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Life is made up of events and experiences. But all of these are not equally important and memorable. Some of these are pleasant and they remain evergreen in great. My first day at school is such an event.
It was the 1st January of 20__. On that very day man, my father tools me to the nearest primary school of our locality in the morning. When I stepped inside the school compound with my father I was somewhat afraid finding myself in a new environment my heart began to beat. At first, he asked my name and some other easy questions. I could answer all of them.
Then I was taken to the classroom just at 10.00 a.m. Our class teacher MD. Ruhul Amin appeared before us. We all stood up to show him respect. The class lasted 35 minutes and all the time he treated us as his friends and spoke in a polite manner. Finally, he gave us Hemet work. When the bell rang, he left the class. I had four other periods with a break of 30 minutes. I found that all my teachers were careful, friendly and helpful.
At the leisure Peron all of my classmates started playing of the field. I felt very lonely and was loitering here and tree. Then they invited me to join them. At first, I was a little suspicious. But the warmth with which they received me dispelled all my fears. I felt myself like a free bird flying in the open sky.
My first day at school in the most memorable day of my life. Everything in the school appeared before me to be new and joyful. I left the school at 02:30 p.m. With new experience and cheerful mind. The day will remain evergreen in my mind.

The home and the educational institution of a student are the places where he imbibes the spirit of social-service. Now, social service is considered an important part of the school activities.

Like others, students have also their duties towards the society. Students are the future citizens of the country and have different roles to play. Though they should devote a greater part of their time in attending to their studies they should spend a portion of their time in the service of the people. It is needless to say that they get much time for merry making, playing, amusements, touring etc. apart from their routine life of study. Students should cultivate the spirit of service from the very formative stage.

Most of the time of a student is wasted in idle gossip, in roaming and in fruitless work. It is better to utilize the power of youth in socially productive work than to squander our precious time in loitering at the market place or before theatre hall. If a student utilizes his time fruitfully and in socially useful work he gets contentment. Contentment is his satisfaction with his position. Students should remember that they are born for the improvement of the society by instilling the spirit of service in them. They can help the mankind in the best possible way. If a student does not have the will or spirit to work, he cannot succeed in life. We elevate our life style by doing well to the society. Social service is a voluntary work and one cannot be compelled to do a work. Social service fulfills two conditions. It helps one to utilize the leisure hours and the society gets benefited by it.

The value of social service should be taught to students to create inspiration in them. They should be enthused to pay their utmost strength and service to the society to make their existence meaningful.  Students should be taught how to serve the people of their country. They may teach reading, writing and arithmetic to the vast majority of illiterate Indians. They may render service to the members of the society in their time of need. They may relieve the suffering of the masses by nursing the sick.

Spreading education is no mean service. They can make the illiterate masses aware of their rights and duties. Once zeal is created amongst the students illiteracy may be wiped out. The Government cannot fulfill the ambitions of the vast mass of people.

Hence the students can guide the people in the right direction whether it is a question of digging canals or constructing educational institutions. Sympathy and fellow feeling should be imparted the students to do some noble works for the people.

People of our country are not aware of how to keep the atmosphere hygienic. People can be taught by students how to lead a life of cleanliness and how to keep their lives free from diseases. Students can co-operate with people on matters of public interest such as education, sanitation, trade and commerce. Students can participate in cleaning drains, ponds during the leisure hours. They can help people during natural calamities such as earth quake, flood, drought, cyclone by collecting funds from different sources.

Students have a spirit to work but the guardians and, teacher should guide them in the right way. Social service can be safely managed if they can be guided properly. Our teachers should guide them in the right way.

 I want to see Bangladesh in the level of the devolved countries in the world. It is my hope that Bangladesh is finally going to be recognized as a developed country – economically and socially – in 2050, crossing over from the list of developing countries. I wish that Bangladesh will achieve all the three conditions that are needed to be a developed country in 2050. In 2050 Bangladesh will be as Rich As America and other European countries.

Throughout history, people have turned to astrologers, pundits and gurus in their quest to unlock the mysteries of the future. Businesses show a big appetite for a peep into the future as the existing climate becomes highly uncertain. Nevertheless, predicting the future has always been a difficult business, especially if the prediction is proved wrong. Almost immediately after the independence of Bangladesh, Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State, dismissed the country as a “perpetual economic basket case”. But Bangladesh has proved Kissinger wrong. In the last 46 years, Bangladesh has undergone an amazing transformation. There has been some good progress in almost all spheres of life. Therefore, instead of making any predictions, it is appropriate to analyse all the available statistics, facts and figures and speculate how the current developments will affect our life in the next 32 years—till 2050.

