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Some important applications
Some important applications
November 28, 2014
Some important applications for S.S.C. Examination 2014
1. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for opening an English language club.
10 February 2014
The head master
Jib Nagor High School
Chatkhil, Noakhali.
Sub: Prayer for opening an English language club.
With due respect, we beg to state that we are the students of class x of your school. We feel it’s necessary to open an English language club in our school compound. A language club can help develop the conversational skill of the students.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to open an English language club in our school and oblige thereby.
Yours obediently
Asmaul Hushna Rakhi
On behalf of the students of class x
2. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for opening a debating/literary club.
Ans: 12 February 2014
The Headmaster
Comilla Zela School
Sub: Prayer for organise a debating club/literary club.
We are the students of your famous school, beg to state that we want to organise a literary club/debating club in our school. There are many promising boys in our school. They are interested it.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige thereby.
Yours truly,
The students of Comilla Zela School
3. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for permission to go on a study tour/excursion/picnic.
12 March 2014
The headmaster
Viqarunnesa Noon High School
Subject: Prayer for permission to go on a picnic/excursion/study tour.
We are the students of your School. We want to go on a picnic/study tour at Maynamati in Comilla. It is really a historical place for picnic/ study tour. Our Bengali teacher has agreed to go to the picnic /the study tour with us.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to go on the picnic and sanction us a handsome amount of money.
We remain
Your’s obediently
The student of class-10
4. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for increasing/enhancing common room facilities.
10 February 2014
The Headmaster
Khulna zela School
Sub: Prayer for increasing/ enhancing common room facilities.
With due respect, we beg to state that we are the students of your school. Our common room facilities are not sufficient to meet up our demand. So, we need enhancing/increasing common room facilities.
May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps increasing common room facilities and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully
Morjina Akter
On behalf of the students of the students of Khulna Zela School
5. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for setting up a computer club.
Ans: 15 February 2014
The headmaster
Hatpukuria High School
Chatkhil, Noakhali.
Sub: Prayer for setting up a computer club.
With due to respect, we beg to state that we are the students of your school. You know that computer is very useful for the students but there is no computer club in our school. We need a computer club in our school to develop our computer knowledge and skill.
May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to establish a computer club in our school and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully
Nasima Akter
Class: X Roll: 01
On behalf of the students of your school
6. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for full free studentship/financial help from the poor fund.
Date-05 December 2014
The Headmaster
Shoheed Muktijodda Ideal School
Shonaimoori, Noakhali.
Subject: Prayer for full free studentship/financial help from the poor fund.
With due respect, I beg to state that I have been reading in your school for last three years. My father is a poor farmer who is unable to meet my educational expenses. So, I need a full free studentship/financial help from the poor fund.
May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me full free studentship/financial help from the poor fund and oblige thereby.
I remain
Your most obediently
Class-X, Roll-5
7. Write an application to the deputy commissioner of your district praying for relief goods and medical aids.
02 February 2014
The Deputy Commissioner
Sub: Prayer for relief goods and medical aids for the flood effected people.
With due respect, we beg to state that we are the inhabitants of village Romapur , Upozella : Chatkhil under your District. We are flood affected of this time. In our village most of the people have lost their crops, cattle and house. Cholera and other diseases have broken out in an epidemic form. So we need relief goods and medical aids immediately.
May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to send relief goods and medical aids for us and oblige thereby.
I remain
Yours faithfullu
Rashed Patwary
On behalf of the people of Romapur village
8. Write an application to the Deputy commissioner/the Upozila Chairman for constructing a bridge over the canal.
Ans: 7 February 2014
The Deputy Commissioner/ The Upozila chairman
Noakhali/ Chatkhil, Noakhali.
Sub: Prayer for construction of a bridge.
With due respect, we beg to state that we are the inhabitants of Noakhala village under your Union/Upozila/Zila. There runs a big canal along our village. There is a simple bamboo bridge over the canal to cross the villagers. That is not sufficient to the villagers. So, we need a bridge over the canal.
May we, therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough ato take necessary steps to construct a bridge over the canal and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully
Md. Nasir Alom
On behalf of the people of Noakhala village
9. Write an application to the chairman of your Union Council or Municipality to repair the road immediately.
8 February 2014
The Chairman
‘X’ Union Porishod/Municipality
Chatkhil, Noakhali
Sub: Prayer for repairing the damaged road.
With due respect, I am an inhabitant of ‘Z’ village of your Union/Municipality beg to state that the main road to Dulalpir from our village has been badly damaged by the recent flood. The villagers face diffecultied to go from one place to another place and vehicles can not play along the roads.
May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps repairing the damaged road and oblige thereby.
Your’s faithfully
Md.. Amin Rasul
10. Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Porishad for sinking a deep tube well in your locality.
Date: December-25-2013
The chairman
Hatpukuria Gatlabug Union Porishad
Chatkhil, Noakhali.
