡m Ges
c‡ii verb wU plural nq | wKš‘,
`yÕwU c` GKB e¨w³ wb‡`©k Ki‡I ïay cÖ_g c`wUi c~‡e© the e‡m Ges
c‡ii verb wU singular nq|
The headmaster and
the secretary of our school (be) present. (were)
The magistrate and
judge (be) present. (was)
Each, every, any, no, more than one, none/no one BZ¨vw` subject ev subject Gi Ask n‡j G‡`i c‡i noun/pronoun- Ges verb
singular nq|
Avevi, each of
(the), one of (the), either of (the), neither of (the), none of (the) BZ¨vw`i c‡i
noun/pronoun plural n‡e| wKš‘ verb singular n‡e| †hgbt-
No bus and no train
(be) seen. (was)
Neither of the
girls (be) beautiful. (was)
As well as, with,
along with, together with, accompanied by, followed by, and +no/not BZ¨vw`
Øviv hy³ `yÕwU noun ev pronoun- Abymv‡i verb e‡m| †hgbt
Nipu, as well as
her brothers, (be) good. (is)
I, and not Kamal,
(has) done it. (have)
Not only…. But also, or Ges
nor Øviv
hy³ `y Bev Z‡ZvwaK noun/pronoun
†ÿ‡Î me©‡kl noun/pronoun- wU Abymv‡i verb e‡m|
You or he (be)
present that day. (was)
Neither she nor her
sisters (have) done it. (have)
`~iZ¡, cwigvY, mgq, IRb, eqm, A_© BZ¨vw` plural
c‡ii verb wU mvaviYZ
singular n‡e| †hgbt
Fifty miles (be) a
long distance. (is)
Twelve years (be)
Jerry's age. (was)
Infinitive, gerund, verbal noun, clause BZ¨vw` ev‡K¨i subject wn‡m‡e
_vK‡j mvaviYZ H subject ‡K 3rd
person singular number wn‡m‡e MY¨ K‡I †mB Abymv‡i c‡ii verb emv‡Z n‡e|
To tell lies (be) a
great sin. (is)
The reading of
novels (be) interesting. (is)
That you finished
the novels (be) known to me. (was
9 And Øviv hy³
GKvwaK noun hw` GKB e¯‘ ev GKB fve wb‡`©k K‡i Z‡e subject I verb DfqwU singular n‡e|
Bread and butter (be) my
favourite breakfast. (is)
Slow and steady (win) the race.
The horse and carriage (be) at
the gate. (is)
Rule-10 Collective noun – Gi c‡i
mvaviYZ Singular
verb e‡m|
wKš‘, wew”QbœZv/wfbœZv †evSv‡j Collective
noun Gi
c‡i plural verb e‡m|
The jury (be) giving its verdict
today. (is)
The jury (be) divided into two
groups. (were)
Rule-11. Adjective – Gi c‡e© The em‡j Zv plural verb ‡evSvq|
ZLb c‡ii verb wU I plural nq| †hgbt
The poor (be) born to suffer.
Rule-12. Information, news, scenery,
machinery, advice, furniture, wages, poetry, issue, brick, hair, alphabet,
luggage, politics, physics, economics, mathematics, ethics, civics, statistics,
the United States of America BZ¨vw` mvaviYZ Singular wn‡m‡e
e¨eüZ nq Ges G‡`i c‡i verb
I Singular nq| †hgbt
The scenery of Cox's Bazar (be)
charming. (is)
Rule-13 Relative pronoun Gi c‡ii verb wU mvaviYZ
relative pronoun- Gi wVK c~‡e©i noun/pronoun A_©vr antecedent (c~e©c`) Abymv‡i e‡m| †hgbt-
It is I who (be) responsible.
It was you who (be) to blame.
He is one of those who (do) not
smoke. (do)
Rule-14 Hardly/scarcely+had+subject+past
participle form of verb……+when+subject+past form of verb….
Hardly/scarcely we (reach) the
college when the bell rang. (had we reached)
Rule-15. All Gi c‡i plural verb e‡m| Z‡e,
cÖev` ev‡K¨I †ÿ‡Î all
c‡i Singular verb e‡m|
They all (be) students). (are)
All that (glitter) is not gold.
Rule-16. Uncountable noun (hv MYbv
Kiv hvq bv) Ges abstract
noun (hv
Øviv e¨w³ ev e¯‘I ¸Y, †`vl, Ae¯’v, KvR BZ¨vw` †evSvq) memgq Singular nq Ges G‡`i
c‡i Singular verb e‡m|
Truthfulness (be) a great
Knowledge (be) power. (is)
Swimming (be) a good exercise.
