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(01). Travelling
 Travelling means going from one place to another in different purposes. They also explore to see the unseen and know the unknown. The travelers always travel the most beautiful places of the world which uphold the existence of nature. All things are created by Allah. There are many means to see the unseen and know the unknown, but travelling is the best of all. For example: Reading books gives us literal knowledge, listening story gives us indefinite ideas, but travelling gives us visual as well as concrete knowledge. At the same time, people do not travel in the same purposes. Someone travels to gain knowledge and experience, someone travels for pleasure, someone travels for business purposes etc. There are different types of travelling like- travelling by air, bus, boat, train, bus etc. Every travelling has much educative value. It is a part of education. Our education and book knowledge remain imperfect without travelling. For this reason, we can learn many things by travelling. It teaches us trade and commerce, language, sociology, customs, culture, history, geography and so on. Therefore, the educative value of travelling beggars description. Besides, there are some special benefits of travelling. If a man stays at one place for a long time, he becomes monotonous and his life becomes boring and callous. Travelling removes our monotony and gives pleasure. Similarly, it also broadens our outlook and refreshes our mind. A good traveler can easily educate others. He can give us first-hand knowledge of men and matters of other country. I like travelling very much.

(02). Gardening
Gardening is one kind of hobby. It gives much pleasure and entertainment. When we pass our leisure, we generally work in the garden. It is an expression of refreshment and purity. My hobby is gardening. My garden is near our house. I prepared it very carefully. It is a fertile land and I cultivated it with proper manure so that I could grow up different flowers. I have protected it with fence. I fenced it all around very carefully so that no animal could enter it. There are different kinds of flowers in it. Among them rose, tube-rose, grass flowers and the liking. The flowers make my garden look wonderful. We can make garland for our festivals and occasions with these flowers. People come to me for flowers for their common uses. I fulfill their need. In fact, my garden is a great source of pleasure and recreation to me.

(03).  My Class-Room
A class room is the room where the classes are held in school. It is a part of school. I read in class Seven. My class room is on the first floor of my school building. It is very spacious. It faces the South. There is a big play-ground in front of it. It is 30 miters by 25 miters. It has two big doors and four windows. These made of steel. There are twenty five joined benches for the students and the teachers a chair is on the platform. A teacher sits on the chair with a table in his front. There is a big black board in the North West corner of the room. When a teacher writes something on this black board, the students can see it easily. The room is airy and well-lighted. There are two fans in the room. It is neat clean. I like my class room most. 

(04). A Road Accident
 Bangladesh is a very populated country. Here road management is very bad. Every day we find road accident news in daily newspapers. I also face a road accident. Everyday go my college by local bus. Like daily activities I was going for my bus. I was standing on the rod and waiting for the bus. Then I saw two little boys are crossing the busy road. They were not enough to cross the road. When they are crossing the road a bus push them in little speed. They were very afraid for his and they also little injured. One boy's leg was injured and another was injured in his hand. I rushed them and treatment them. I took a medicine from the nearby dispensary and used it on the injured place. They are crying for pain. I told them where from they are and where hey want to go. They said " They are going to school and they are from Khulna. After some moment I take them their hose. The boys parent were very shocked to see their boys are ill. They were very sad. I told the full matter about the road accident. They thanked me. They also invited me to come their hose. I was gone their hose. And they offer me food. In this way I become common person to them.

(05). The life of a fisherman
 A fisherman is a parson who earns his livelihood by catching and selling fishes. Generally, he lives near the river, sea and canal. He passes most of the time in fishing in the river and in the sea. Sometimes he goes in the deep sea for fishing and his family becomes anxious about his safe return. In leisure period, he has to repair his net and take care of his boat. It he catches a lot of fishes, his pleasure knows no bound. A fisherman leads very poor life. Generally, he has to borrow nets and boats from his owner. He has to take loan from the moneylenders. If he can not catch fish due to his illness or rough weather, his family has to starve. His children are deprived of education and the members of his family are deprived of medical facilities. A fisherman supplies us with fish. He also plays on important role to earn foreign currency. Therefore, government should manage interest free loan for them so that they can improve their miserable condition.

(06). A Village Doctor
A village doctor is a familiar figure in the village. Almost all the people of the village know him. He may be quack. However he is kind and sympathetic by nature. He is very active. His knowledge of medicine is very little. He has to lead a busy life. He rises early and takes a little breakfast and attends to the patients till the noon. He has a small dispensary. His stock of medicine is very small. His dispensary is very ordinary. Most of his patients are old man, woman and children of the village. He has a chair to sit on and a table before. He goes a long distance on foot or by bicycle to attend to a patient at any time of the day and night. Generally  the village doctor does not take any fee from the patient. He also helps the poor people with free medical advice and medicine. After all a village doctor is very useful and important person of the village.

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