However, in 2050, how I want to see Bangladesh is given bellow,
We will envision a democratic system where people will choose their government freely and get services from it without hassle, enjoy freedom from fear and intolerance, live with dignity; where every citizen is assured of social justice, environmental protection, human rights and  equal opportunities; and where the rule of law and good governance will flourish.  We will envision a liberal, progressive and democratic welfare State. Simultaneously we will envision a Bangladesh which by 2, will be a rich country where poverty will be drastically reduced where, our citizens will be able to meet every basic need and where development will be on fast track, with ever-increasing rates of inclusive growth.

Bangladesh will generate around 30,000 MW electricity per year, and explore new possible & probable COAL & Gas reserve to substrate Bangladesh’s energy demand for at least 100years.

Bangladesh will have enhanced productivity based on modern technology, diversified types of agricultural outputs, & commercialized agricultural produce. The economy of Bangladesh is primarily dependent on agriculture about 84 percent of the total population live in rural areas and is directly or indirectly engaged in a wide range of agricultural activities.

Human rights will be established on a strong footing with a view to ensuring the rule of law. Independence of the judiciary will be ensured and the institutions of the state and administration will be freed from partisan influence. The basis of appointments and promotions will be merit, efficiency, seniority, honesty and loyalty to the Republic; political connections will have no relevance.

Terrorism, corruption and use of religion for politics will be eliminated. Steps appropriate to the time will be taken to establish democratic principles in the political parties, transparency of political funding, civility and tolerance.

By 2050, a minimum daily intake of 2,122 kilo calories of food, elimination of contagious disease, primary health care and sanitation for all will be ensured. Average longevity will be increased to seventy years, and efforts will be made for the reduction of child and maternal mortality.

Measures will be taken to remove obstacles in the development of Bengali culture, literature, art, music and sport and to provide all opportunities by the state to enable the younger generations to attain international standards and to contribute to the nation.

However, in 2050, I want to see Bangladesh as a developed country with all the things described above.

Everyone has his / her own personality. I have also my personality. There are many people all around the world who are very famous and celebrities. But my favorite personality is my father. My father is my hero and an awesome father.
He is kind, polite and really friendly to everyone. He is a pastor by profession and is very good in teaching to his family and congregation. He is always ready to help and support the needy and helpless. He is God fearing person and always teaches us to remember the God’s gifts and God’s love for the world. I am so proud to have a father like him and I pray that He may live long. He is a pillar and a strong hand for his family.
He is a simple man with kind rules. He never refuses anybody if someone comes to the door asking for help. He has a loving and soft hearted. I haven’t seen a man like him. Everybody likes him when he goes to his people and congregation. His department is also happy on his kind nature and God fearing work.
There are so many guys I have seen who are living a good life because of my father, who sent them to the school, universities and Bible institutes for learning and making their future because many of them were unable to study and become a better person. I pray for his life and health. He is not so white, not so handsome, maybe not so good appearance but he is my hero, my favorite and my ideal man. The best in the whole world and nobody is like him I ever seen.
He is my friend and always ready to encourage, appreciate me for success and always ready to help me wherever I need a friend or a support of my father. I proud of my father and wish him good health, age.
Patriotism means love of one’s own country. It is a noble virtue. it is a sterling quality of a man. It elevates his moral character and inspires him to lay down his life on the alter of his country. He is the most unfortunate man who has no sense of love for his motherland. So for the development of Bangladesh it is necessary to love Bangladesh.

Patriotism inflames a spirit of sacrifice in a man. It inspires him to live for his country and die for his country. The progress and prosperity of a nation depends on the deep love of the individual members of the country. National prestige and glory should be a living reality to a true patriot. He should not live for his own interest being blind of the interest of his country and countrymen. He should bear in mind that motherland is superior to heaven.

False patriotism is very dangerous. Love of one's own country is good but one should not look down upon other countries. Many crimes have been committed in the name of patriotism. It has been so much misused to fulfill the most selfish aims and narrow passions that Dr Johnson said in disgust, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." So, true patriotism is necessary for the development of Bangladesh.

