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(1)Climate Change in Bangladesh.
Climate change is the most pressing issue at the moment over the world. The cause of climate change can be divided into two categories those are due to natural causes and those are created by men. Global worming is the main natural reason and using harmful chemicals in every day life the main reason created by man. The climate is changing rapidly that result in the rise of the earth’s average temperature. The global climate change and its consequences are leaving a bad impact on the developing countries to face natural calamities and poverty. Climate change impacts include temperature rise, greenhouse and carbon dioxide gas emissions, erratic rainfall, salinity intrusion, rise of floods, cyclones, storm surges and draught, ice sheets melting which will seriously affect the agriculture and livelihood, especially at the poor. Bangladesh, for its geographical locations, is likely to be the most affected. The developed nations, which are more responsible for such climate changes, should take responsibilities to protect the victimized countries. The Maldives is also one of the worst victims of climate change. A one meter sea-level rise will submerge about one-third of the total area of Bangladesh, which will uproot 25-30 million people of Bangladesh. These people will become refuges of climate change. To reduce the bad impact of climate change people should be aware. Tree plantation can reduce global warming which is the main natural reason of climate change. Stop using harmful chemicals can reduce environmental pollution which is the main man made reason of climate change. Students should be careful to protect the environment and raise awareness. Thus students can play a vital role to reduce bad impact of climate change. So, in fine, it can be pointed that the whole world needs to be concerned to remove this fatal threat.
 (02). A Good Citizen.
A  good citizen is he or she who respects others and their property. He or she must be helpful, considerate, willing to appreciate others first, ready to listen to the views of others and think about what they have to say. A good citizen is ready to help  who are not in a position to help themselves. However, a good citizen is an asset of a country. He is also a person of good character who has basic knowledge on modern science., technologies, other subjects and lives a social life. With acquired skills and application, a good citizen plays a vital role in the development of the country. Knowledge in science helps him to enrich himself  and to contribute a lot to the society as well as the country. A sound sense of morality inspires him to be helpful to others. A person can be a good citizen by gaining necessary knowledge about the country, such as its laws, executive and legislative powers, judicial system, its culture, tradition, literature, moral values etc. A good citizen is good to himself, to his/her friends, family, and neighbors. He should never break social or state rules. They should also have good knowledge about the socio-economic activities and educational system. A country could be greatly benefited from a good citizen with such knowledge. With his well thought opinions to reform, develop, amend and protect the already existing things in the country, he would serve the nation. A good citizen is also a well-informed individual in various fields and contemporary would invention, which could be applied to the development of the country. He is a patriotic person with democratic attitude and thus fruitfully carries out individual responsibility in building a prosperous nation. With this regard, the government could play important roles in molding his moral character and preparing him to be knowledgeable in the necessary fields. So, it can be noted that the government should provide a well-structured and sound education system which would build a morally informed and knowledge-ably enriched good citizen.
(03). Mobil Phone.
Mobile phone is a telephone system that works without any wire. Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of science. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Through mobile phone, we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports, know about time. Solve the work of calculation, be aware of different kinds of news and view. At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing. Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone. The price of mobile phones also decreasing in comparison with the past. People are being encouraged to buy a mobile-phone set a t a cheaper rate. However with the touch of science and technology, the whole world seems to be a global village, in a very single moment, we can communicate with the people living in a very distant place. With all its advantages, the mobile phone has still some drawbacks in disguise. Though the price of it is decreasing, per minute bill is not decreasing. So everybody cannot possess it. Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users. Besides, it has become a fashion with the young people. Last but not the least, terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all these disadvantages, it can be finalized here that the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages, cannot be denied in the true sense of the term in our practical life.
(4)Information and Technology
Information technology means the study or use of electronic equipment. Especially computers for storing and analyzing information. It is a wonderful invention of modern science. Besides computers, it also includes telephone, television, radio, wireless, email, fax, the internet etc. Being one of the important inventions of information technology television can not only send message but also telecast live moving events, cinemas, dramas, music, dance and many other entertaining programmes. Another wonderful invention of modern science is wireless or radio. It can send message from one place to another with the aid of electric waves. By means of wireless, we can transmit information in a second from one corner of the world to another. On a radio set, we hear the voice of the speaker from one part of the world. The Internet is a giant member information technology. It is the source of news and information. There is no information but is available in the internet. Thus, internet fulfills the demand of every individual. Various social networking services such as face book, twitter, Linkden etc are rendering their services only by means of the internet. The bond of brotherhood and friendship is being built up among the world people keeping them in a global village with these social services. The present concept of globalization is completely void and nothing without information technology. So, information technology and globalization are independent with each other. But information technology is not free from demerits. Social and anti-social movement, hijacking, fraudulence and many other crimes can take place for the misuse of information technology. So, all the world people irrespective of colour and creed should be aware of the demerits of information technology.

