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i.My Favorite Teacher
Mr. Abdul jabber is my favorite teacher. He teaches us English. He is a teacher of the first water. He possesses all the qualities of a good teacher. He is a brilliant scholar with a sound academic career. He is an M.A in English. We are all charmed by his art of speaking and method of teaching. He has a strong, clear and pleasing voice. Every day he teaches us in a new style. He speaks English with a foreign accent. He creates an English environment in his class. He is always friendly with his students. He helps us in all possible ways. He helps the weak students with difficult lessons. He makes his lesson intersection and keeps his students active in the class. He also make them confident and proves them clever. He does not sit motionless before his class. He uses his arms, hands and fingers to make his expressions lively and impressive. He maintains strict discipline in the class. He is very honest, gentle, polite, sincere, dutiful and well-behaved. I am greatly impressed by his towering personality.
ii.Environmental Pollution:
Environment pollution, now a days, is one of the tremendous problems in the world. Environment pollution means  the pollutions of different elements of environment. These elements are air, water, Soil, plants, trees, animals and so on. These elements are polluted in many ways. Air is polluted  by smoke. Man makes fire to cook his food, to make bricks, melts pitch for road-construction and  burns wood. Rail-engines, mills and factories and power houses use coal and oil. Buses, trucks, cars and  other vehicles use petrol and diesel . All these produce heavy smoke and this smoke pollutes the air. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their lands to grow more food. The rain and floods wash away some of the chemicals which get mixed with canal and river water. The wasted materials,  unsold products, oil, food waste and human waste thrown away into the rivers and canals, pollute water. Destroying the valuable forests is  also a factor of environment pollution. The lack of sufficient trees causes the insufficiency of oxygen.  As a result, the number of animals is also decreasing. However, to sum up, it can be told that, the pollution of one element refers to the pollution of another element of the environment for what the climate if the world is going to be unbearable for human beings. As a sound environment is a suitable place for human beings, it is the responsibilities of human beings to keep the environment danger free.
iii. A Good Citizen.
A  good citizen is he or she who respects others and their property. He or she must be helpful, considerate,willing to appreciate others first, ready to listen to the views of others and think about what they have to say. A good citizen is ready to help  who are not in a position to help themselves. However, a good citizen is an asset of a country. He is also a person of good character who has basic knowledge on modern science., technologies, other subjects and lives a social life. With acquired skills and application, a good citizen plays a vital role in the development of the country. Knowledge in science helps him to enrich himself  and to contribute a lot to the society as well as the country. A sound sense of morality inspires him to be helpful to others. A person can be a good citizen by gaining necessary knowledge about the country, such as its laws, executive and legislative powers, judicial system, its culture, tradition, literature, moral values etc. A good citizen is good to himself, to his/her friends, family, and neighbors. He should never break social or state rules. They should also have good knowledge about the socio-economic activities and educational system. A country could be greatly benefited from a good citizen with such knowledge. With his well thought opinions to reform, develop, amend and protect the already existing things in the country, he would serve the nation. A good citizen is also a well-informed individual in various fields and contemporary would invention, which could be applied to the development of the country. He is a patriotic person with democratic attitude and thus fruitfully carries out individual responsibility in building a prosperous nation. With this regard, the government could play important roles in molding his moral character and preparing him to be knowledgeable in the necessary fields. So, the government should provide a well-structured and sound education system which would build a morally informed and knowledge-ably enriched good citizen.
iv.Leisure/ Pastime
Leisure is the time when a man is free from routine work and can do whatever he like best. In a word, it is a temporary relief from the monotonous routine task of our daily life. Village people spend their leisure by flying kites, fishing, playing swimming and gardening. City people spend their leisure by shopping, reading books, watching television, using computer, going park and zoo. The common sports are football, cricket, ha du du, chess etc. and the common pastimes are gossiping listening radio, watching television, reading books and newspapers etc. In late winter, the nature looks very beautiful and the sky remains very clear. Different kinds of flowers are bloomed everywhere. People enjoy it very much. In the late winter, many people travel from one place to another and enjoy the natural beauty. Besides, people enjoy then various kinds of games like badminton, volleyball, dariabandha and ha-du-du etc. Travelling is a good leisure. It refreshes our mind and broadens our outlook. Nevertheless, it is true that travelling is an expensive pastime. As I am a student, I do not get much time for leisure. I spend my leisure by playing cricket and reading novels on holiday, watching television and visiting many nice places. However, leisure should be significant for everyone.
v. Climate Change
Climate change is now the most unpredictable threat to our planet. The earth’s climate has changed over the last century. There is stronger evidence that most of the warming observed the last 50 years is due to human activities. Because of gas emissions, temperatures should continue to rise over the 21st century. Its impact will be severely negative on both mankind and nature. Human activities that contribute to climate change include in particular the burning of fossil fuels, agriculture and land-use changes like deforestation. These causes emissions of carbon dioxide [co2] , the main gas responsible for climate change . And for this possibly many catastrophic changes will be inevitable. The more the greenhouse gases are emitted, the higher the tendency will be for the earth to warm. It will widespread the melting of snow and ice. Serious consequences will be a rise in sea levels, which will endanger coastal areas and small islands. Therefore, only reducing emissions of greenhouse gases should reduce the risk of the adverse effects .Many options for emission reduction is available. But the whole world needs to be concerned to remove this fatal threat.