Rule-17. Many a/an- Gi c‡i noun I verb singular nq wKš‘ many – Gi c‡i I noun I verb DfqB plural nq| †hgbt
Many a rich man (live) here.
Many Poor men (live) in this
town. (live)
Rule-1. Active voice G subject+vt+obj
Ges Passive voice-G subject Gi c‡i passive auxiliary Ges g~j verb wUi past participle form e‡m|
I (kill) a bird yesterday. (killed)
English (speak) all over the
world. (is spoken)
Rule-2. Die, occur, issue, continue,
appear, disappear, wonder, despair, consist, ensue BZ¨vw` verb- ¸‡jv intransitive wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| d‡j G‡`i Passive voice-nq bv|
His father (die) last year.
The fog (disperse). (dispersed)
The book (belong) to me.
A quarrel (ensue) at this.
Our family (consist) of five
members. (consists)
Infinitive /Gerund/ Present Participle/ Past
Rule-1. Modal auxiliaries (can, could,
may, might, shall, should, will, would, must , ought to), have to , had to,
cannot but, could not but, let, make, used to, do/does/did+nothing but, would
rather, had better/best, am/is/are/was/were+to, be+going to, do/does/did,
infinitive 'to' BZ¨vw`i c‡ii verb
base form e‡m|
Would you (mind) singing a song?
You had better (leave) the place.
He used to (read) The Daily
Ittefaq. (read)
He did nothing but (sing). (sing)
Rule-2. See, find, watch, notice, hear BZ¨vw` transitive verb- Gi c‡i
D‡jøwLZ verb wUi base form ev ing form e¨envi Kiv hvq| passive ev‡K¨i
†ÿ‡Î verb- wUi base
form Gi
c~‡e© to e‡m|
I saw him (go go). (go/going)
She was heard (sing) a song. (to
Rule-3 Avoid, finish, prefer, enjoy,
mind, object, practice, remember, feel like, busy, worth, with, a view to, look
forward to, resort to, devoted to, addicted to, be/get+used to, accustomed to, inured
to, habituated to, it is no use/good, can/could not help, can/could not bear BZ¨vw`i
c‡i verb Gi m‡½ ing e‡m|
I feel like (cry). (crying)
He is used to (gamble).
Rule-4. Preposition Gi c‡i verb Gi gerund A_©vr (verb+ing) from e‡m|
Without (study) hard, you cannot
pass. (studying)
Before (go) to college, he had
has bath. (going)
Rule-5. Simple sentence- G D‡jøwLZ
`yÕwU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ GKwU KvR Av‡M I Ab¨ KvRwU A‡cÿvK…Z c‡i n‡j †h KvRwU Av‡M nq Zv
eySv‡Z Present
A_©vr (verb+ing) e‡m|
I went to bed (learn) my lessons.
(pass) the HSC examination, the
boy took honours in English. (Passing)
Rule-6. Subject+get/have/want+object- Gi c‡i verb Gi past participle form e‡m|
They had the house (paint).
I have got my hair (cut). (cut)
He wanted the work (do). (done)
Rule-7. Being, having, to be BZ¨vw`i c‡i
verb _vK‡j Zvi past participle form e‡m|
Being (displease), he left the
place. (displeased)
The principal wanted the notice
to be (hang). (hung)
Rule-8. Have, has, had, shall have,
will have, should have, would have, could have, might have, must have BZ¨vw`i
c‡ii verb wUi past participle form e‡m|
Have you (have) your meal? (Had)
I could/Might have (do) the work
yesterday. (done)
Rule-1. Always, daily,
every+time(everyday, every week, every year etc), generally, never, normally,
(very) often, ordinarily, regularly, now and then, occasionally, sometimes,
usually BZ¨vw`
_vK‡j evK¨wU mvaviYZ
present indefinite tense G nq | Z‡e, past
habit (AZxZ
Af¨vm) eySv‡j evK¨wU
past indefinite – G n‡e|
My brother (read) the New Age
everyday. (reads)
When you usually (come) to
college? (do you usually come)
I (be) never absent from school.
(was) (past habit)
Rule-2. Universal truth (wPišÍb
mZ¨) Ges habitual
fact (Af¨vmMZ
ev¯ÍeZv) †evSv‡j evK¨wU present
indefinite tense- G nq|
The sun (set) in the west. (sets)
Light (remove) darkness.