(5)Drug Addiction
Drug addiction means the condition of being unable to stop taking illegal harmful substances that some people smoke or inject. Drugs like heroine, opium, marijuana, morphine, cocaine, phensidyle etc give exciting feelings to those who take these. But frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to certain death. Among the addicted people, the young generation is larger in number. There are mainly two reasons behind it. First one is young people are more curious. So, whatever they see harmful or useful, they are the first to taste. Again, frustration is another cause of taking drugs. When there is no hope left for the young, they become addicted to drugs. It has become a global problem. Thousands of families in cities, towns and even rural areas all over the world are directly or indirectly affected by it. Drugs have terrible effects on human body. It is a slow poison that damages the brain and all internal functions of the body leading ultimately to death. Again, drug addiction gives birth to new crimes. Drugs are very expensive. So, young people involve in crimes to get money for taking drugs. In Bangladesh drug problem has become a national problem. Bangladesh is often used by the drug dealers as transit from one country to another. In these circumstances, all concerned must create awareness both individually and collectively. The highest punishment of dealing in or smuggling drugs is death in Bangladesh. The law must be enforced immediately. Parents, teachers must give proper teachings so that children can choose the right thing. However to conclude, it can be expressed that this curse can be eradicated only when each and every person of a country will become aware of it.  
(6) The Dowry System
Dowry means property or money given by a bride to her husband on condition when they get married. As far as known, dowry was a social custom in the ancient time. But now it has spread all over of our society as a social curse. It is hampering our social peace and happiness. At present no guardian can think of his daughter's marriage without giving dowry. There are some causes behind this evil practice of dowry. Among them greed for money of some people is the main cause. The other causes are illiteracy, poverty, unconsciousness, unemployment, etc. In our society, there are some greedy people who claim much wealth or money from the guardians of the brides. If guardians fail to fulfill their demand, they threaten to divorce or torture women brutally. Consequently, many married women and girls take the path of suicide. Many women go back to their father’s home forever. In fact, it is all consuming poverty that makes our bridegrooms shameless to demand dowry from our brides during marriage. Every year many innocent married women and girls are becoming victims to this evil system of dowry. So, this evil system of dowry must be uprooted at any cost as it can never bring happiness to the married women. Rather, it makes our women like animals and products. We must take all measures to prevent it immediately. We should develop public awareness to eradicate the evil practice of dowry at first. Besides, our girls should be properly educated and employed. They should be made conscious of their rights and duties. In this case our young generation should come forward to wipe out this heinous system. Besides, our government should make strict law and implement it rigorously. Herewith, our people should change their mentality so that we can get rid of this abominable system. So, now Let us raise our voice strongly to establish a dowry-free, happy and peaceable society.