A true patriot always longs for the good of his country and countrymen. It is a noble sentiment that inspires him to place. The good of his motherland .above his personal interest. He devotes himself to the service of his Country. So his countrymen always hold him in great respect and follow in his footsteps. He has no conflict with internationalism. A true patriot has a broad and liberal outlook. So, patriotism is a must for the development of Bangladesh.

However, in this world there is no man who is not proud of his country. It is the purest of all his passions. There is no man whose heart is not filled with joy when he walks homeward after traveling in a foreign country. In fact it can be said that Bangladesh cannot be developed without patriotism.

Climate change is the most pressing issue at the moment over the world. The cause of climate change can be divided into two categories those are due to natural causes and those are created by men. Global worming is the main natural reason and using harmful chemicals in every day life the main reason created by man. The climate is changing rapidly that result in the rise of the earth’s average temperature. The global climate change and its consequences are leaving a bad impact on the developing countries to face natural calamities and poverty. Climate change impacts include temperature rise, greenhouse and carbon dioxide gas emissions, erratic rainfall, salinity intrusion, rise of floods, cyclones, storm surges and draught, ice sheets melting which will seriously affect the agriculture and livelihood, especially at the poor. Bangladesh, for its geographical locations, is likely to be the most affected.

However, Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time. Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather within the context of longer-term average conditions. Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have been identified as primary causes of ongoing climate change, often referred to as global warming.

There are many causes of Climate Change in Bangladesh. The energy emitted by the Sun that reaches the Earth and is carried further to different parts of the planet by winds and ocean currents is one of the main reasons for climatic change. Mostly human activities are responsible for climate change. Human induced activities are burning of fossil fuel, deforestation, leading of luxurious life, industrial activities etc. These activities enhance the emission of greenhouse gases (methane, carbon-di-oxide, sulfur-di-oxide etc.). Greenhouse gases emission to an extent that nature system is now not able to assimilate these gases. As a result the earth becomes warm and increases temperature, rate of melting of snow and ice in polar region.  Serious consequences will be a rise in sea levels, which will endanger coastal areas and small islands. The new age technology is adding to the emission of carbon on the planet which in turn is having a negative impact on the climate. Apart from this, the orbital variations, plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions also cause changes in the climate.

Climate change has started endangering biodiversity, food and fresh water supply, impacting human health worldwide, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh due to low adaptive capacity. Climate change will affect humans as well as plants and animals. As the sea level rises and the movements of the winds, tides and clouds change, it will impact the world’s environment. This will result in heavy rainfall in some parts of the world and drought in other parts.

These climate changes has a direct impact on agriculture, particularly in India. If seasons change, farmers will not be able to plan their activities related to agriculture. Crop production is being affected and there is severe shortage of food. If the climate change is very fast, plants may not be able to adapt, leading to extinction of species.

The level of the sea is also rising due to climatic changes as the water expands when it is heated. The water from the melted ice caps also raises the sea level. Due to the rising sea level, people from coastal regions has started  to migrate. This has started to create  problems related to mass exodus, like unemployment and shortage of food.

So, we human beings should be careful about our activities so that our activities may not be the causes of climate change.

I play various games like cricket, football, badminton, table tennis etc. Among them, I like the game, cricket most. It is the most popular and interesting game. I like to play and witness cricket match.

Last month, I had an opportunity to enjoy an international one-day cricket match played between the eternal rival countries- India and Pakistan. The match was held in memory of our Independence Day in the Bangabandhu National Stadium.

I along with one of my friends somehow managed two tickets. The match began at 9.30 a.m. the two teams entered the centre of the stadium in time led by the captain of the respective team. The Pakistani team was led by __________ and the Indian team was led by ________. Pakistan was batting ferociously against the big score of 326 runs.

Then the Indian team started batting. At first, they tried to keep the match under their control. But after 25 over’s they could not stand against the fast bowling of ______ , ________ , _______ and _________ . _______  and ________ were the top scorers of the Indian team. They scored 70 and 75. The Indian team began to move towards the Pakistani team. At one stage, the Indian team scored 280 losing all the wickets. The Pakistani team won the match by 46 runs. _____ was declared the man of the match in consideration of his outstanding performance.
I was lathe supporter of Pakistan. This was the most exciting cricket. Match. I have ever enjoyed. It was really an enjoyable and extraordinary day for me. The players tried to exhibit their best skill and performance. The memory and pleasure of the match will remain evergreen in my mind.

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