Ill news (run) fast. (runs)
Rule-3. eZ©gvbKv‡j †Kv‡bv KvR Pj‡Q
Giƒc †evSv‡j evK¨wU mvaviYZ Present
continuous tense- G nq| G‡ÿ‡Î, ev‡K¨ now,at
present, at this moment BZ¨vw` _vK‡Z cv‡i|
They (play) cricket now. (are
I (read) the book at this moment.
(am reading)
Rule-4. Already, every, just, just now,
lately, recently, yet BZ¨vw` _vK‡j evK¨ mvaviYZ present Perfect tense- G nq|
They already (pass) the SSC
examination. (have already passed)
We just (reach) the college.
(have just reached)
Rule-5 For/since+ mgq _vK‡j
A_ev †Kvb KvR `xN© mgq/wbw`©ó mgq hver msNwUZ nIqv †evSv‡j evK¨wU mvaviYZ Present perfect continuous tense-
nq| Z‡e past/future perfect continuous tense- I n‡Z
They (live) here for a long time.
(have been livein)
Shamima (wait) for you for an
hour. (has been/had been/will have been waiting)
Rule-6. Yesterday, past+mgq/ last mgq (last night, last week etc), ago,
long ago, long since, before, back, in the past, in those days BZ¨vw`
AZxZ/MZ wb‡`©kK kã _vK‡j GgbwK AZxZ Kv‡ji †Kvb mvj D‡jøL _vK‡jI evK¨wU past indefinite tense- I nq|
He (leave) the room ten minutes
ago. (left)
I (visit) the zoo last week.
Rule-7. AZxZKv‡j †Kvb KvR PjwQj Giƒc
†evSv‡j mvaviYZ evK¨ past
continuous tense- G nq| G‡ÿ‡Î, ev‡K¨I g‡a¨ then, at that time BZ¨vw` _vK‡Z cv‡i|
Then I (write) a letter. (was
At that time I (sleep) in my
room. (was sleeping)
Rule-8. While Gi c‡iB verb _vK‡j verb wUi m‡½ ing hy³ nq|
wKš‘ while+subject Gi c‡i verb _vK‡j past continuous tense- G n‡e|
While (go) to college, I saw a
dead cow. (going)
While he (walk) along the road, a
snake bit him. (was walking)
Don't gossip while (read).
Rule-9 Infinitive- Gi c~‡e©
Aew¯’ 'go' verb- wU mvaviYZ
continuous tense- G nq|
He (go) to start a business. (is
I (go) to drink one thing only.
(am going)
Rule-10. By this time/By+ mgq (by morning, by Sunday etc) _vK‡j
evK¨wU mvaviYZ future
perfect tense- G nq|
They (reach) by this time/by
afternoon. (will have reached)
He (return) by Monday next (will
have returned)
I (finish) the book by June 2004
. (will have finished)
Rule-11. Tommorrow, next/coming+ mgq (next month, coming year) GgbwK
fwel¨Z Kv‡ji †Kvb mvj _vK‡jI evK¨wU future
indefinite tense- G nq|
I (leave) for Dhaka tomorrow.
(shall leave)
We (visit) The zoon next week.
(shall visit)
Our final exam (begin) tomorrow.
(will begin)
Rule-12. mvaviYZ compound ev complex sentence Gi GKwU finite
verb past indefinite tense- G n‡j Ab¨ finite verb I past
indefinite tense- G nq|
The boy finished his work and
(go) to the playground. (went)
I(see) him and talked to him.