vi. The Importance / necessity of Learning English
The importance of learning English is not a hyperbole in the age of globalization because it is an international language. It opens windows to the entire world. It is widely spoken in the world. So, we need to learn English for our higher education. Similarly, It’s the store house of all knowledge of all books. All the books on higher education of every branch of knowledge are written in English. If we want to earn vast knowledge and higher education in any branch, we are to take the help from those books. All that is the best in European and American thought is available through English. If this source is dried up, we shall go backwards. Again modern science which is advancing by leaps and bounds is a gift of the science. Today more than 80% of all the information in the world’s computers is in English. So if we don’t know English, we will fail to keep pace with the progressive force of the world. English is a must in order to get a good job. Today organizations need employers who speak earn more money. It is the official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries and of many international organizations need employers who speak and write a standard form of English. So it helps a man to get a good job and to earn more money. It is the official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries and of many international organizations. So to maintain daily official correspondence English is essential. Again ours is an age of globalization. Many foreign guests and delegates come to our country. They don’t know our mother tongue. So we need to learn English to communicate with them. Statistics show about 350 million people speak English as a first language and another 300 million use it as a second language. From this we can say that we need to learn English to join the advanced and developed world. Then we can say that English is a passport to successful future.
vii.  A Railway Station
A railway station plays an important role in the system of train communication of a country. It is a place where trains stop to take in and t o d r op down passengers and goods. If it is a big station, it remains busy almost all the time of the day and night. Every station has one or more platforms for the passengers in order to facilitate them to get into or to get down from the train. In every station there is at least a building that usually made of red bricks which is called station house. The building has several rooms which are used as a booking office, ticket counters, and waiting rooms for passengers. Besides, there are rooms for stationmaster rooms for officer on duty and so on. The stationmaster is all in all in a station. He is assisted by number of other staffs, railway police and guards. The passengers willing to travel by train collect their tickets from the ticket counter. The ticket counter generally opens half an hour before the arrival of the train. When a train arrives the whole station area turns into a noisy place. Some passengers hurry to get down from the train, at the same time passengers waiting for the trains want to get into it. As a result, a collision of two groups of passengers often takes place. In this time coolies are also found busy carrying luggage’s of the passengers. As soon as the train leaves, the station sinks into silence and turns into a deserted place.                                                                                   
viii.  Arsenic Pollution
 Arsenic is a kind of metallic poison. It is found in the ground water level of the earth. It harms human body seriously. When a man drinks arsenic contaminated water for a long term, his skin is coarsened, stained, granulated and one time he suffers from gangrene. on the other hand, he suffers from fatal diseases inside his body. The govt. should take some effective steps to solve this kind of problem. The specialists should be sent to different parts of the country which are affected by Arsenic. They should identify the Arsenic contaminated tube-wells. The tube-wells which are polluted by Arsenic should be marked as red sign and the tube-wells of pure water should also be marked as greed sign. The specialists should suggest he villagers not to drink the arsenic contaminated water. This water can be used only for washing. They should suggest another alternative easy way to find out pure drinking water. The arsenic affected patients should be properly treated. People should be made very conscious of the problems of arsenic and arsenic diseases. Recently the World Bank authority has taken some effective steps to identify the arsenic affected countries of the world and they have already established many Sanitation and Arsenic Protection Organization in the selected countries specially in Bangladesh and India.
IX.  Pohela Boishakh - Bangla New Year
 Pahela Baishakh is a part and parcel of Bangle culture. It is the first day of Bengali Calendar year. Our people observe this day with great festivities. The Baishakhi Mela which is celebrated this day is perhaps the largest festival of Bangle culture. People from all walks of life this festival in joyous mood. Urban people try to keep a while away from their blind mimicry of western culture and tend to be a Bangle at least this day. In villages people pass the day meeting one another, giving and receiving invitations, enjoying music etc. by local performers and doing many other festive deeds. Businessmen open new books of account this very day which is known as Halkhata. Thus Pahela Baishakh comes every year with great joy and delight. Baishakhi Mela is a part and parcel of Bengali culture. It is perhaps the largest and most comprehensive celebration of the arts and culture of Bangladesh. It is held on the 1st day of the Bangla New Year and the Bangalees were all looking forward to welcome the year through this celebration. The Ramna Batamul is the centre around which New Year celebration has spread around the city and gradually across the country. This festival encompasses exhibition, music, poetry, crafts, photography, theatre etc in the urban area. A Baishakhi Mela is an annual gathering; it is one of the chief attractions of the village too. Some fairs are held for a day, some are held for some days. It is held generally in the open place or on the bank of a river or a canal. Men women and children gather in the Baishakhi Mela in large numbers fancy goods, toys, balloons, flutes, sweets and wooden things are mostly sold and children buy them. Circus parties are the common feature of the Baishakhi Mela. They often bring trained small tigers, elephants, monkeys, horses and bears that show funny feats. It is a matter of pride and pleasure that we celebrate our identity ma true spirit through Baishakhi Mela.
                      X.   Female Education in Bangladesh
Female education in Bangladesh has now become a burning question. We are now the citizen of a civilized world. A nation can be powerful by educating all of her citizen. If the female education is neglected the nation will not prosper. The woman of the civilized countries like the USA, England proved the activities by joining in the fields of arts, science and even in the field of military. Men and women are dependent on each other in human society. The progress of a country fully depends on educated people. So, we should take all possible care for the female education. There are some people in the society who go against female education. According to their opinion, if a woman is educated she will not care for domestic affairs. So, peace and happiness may hamper in the society. But it is true that for the sake of happiness educated woman is a must in the society. An educated mother is a blessing for a family. She can rightly take care of her children. An educated woman can realize the necessity of her children’s education. Napoleon rightly said, ‘one hundred educated mothers is more powerful than one hundred soldier.’ In fact, female education is very essential in our country and without female education we cannot prosper properly. To remove illiteracy from the country woman should be given proper education. So, we as well as the government should take proper steps to improve female education.


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