(7)Digital Bangladesh
Digital Bangladesh means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society where information will be available on line. refers to an ICT based country where all the possible tasks of the country will be will be completed in a digitalized way. Digitalization has also become a buzzword in the new era of information technology. Here all the possible tasks of government or semi-government will be performed using digital technology. The motto of digital Bangladesh is to establish technology based digital governance, e-commerce, e-agriculture, e-production, e-education etc. The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish a digital Bangladesh, corruption will be reduced radically.  It will make people think globally and connect them with the whole world economically, socially, politically, academically and even culturally.  It will improve our banking and financial activities. Agriculture, health, education, commerce – all these sections will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a digital one. To make our country digital first of all, uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured and we have to develop computer network skill and ensure equitable access. Finally, our education should be computer based and in primary and secondary schools students should get easy access to the computer. However, to conclude, it can be said that all classes of people should cooperate with the government in the development of digital Bangladesh
(8) Communicative English
Communicative English is meant to use such English language that serves communication of all types. Communicative English is a vital part of English language. Communicative English’ also refers to that English language which helps us to communicate effectively with people using the language functions of English. So, it is communicative English which refers to the ability to use a English  appropriately in different situations.  There are four communicative approaches to language learning -- reading, writing, listening and speaking. Reading and writing are productive skills, while listening and speaking are receptive skills. A student needs to read a write-up with rapt attention; s/he has to read it comprehensively. They have to attend to other two skills in the same ways. They must have to be attentive listeners to be good speakers. There is a saying that “To be a good speaker, be a good listener”. Thus, a student needs all these skills to keep abreast with the current rat-race world. S/he has to be familiar with the current goings-on and other phenomenal changes in the world. The first thing s/he has to do is to adopt some self-study approaches to develop their communicative English language. They should read English newspaper thoroughly. If words hamper them while reading the paper, they have to enhance their stock of vocabulary, because it is the portal to holistic approach to language learning. They must have to write on any current issue everyday following their grammatical rules. They should try to speak English with others randomly ignoring the right or wrong. All things considered, a student follows all these approaches to develop their communicative English language. So, it can be noted that English language is a medium though what people all over the world can communicate effectively.
(9)My Favourite Sports Man / Personality
My favourite sports personality is Mahendra Singh Dhoni . He is an Indian Cricketer and the current captain of India's National Cricket Team . He has lead his Team to many wins . Mahendra Singh Dhoni was born in Ranchi, Bihar to Pan Singh and Devaki Devi . Dhoni is a right-handed Batsman and Wicket-keeper . Dhoni is one of the number of wicket-keepers who have come through the ranks of junior and India A cricket teams to represent the national team . M.S.Dhoni was contracted by the Chennai Super Kings for 1.5 Million USD. This made him the most expensive player in the IPL for the first season Auctions which was closely followed by Andrew Symonds Dhoni is the present captain of the Chennai Super Kings team. India scored 328 in 50 overs with Dhoni contributing 68 in their first match of 2006 against Pakistan . Dhoni was named the captain of India Twenty 20 squad for the inaugural ICC World Twenty20 held in South Africa in September 2007.India were crowned champions as Dhoni led the team to victory against Pakistan in a thrilling contest . He, then went on to become the ODI captain of the Indian team for the seven-match ODI series against Australia in September 2007.He made his debut as full-time Test captain of India during the fourth and final test against Australia at Nagpur in November 2008 replacing Anil Kumble who retired from cricket after the third test . India eventually won that Test thus clinching the series 2–0 and retained the Border-Gavasker Trophy . Dhoni had previously captained India on a stand-in basis against South Africa and Australia in 2008 and 2009 respectively. It was under his captaincy that India climbed to No. 1 in the ICC Test Rankings in December 2009. After that he managed to lead India in a series leveling world championship of Test against the South Africans in Feb 2010. As a result India managed No. 1 spot in the ICC Test Rankings . Dhoni was handed a 2 match ban from playing in the ODI series against Sri Lanka for the team's slow over-rate during the second one-dayer in Nagpur (18 December 2009) by ICC match referee Jeff Crowe .To end off , Dhoni is a very talented and wonderful player that I like . I am always his fan . Hats off for Mahendra Singh Dhoni .
(10)My Visit to a Science Fair.
A science fair is an exhibition or display of scientific instrument. Las week our school authority arranged a science fair and it was held our school premises. I was simply charmed what I saw in the fair. Some school displayed handmade model of ships, motorcars, trains, radio and computer etc. But I liked most the microscope, the cheapest paddy thresher and the remote control light. Dhaka Govt. Boys School had shown this project. Their project was really praise worthy. Different school joined the fair and their participation made the fair more outstanding and enjoyable. I also participated in the fair with a model of automated ceiling fan with remote control device. It automatically saves time and energy of the people. I felt a sense of pleasure observing the scientific devices. Some colleges showcase their home-made agricultural gadgets including models of vehicles, ships, computers, aircraft, trains, radios, televisions, mobile handsets, etc. Science lovers from different areas came to visit the fair. Our school got third prize and it was a computer program. I spent about three hours visiting the fair and experienced many new things. I left the fair with a mixed feeling of joy and wonder. However in my life I will never forget it.

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