As they studied hard, they (pass)
the exams. (passed)
Rule-13. That Gi c~‡e©i clause- wU past indefinite tense- _vK‡j that Gi c‡ii clause- wU mvavibZ
Past perfect tense- G nq| KvR
`yÕwU Av‡M c‡I †evSv‡jI Av‡Mi KvRwUi Rb¨ Past
perfect tense I c‡ii KvRwUi Rb¨ Past
Indefinite tense nq| Z‡e That
c‡ii clause wU habit cÖKvk Ki‡j
H clause- wU past indefinite tense G n‡e| Avevi
universal truth cÖKvk Ki‡j
clause- wU present indefinite tense-G nq|
He said that he (visit) the
Tajmahal. (had visited)
You told me that you (finish) the
work. (had finished)
The teacher said that the earth
(g) round the sun. (goes)
Rule-14. After Gi wVK
c‡ii clause- wU past perfect tense- Ges Ab¨ clause- wU past indefinite tense- G nq|
Avevi before Gi c‡ii clause- wU past indefinite tense- G Ges Ab¨ clause- wU past perfect tense- G nq|
After I (finish) the work, I went
to bed (had finished)
The train had left before we
(reach) the station. (reached)
Rule-15. When/after Gi c~‡e©i clause wU present ev future indefinite tense n‡j c‡ii clause- wU mvavibZ present perfect tense- G nq|
Return me the book after you
(finish) reading it. (have finished)
They will enter the classroom
when they (sing) the national anthem. (have sung)
Rule-16. Since Gi c~‡e©i clause wU present tense n‡j c‡ii clause- wU past indefinite tense- G nq|
Avevi, Since- Gi c~‡e©i clause wU past tense n‡j c‡ii clause- wU past perfect tense- G nq|
Three years have passed/It is
three years since we (pass) the SSC exam. (passed)
It was long since I (see) her
last. (had seen)
Rule-17. Principal clause wU present/future tense _vK‡j Ab¨ clause- I present/future tense – nq| Z‡e
hyw³msMZ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j Zv past
tense I
n‡Z cv‡i|
Students go to college and (gain)
knowledge. (gain)
I know when he (come).
(comes/came/will come)
Rule-18. I wish, I like, if, would that BZ¨vw`
Øviv AvKv•ÿv cÖKvk Kiv nq| G‡ÿ‡Î, G‡`I cieZx© subject- Gi c‡ii verb-wU 'be' verb n‡j were/could be e‡m| Be verb bv n‡q Ab¨ †Kvb verb n‡j †m verb wUi past form/could+present form e‡m|
I wish I (be) a king. (were/could
I like I *play) with the children.
(played/could play)
19 . I
fancy, would rather that, it is time, it is high time BZ¨vw`i c‡i
subject- _vK‡j Zvi
c‡ii verb wUi past form A_©vr past indefinite tense nq| Z‡e, it is time Gi c‡i subject- bv _v‡K
mivmwi verb _vK‡j H verb wUi c~‡e© to e‡m| A_©vr verb wUi Infinitive nq|
I fancy I (turn) a trifle pale.
It is high time you (study) hard.
It is time (go) to college. (to
Rule-20. As if/as though Gi c~‡ei© clause- wU present tense G n‡j c‡ii
clause wU mvavibZ
past indefinite
tense nq|
G‡ÿ‡Î, past
indefinite tense G Be
verb memgq
were nq|
You talk
as if you (know) everything. (knew)
The man
acts as though he (be) a fool. (were)
Avevi As if/as though Gi c~‡e©i clause-
past tense- G _vK‡j
c‡ii clause wU past perfect tense – G nq|
talked as if you (know) everything. (had known)
The man
acted as though he (be) a fool. (had been)
Rule-21. If clause- wU present indefinite tense G _vK‡j
Aci clause wU mvavibZ
future indefinite
tense- G
nq| Avevi, present
indefinite tense- I n‡Z cv‡i|
If we
read more, we (learn) more. (will learn)
If it
rains, I (not go) out, (do/shall not go)
Rule-22. If clause- wU present tense- G _vK‡j Aci clause wU subject+would/could/might+verb- Gi base form' MV‡b
If we
studied well, we (pass). (might pass)
If I had
a lot of money, I (help) the poor. (would help)
Subject- Gi c‡i Aew¯’Z were/had-
subject- Gi c~‡e© if- Gi ¯’v‡b (if
cwie‡Z©) emv‡jI GKB A_© cÖKvk K‡i| †m‡ÿ‡Î c‡ii clause- wU wbw`©ó wbq‡gB n‡e|
Were I rich, I (help) the poor,
(would help)
Had I the wings of a bird, I
(fly) in the sky. (Would/could fly)
Rule-23 If clause wU past perfect tense- G _vK‡j
Aci clause-wUi Ôsubject+would/could/might+have+past
participle form of verb' MVb nq|
If you had walked faster, you
(not miss) the train. (would not have missed)
Had I been a bird, I (fly) in the
sky. (would have flown)
Rule-24 No sooner+had+subject+past
participle form of verb... + than+subject+past form of verb....
No soorner we (reach) the station
than the train left. (had we reached)
Rule-25. Hardly/scarcely+had+subject+past
participle form of verb...+when+subject+past form of verb...
Hardly he (hear) news when he
burst into tears. (had he heard)
Scarcely we (reach) the class
when the bell rang. (had we reached)
Thank you