Subject: Prayer for sinking a deep tube well.
We are the inhabitants of Gatlabug village of your Union Porishad beg to state that there is no tube-well in our village. Drinking impure water we are affected from many diseases lacking of pure water. So, we need a deep tube-well in our village.
May we, therefore, pray and hope that would kindly sanction a deep tube-well to sink our village.
We remain
Your faithfully
On be half of the inhabitations of Gatlabug village
11. Write an application to your Headmaster for a testimonial with academic records, character and other activities.
Ans: 7 February 2014
The Headmaster
T and T High School
Mogh Bazar, Dhaka
Sub: Prayer for a testimonial.
With due respect, I beg to state that I had been a student of your school. I passed the S.S.C. Examination from your school in 2012 getting G.P.A-5. My roll no was Comilla 334455. I now intend to get myself admitted into a renowned college. So, I need a testimonial.
May I therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial with reference of my academic records, character and other activities and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours
Roll no Comilla 334455, Group- Science
12. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for increasing/enhancing library facilities/ buying more books for school library.
Date -20-Novemver-2013
The headmaster
Hatpukuria High school
Chatkhil, Noakhali
Subject: Prayer for increasing/enhancing library facilities/buying more books for school library.
We are the students of your school; beg to inform you that there are some books in our school library. But these are not sufficient to meet up our demand. So, we must need buying more books for the school library increasing /enhancing our library facilities.
May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would take necessary steps to buy more books for the school library.
We remain
Your obediently
The students of Hatpukuria High School
Chatkhil, Noakhali
13. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for a seat in the school hostel.
The Headmaster
Hatpukuria High School
Chatkhil, Noakhali.
Sub: Prayer for a seat in the school hostel.
With due respect, I beg to state that my father is a government employee. Recently he has transferred to Begomgonj in Noakhali and our family is going to move there soon. So, I need a seat in the school hostel to continue my studies in your school.
May I therefore, pray and hope that you would grant me a seat in the school hostel.
I remain
Your obediently
Amir Hossain
Class- X, Roll No- 10.
Composed by Md. Nasir Uddin (B.A, B.P.Ed-1st Class, N.T.R.C.-2007), Senior Teacher of Hat Pukuria High School, Chatkhil, Noakhali.
Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for permission to organize a literary club in your college.
22 August 2012
The Principal
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Subject: Prayer for organizing a literary club
Dear Sir,
With due respect we, the students of your college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that there is no literary club in our college. There are many students among us who are gifted with literary talents. But it is not possible for them to develop their latent talents and literary faculty for want of necessary facilities and nourishment. So, it has become very important to organize a literary club in our college.
Moreover, we want to hold seminars, debates, recitations, essay competitions and publish magazines under the auspices of the contemplated ‘Literary Club.’ It is hoped that this club will help the students not only to bring out their latent literary talents but also to acquire knowledge of the contemporary world literature.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to take necessary steps to organize a literary club in our college and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Doe
On behalf of the students of
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Roll No. 4
Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for permission and some financial help to go on a study tour.
22 August 2012
The Principal
Lakeview Girls Cadet College
Lakeview, NY
Subject: Prayer for permission to go on a study tour
Dear Sir,
With due respect we, the students of class xi of your college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we are willing to go on a study tour at X, Y and Z. We have selected such places where nature has bestowed lavishly all her beauties. It is our belief that this tour will help us to increase our knowledge and widen the horizon of our outlook and experience. Besides, it will give us an opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of vistas.
Our team will consist of thirty members. In the mean time, two reverend teachers of our department have given their consent to guide us. We wish to spend there some eight or nine days for the purpose.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to give us permission to go on a study tour and sanction a considerable sum of money for the purpose.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Doe
On behalf of the students of
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for establishing a computer club in your college.
22 August 2012
The Principal
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Subject: Prayer for establishing a computer club
Dear Sir,
With due respect we, the students of your college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that there is no computer club in our college. In this age of globalization, we cannot keep pace with the modern world without acquiring knowledge of computer. Academic knowledge fails to bring success for a student if he has no knowledge of computer. So, it has become very important to set up a computer club in our college. This club will help the students not only to operate it but also to acquire practical knowledge of it.
Moreover, there are many brilliant science students in our college. If they are given chance to use computer, one day they may establish themselves as computer scientists.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to take necessary steps to establish a computer club in our college to widen the horizon of our computer knowledge.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Doe
On behalf of the students of
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for a full free studentship/ help from the poor fund.
20 May 2012
The Principal
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Subject: Prayer for monetary help from the poor fund.
Dear Sir,
With due respect I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that I am a student of class xi in your college. My father is a small businessman. He is the only earning member in our family. His income is very poor. With his poor income he has to maintain a big family consisting of seven members.
Moreover, three of my brothers and sisters are studying in different schools and colleges. In these days of economic crisis, it is almost impossible for him to bear my educational expenses anymore. So, I am badly in need of a full free studentship/ help from the poor fund of the college to continue my studies smoothly.
Under the above circumstances, I fervently pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to grant me a full free studentship/ help me from the college poor fund and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Doe
On behalf of the students of
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for relief goods and medical aids for the flood affected/cyclone affected people of your area.
22 August 2012
The Deputy Commissioner
Lakeview, New York
Sub: Prayer for relief goods for the flood affected people.
Dear Sir,
With due respect we, the inhabitants of Lakeview, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that a devastating flood has visited our area recently. The flood of this time has broken all the records of the past. Thousands of people have become homeless, foodless and clothless. Standing crops have been destroyed and the stored food stuffs have been washed away. A large number of cattle have also been washed away. Most of the people of this area now living under open air and suffering from scarcity of food and pure drinking water. They are now leading a very miserable and hard life.
Moreover, in the wake of flood dreadful diseases like cholera and diarrhea have broken out and have already taken a heavy toll of human lives. The diseases may turn into an epidemic form at any time.
Under the above circumstances, we fervently pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to grant sufficient relief goods for the flood affected people of this area to lessen their sufferings.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Doe
On behalf of the people of Lakeview, New York
Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for permission to establish a debating club in your college.
22 August 2012
The Principal
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Subject: Prayer for establishing a debating club
Dear Sir,
With due respect we, the students of your college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that there is no debating club in our college. After continuous class-hours, very often we pass our time by gossiping. A debating club can be the alternative to this gossiping in which we can train ourselves in debating under the guidance of our teachers. At the same time, we can arrange debate competitions every now and then. So, it has become very important to establish a debating club in our college.
Moreover, we have an idea to form an executive committee with the teachers and students to perform its job properly. It will arrange debate competitions in the college under the auspices of the contemplated ‘Debating Club.’
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to take necessary steps to establish a debating club in our college and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Doe
On behalf of the students of
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Roll No. 112
Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for opening a canteen on the college campus.
22 August 2012
The Principal
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Subject: Prayer for opening a canteen on the college campus.
Dear Sir,
With due respect we, the students of your college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we have been suffering much for want of a good canteen on our college campus. Very often our classes continue from 9 am to 4 pm. We get tired both physically and mentally without tiffin during this long period. In order to have a welcome relief of the strain, we need good tiffin during interval.
Moreover, many students come from distant places and it is not possible for them to go home or even to college boarding house to have a lunch. Though there are restaurants around us, they are not only expensive but also unhygienic.
Under the above circumstances, we pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to take all necessary steps to set up a canteen on our college campus and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Doe
On behalf of the students of
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for a seat in the college hostel
22 August 2012
The Principal
Jane Doe
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Subject: Prayer for a seat in the college hostel
Dear Sir,
With due respect I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that I am a student of class XII in your college. My father is a federal employee. Recently he has been transferred from X to Y. Our family has already shifted there. As a result, I have been suffering much for want of accommodation and my studies are being greatly hampered.
Besides, I have no relatives here with whom I can reside in X. So, I am badly in need of a seat in the college hostel where I may get on well with my studies. I promise you to observe all the rules of the hostel.
May I, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to allot me a seat in the college hostel and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Doe
Science Group
Roll No. 45
Write an application to the Principal of your college for increasing library facilities in the college library.
22 August 2012
The Principal
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Subject: Prayer for increasing library facilities in the college library.
Dear Sir,
With due respect we, the students of your college, would like to draw your kind attention to the insufficient library facilities of our college. The number of books kept in the library is insufficient and cannot meet the demand of the increasing students. Most of the books kept here are in tatters because of overuse and mishandling. Many important reference books are not available. The supply of dailies and magazines is also insufficient. So, the collection of books and magazines should be increased immediately.
Besides, there is an acute accommodation problem in the library. Moreover, the furniture that exists here is very old. It would be very fine if the set up of the furniture could be changed.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to take necessary steps to increase library facilities and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Doe
On behalf of the students of
Lakeview Girls’ Cadet College, NY
Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council for construction a bridge over the canal in your locality.
22 August 2012
The Chairman
X Union Council
Lakeview, New York
Sub: Prayer for the construction of a bridge.
Dear Sir,
With due respect we, the inhabitants of Lakeview, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that there runs an important canal along our village. It is near our college and market. Many people including students have to cross this canal every day. During dry season boats are not available. The only way to cross the canal is on foot. But it is not possible for children and girl students to cross the canal on foot. Only a small bridge over the canal can remove all these problems.
Moreover, the people of this village sell their agricultural products in the bazaar which is on the other side of the canal. But they find it difficult to carry their goods across the canal.
Under the above circumstances, we fervently pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to take necessary steps to construct a bridge over the canal to lessen our sufferings.
Yours faithfully,
David Jones
On behalf of the people of Lakeview, NY
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